Exemplo n.º 1
def renameFiles(i):
    oled.display0('renaming files')
    image_location = i

    print "image_location " + image_location
    # global resize_location
    os.chdir(image_location)  # go to where the images are
    lst = os.listdir(".")
    print lst
    a = 1  # the counter for images
    for i in lst:  # for each file in the dir

        if i[-4:] == ".JPG":
            picCount = "%03d" % a  # make the counter 3 decimal places and integrate
            newName = picCount + ".jpg"
            a += 1
            newName = newName.replace(":", ".")
            newName = newName.replace(" ", "_")

            os.rename(i, newName)
            print "Renamed %r to %r" % (i, newName)

            # oldLoc = image_location + "/" + newName
            # newLoc = rename_location + "/" + newName

Exemplo n.º 2
def makeGif(a, b):
    oled.display0("making Gif")
    imageLocation = a
    shot_date = b
    imagesToUse = imageLocation + "/" + "%03d" + ".jpg"
    saveLocation = imageLocation[:-8]  # get out of the resize folder
    gifName = saveLocation + "/" + shot_date + '.gif'
        "ffmpeg", "-framerate", "10", "-i", imagesToUse, "-vf",
        "scale=iw/2:-1", gifName
Exemplo n.º 3
def makeVid(a, b):
    oled.display0("making Vid")
    imageLocation = a
    shot_date = b
    saveLocation = imageLocation[:-8]  # get out of the ogs folder
    print saveLocation
    movName = saveLocation + "/" + shot_date + '.mp4'
    print "movName = %r" % movName
    imagesToUse = imageLocation + "/" + "%03d" + ".jpg"
    subprocess.call(["ffmpeg", "-f", "image2", "-r", "30", "-i", imagesToUse, \
    "-vcodec", "h264", "-y", movName])
    return (movName)
Exemplo n.º 4
def resizeImages(a, b):  # going to resize images from a, save to b
    oled.display0("resizing images")
    print "resizeImages()"
    image_location = a
    resize_location = b
    lst = os.listdir(".")
    lstLen = len(lst)
    print lst

    for i in lst:
        # print "gonna resize it"
        img = Image.open(i)
        img = img.crop(
            (603, 600, 603 + 4058, 600 + 2706))  # this is the new line!
        imgResized = img.resize((1080, 720))
        resizedName = resize_location + "/" + i
        print "resizing " + resizedName[-7:] + " / " + str(lstLen)
        imgResized.save(resizedName, "JPEG", optimize=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
def takePictures(n, d):
    shotDelay = d
    print "finna take %r pics" % n
    oled.display0("taking picture")
    totalWait = 0
    adjustedDelay = shotDelay + 0.0
    print "ADJUSTED DELAY = " + str(adjustedDelay)
    for i in range(0, n):
        shotStart = datetime.now()
        oled.display1("    " + str(i + 1) + "/" + str(n))
        print "photo " + str(i)

        # sleep(shotDelay)
        # initialize variable
        if i > 0:
            t = datetime.now()  # this does the timing instead of sleep
            while (t -
                   shotEnd).seconds < adjustedDelay:  # previously shotDelay
                # print (t - shotEnd)
                t = datetime.now()

            interval = shotEnd - lastShotStart
            intinterval = interval.seconds + round(
                float(interval.microseconds) / 1000000, 3)
            print "interval = " + str(intinterval)
            totalWait += intinterval
            averageInterval = totalWait / i
            print "averageInterval = " + str(averageInterval)
            averageDifference = averageInterval - shotDelay
            adjustedDelay = shotDelay - averageDifference
            print "averageDifference = " + str(averageDifference)
            print "ADJUSTED DELAY = " + str(adjustedDelay)

        shot_time = takePicture()
        print "shot_time = " + str(shot_time)
        lastShotStart = shotStart
        shotEnd = datetime.now()

Exemplo n.º 6
def downloadImages():
    oled.display0("downloading images")
    print "downloading"
Exemplo n.º 7
def targetTime(
    a, b
):  # a will be time in advance of the event to start shooting. b 1 for sunrise, 2 for sunset
    ''' this function gets the time of sunrise/set, subtracts the lead up time to 
    calculate the target time, then waits until that time.
    a is the time ahead of sunrise/set
    set b to 1 for sunrise, 2 for sunset
    oled.display0("GETTING START TIME")
    if b == 1:
        oled.display1("getting SUNRISE")
        print "calculating the time %r minutes before SUNRISE" % a
        zeroTime = getSunriseTime(
        )  # zero time is the time of the event, either sunset or rise
        oled.display1("sunrise:" + zeroTime)
        msgL2 = "sunrise was at " + str(zeroTime)
    elif b == 2:
        oled.display1("getting SUNSET")
        print "calculating the time %r minutes before SUNSET" % a
        zeroTime = getSunsetTime()
        oled.display1("sunset:" + zeroTime)
        msgL2 = "sunset was at " + str(zeroTime)
    elif b == 3:
        oled.display1("going in 1")
        print "waiting for next minute"
        d = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
        d = d.strftime("%H:%M")
        zeroTime = str(d)
        a = 1  # set offset to 1
        msgL2 = "started manually"

        print """error, b needs to either be 1 for sunrise or 2 for sunset or 3 for test
        for all day enter 4"""
    zeroHour = int(zeroTime[0:2])
    zeroMin = int(zeroTime[3:5])
    zeroDelta = datetime.timedelta(hours=zeroHour, minutes=zeroMin)

    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    nowDelta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=now.minute, hours=now.hour)
    # print "nowDelta", nowDelta
    # print "now" , now
    offset = datetime.timedelta(minutes=a)
    # print "offset", offset

    targetTime = zeroDelta - offset

    # following commmented out section was replaced by wait()
    #     print "targetTime", targetTime
    #     secondsTillTarget = (targetTime - nowDelta).seconds
    #     # print "secondsTillTarget", secondsTillTarget
    #     hoursTillTarget = secondsTillTarget // 3600
    #     targetHour = targetTime.seconds // 3600
    #     targetMin = ((targetTime.seconds)//60)%60

    #     oled.display0("starting at " + str(targetHour) + ":" + str(targetMin))

    #     print "waiting for the %rth hour" % targetHour
    #     while now.hour != targetHour:
    # #        print "waiting for the right hour"
    #         now = datetime.datetime.now()
    #         nowHour = now.hour
    #         nowMin = now.minute
    #         oled.display1("now it's " + str(nowHour) + ":" + str(nowMin))
    #         sleep(60)

    #     print "hour matched!"
    #     print "waiting for the %rth minute" % targetMin
    #     prevNow = now
    #     while now.minute != targetMin:
    #         now = datetime.datetime.now()
    #         nowHour = now.hour
    #         nowMin = now.minute

    #         if prevNow != now:
    #             oled.display1("now it's " + str(nowHour) + ":" + str(nowMin))
    #             if now.minute == targetMin:
    #                 oled.display1("bout to start")
    #         sleep(15)
    #         prevNow = now

    print "it is time"
    msgL1 = "started shooting at " + str(targetTime)
    return msgL1 + "\n" + msgL2