Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_side_by_side5(self):
     display_lines = [
         logging.red(' ' * (self.max_chars)) + '|' +
         logging.green(logging.green_diff('0 2')),
         '1 2' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 3) + '|1 2',
         '2 2' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 3) + '|2 2',
         '3 2' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 3) + '|3 2',
         logging.red(logging.red_diff('4 2') + ' ' *
                     (self.max_chars - 3)) + '|' + logging.green(''),
     self.snippet_call_test('1 2\n2 2\n3 2\n4 2', '0 2\n1 2\n2 2\n3 2',
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_side_by_side8(self):
     display_lines = [
             logging.red_diff('1') + ' 0 2' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 5)) +
         '|' + logging.green(logging.green_diff('2') + ' 0 2'),
         logging.red('1 ' + logging.red_diff('0') + ' 2' + ' ' *
                     (self.max_chars - 5)) + '|' +
         logging.green('1 ' + logging.green_diff('1') + ' 2'),
         logging.red('1 0 ' + logging.red_diff('2') + ' ' *
                     (self.max_chars - 5)) + '|' +
         logging.green('1 0 ' + logging.green_diff('3')),
     self.snippet_call_test('1 0 2\n1 0 2\n1 0 2', '2 0 2\n1 1 2\n1 0 3',
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: hamamu75/oj
def display_side_by_side_color(answer: str, expected: str):
    max_chars = shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] // 2 - 2

    log.emit("output:" + " " * (max_chars - 7) + "|" + "expected:")
    log.emit("-" * max_chars + "|" + "-" * max_chars)
    for _, diff_found, ans_line, exp_line, ans_chars, exp_chars in side_by_side_diff(answer, expected):
        if diff_found:
            log.emit(log.red(space_padding(ans_line, max_chars - ans_chars)) + "|" + log.green(exp_line))
            log.emit(space_padding(ans_line, max_chars - ans_chars) + "|" + exp_line)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_side_by_side4(self):
     display_lines = [
         'Alice' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 5) + '|Alice',
         logging.red('B' + logging.red_diff('0') + 'b' + ' ' *
                     (self.max_chars - 3)) + '|' +
         logging.green('B' + logging.green_diff('o') + 'b'),
         'Alice' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 5) + '|Alice',
     self.snippet_call_test('Alice\nB0b\nAlice', 'Alice\nBob\nAlice',
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_side_by_side2(self):
     display_lines = [
         '98 |Alice' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 9) + '|Alice',
         '99 |Bob' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 7) + '|Bob',
         '100|Alice' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 9) + '|Alice',
         '101|' +
         logging.red(logging.red_diff('Bob') + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 7)) +
         '|' + logging.green(logging.green_diff('John')),
         '102|' + logging.red(
             logging.red_diff('Alice') + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 9)) + '|' +
         '103|Bob' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 7) + '|Bob',
         '104|Alice' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 9) + '|Alice',
         '... (1 lines) ...',
     output = ('\n' * 97 +
                   '\n', os.linesep)
     expect = ('\n' * 97 +
                   '\n', os.linesep)
     self.snippet_call_test(output, expect, display_lines, 3)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_side_by_side1(self):
     display_lines = [
         '41|Alice' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 8) + '|Alice',
         '42|Bob' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 6) + '|Bob',
         '43|Alice' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 8) + '|Alice',
         '44|' +
         logging.red(logging.red_diff('Bob') + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 6)) +
         '|' + logging.green(logging.green_diff('John')),
         '45|' + logging.red(
             logging.red_diff('Alice') + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 8)) + '|' +
         '46|Bob' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 6) + '|Bob',
         '47|Alice' + ' ' * (self.max_chars - 8) + '|Alice',
         '... (1 lines) ...',
     output = ('\n' * 40 +
                   '\n', os.linesep)
     expect = ('\n' * 40 +
                   '\n', os.linesep)
     self.snippet_call_test(output, expect, display_lines, 2)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: hamamu75/oj
def compare_and_report(proc: subprocess.Popen, answer: str, memory: Optional[float], test_input_path: pathlib.Path, test_output_path: Optional[pathlib.Path], *, mle: Optional[float], mode: str, error: Optional[float], does_print_input: bool, silent: bool, rstrip: bool, judge: Optional[str]) -> str:
    rstrip_targets = ' \t\r\n\f\v\0'  # ruby's one, follow AnarchyGolf

    # prepare the comparing function
    if error is not None:  # float mode
        match = lambda a, b: compare_as_floats(a, b, error)
    elif judge is not None:  # special judge mode

        def match(a, b):
            # On Windows, a temp file is not created if we use "with" statement,
            user_output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
            judge_result = False
                if rstrip:

                arg0 = judge
                arg1 = str(test_input_path.resolve())
                arg2 = user_output.name
                arg3 = str((str(test_output_path.resolve()) if test_output_path is not None else ''))

                actual_command = '{} {} {} {}'.format(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)  # TODO: quote arguments for paths including spaces; see https://github.com/kmyk/online-judge-tools/pull/584
                log.status('$ %s', actual_command)
                info, proc = utils.exec_command(actual_command)
                if not silent:
                    log.emit('judge\'s output:\n%s', utils.make_pretty_large_file_content(info['answer'] or b'', limit=40, head=20, tail=10, bold=True))
                judge_result = (proc.returncode == 0)
            return judge_result

        def match(a, b):
            if a == b:
                return True
            if rstrip and a.rstrip(rstrip_targets) == b.rstrip(rstrip_targets):
                log.warning('WA if no rstrip')
                return True
            if a == b.replace('\n', '\r\n'):
                log.warning(r'WA if not replacing "\r\n" with "\n"')
                return True
            if rstrip and a.rstrip(rstrip_targets) == b.replace('\n', '\r\n').rstrip(rstrip_targets):
                log.warning('WA if no rstrip')
                log.warning(r'WA if not replacing "\r\n" with "\n"')
                return True
            if a.replace('\n', '\r\n') == b:
                log.warning(r'WA if not replacing "\n" with "\r\n"')
                return True
            if rstrip and a.replace('\n', '\r\n').rstrip(rstrip_targets) == b.rstrip(rstrip_targets):
                # TODO: use a smart way if you need more equality patterns
                log.warning('WA if no rstrip')
                log.warning(r'WA if not replacing "\n" with "\r\n"')
                return True
            return False

    # prepare the function to print the input
    is_input_printed = False

    def print_input():
        nonlocal is_input_printed
        if does_print_input and not is_input_printed:
            is_input_printed = True
            with test_input_path.open('rb') as inf:
                log.emit('input:\n%s', utils.make_pretty_large_file_content(inf.read(), limit=40, head=20, tail=10, bold=True))

    # check TLE, RE or not
    status = 'AC'
    if proc.returncode is None:
        status = 'TLE'
    elif memory is not None and mle is not None and memory > mle:
        status = 'MLE'
    elif proc.returncode != 0:
        log.failure(log.red('RE') + ': return code %d', proc.returncode)
        status = 'RE'

    # check WA or not
    if (test_output_path is not None) or (judge is not None):
        if test_output_path is not None:
            with test_output_path.open('rb') as outf:
                expected = outf.read().decode()
        else:  # only if --judge-command option
            expected = ''
            log.warning('expected output is not found')
        # compare
        if not match(answer, expected):
            if not silent:
                if mode == 'simple':
                    log.emit('output:\n%s', utils.make_pretty_large_file_content(answer.encode(), limit=40, head=20, tail=10, bold=True))
                    log.emit('expected:\n%s', utils.make_pretty_large_file_content(expected.encode(), limit=40, head=20, tail=10, bold=True))
                elif mode == 'side-by-side':
                    if max(answer.count('\n'), expected.count('\n')) <= 40:
                        display_side_by_side_color(answer, expected)
                        display_snipped_side_by_side_color(answer, expected)
                    assert False
            status = 'WA'
        if not silent:
            log.emit(('output:\n%s' if is_input_printed else '%s'), utils.make_pretty_large_file_content(answer.encode(), limit=40, head=20, tail=10, bold=True))
    if status == 'AC':

    return status
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: hamamu75/oj
def display_snipped_side_by_side_color(answer: str, expected: str):
    Display first differ line and its previous 3 lines and its next 3 lines.
    max_chars = shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] // 2 - 2
    deq = collections.deque(maxlen=7)  # type: Deque[Tuple[Optional[int], bool, str, str, int, int]]

    count_from_first_difference = 0
    i = 0
    for flag, diff_found, ans_line, exp_line, ans_chars, exp_chars in side_by_side_diff(answer, expected):
        if flag: i += 1
        if count_from_first_difference > 0:
            count_from_first_difference += 1
        line_num = i if flag else None
        deq.append((line_num, diff_found, ans_line, exp_line, ans_chars, exp_chars))
        if diff_found:
            if count_from_first_difference == 0:
                count_from_first_difference = 1
        if count_from_first_difference == 4:

    max_line_num_digits = max([len(str(entry[0])) for entry in deq if entry[0] is not None])

    log.emit(" " * max_line_num_digits + "|output:" + " " * (max_chars - 7 - max_line_num_digits - 1) + "|" + "expected:")
    log.emit("-" * max_chars + "|" + "-" * max_chars)

    last_line_number = 0
    for (line_number, diff_found, ans_line, exp_line, ans_chars, exp_chars) in deq:
        num_spaces_after_output = max_chars - ans_chars - max_line_num_digits - 1
        line_number_str = str(line_number) if line_number is not None else ""
        line_num_display = space_padding(line_number_str, max_line_num_digits - len(line_number_str)) + "|"
        if not diff_found:
            log.emit(line_num_display + space_padding(ans_line, num_spaces_after_output) + "|" + exp_line)
            log.emit(line_num_display + log.red(space_padding(ans_line, num_spaces_after_output)) + "|" + log.green(exp_line))
        if line_number is not None:
            last_line_number = line_number
    num_snipped_lines = answer.count('\n') + 1 - last_line_number
    if num_snipped_lines > 0:
        log.emit('... ({} lines) ...'.format(num_snipped_lines))
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: hamamu75/oj
def test(args: 'argparse.Namespace') -> None:
    # list tests
    if not args.test:
        args.test = fmtutils.glob_with_format(args.directory, args.format)  # by default
    if args.ignore_backup:
        args.test = fmtutils.drop_backup_or_hidden_files(args.test)
    tests = fmtutils.construct_relationship_of_files(args.test, args.directory, args.format)

    # check wheather GNU time is available
    if not check_gnu_time(args.gnu_time):
        log.warning('GNU time is not available: %s', args.gnu_time)
        args.gnu_time = None
    if args.mle is not None and args.gnu_time is None:
        raise RuntimeError('--mle is used but GNU time does not exist')

    # run tests
    history = []  # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]
    if args.jobs is None:
        for name, paths in sorted(tests.items()):
            history += [test_single_case(name, paths['in'], paths.get('out'), args=args)]
        if os.name == 'nt':
            log.warning("-j/--jobs opiton is unstable on Windows environmet")
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.jobs) as executor:
            lock = threading.Lock()
            futures = []  # type: List[concurrent.futures.Future]
            for name, paths in sorted(tests.items()):
                futures += [executor.submit(test_single_case, name, paths['in'], paths.get('out'), lock=lock, args=args)]
            for future in futures:
                history += [future.result()]

    # summarize
    slowest = -1.0  # type: float
    slowest_name = ''
    heaviest = -1.0  # type: float
    heaviest_name = ''
    ac_count = 0
    for result in history:
        if result['status'] == 'AC':
            ac_count += 1
        if slowest < result['elapsed']:
            slowest = result['elapsed']
            slowest_name = result['testcase']['name']
        if result['memory'] is not None and heaviest < result['memory']:
            heaviest = result['memory']
            heaviest_name = result['testcase']['name']

    # print the summary
    log.status('slowest: %f sec  (for %s)', slowest, slowest_name)
    if heaviest >= 0:
        if heaviest < MEMORY_WARNING:
            log.status('max memory: %f MB  (for %s)', heaviest, heaviest_name)
            log.warning('max memory: %f MB  (for %s)', heaviest, heaviest_name)
    if ac_count == len(tests):
        log.success('test ' + log.green('success') + ': %d cases', len(tests))
        log.failure('test ' + log.red('failed') + ': %d AC / %d cases', ac_count, len(tests))

    if args.json:

    if ac_count != len(tests):
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_side_by_side2(self):
         'kmy', 'kmv', (logging.red('km' + logging.red_diff('y') + ' ' *
                                    (self.max_chars - 3)) + '|' +
                        logging.green('km' + logging.green_diff('v')), ))