Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_onp_ignore_indels(self):
     """make sure indels aren't being combined with onps"""
     file = 'testdata/maflite/onp.indel.maf.txt'
     input = OnpCombiner(MafliteInputMutationCreator(file))
     expected = list(MafliteInputMutationCreator(file).createMutations())
     onp_muts = [mut for mut in input.createMutations()]
     self.assert_mutations_match_expected(expected=expected, result=onp_muts)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_onp_ignore_indels(self):
     """make sure indels aren't being combined with onps"""
     file = 'testdata/maflite/onp.indel.maf.txt'
     input = OnpCombiner(MafliteInputMutationCreator(file))
     expected = list(MafliteInputMutationCreator(file).createMutations())
     onp_muts = [mut for mut in input.createMutations()]
     self.assert_mutations_match_expected(expected=expected, result=onp_muts)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_multi_sample_maflite(self):
     """Tests a multi sample maf with several unaligned onps"""
     input = OnpCombiner(MafliteInputMutationCreator('testdata/maflite/onp_combination.maf.txt'))
     onp_muts =list(input.createMutations())
     expected = self._tuples_to_MutationData([(1, 1, 1, "G", "A", "hg19"),
                                              (1, 1, 4, "GTTT", "CGAA", "hg19"),
                                              (1, 2, 3, "TT", "CC", "hg19"),
                                              (1, 12, 12, "T", "G", "hg19"),
                                              (2, 13, 13, "A", "G", "hg19")])
     expected_pair_names = ['P2','P1','P3','P1','P1']
     self._assert_mutation_lists_equal(onp_muts, expected)
     for mut, pair in zip(onp_muts, expected_pair_names):
         self.assertEqual(mut["Pair_Name"], pair)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_multi_sample_maflite(self):
     """Tests a multi sample maf with several unaligned onps"""
     input = OnpCombiner(MafliteInputMutationCreator('testdata/maflite/onp_combination.maf.txt'))
     onp_muts =list(input.createMutations())
     expected = self._tuples_to_MutationData([(1, 1, 1, "G", "A", "hg19"),
                                              (1, 1, 4, "GTTT", "CGAA", "hg19"),
                                              (1, 2, 3, "TT", "CC", "hg19"),
                                              (1, 12, 12, "T", "G", "hg19"),
                                              (2, 13, 13, "A", "G", "hg19")])
     expected_pair_names = ['P2','P1','P3','P1','P1']
     self._assert_mutation_lists_equal(onp_muts, expected)
     for mut, pair in zip(onp_muts, expected_pair_names):
         self.assertEqual(mut["Pair_Name"], pair)