Exemplo n.º 1
def binpid2zip(pid, outfile, log_callback=None):
    def log(msg):
        if log_callback is not None:
    """Generate a zip file given a canonical pid"""
    parsed = parse_pid(pid)
    bin_pid = ''.join([parsed[NAMESPACE], parsed[BIN_LID]])
    timestamp = iso8601(strptime(parsed[TIMESTAMP], parsed[TIMESTAMP_FORMAT]))
    log('copying raw data for %s to temp files ...' % bin_pid)
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as hdr_tmp:
        hdr_path = hdr_tmp.name
        drain(UrlSource(bin_pid+'.hdr'), LocalFileSink(hdr_path))
        hdr = parse_hdr_file(hdr_path)
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as adc_tmp:
        adc_path = adc_tmp.name
        drain(UrlSource(bin_pid+'.adc'), LocalFileSink(adc_path))
        adc = Adc(adc_path, parsed[SCHEMA_VERSION])
        unstitched_targets = add_pids(adc.get_targets(), bin_pid)
        stitched_targets = list_stitched_targets(unstitched_targets)
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as roi_tmp:
        roi_path = roi_tmp.name
        drain(UrlSource(bin_pid+'.roi'), LocalFileSink(roi_path))
        canonical_pid = bin_pid
        log('copied raw data for %s' % canonical_pid)
        """*parsed_pid - result of parsing pid
        *canonical_pid - canonicalized with URL prefix
        *targets - list of (stitched) targets
        *hdr - result of parsing header file
        *timestamp - timestamp (FIXME in what format?)
        *roi_path - path to ROI file
        outfile - where to write resulting zip file"""
        log('creating zip file for %s' % bin_pid)
        with open(outfile,'wb') as fout:
            return bin2zip(parsed,bin_pid,stitched_targets,hdr,timestamp,roi_path,fout)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: LouisK130/oii
def serve_pid(pid):
    req = DashboardRequest(pid, request)
        paths = get_fileset(req.parsed)
    except NotFound:
    hdr_path = paths['hdr_path']
    adc_path = paths['adc_path']
    roi_path = paths['roi_path']
    adc = Adc(adc_path, req.schema_version)
    heft = 'full' # heft is either short, medium, or full
    if 'extension' in req.parsed:
        extension = req.parsed['extension']
    if 'target' in req.parsed:
        canonical_bin_pid = canonicalize(req.url_root, req.time_series, req.bin_lid)
        target_no = int(req.parsed['target'])
        # pull three targets, then find any stitched pair
        targets = adc.get_some_targets(target_no-1, 3)
        targets = list_stitched_targets(targets)
        for t in targets:
            if t[TARGET_NUMBER] == target_no:
                target = t
        add_pid(target, canonical_bin_pid)
        # check for image
        mimetype = mimetypes.types_map['.' + extension]
        if mimetype.startswith('image/'):
            if req.product=='raw':
                img = get_target_image(req.parsed, target, roi_path)
                return Response(as_bytes(img,mimetype),mimetype=mimetype)
            if req.product=='blob':
                return serve_blob_image(req.parsed, mimetype)
            if req.product=='blob_outline':
                img = get_target_image(req.parsed, target, roi_path)
                return serve_blob_image(req.parsed, mimetype, outline=True, target_img=img)
        # not an image, so get more metadata
        targets = get_targets(adc, canonical_bin_pid)
        # not an image, check for JSON
        if extension == 'json':
            return Response(json.dumps(target),mimetype=MIME_JSON)
        target = get_target_metadata(target,targets)
        # more metadata representations. we'll need the header
        hdr = parse_hdr_file(hdr_path)
        if extension == 'xml':
            return Response(target2xml(req.canonical_pid, target, req.timestamp, canonical_bin_pid), mimetype='text/xml')
        if extension == 'rdf':
            return Response(target2rdf(req.canonical_pid, target, req.timestamp, canonical_bin_pid), mimetype='text/xml')
        if extension in ['html', 'htm']:
            template = {
                'static': STATIC,
                'target_pid': req.canonical_pid,
                'bin_pid': canonical_bin_pid,
                'properties': target,
                'target': target.items(), # FIXME use order_keys
                'date': req.timestamp
            return template_response('target.html',**template)
    else: # bin
        if req.extension in ['hdr', 'adc', 'roi']:
            path = dict(hdr=hdr_path, adc=adc_path, roi=roi_path)[req.extension]
            mimetype = dict(hdr='text/plain', adc='text/csv', roi='application/octet-stream')[req.extension]
            return Response(file(path,'rb'), direct_passthrough=True, mimetype=mimetype)
            if req.product in ['blobs','blob']: # accept old url pattern
                return serve_blob_bin(req.parsed)
            if req.product=='features':
                return serve_features_bin(req.parsed)
            if req.product=='class_scores':
                return serve_class_scores_bin(req.parsed)
        except NotFound:
        # gonna need targets unless heft is medium or below
        targets = []
        if req.product != 'short':
            targets = get_targets(adc, req.canonical_pid)
        # end of views
        # not a special view, handle representations of targets
        if req.extension=='csv':
            adc_cols = req.parsed[ADC_COLS].split(' ')
            lines = targets2csv(targets,adc_cols)
            return Response('\n'.join(lines)+'\n',mimetype='text/csv')
        # we'll need the header for the other representations
        hdr = parse_hdr_file(hdr_path)
        if req.extension in ['html', 'htm']:
            targets = list(targets)
            context, props = split_hdr(hdr)
            template = {
                'static': STATIC,
                'bin_pid': req.canonical_pid,
                'time_series': req.time_series,
                'context': context,
                'properties': props,
                'targets': targets,
                'target_pids': [t['pid'] for t in targets],
                'date': req.timestamp,
                'files': get_files(req.parsed,check=True) # note: ORM call!
            print get_files(req.parsed)
            return template_response('bin.html', **template)
        if req.extension=='json':
            if req.product=='short':
                return Response(bin2json_short(req.canonical_pid,hdr,req.timestamp),mimetype=MIME_JSON)
            if req.product=='medium':
                return Response(bin2json_medium(req.canonical_pid,hdr,targets,req.timestamp),mimetype=MIME_JSON)
            return Response(bin2json(req.canonical_pid,hdr,targets,req.timestamp),mimetype=MIME_JSON)
        if req.extension=='xml':
            return Response(bin2xml(req.canonical_pid,hdr,targets,req.timestamp),mimetype='text/xml')
        if req.extension=='rdf':
            return Response(bin2rdf(req.canonical_pid,hdr,targets,req.timestamp),mimetype='text/xml')
        if req.extension=='zip':
            # look to see if the zipfile is resolvable
                zip_path = get_product_file(req.parsed, 'binzip')
                if os.path.exists(zip_path):
                    return Response(file(zip_path), direct_passthrough=True, mimetype='application/zip')
            except NotFound:
            buffer = BytesIO()
            return Response(buffer.getvalue(), mimetype='application/zip')
    return 'unimplemented'
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: LouisK130/oii
def get_targets(adc, bin_pid, stitched=True):
    us_targets = list(get_unstitched_targets(adc, bin_pid))
    if stitched:
        return list_stitched_targets(us_targets)
        return us_targets