Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_download_histalp(self):

        tmp = cfg.PATHS['cru_dir']
        cfg.PATHS['cru_dir'] = os.path.join(self.dldir, 'cru_extract')

        of = utils.get_histalp_file('tmp')
        of = utils.get_histalp_file('pre')

        cfg.PATHS['cru_dir'] = tmp
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_histalp(self):

        # Create fake histalp file
        cf = os.path.join(self.dldir, 'HISTALP_temperature_1780-2014.nc.bz2')
        with bz2.open(cf, 'wb') as gz:

        def down_check(url, cache_name=None, reset=False):
            expected = ('http://www.zamg.ac.at/histalp/download/grid5m/'
            self.assertEqual(url, expected)
            return cf

        with FakeDownloadManager('_progress_urlretrieve', down_check):
            tf = utils.get_histalp_file('tmp')

        assert os.path.exists(tf)
Exemplo n.º 3
def process_histalp_data(gdir):
    """Processes and writes the climate data for this glacier.

    Extracts the nearest timeseries and writes everything to a NetCDF file.

    if cfg.PARAMS['baseline_climate'] != 'HISTALP':
        raise ValueError("cfg.PARAMS['baseline_climate'] should be set to "

    # read the time out of the pure netcdf file
    ft = utils.get_histalp_file('tmp')
    fp = utils.get_histalp_file('pre')
    with utils.ncDataset(ft) as nc:
        vt = nc.variables['time']
        assert vt[0] == 0
        assert vt[-1] == vt.shape[0] - 1
        t0 = vt.units.split(' since ')[1][:7]
        time_t = pd.date_range(start=t0, periods=vt.shape[0], freq='MS')
    with utils.ncDataset(fp) as nc:
        vt = nc.variables['time']
        assert vt[0] == 0.5
        assert vt[-1] == vt.shape[0] - .5
        t0 = vt.units.split(' since ')[1][:7]
        time_p = pd.date_range(start=t0, periods=vt.shape[0], freq='MS')

    # Now open with salem
    nc_ts_tmp = salem.GeoNetcdf(ft, time=time_t)
    nc_ts_pre = salem.GeoNetcdf(fp, time=time_p)

    # set temporal subset for the ts data (hydro years)
    # the reference time is given by precip, which is shorter
    sm = cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_nh']
    em = sm - 1 if (sm > 1) else 12
    yrs = nc_ts_pre.time.year
    y0, y1 = yrs[0], yrs[-1]
    if cfg.PARAMS['baseline_y0'] != 0:
        y0 = cfg.PARAMS['baseline_y0']
    if cfg.PARAMS['baseline_y1'] != 0:
        y1 = cfg.PARAMS['baseline_y1']

    nc_ts_tmp.set_period(t0='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y0, sm),
                         t1='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y1, em))
    nc_ts_pre.set_period(t0='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y0, sm),
                         t1='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y1, em))
    time = nc_ts_pre.time
    ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12)
    assert r == 0

    # Units
    assert nc_ts_tmp._nc.variables['HSURF'].units.lower() in ['m', 'meters',
    assert nc_ts_tmp._nc.variables['T_2M'].units.lower() in ['degc', 'degrees',
                                                             'degrees celcius',
                                                             'degree', 'c']
    assert nc_ts_pre._nc.variables['TOT_PREC'].units.lower() in ['kg m-2',
                                                                 'l m-2', 'mm',

    # geoloc
    lon = gdir.cenlon
    lat = gdir.cenlat
    nc_ts_tmp.set_subset(corners=((lon, lat), (lon, lat)), margin=1)
    nc_ts_pre.set_subset(corners=((lon, lat), (lon, lat)), margin=1)

    # read the data
    temp = nc_ts_tmp.get_vardata('T_2M')
    prcp = nc_ts_pre.get_vardata('TOT_PREC')
    hgt = nc_ts_tmp.get_vardata('HSURF')
    ref_lon = nc_ts_tmp.get_vardata('lon')
    ref_lat = nc_ts_tmp.get_vardata('lat')
    source = nc_ts_tmp._nc.title[:7]

    # Should we compute the gradient?
    use_grad = cfg.PARAMS['temp_use_local_gradient']
    igrad = None
    if use_grad:
        igrad = np.zeros(len(time)) * np.NaN
        for t, loct in enumerate(temp):
            slope, _, _, p_val, _ = stats.linregress(hgt.flatten(),
            igrad[t] = slope if (p_val < 0.01) else np.NaN

    gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(time, prcp[:, 1, 1], temp[:, 1, 1],
                                    hgt[1, 1], ref_lon[1], ref_lat[1],
    # metadata
    out = {'baseline_climate_source': source,
           'baseline_hydro_yr_0': y0 + 1,
           'baseline_hydro_yr_1': y1}
    gdir.write_pickle(out, 'climate_info')