Exemplo n.º 1
def MagePointFromString(line):
    """Constructs a new MagePoint from a one-line string."""
    #handle the label if there is one: note that it might contain spaces
    line = line.strip()
    result = MagePoint()
    label = extract_delimited(line, '{', '}')
    if label:
        pieces = line.replace('{'+label+'}', '').split()
        pieces = line.split()
    fields = []
    #also have to take into account the possibility of comma-delimited parts
    for p in pieces:
        fields.extend(filter(None, p.split(',')))
    pieces = fields
    result.Label = label
    #get the coordinates and remove them from the list of items
    result.Coordinates = map(float, pieces[-3:])
    pieces = pieces[:-3]
    #parse the remaining attributes in more detail
    result.State = None
    result.Width = None
    result.Radius = None
    result.Color = None
    for attr in pieces:
        #handle radius
        if attr.startswith('r='):  #radius: note case sensitivity
            result.Radius = float(attr[2:])
        #handle single-character attributes
        elif len(attr) == 1:
            result.State = attr
        #handle line width
        elif attr.startswith('width'):
            result.Width = int(attr[5:])
            #otherwise assume it's a color label
            result.Color = attr
    return result