Exemplo n.º 1
def test_provider_authenticated_none():
    provider = Provider("pyoicserv", sdb.SessionDB(), CDB, FUNCTIONS)
    _session_db = {}
    cons = Consumer(_session_db, client_config = CLIENT_CONFIG,
                    server_info=SERVER_INFO, **CONSUMER_CONFIG)
    cons.debug = True
    cons.response_type = "none"
    environ = BASE_ENVIRON

    location = cons.begin(environ, start_response)

    environ = BASE_ENVIRON.copy()
    environ["QUERY_STRING"] = location.split("?")[1]

    resp = provider.authorization_endpoint(environ, start_response)

    sid = resp[0][len("FORM with "):]
    environ2 = create_return_form_env("user", "password", sid)

    resp2 = provider.authenticated(environ2, start_response)

    assert len(resp2) == 1
    txt = resp2[0]
    pos0 = txt.index("<title>") + len("<title>Redirecting to ")
    pos1 = txt.index("</title>")
    location = txt[pos0:pos1]
    print location

    assert location.startswith("http://localhost:8087/authz")
    query = location.split("?")[1]
    assert query.startswith("state=")
    assert "&" not in query
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_provider_authenticated_token():
    provider = Provider("pyoicserv", sdb.SessionDB(), CDB, FUNCTIONS)
    _session_db = {}
    cons = Consumer(_session_db, client_config = CLIENT_CONFIG,
                    server_info=SERVER_INFO, **CONSUMER_CONFIG)
    cons.debug = True
    cons.response_type = "token"
    environ = BASE_ENVIRON

    location = cons.begin(environ, start_response)

    environ = BASE_ENVIRON.copy()
    environ["QUERY_STRING"] = location.split("?")[1]

    resp = provider.authorization_endpoint(environ, start_response)

    sid = resp[0][len("FORM with "):]
    environ2 = create_return_form_env("user", "password", sid)

    resp2 = provider.authenticated(environ2, start_response)

    assert len(resp2) == 1
    txt = resp2[0]
    assert "access_token=" in txt
    assert "token_type=Bearer" in txt
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_failed_authenticated():
    provider = Provider("pyoicserv", sdb.SessionDB(), CDB, FUNCTIONS)
    environ0 = create_return_form_env("haden", "secret", "sid1")
    resp1 = provider.authenticated(environ0, start_response)
    print resp1
    assert resp1 == ['<html>Wrong password</html>']

    environ1 = create_return_form_env("", "secret", "sid2")
    resp2 = provider.authenticated(environ1, start_response)
    print resp2
    assert resp2 == ["<html>Authentication failed</html>"]

    environ2 = create_return_form_env("hannibal", "hemligt", "sid3")
    print environ2
    resp = provider.authenticated(environ2, start_response)
    print resp
    assert resp == ['<html>Authentication failure: Not allowed to use this service (hannibal)</html>']
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_provider_authenticated():
    provider = Provider("pyoicserv", sdb.SessionDB(), CDB, FUNCTIONS)
    _session_db = {}
    cons = Consumer(_session_db, client_config = CLIENT_CONFIG,
                    server_info=SERVER_INFO, **CONSUMER_CONFIG)
    cons.debug = True
    environ = BASE_ENVIRON

    location = cons.begin(environ, start_response)

    environ = BASE_ENVIRON.copy()
    environ["QUERY_STRING"] = location.split("?")[1]

    resp = provider.authorization_endpoint(environ, start_response)

    sid = resp[0][len("FORM with "):]
    environ2 = create_return_form_env("user", "password", sid)

    resp2 = provider.authenticated(environ2, start_response)

    print resp2[0]
    assert len(resp2) == 1
    txt = resp2[0]
    pos0 = txt.index("<title>") + len("<title>Redirecting to ")
    pos1 = txt.index("</title>")
    location = txt[pos0:pos1]
    print location

    assert location.startswith("http://localhost:8087/authz")

    environ = BASE_ENVIRON.copy()
    environ["QUERY_STRING"] = location.split("?")[1]

    aresp = cons.handle_authorization_response(environ, start_response)

    #aresp = client.parse_response(AuthorizationResponse, location,
    #                              format="urlencoded",
    #                              state="id-6da9ca0cc23959f5f33e8becd9b08cae")

    print aresp.keys()
    assert aresp.type() == "AuthorizationResponse"
    assert _eq(aresp.keys(), ['state', 'code'])

    print cons.grant[cons.state].keys()
    assert _eq(cons.grant[cons.state].keys(), ['tokens', 'code', 'exp_in',
                                               'seed', 'id_token',
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_provider_authenticated_1():
    provider = Provider("pyoicserv", sdb.SessionDB(), CDB, FUNCTIONS)
    _session_db = {}
    cons = Consumer(_session_db, client_config = CLIENT_CONFIG,
                    server_info=SERVER_INFO, **CONSUMER_CONFIG)
    cons.debug = True
    environ = BASE_ENVIRON

    location = cons.begin(environ, start_response)

    environ = BASE_ENVIRON.copy()
    environ["QUERY_STRING"] = location.split("?")[1]

    _ = provider.authorization_endpoint(environ, start_response)

    #sid = resp[0][len("FORM with "):]
    environ2 = create_return_form_env("user", "password", "abcd")

    resp2 = provider.authenticated(environ2, start_response)
    print resp2
    assert resp2 == ['<html>Unknown session identifier</html>']