Exemplo n.º 1
class ExtendedAgencyMembership(AgencyMembership, HiddenFromPublicExtension):
    """ An extended version of the standard membership from onegov.people. """

    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'extended'}

    es_type_name = 'extended_membership'

    def es_public(self):
        if self.agency:
            if getattr(self.agency, 'is_hidden_from_public', False):
                return False
        if self.person:
            if getattr(self.person, 'is_hidden_from_public', False):
                return False
        return not self.is_hidden_from_public

    #: The prefix character.
    prefix = meta_property()

    #: A note to the membership.
    note = meta_property()

    #: An addition to the membership.
    addition = meta_property()
Exemplo n.º 2
class GazetteNoticeChange(Message, CachedUserNameMixin):
    """ A changelog entry for an official notice. """

    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'gazette_notice'}

    #: the user which made this change
    user = relationship(
            'foreign(GazetteNoticeChange.owner) == cast(User.id, TEXT)'),
        backref=backref('changes', lazy='select'))

    @observes('user', 'user.realname', 'user.username')
    def user_observer(self, user, realname, username):
        if hasattr(self, '_user_observer'):
            self._user_observer(user, realname, username)

    #: the notice which this change belongs to
    notice = relationship(
                     '== cast(GazetteNotice.id, TEXT)'),

    #: the event
    event = meta_property('event')
Exemplo n.º 3
class Municipality(UserGroup, TimestampMixin):
    """ A municipality / user group. """

    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'wtfs'}

    #: The name of the municipality.
    bfs_number = meta_property()

    #: The address supplement, used for invoices.
    address_supplement = meta_property()

    #: The GPN number, used for invoices.
    gpn_number = meta_property()

    #: The payment type. Typically normal (7.00) or special (8.50).
    payment_type = meta_property('payment_type')

    def price_per_quantity(self):
        if self.payment_type:
            query = object_session(self).query(PaymentType)
            query = query.filter_by(name=self.payment_type)
            payment_type = query.first()
            if payment_type:
                return payment_type.price_per_quantity or 0

        return 0

    def has_data(self):
        if self.pickup_dates.first() or self.scan_jobs.first():
            return True
        return False

    def contacts(self):
        return [
            user.username for user in self.users
            if (user.data or {}).get('contact', False)
Exemplo n.º 4
class Organization(AdjacencyList, ContentMixin, TimestampMixin):

    """ Defines an organization for official notices.

    Although the categories are defined as a flexible adjacency list, we
    currently use it only as a two-stage adjacency list key-value list


    __tablename__ = 'gazette_organizations'

    #: True, if this organization is still in use.
    active = Column(Boolean, nullable=True)

    external_name = meta_property('external_name')

    def notices(self):
        """ Returns a query to get all notices related to this category. """

        from onegov.gazette.models.notice import GazetteNotice  # circular

        notices = object_session(self).query(GazetteNotice)
        notices = notices.filter(
            GazetteNotice._organizations.has_key(self.name)  # noqa

        return notices

    def in_use(self):
        """ True, if the organization is used by any notice. """

        if self.notices().first():
            return True

        return False

    def title_observer(self, title):
        from onegov.gazette.models.notice import GazetteNotice  # circular

        notices = self.notices()
        notices = notices.filter(
                GazetteNotice.organization != title
        for notice in notices:
            notice.organization = title
Exemplo n.º 5
class Notification(Message):
    """ A changelog entry for an official notice. """

    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'wtfs_notification'}

    title = meta_property('title')

    def create(cls, request, title='', text=''):

        return cls.bound_messages(request.session).add(
            meta={'title': title})
Exemplo n.º 6
class CachedGroupNameMixin(object):
    """ Mixin providing a cached version of the group name. There needs to be:
    - a ``group`` relationship (which has no dynamic backref)
    - a meta column

    The observer needs to be registered in the children:

    @observes('group', 'group.name')
    def group_observer(self, group, name):
        if hasattr(self, '_group_observerr'):
            self._group_observerr(user, realname, username)


    #: The name of the group in case the owner and its group get deleted.
    _group_name = meta_property('group_name')

    def group_name(self):
        """ Returns the name of the group this notice belongs to.

        If the group has been deleted, the last known name in brackets is

        if self.group:
            return self.group.name
        return '({})'.format(self._group_name) if self._group_name else None

    def _group_observer(self, group, name):
        """ Upates the last known name of the group.

        This never deletes the stored name, set ``self._group_name`` yourself
        if you want to clear it.


        group_name = group.name if group else None
        group_name = group_name or name or self._group_name
        self._group_name = group_name
Exemplo n.º 7
class CachedUserNameMixin(object):
    """ Mixin providing a cached version of the user name. There needs to be:
    - a ``user`` relationship (which has no dynamic backref)
    - a meta column

    The observer needs to be registered in the children:

    @observes('user', 'user.realname', 'user.username')
    def user_observer(self, user, realname, username):
        if hasattr(self, '_user_observer'):
            self._user_observer(user, realname, username)


    #: The name of the user in case he gets deleted.
    _user_name = meta_property('user_name')

    def user_name(self):
        """ Returns the name of the owner.

        If the user has been deleted, the last known name in brackets is
        if self.user:
            return self.user.realname or self.user.username
        return '({})'.format(self._user_name) if self._user_name else None

    def _user_observer(self, user, realname, username):
        """ Upates the last known name of the owner.

        This never deletes the stored name, set ``self._user_name`` yourself
        if you want to clear it.

        user_name = user.realname or user.username if user else None
        user_name = user_name or realname or username or self._user_name
        self._user_name = user_name
Exemplo n.º 8
class StripeConnect(PaymentProvider):

    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'stripe_connect'}

    fee_policy = StripeFeePolicy

    #: The Stripe Connect client id
    client_id = meta_property()

    #: The API key of the connect user
    client_secret = meta_property()

    #: The oauth_redirect gateway in use (see seantis/oauth_redirect on github)
    oauth_gateway = meta_property()

    #: The auth code required by oauth_redirect
    oauth_gateway_auth = meta_property()

    #: The oauth_redirect secret that should be used
    oauth_gateway_secret = meta_property()

    #: The authorization code provided by OAuth
    authorization_code = meta_property()

    #: The public stripe key
    publishable_key = meta_property()

    #: The stripe user id as confirmed by OAuth
    user_id = meta_property()

    #: The refresh token provided by OAuth
    refresh_token = meta_property()

    #: The access token provieded by OAuth
    access_token = meta_property()

    #: The id of the latest processed balance transaction
    latest_payout = meta_property()

    #: Should the fee be charged to the customer or not?
    charge_fee_to_customer = meta_property()

    def adjust_price(self, price):
        if price and self.charge_fee_to_customer:
            new_price = self.fee_policy.compensate(price.amount)
            new_fee = self.fee_policy.from_amount(new_price)

            return Price(new_price, price.currency, new_fee)

        return price

    def livemode(self):
        return not self.access_token.startswith('sk_test')

    def payment_class(self):
        return StripePayment

    def title(self):
        return 'Stripe Connect'

    def url(self):
        return 'https://dashboard.stripe.com/'

    def public_identity(self):
        account = self.account
        return ' / '.join((account.business_name, account.email))

    def identity(self):
        return self.user_id

    def account(self):
        with stripe_api_key(self.access_token):
            return stripe.Account.retrieve(id=self.user_id)

    def connected(self):
        return self.account and True or False

    def charge(self, amount, currency, token):
        session = object_session(self)

        payment = self.payment(
            id=uuid5(STRIPE_NAMESPACE, token),

        with stripe_api_key(self.access_token):
            charge = stripe.Charge.create(
                amount=round(amount * 100, 0),
                    'payment_id': payment.id.hex

        StripeCaptureManager.capture_charge(self.access_token, charge.id)
        payment.remote_id = charge.id

        # we do *not* want to lose this information, so even though the
        # caller should make sure the payment is stored, we make sure

        return payment

    def checkout_button(self, label, amount, currency, action='submit',
        """ Generates the html for the checkout button. """

        extra['amount'] = round(amount * 100, 0)
        extra['currency'] = currency
        extra['key'] = self.publishable_key

        attrs = {
            'data-stripe-{}'.format(key): str(value)
            for key, value in extra.items()
        attrs['data-action'] = action

        return """
            <input type="hidden" name="payment_token" id="{target}">
            <button class="checkout-button stripe-connect"
            attrs=' '.join(
                '{}="{}"'.format(escape(k), escape(v))
                for k, v in attrs.items()

    def oauth_url(self, redirect_uri, state=None, user_fields=None):
        """ Generates an oauth url to be shown in the browser. """

        return stripe.OAuth.authorize_url(

    def prepare_oauth_request(self, redirect_uri, success_url, error_url,
        """ Registers the oauth request with the oauth_gateway and returns
        an url that is ready to be used for the complete oauth request.

        register = '{}/register/{}'.format(

        assert self.oauth_gateway \
            and self.oauth_gateway_auth \
            and self.oauth_gateway_secret

        payload = {
            'url': redirect_uri,
            'secret': self.oauth_gateway_secret,
            'method': 'GET',
            'success_url': success_url,
            'error_url': error_url

        response = requests.post(register, json=payload)
        assert response.status_code == 200

        return self.oauth_url(

    def process_oauth_response(self, request_params):
        """ Takes the parameters of an incoming oauth request and stores
        them on the payment provider if successful.


        if 'error' in request_params:
            raise RuntimeError("Stripe OAuth request failed ({}: {})".format(
                request_params['error'], request_params['error_description']

        assert request_params['oauth_redirect_secret'] \
            == self.oauth_gateway_secret

        self.authorization_code = request_params['code']

        with stripe_api_key(self.client_secret):
            data = stripe.OAuth.token(

        assert data['scope'] == 'read_write'

        self.publishable_key = data['stripe_publishable_key']
        self.user_id = data['stripe_user_id']
        self.refresh_token = data['refresh_token']
        self.access_token = data['access_token']

    def sync(self):
        session = object_session(self)

    def sync_payment_states(self, session):

        def payments(ids):
            q = session.query(self.payment_class)
            q = q.filter(self.payment_class.id.in_(ids))

            return q

        charges = self.paged(
            include=lambda r: 'payment_id' in r.metadata

        by_payment = {}

        for charge in charges:
            by_payment[charge.metadata['payment_id']] = charge

        for payment in payments(by_payment.keys()):

    def sync_payouts(self, session):

        payouts = self.paged(stripe.Payout.list, limit=50, status='paid')
        latest_payout = None

        paid_charges = {}

        for payout in payouts:
            if latest_payout is None:
                latest_payout = payout

            if payout.id == self.latest_payout:

            transactions = self.paged(

            for charge in transactions:
                paid_charges[charge.source] = (
                    charge.fee / 100

        if paid_charges:
            q = session.query(self.payment_class)
            q = q.filter(self.payment_class.remote_id.in_(paid_charges.keys()))

            for p in q:
                p.payout_date, p.payout_id, p.effective_fee\
                    = paid_charges[p.remote_id]

        self.latest_payout = latest_payout and latest_payout.id

    def paged(self, method, include=lambda record: True, **kwargs):
        with stripe_api_key(self.access_token):
            records = method(**kwargs)
            records = (r for r in records.auto_paging_iter())
            records = (r for r in records if include(r))

            yield from records
Exemplo n.º 9
class StripePayment(Payment):
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'stripe_connect'}

    fee_policy = StripeFeePolicy

    #: the date of the payout
    payout_date = meta_property()

    #: the id of the payout
    payout_id = meta_property()

    #: the fee deducted by stripe
    effective_fee = meta_property()

    def fee(self):
        """ The calculated fee or the effective fee if available.

        The effective fee is taken from the payout records. In practice
        these values should always be the same.


        if self.effective_fee:
            return Decimal(self.effective_fee)

        return Decimal(self.fee_policy.from_amount(self.amount))

    def remote_url(self):
        if self.provider.livemode:
            base = 'https://dashboard.stripe.com/payments/{}'
            base = 'https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/payments/{}'

        return base.format(self.remote_id)

    def charge(self):
        with stripe_api_key(self.provider.access_token):
            return stripe.Charge.retrieve(self.remote_id)

    def refund(self):
        with stripe_api_key(self.provider.access_token):
            refund = stripe.Refund.create(charge=self.remote_id)
            self.state = 'cancelled'
            return refund

    def sync(self, remote_obj=None):
        charge = remote_obj or self.charge

        if not charge.captured:
            self.state = 'open'

        elif charge.refunded:
            self.state = 'cancelled'

        elif charge.status == 'failed':
            self.state = 'failed'

        elif charge.captured and charge.paid:
            self.state = 'paid'
Exemplo n.º 10
class GazetteNotice(OfficialNotice, CachedUserNameMixin, CachedGroupNameMixin,
    """ An official notice with extras.

    We use a combination of the categories/organizations HSTORE and the
    individual category/organization columns. The ID of the category/
    organization is stored in the HSTORE column and the actual name ist copied
    when calling ``apply_meta``.

    We store only the issue names (year-number) in the HSTORE.

    It's possible to add a changelog entry by calling ``add_change``. Changelog
    entries are created for state changes by default.

    The user name accessible by ``user_name`` gets cached in case the user is

    The group name accessible by ``group_name`` gets cached in case the group
    is deleted.


    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'gazette'}

    #: True, if the official notice only appears in the print version
    print_only = meta_property('print_only')

    #: True, if the official notice needs to be paid for
    at_cost = meta_property('at_cost')

    #: The billing address in case the official notice need to be paid for
    billing_address = content_property('billing_address')

    @observes('user', 'user.realname', 'user.username')
    def user_observer(self, user, realname, username):
        if hasattr(self, '_user_observer'):
            self._user_observer(user, realname, username)

    @observes('group', 'group.name')
    def group_observer(self, group, name):
        if hasattr(self, '_group_observer'):
            self._group_observer(group, name)

    def add_change(self, request, event, text=None):
        """ Adds en entry to the changelog. """

        session = object_session(self)
            username = request.identity.userid
            owner = str(UserCollection(session).by_username(username).id)
        except Exception:
            owner = None

                                text=text or '',
                                meta={'event': event}))

    def submit(self, request):
        """ Submit a drafted notice.

        This automatically adds en entry to the changelog.


        super(GazetteNotice, self).submit()
        self.add_change(request, _("submitted"))

    def reject(self, request, comment):
        """ Reject a submitted notice.

        This automatically adds en entry to the changelog.


        super(GazetteNotice, self).reject()
        self.add_change(request, _("rejected"), comment)

    def accept(self, request):
        """ Accept a submitted notice.

        This automatically adds en entry to the changelog.


        super(GazetteNotice, self).accept()
        self.add_change(request, _("accepted"))

    def publish(self, request):
        """ Publish an accepted notice.

        This automatically adds en entry to the changelog.


        super(GazetteNotice, self).publish()
        self.add_change(request, _("published"))

    def rejected_comment(self):
        """ Returns the comment of the last rejected change log entry. """

        for change in self.changes:
            if change.event == 'rejected':
                return change.text

        return ''

    def issues(self):
        """ Returns the issues sorted (by year/number). """

        issues = self._issues or {}
        keys = [IssueName.from_string(issue) for issue in (self._issues or {})]
        keys = sorted(keys, key=lambda x: (x.year, x.number))
        return OrderedDict((str(key), issues[str(key)]) for key in keys)

    def issues(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            self._issues = value
            self._issues = {item: None for item in value}

    def issue_objects(self):
        if self._issues:
            query = object_session(self).query(Issue)
            query = query.filter(Issue.name.in_(self._issues.keys()))
            query = query.order_by(Issue.date)
            return query.all()
        return []

    def set_publication_number(self, issue, number):
        assert issue in self.issues
        issues = dict(self.issues)
        issues[issue] = str(number)
        self._issues = issues

    def category_id(self):
        """ The ID of the category. We store this the ID in the HSTORE (we use
        only one!) and additionaly store the title of the category in the
        category column.

        keys = list(self.categories.keys())
        return keys[0] if keys else None

    def category_id(self, value):
        self.categories = [value]

    def category_object(self):
        if self.category_id:
            query = object_session(self).query(Category)
            query = query.filter(Category.name == self.category_id)
            return query.first()

    def organization_id(self):
        """ The ID of the organization. We store this the ID in the HSTORE (we
        use only one!) and additionaly store the title of the organization in
        the organization column.

        keys = list(self.organizations.keys())
        return keys[0] if keys else None

    def organization_id(self, value):
        self.organizations = [value]

    def organization_object(self):
        if self.organization_id:
            query = object_session(self).query(Organization)
            query = query.filter(Organization.name == self.organization_id)
            return query.first()

    def overdue_issues(self):
        """ Returns True, if any of the issue's deadline is reached. """

        if self._issues:
            query = object_session(self).query(Issue)
            query = query.filter(Issue.name.in_(self._issues.keys()))
            query = query.filter(Issue.deadline < utcnow())
            if query.first():
                return True

        return False

    def expired_issues(self):
        """ Returns True, if any of the issue's issue date is reached. """
        if self._issues:
            query = object_session(self).query(Issue)
            query = query.filter(Issue.name.in_(self._issues.keys()))
            query = query.filter(Issue.date <= date.today())
            if query.first():
                return True

        return False

    def invalid_category(self):
        """ Returns True, if the category of the is invalid or inactive. """
        query = object_session(self).query(Category.active)
        query = query.filter(Category.name == self.category_id).first()
        return (not query[0]) if query else True

    def invalid_organization(self):
        """ Returns True, if the category of the is invalid or inactive. """
        query = object_session(self).query(Organization.active)
        query = query.filter(Organization.name == self.organization_id).first()
        return (not query[0]) if query else True

    def apply_meta(self, session):
        """ Updates the category, organization and issue date from the meta

        self.organization = None
        query = session.query(Organization.title)
        query = query.filter(Organization.name == self.organization_id).first()
        if query:
            self.organization = query[0]

        self.category = None
        query = session.query(Category.title)
        query = query.filter(Category.name == self.category_id).first()
        if query:
            self.category = query[0]

        self.first_issue = None
        if self._issues:
            query = session.query(Issue.date)
            query = query.filter(Issue.name.in_(self._issues.keys()))
            query = query.order_by(Issue.date).first()
            if query:
                self.first_issue = standardize_date(as_datetime(query[0]),
Exemplo n.º 11
class ExtendedAgency(Agency, HiddenFromPublicExtension):
    """ An extended version of the standard agency from onegov.people. """

    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'extended'}

    es_type_name = 'extended_agency'

    def es_public(self):
        return not self.is_hidden_from_public

    #: Defines which fields of a membership and person should be exported to
    #: the PDF. The fields are expected to contain two parts seperated by a
    #: point. The first part is either `membership` or `person`, the second
    #: the name of the attribute (e.g. `membership.title`).
    export_fields = meta_property(default=list)

    #: The PDF for the agency and all its suborganizations.
    pdf = associated(AgencyPdf, 'pdf', 'one-to-one')

    trait = 'agency'

    def pdf_file(self):
        """ Returns the PDF content for the agency (and all its


        if self.pdf:
            return self.pdf.reference.file

    def pdf_file(self, value):
        """ Sets the PDF content for the agency (and all its
        suborganizations). Automatically sets a nice filename. Replaces only
        the reference, if possible.


        filename = '{}.pdf'.format(normalize_for_url(self.title))
        if self.pdf:
            self.pdf.reference = as_fileintent(value, filename)
            self.pdf.name = filename
            pdf = AgencyPdf(id=random_token())
            pdf.reference = as_fileintent(value, filename)
            pdf.name = filename
            self.pdf = pdf

    def portrait_html(self):
        """ Returns the portrait as HTML. """

        return '<p>{}</p>'.format(linkify(self.portrait).replace('\n', '<br>'))

    def proxy(self):
        """ Returns a proxy object to this agency allowing alternative linking
        paths. """

        return AgencyProxy(self)

    def add_person(self, person_id, title, **kwargs):
        """ Appends a person to the agency with the given title. """

        order_within_agency = kwargs.pop('order_within_agency', 2**16)
        session = object_session(self)

        orders_for_person = session.query(

        orders_for_person = list(
            (o.order_within_person for o in orders_for_person))

        if orders_for_person:
                order_within_person = max(orders_for_person) + 1
            except ValueError:
                order_within_person = 0
            assert len(orders_for_person) == max(orders_for_person) + 1
            order_within_person = 0


        for order, membership in enumerate(self.memberships):
            membership.order_within_agency = order