Exemplo n.º 1
    def testChgrpOneDatasetFilesetOK(self):
        Simple example of the MIF chgrp good case:
        a single fileset containing 2 images in one dataset.
        The dataset can be moved.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        ds = self.make_dataset(name="testChgrpOneDatasetFilesetOK",
        images = self.importMIF(2, client=client)
        for i in range(2):
            self.link(ds, images[i], client=client)

        # Now chgrp, should succeed
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Dataset": [ds.id.val]},
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Check Dataset and both Images moved
        queryService = client.sf.getQueryService()
        ctx = {'omero.group': '-1'}  # query across groups
        dataset = queryService.get('Dataset', ds.id.val, ctx)
        assert target_gid == dataset.details.group.id.val,\
            "Dataset should be in group: %s" % target_gid
        for i in range(2):
            image = queryService.get('Image', images[i].id.val, ctx)
            img_gid = image.details.group.id.val
            assert target_gid == img_gid,\
                "Image should be in group: %s, NOT %s" % (target_gid,  img_gid)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testChgrpDatasetCheckFsGroup(self):
        Move a Dataset of MIF images into a new group,
        then check that the Fileset group is the same as the target group.
        From 'Security Violation'
        Bug https://github.com/openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy/pull/1139
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        ds = self.make_dataset(name="testChgrpDatasetCheckFsGroup",
        images = self.importMIF(2, client=client)
        for i in range(2):
            self.link(ds, images[i], client=client)

        # Now chgrp, should succeed
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Dataset": [ds.id.val]},
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Check the group of the fileset is in sync with image.
        ctx = {'omero.group': '-1'}
        qs = client.sf.getQueryService()
        image1 = qs.get("Image", images[0].id.val, ctx)
        fsId = image1.fileset.id.val
        image_gid = image1.details.group.id.val
        fileset_gid = qs.get("Fileset", fsId, ctx).details.group.id.val
        assert image_gid == fileset_gid,\
            "Image group: %s and Fileset group: %s don't match" %\
            (image_gid, fileset_gid)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testChgrpAllImagesFilesetOK(self):
        Simple example of the MIF chgrp bad case:
        A single fileset containing 2 images
        can be moved to the same group together.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        images = self.importMIF(2, client=client)

        # chgrp should succeed
        ids = [images[0].id.val, images[1].id.val]
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Image': ids}, groupId=target_gid)
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Check both Images moved
        queryService = client.sf.getQueryService()
        ctx = {'omero.group': '-1'}  # query across groups
        for i in images:
            image = queryService.get('Image', i.id.val, ctx)
            img_gid = image.details.group.id.val
            assert target_gid == img_gid,\
                "Image should be in group: %s, NOT %s" % (target_gid,  img_gid)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testChgrpImportedImage(self):
        Tests chgrp for an imported image, moving to a collaborative group
        # One user in two groups
        client, exp = self.new_client_and_user()
        grp = self.new_group(experimenters=[exp], perms=COLLAB)
        gid = grp.id.val
        client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext()  # Reset session

        # Import an image into the client context
        image = self.importSingleImage(name="testChgrpImportedImage",

        # Chgrp
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Image': [image.id.val]}, groupId=gid)
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Change our context to new group...
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        admin.setDefaultGroup(exp, ExperimenterGroupI(gid, False))
        self.set_context(client, gid)
        # ...check image
        img = client.sf.getQueryService().get("Image", image.id.val)
        assert img.details.group.id.val == gid
Exemplo n.º 5
    def testChgrpPDI(self):
        Tests chgrp for a Project, Dataset, Image hierarchy
        # One user in two groups
        client, exp = self.new_client_and_user()
        grp = self.new_group([exp])
        gid = grp.id.val
        client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext()  # Reset session

        # Data Setup (image in the P/D hierarchy)
        img = self.make_image(client=client)
        project = self.make_project(name="chgrp-test", client=client)
        dataset = self.make_dataset(name="chgrp-test", client=client)
        self.link(dataset, img, client=client)
        self.link(project, dataset, client=client)

        # Move Project to new group
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Project': [project.id.val]},
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Change our context to new group...
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        admin.setDefaultGroup(exp, ExperimenterGroupI(gid, False))
        self.set_context(client, gid)
        # ...check image
        img = client.sf.getQueryService().get("Image", img.id.val)
        assert img.details.group.id.val == gid
        # check Project
        prj = client.sf.getQueryService().get("Project", project.id.val)
        assert prj.details.group.id.val == gid
Exemplo n.º 6
    def testChgrp11109(self):
        Place a plate in a single screen and attempt to move it.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val
        admin.getEventContext()  # Refresh

        update = client.sf.getUpdateService()
        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring("testChgrp11109")
        screen = ScreenI()
        screen.name = rstring("testChgrp11109")
        link = screen.linkPlate(plate)
        link = update.saveAndReturnObject(link)

        # Now chgrp, should succeed
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Plate": [link.child.id.val]},
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Check that the links have been destroyed
        query = client.sf.getQueryService()
        with pytest.raises(omero.ValidationException):
            query.get("ScreenPlateLink", link.id.val, {"omero.group": "-1"})
Exemplo n.º 7
    def testChgrpFilesetOK(self):
        Move a Fileset of MIF images into a new group,
        then check that the Fileset group is the same as the target group.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        query = client.sf.getQueryService()
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        images = self.importMIF(2, client=client)
        fsId = query.get("Image", images[0].id.val).fileset.id.val

        # Now chgrp, should succeed
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Fileset": [fsId]}, groupId=target_gid)
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Check Fileset and both Images moved and
        # thus the Fileset is in sync with Images.
        ctx = {'omero.group': '-1'}  # query across groups
        fileset = query.get('Fileset', fsId, ctx)
        assert target_gid == fileset.details.group.id.val,\
            "Fileset should be in group: %s" % target_gid
        for i in range(2):
            image = query.get('Image', images[i].id.val, ctx)
            img_gid = image.details.group.id.val
            assert target_gid == img_gid,\
                "Image should be in group: %s, NOT %s" % (target_gid,  img_gid)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def testChgrpTwoDatasetsLinkedToSingleImageHard(self):
        ChGrp D1

        See https://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/ticket/12452
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val
        admin.getEventContext()  # Refresh

        query = client.sf.getQueryService()

        d1 = self.make_dataset(client=client)
        d2 = self.make_dataset(client=client)
        i = self.make_image(client=client)
        self.link(d1, i, client=client)
        self.link(d2, i, client=client)

        hard = ChildOption(includeType=["Image"])
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Dataset": [d1.id.val]},
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        ctx = {'omero.group': '-1'}
        assert target_gid == query.get("Dataset", d1.id.val,
        assert target_gid != query.get("Dataset", d2.id.val,
        assert target_gid == query.get("Image", i.id.val,
Exemplo n.º 9
    def testChgrpProjectLinkedToDatasetHard(self):
        ChGrp P1

        See https://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/ticket/12452
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val
        admin.getEventContext()  # Refresh

        query = client.sf.getQueryService()

        p1 = self.make_project(client=client)
        p2 = self.make_project(client=client)
        d = self.make_dataset(client=client)
        self.link(p1, d, client=client)
        self.link(p2, d, client=client)

        hard = ChildOption(includeType=["Dataset"])
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Project": [p1.id.val]},
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        ctx = {'omero.group': '-1'}
        assert target_gid == query.get("Project", p1.id.val,
        assert target_gid != query.get("Project", p2.id.val,
        assert target_gid == query.get("Dataset", d.id.val,
Exemplo n.º 10
    def testChgrpAllDatasetsFilesetOK(self):
        Simple example of the MIF chgrp bad case:
        a single fileset containing 2 images is split among 2 datasets.
        Datasets can be moved to the same group together.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        datasets = self.createDatasets(2,
        images = self.importMIF(2, client=client)
        for i in range(2):
            self.link(datasets[i], images[i], client=client)

        # Now chgrp, should succeed
        ids = [datasets[0].id.val, datasets[1].id.val]
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Dataset": ids}, groupId=target_gid)
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Check both Datasets and Images moved
        queryService = client.sf.getQueryService()
        ctx = {'omero.group': str(target_gid)}  # query in the target group
        for i in range(2):
            dataset = queryService.get('Dataset', datasets[i].id.val, ctx)
            image = queryService.get('Image', images[i].id.val, ctx)
            assert target_gid == dataset.details.group.id.val,\
                "Dataset should be in group: %s" % target_gid
            assert target_gid == image.details.group.id.val,\
                "Image should be in group: %s" % target_gid
Exemplo n.º 11
    def change_group(self, obj, target, client=None):
        Moves a list of model entities (ProjectI, DatasetI or ImageI)
        to the target group. Accepts a client instance to guarantee calls
        in correct user contexts. Creates Chgrp2 commands and calls

        :param obj: a list of objects to be moved
        :param target: the ID of the target group
        :param client: user context
        if client is None:
            client = self.client
        if isinstance(obj[0], ProjectI):
            t = "Project"
        elif isinstance(obj[0], DatasetI):
            t = "Dataset"
        elif isinstance(obj[0], ImageI):
            t = "Image"
            assert False, "Object type not supported."

        ids = [i.id.val for i in obj]
        command = Chgrp2(targetObjects={t: ids}, groupId=target)

        self.doSubmit(command, client)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def testChgrpImageToTargetDatasetAndBackNoDS(self):
     Chgrp a single Image to target Dataset and then back
     No target is provided on the way back.
     see ticket:11118
     ds, images, client, user, old_gid, new_gid =\
     chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Image": [images[0].id.val]},
     self.doSubmit(chgrp, client, omero_group=old_gid)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def testChgrpAllImagesFilesetTwoCommandsErr(self):
        Simple example of the MIF chgrp bad case with Chgrp2:
        A single fileset containing 2 images cannot be moved
        to the same group together using two commands
        See testChgrpAllImagesFilesetOK for the good.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        images = self.importMIF(2, client=client)

        # chgrp should succeed
        chgrp1 = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Image': [images[0].id.val]},
        chgrp2 = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Image': [images[1].id.val]},
        self.doSubmit([chgrp1, chgrp2], client, test_should_pass=False)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def testChgrpImage(self):
        Tests chgrp for a dummny image object (no Pixels)
        # One user in two groups
        client, exp = self.new_client_and_user()
        grp = self.new_group([exp])
        gid = grp.id.val
        client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext()  # Reset session
        update = client.sf.getUpdateService()
        query = client.sf.getQueryService()
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        first_gid = admin.getEventContext().groupId

        # Create a dataset in the 'first group'
        ds = self.make_dataset(name="testChgrpImage_target", client=client)
        ds_id = ds.id.val

        # Change our context to new group and create image
        admin.setDefaultGroup(exp, ExperimenterGroupI(gid, False))
        self.set_context(client, gid)
        update = client.sf.getUpdateService()  # do we need to get this again?
        img = self.new_image()
        img = update.saveAndReturnObject(img)

        # Move image to new group
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Image': [img.id.val]},

        # Link to Save
        link = DatasetImageLinkI()
        link.child = ImageI(img.id.val, False)
        link.parent = DatasetI(ds_id, False)
        save = Save()
        save.obj = link
        requests = [chgrp, save]  # we're going to chgrp THEN save DIlink

        # Change our context to original group...
        admin.setDefaultGroup(exp, ExperimenterGroupI(first_gid, False))
        self.set_context(client, first_gid)

        # We have to be in destination group for link Save to work
        self.doSubmit(requests, client)

        # ...check image
        img = client.sf.getQueryService().get("Image", img.id.val)
        assert img.details.group.id.val == first_gid
        # check Dataset
        query = "select link from DatasetImageLink link\
            where link.child.id=%s" % img.id.val
        l = client.sf.getQueryService().findByQuery(query, None)
        assert l is not None, "New DatasetImageLink on image not found"
        assert l.details.group.id.val == first_gid,\
            "Link Created in same group as Image target"
Exemplo n.º 15
    def testChgrpDatasetToTargetProject(self, credentials):
        Tests that an Admin can move a user's Dataset to a private
        group and link it to an existing user's Project there.
        Also tests that the user can do the same chgrp themselves.

        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        eCtx = client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext()  # Reset session
        userId = eCtx.userId
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        # User creates Dataset in current group...
        update = client.sf.getUpdateService()
        ds = self.make_dataset(client=client)
        # ...and Project in target group
        ctx = {'omero.group': str(target_gid)}
        pr = self.new_project()
        pr = update.saveAndReturnObject(pr, ctx)

        requests = []
        saves = []
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Dataset": [ds.id.val]},
        link = ProjectDatasetLinkI()
        link.details.owner = ExperimenterI(userId, False)
        link.child = DatasetI(ds.id.val, False)
        link.parent = ProjectI(pr.id.val, False)
        save = Save()
        save.obj = link

        if credentials == "user":
            c = client
            c = self.root
        self.doSubmit(requests, c, omero_group=target_gid)

        queryService = client.sf.getQueryService()
        ctx = {'omero.group': '-1'}  # query across groups
        dataset = queryService.get('Dataset', ds.id.val, ctx)
        ds_gid = dataset.details.group.id.val
        assert target_gid == ds_gid,\
            "Dataset should be in group: %s, NOT %s" % (target_gid, ds_gid)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def testChgrpImagesTwoFilesetsErr(self):
        If we try to 'split' 2 Filesets, both should be returned
        by the chgrp error
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        imagesFsOne = self.importMIF(2, client=client)
        imagesFsTwo = self.importMIF(2, client=client)

        # chgrp should fail...
        ids = [imagesFsOne[0].id.val, imagesFsTwo[0].id.val]
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Image": ids}, groupId=target_gid)
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client, test_should_pass=False)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def chgrpImagesToTargetDataset(self, imgCount):
        Helper method to test chgrp of image(s) to target Dataset
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        images = self.importMIF(imgCount, client=client)
        ds = self.createDSInGroup(target_gid, client=client)

        # each chgrp includes a 'save' link to target dataset
        saves = []
        ids = []
        for i in images:
            link = DatasetImageLinkI()
            link.child = ImageI(i.id.val, False)
            link.parent = DatasetI(ds.id.val, False)
            save = Save()
            save.obj = link
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Image": ids}, groupId=target_gid)
        requests = [chgrp]
        self.doSubmit(requests, client, omero_group=target_gid)

        # Check Images moved to correct group
        queryService = client.sf.getQueryService()
        ctx = {'omero.group': '-1'}  # query across groups
        for i in images:
            image = queryService.get('Image', i.id.val, ctx)
            img_gid = image.details.group.id.val
            assert target_gid == img_gid,\
                "Image should be in group: %s, NOT %s" % (target_gid,  img_gid)
        # Check Dataset has images linked
        dsImgs = client.sf.getContainerService().getImages(
            'Dataset', [ds.id.val], None, ctx)
        assert len(dsImgs) == len(images),\
            "All Images should be in target Dataset"

        previous_gid = admin.getEventContext().groupId
        return (ds, images, client, user, previous_gid, target_gid)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def testChgrpOneImageFilesetErr(self):
        Simple example of the MIF chgrp bad case:
        A single fileset containing 2 images - we try to chgrp ONE image.
        Each sibling CANNOT be moved independently of the other.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        # 2 images sharing a fileset
        images = self.importMIF(2, client=client)

        # Now chgrp
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Image': [images[0].id.val]},
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client, test_should_pass=False)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def testChgrpOneDatasetFilesetErr(self):
        Simple example of the MIF chgrp bad case:
        A single fileset containing 2 images is split among 2 datasets.
        We try to chgrp ONE Dataset.
        Each dataset CANNOT be moved independently of the other.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        datasets = self.create_datasets(2,
        images = self.import_fake_file(2, client=client)
        for i in range(2):
            self.link(datasets[i], images[i], client=client)

        # chgrp should succeed with the first Dataset only
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Dataset": [datasets[0].id.val]},
        self.do_submit(chgrp, client)

        query_service = client.sf.getQueryService()

        # Check Images not moved
        for i in range(2):
            image = query_service.get('Image', images[i].id.val)
            assert target_gid != image.details.group.id.val,\
                "Image should not be in group: %s" % target_gid

        # Check second Dataset not moved
        dataset = query_service.get('Dataset', datasets[1].id.val)
        assert target_gid != dataset.details.group.id.val,\
            "Dataset should not be in group: %s" % target_gid

        # query in the target group
        ctx = {'omero.group': native_str(target_gid)}

        # Check first Dataset moved
        dataset = query_service.get('Dataset', datasets[0].id.val, ctx)
        assert target_gid == dataset.details.group.id.val,\
            "Dataset should be in group: %s" % target_gid
Exemplo n.º 20
    def testChgrpProjectWithDatasetLinkedToImageWithOtherDatasetHard(self):
        ChGrp P

        See https://trac.openmicroscopy.org/ome/ticket/12452
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val
        admin.getEventContext()  # Refresh

        query = client.sf.getQueryService()

        p = self.make_project(client=client)
        d1 = self.make_dataset(client=client)
        d2 = self.make_dataset(client=client)
        i = self.make_image(client=client)
        self.link(d1, i, client=client)
        self.link(d2, i, client=client)
        self.link(p, d1, client=client)

        hard = ChildOption(includeType=["Image"])
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Project": [p.id.val]},
        self.do_submit(chgrp, client)

        ctx = {'omero.group': native_str('-1')}
        assert target_gid == query.get("Project", p.id.val,
        assert target_gid == query.get("Dataset", d1.id.val,
        assert target_gid != query.get("Dataset", d2.id.val,
        assert target_gid == query.get("Image", i.id.val,
Exemplo n.º 21
    def testChgrpRdef7825(self):

        # One user in two groups
        owner, owner_obj = self.new_client_and_user(perms="rwrw--")
        admin = owner.sf.getAdminService()
        ec = admin.getEventContext()
        source_grp = admin.getGroup(ec.groupId)

        target_grp = self.new_group([owner])
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        ec = admin.getEventContext()  # Refresh

        # Add another user to the source group
        member = self.new_client(group=source_grp)

        # Create an image as the owner
        images = self.import_fake_file(name="testChgrpRdef7825", client=owner)
        image = images[0]

        # Render as both users
        owner_g = omero.gateway.BlitzGateway(client_obj=owner)
        member_g = omero.gateway.BlitzGateway(client_obj=member)

        def render(g):
            g.getObject("Image", image.id.val).getThumbnail()


        # Now chgrp and try to delete
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Image': [image.id.val]},
        self.do_submit(chgrp, owner)

        # Shouldn't be necessary to change group, but we're gonna
        handle = owner_g.deleteObjects("Image", [image.id.val])
        self.wait_on_cmd(owner_g.c, handle)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def testChgrpDatasetTwoFilesetsErr(self):
        If we try to 'split' 2 Filesets, both should be returned
        by the chgrp error
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val

        images_fs_one = self.import_fake_file(2, client=client)
        images_fs_two = self.import_fake_file(2, client=client)

        ds = self.make_dataset(name="testChgrpDatasetTwoFilesetsErr",
        self.import_fake_file(2, client=client)
        for i in (images_fs_one, images_fs_two):
            self.link(ds, i[0], client=client)

        # chgrp should succeed with the Dataset only
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Dataset": [ds.id.val]},
        self.do_submit(chgrp, client)

        query_service = client.sf.getQueryService()

        # Check Images not moved
        for i in (images_fs_one[0], images_fs_two[0]):
            image = query_service.get('Image', i.id.val)
            assert target_gid != image.details.group.id.val,\
                "Image should not be in group: %s" % target_gid

        # query in the target group
        ctx = {'omero.group': native_str(target_gid)}

        # Check Dataset moved
        dataset = query_service.get('Dataset', ds.id.val, ctx)
        assert target_gid == dataset.details.group.id.val,\
            "Dataset should be in group: %s" % target_gid
Exemplo n.º 23
    def testChgrpImageToTargetDatasetAndBackDS(self):
        Chgrp a single Image to target Dataset and then back
        see ticket:11118
        new_ds, images, client, user, old_gid, new_gid =\

        # create Dataset in original group
        old_ds = self.createDSInGroup(old_gid, client=client)
        link = DatasetImageLinkI()
        link.parent = old_ds.proxy()
        link.child = images[0].proxy()

        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Image": [images[0].id.val]},
        save = Save(link)
        self.doSubmit([chgrp, save], client, omero_group=old_gid)

        dils = client.sf.getQueryService().findAllByQuery(
            "select dil from DatasetImageLink dil where dil.child.id = :id",
            {"omero.group": "-1"})
        assert 1 == len(dils)