Exemplo n.º 1
 def max_cagr_asset(self) -> dict:
     Find an asset with max CAGR.
     max_asset_cagr = Frame.get_cagr(self.ror).max()
     ticker_with_largest_cagr = Frame.get_cagr(self.ror).nlargest(1, keep='first').index.values[0]
     return {'max_asset_cagr': max_asset_cagr,
             'ticker_with_largest_cagr': ticker_with_largest_cagr,
             'list_position': self.symbols.index(ticker_with_largest_cagr)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def target_cagr_range_left(self) -> np.ndarray:
     Full range of cagr values (from min to max).
     max_cagr = self.global_max_return_portfolio['CAGR']
     min_cagr = Frame.get_cagr(self.ror).min()
     return np.linspace(min_cagr, max_cagr, self.n_points)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def max_cagr_asset_right_to_max_cagr(self) -> Optional[dict]:
     The asset with max CAGR lieing to the right of the global
     max CAGR point (risk should be more than self.max_return['Risk']).
     Global max return point should not be an asset.
     tolerance = 0.01  # assets CAGR should be less than max CAGR with certain tolerance
     global_max_cagr_is_not_asset = (self.get_cagr() < self.global_max_return_portfolio['CAGR'] * (1 - tolerance)).all()
     if global_max_cagr_is_not_asset:
         condition = self.risk_annual.values > self.global_max_return_portfolio['Risk']
         ror_selected = self.ror.loc[:, condition]
         if not ror_selected.empty:
             cagr_selected = Frame.get_cagr(ror_selected)
             max_asset_cagr = cagr_selected.max()
             ticker_with_largest_cagr = cagr_selected.nlargest(1, keep='first').index.values[0]
             return {'max_asset_cagr': max_asset_cagr,
                     'ticker_with_largest_cagr': ticker_with_largest_cagr,
                     'list_position': self.symbols.index(ticker_with_largest_cagr)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_monte_carlo(self, n: int = 100) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Generate N random risk / cagr point for rebalanced portfolios.
        Risk and cagr are calculated for a set of random weights.
        weights_df = Float.get_random_weights(n, self.ror.shape[1])

        # Portfolio risk and cagr for each set of weights
        portfolios_ror = weights_df.aggregate(Rebalance.rebalanced_portfolio_return_ts, ror=self.ror, period=self.reb_period)
        random_portfolios = pd.DataFrame()
        for _, data in portfolios_ror.iterrows():
            risk_monthly = data.std()
            mean_return = data.mean()
            risk = Float.annualize_risk(risk_monthly, mean_return)
            cagr = Frame.get_cagr(data)
            row = {
                'Risk': risk,
                'CAGR': cagr
            random_portfolios = random_portfolios.append(row, ignore_index=True)
        return random_portfolios
Exemplo n.º 5
    def minimize_risk(
        target_return: float,
        monthly_return: bool = False,
        tolerance: float = 1e-08,
    ) -> Dict[str, float]:
        Finds minimal risk given the target return.
        Returns a "point" with monthly values:
        - weights
        - mean return
        - CAGR
        - risk (std)
        Target return is a monthly or annual value:
        monthly_return = False / True
        tolerance - sets the accuracy for the solver
        if not monthly_return:
            target_return = Float.get_monthly_return_from_annual(target_return)
        ror = self.ror
        n = ror.shape[1]  # number of assets
        init_guess = np.repeat(1 / n, n)  # initial weights

        def objective_function(w):
            return Frame.get_portfolio_risk(w, ror)

        # construct the constraints
        weights_sum_to_1 = {"type": "eq", "fun": lambda weights: np.sum(weights) - 1}
        return_is_target = {
            "type": "eq",
            "fun": lambda weights: target_return
            - Frame.get_portfolio_mean_return(weights, ror),
        weights = minimize(
            constraints=(weights_sum_to_1, return_is_target),
            options={"disp": False, "ftol": tolerance},
        if weights.success:
            # Calculate point of EF given optimal weights
            risk = weights.fun
            # Annualize risk and return
            a_r = Float.annualize_return(target_return)
            a_risk = Float.annualize_risk(risk=risk, mean_return=target_return)
            # # Risk adjusted return approximation
            # r_gmean = Float.approx_return_risk_adjusted(mean_return=a_r, std=a_risk)
            # CAGR calculation
            portfolio_return_ts = Frame.get_portfolio_return_ts(weights.x, ror)
            cagr = Frame.get_cagr(portfolio_return_ts)
            if not self.labels_are_tickers:
                asset_labels = list(self.names.values())
                asset_labels = self.symbols
            point = {x: y for x, y in zip(asset_labels, weights.x)}
            point["Mean return"] = a_r
            point["CAGR"] = cagr
            # point['CAGR (approx)'] = r_gmean
            point["Risk"] = a_risk
            raise Exception("No solutions were found")
        return point