Exemplo n.º 1
def _scan_profile(
    url: str,
    org: Optional[str],
    fid: Optional[str],
    useragent: Optional[str],
    gen_newfileuid: Optional[bool],
    max_workers: Optional[int] = None,
    timeout: Optional[float] = None,
) -> ScanResults:
    Report permutations of OFX version/prettyprint/unclosedelements that
    successfully download OFX profile from server.

    Returns a 3-tuple of (OFXv1 results, OFXv2 results, signoninfo), each
    type(dict).  OFX results provide ``ofxget`` configs that will work to
    make a basic OFX connection. SIGNONINFO reports further information
    that may be helpful to authenticate successfully.
    logger.info((f"Scanning url={url} org={org} fid={fid} "
                 f"max_workers={max_workers} timeout={timeout}"))
    client = OFXClient(url, org=org, fid=fid, useragent=useragent)
    futures = _queue_scans(client, gen_newfileuid, max_workers, timeout)

    # The primary data we keep is actually the metadata (i.e. connection
    # parameters - OFX version; prettyprint; unclosedelements) tagged on
    # the Future by _queue_scans() that gave us a successful OFX connection.
    success_params: FormatMap = defaultdict(list)
    # If possible, we also parse out some data from SIGNONINFO included in
    # the PROFRS.
    signoninfo: SignoninfoReport = {}

    # Assume that SIGNONINFO is the same for each successful OFX PROFRS.
    # Tell _read_scan_response() to stop parsing out SIGNONINFO once
    # it's successfully extracted one.
    for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
        version, format = futures[future]
        valid, signoninfo_ = _read_scan_response(future, not signoninfo)

        if not valid:
        if not signoninfo and signoninfo_:
            signoninfo = signoninfo_

            (f"OFX connection success, version={version}, format={format}"))

    v1_result, v2_result = [
        collate_scan_results(ver) for ver in utils.partition(
            lambda it: it[0] >= 200, success_params.items())

    # V2 always has closing tags for elements; just report prettyprint
    for fmt in v2_result["formats"]:
        assert not fmt["unclosedelements"]
        del fmt["unclosedelements"]

    results = (v1_result, v2_result, signoninfo)
    logger.info(f"Scan results: {results}")
    return results
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _convert(cls, elem: ET.Element) -> "Aggregate":
        Instantiate from ``xml.etree.ElementTree.Element``.

        N.B. this method most be called on the appropriate subclass,
        not the ``Aggregate`` base class.
        if len(elem) == 0:
            return cls()

        # Hook to modify incoming ``ET.Element`` before conversion
        elem = cls.groom(elem)

        spec = list(cls.spec)
        listitems = cls.listitems
        listelements = cls.listelements

        def extractArgs(
                elem: ET.Element) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, Any], Tuple[int, Any]]:
            Transform input ET.Element into attribute name/ value pairs ready
            to pass to Aggregate.__init__(), as well as a sequence check.
            key = elem.tag.lower()
                index = spec.index(key)
            except ValueError:
                clsnm = cls.__name__
                raise OFXSpecError(
                    f"{clsnm}.spec = {spec}; does not contain {key}")

            if key in cls.unsupported:
                value: Optional[Union[str, Aggregate]] = None
            elif elem.text:
                # Element - extract raw text string; it will be type converted
                # when used to set an Aggregate class attribute
                value = elem.text
                # Aggregate - perform type conversion
                value = Aggregate.from_etree(elem)

            return (key, value), (index, key in listitems
                                  or key in listelements)

        def outOfOrder(index0: Tuple[int, bool], index1: Tuple[int,
                                                               bool]) -> bool:
            Do SubElements appear not in the order defined by SubClass.spec?
            idx0, isListItem0 = index0
            idx1, isListItem1 = index1
            # Relative order of ListItems/Elements doesn't matter, but position of
            # ListItems/Elements relative to non-ListItems/Elements (and that of
            # non-ListItems/Elements relative to other non-ListItems/Elements)
            # does matter.
            return idx1 <= idx0 and (not isListItem0 or not isListItem1)

        args_, specIndices = zip(*[extractArgs(subelem) for subelem in elem])
        clsnm = cls.__name__
        logger.debug(f"Args to instantiate {clsnm}: {args_}")
        if any([
                outOfOrder(index0, index1)
                for index0, index1 in pairwise(specIndices)
            subels = [el.tag for el in elem]
            raise OFXSpecError(f"{clsnm} SubElements out of order: {subels}")
        kwargs, args = partition(
            lambda p: p[0] in listitems or p[0] in listelements, args_)
        return cls(*[arg[1] for arg in args], **dict(kwargs))
Exemplo n.º 3
def scan_profile(url, org, fid, timeout=None):
    Report permutations of OFX version/prettyprint/unclosed_elements that
    successfully download OFX profile from server.

    Returns a pair of (OFXv1 results, OFXv2 results), each type(dict).
    dict values provide ``ofxget`` configs that will work to connect.
    if timeout is None:
        timeout = 5

    ofxv1 = [102, 103, 151, 160]
    ofxv2 = [200, 201, 202, 203, 210, 211, 220]

    futures = {}
    client = OFXClient(url, org, fid)
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
        for prettyprint in (False, True):
            for close_elements in (False, True):
                    (version, prettyprint, close_elements)
                    for version in ofxv1

                                timeout=timeout): (version, prettyprint, True)
                for version in ofxv2

    working = defaultdict(list)

    for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
            response = future.result()
        except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError, ConnectionError,
                OSError) as exc:
            cancelled = future.cancel()
            (version, prettyprint, close_elements) = futures[future]
            working[version].append((prettyprint, close_elements))

    def collate_results(results):
        results = list(results)
        if not results:
            return [], []
        versions, formats = zip(*results)

        # Assumption: the same formatting requirements apply to all
        # sub-versions (e.g. 1.0.2 and 1.0.3, or 2.0.3 and 2.2.0).
        # If a (pretty, close_elements) pair succeeds on most sub-versions
        # but fails on a few, we'll chalk it up to network transmission
        # errors and ignore it.
        # Translation: just pick the longest sequence of successful
        # formats and assume it applies to the whole version.
        formats = max(formats, key=len)
        formats = [
            OrderedDict([("pretty", format[0]),
                         ("unclosed_elements", not format[1])])
            for format in formats
        return sorted(list(versions)), formats

    v2, v1 = utils.partition(lambda pair: pair[0] < 200, working.items())
    v1_versions, v1_formats = collate_results(v1)
    v2_versions, v2_formats = collate_results(v2)

    # V2 always has closing tags for elements; just report prettyprint
    for format in v2_formats:
        del format["unclosed_elements"]

    return json.dumps((OrderedDict([("versions", v1_versions),
                                    ("formats", v1_formats)]),
                       OrderedDict([("versions", v2_versions),
                                    ("formats", v2_formats)])))
Exemplo n.º 4
def _scan_profile(url: str,
                  org: str,
                  fid: str,
                  max_workers: Optional[int] = None,
                  timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> Tuple[ScanResult,
                                                            Mapping[str, bool],
    Report permutations of OFX version/prettyprint/unclosedelements that
    successfully download OFX profile from server.

    Returns a 3-tuple of (OFXv1 results, OFXv2 results, signoninfo), each
    type(dict).  OFX results provide ``ofxget`` configs that will work to
    make a basic OFX connection. SIGNONINFO provides further auth information
    that may be needed to succssfully log in.
    if timeout is None:
        timeout = 5.0

    if max_workers is None:
        max_workers = 5

    ofxv1 = [102, 103, 151, 160]
    ofxv2 = [200, 201, 202, 203, 210, 211, 220]

    futures = {}
    client = OFXClient(url, org=org, fid=fid)

    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
        for prettyprint in (False, True):
            for close_elements in (False, True):
                    (version, prettyprint, close_elements)
                    for version in ofxv1})

                (version, prettyprint, True) for version in ofxv2})

    # The only thing we're measuring here is success (indicated by receiving
    # a valid HTTP response) or failure (indicated by the request's
    # throwing any of various errors).  We don't examine the actual response
    # beyond simply parsing it to verify that it's valid OFX.  The data we keep
    # is actually the metadata (i.e. connection parameters like OFX version
    # tried for a request) stored as values in the ``futures`` dict.
    working: Mapping[int, List[tuple]] = defaultdict(list)
    signoninfos: MutableMapping[int, Any] = defaultdict(OrderedDict)

    for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
            response = future.result()
        except (URLError,
                ) as exc:

        (version, prettyprint, close_elements) = futures[future]
        working[version].append((prettyprint, close_elements))

        # ``response`` is an HTTPResponse; doesn't have seek() method used
        # by ``header.parse_header()``.  Repackage as BytesIO for parsing.
        if not signoninfos[version]:
                signoninfos_ = extract_signoninfos(BytesIO(response.read()))
                assert len(signoninfos_) > 0
                info = signoninfos_[0]
                bool_attrs = ("chgpinfirst",
                signoninfo_ = OrderedDict([
                    (attr, getattr(info, attr, None) or False)
                    for attr in bool_attrs])
                signoninfos[version] = signoninfo_
            except (ValueError, ):

    signoninfos = {k: v for k, v in signoninfos.items() if v}
    if signoninfos:
        highest_version = max(signoninfos.keys())
        signoninfo = signoninfos[highest_version]
        signoninfo = OrderedDict()

    def collate_results(
        results: Tuple[int, Tuple[bool, bool]]
    ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[MutableMapping[str, bool]]]:
        Transform our metadata results (version, prettyprint, close_elements)
        into a 2-tuple of ([OFX version], [format]) where each format is a dict
        of {"pretty": bool, "unclosedelements": bool} representing a pair
        of configs that should successully connect for those versions.

        Input ``results`` needs to be a complete set for either OFXv1 or v2,
        with no results for the other version admixed.
        results_ = list(results)
        if not results_:
            return [], []
        versions, formats = zip(*results_)  # type: ignore

        # Assumption: the same formatting requirements apply to all
        # sub-versions (e.g. 1.0.2 and 1.0.3, or 2.0.3 and 2.2.0).
        # If a (pretty, close_elements) pair succeeds on most sub-versions
        # but fails on a few, we'll chalk it up to network transmission
        # errors and ignore it.
        # Translation: just pick the longest sequence of successful
        # formats and assume it applies to the whole version.
        formats = max(formats, key=len)
        formats = [OrderedDict([("pretty", fmt[0]),
                               ("unclosedelements", not fmt[1])])
                   for fmt in formats]
        return sorted(list(versions)), formats

    v2, v1 = utils.partition(lambda result: result[0] < 200, working.items())
    v1_versions, v1_formats = collate_results(v1)
    v2_versions, v2_formats = collate_results(v2)

    # V2 always has closing tags for elements; just report prettyprint
    for format in v2_formats:
        assert not format["unclosedelements"]
        del format["unclosedelements"]

    return (OrderedDict([("versions", v1_versions), ("formats", v1_formats)]),
            OrderedDict([("versions", v2_versions), ("formats", v2_formats)]),