Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_recommended_pivot_bank(self, geometries, tm_ref, tm_ref_dir, pos_toes, direction=1):
        Determine recommended position using ray-cast from the toes.
        TODO: If the ray-case fail, use a specified default value.
        return: The recommended position as a world pymel.datatypes.Vector
        # Sanity check, ensure that at least one point is in the bounds of geometries.
        # This can prevent rays from being fired from outside a geometry.
        # TODO: Make it more robust.
        filtered_geometries = []
        for geometry in geometries:
            xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax = cmds.exactWorldBoundingBox(geometry.__melobject__())
            bound = pymel.datatypes.BoundingBox((xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmax, ymax, zmax))
            if bound.contains(pos_toes):

        dir = pymel.datatypes.Point(direction, 0, 0) * tm_ref_dir
        pos = libRigging.ray_cast_nearest(pos_toes, dir, filtered_geometries)
        if not pos:
            cmds.warning("Can't automatically solve FootRoll bank inn pivot.")
            pos = pos_toes

        pos.y = 0

        return pos
Exemplo n.º 2
def _get_bounds_using_raycast(positions, dirs, geometries, parent_tm=None, filter=None):
    min_x = max_x = min_y = max_y = min_z = max_z = None
    parent_tm_inv = parent_tm.inverse()

    # Ray-cast
    for pos in positions:
        #x = pos.x
        #y = pos.y
        #z = pos.z

        pos_local = pymel.datatypes.Point(pos) * parent_tm_inv if parent_tm is not None else pos

        x_local = pos_local.x
        y_local = pos_local.y
        z_local = pos_local.z

        if min_x is None or x_local < min_x:
            min_x = x_local
        if max_x is None or x_local > max_x:
            max_x = x_local
        if min_y is None or y_local < min_y:
            min_y = y_local
        if max_y is None or y_local > max_y:
            max_y = y_local
        if min_z is None or z_local < min_z:
            min_z = z_local
        if max_z is None or z_local > max_z:
            max_z = z_local

        for dir in dirs:
            ray_cast_pos = libRigging.ray_cast_nearest(pos, dir, geometries, debug=False)
            if ray_cast_pos is None:

            if parent_tm is not None:
                ray_cast_pos = ray_cast_pos * parent_tm_inv

            x = ray_cast_pos.x
            y = ray_cast_pos.y
            z = ray_cast_pos.z
            if min_x is None or x < min_x:
                min_x = x
            if max_x is None or x > max_x:
                max_x = x
            if min_y is None or y < min_y:
                min_y = y
            if max_y is None or y > max_y:
                max_y = y
            if min_z is None or z < min_z:
                min_z = z
            if max_z is None or z > max_z:
                max_z = z

    return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z
Exemplo n.º 3
    def raycast_nearest(self, pos, dir, geos=None):
        Return the nearest point on any of the rig registered geometries using provided position and direction.
        if not geos:
            geos = self.get_shapes()
        if not geos:
            return None

        result = libRigging.ray_cast_nearest(pos, dir, geos)
        if not result:
            return None

        return result
Exemplo n.º 4
def _get_bounds_using_raycast(positions,
    min_x = max_x = min_y = max_y = min_z = max_z = None
    parent_tm_inv = parent_tm.inverse()

    # Ray-cast
    for pos in positions:
        #x = pos.x
        #y = pos.y
        #z = pos.z

        # Expand bounds using starting positions.
        pos_local = pymel.datatypes.Point(
            pos) * parent_tm_inv if parent_tm is not None else pos
        x_local = pos_local.x
        y_local = pos_local.y
        z_local = pos_local.z
        if min_x is None or x_local < min_x:
            min_x = x_local
        if max_x is None or x_local > max_x:
            max_x = x_local
        if min_y is None or y_local < min_y:
            min_y = y_local
        if max_y is None or y_local > max_y:
            max_y = y_local
        if min_z is None or z_local < min_z:
            min_z = z_local
        if max_z is None or z_local > max_z:
            max_z = z_local

        for dir in dirs:
            ray_cast_pos = libRigging.ray_cast_nearest(pos,
            if ray_cast_pos is None:

            if parent_tm is not None:
                ray_cast_pos = ray_cast_pos * parent_tm_inv

            x = ray_cast_pos.x
            y = ray_cast_pos.y
            z = ray_cast_pos.z
            if min_x is None or x < min_x:
                min_x = x
            if max_x is None or x > max_x:
                max_x = x
            if min_y is None or y < min_y:
                min_y = y
            if max_y is None or y > max_y:
                max_y = y
            if min_z is None or z < min_z:
                min_z = z
            if max_z is None or z > max_z:
                max_z = z

    return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z