Exemplo n.º 1
def CreateOracleRequest(request, address):
    #check witness

    fee = Get(GetContext(), Fee)
    #transfer ong to oracle Admin address
    res = TransferONG(address, Admin, fee)

    #get transaction hash
    txHash = GetTransactionHash(GetScriptContainer())

    #update undoRequestMap
    undoRequestMap = GetUndoRequestMap()
    undoRequestMap[txHash] = request
    b = Serialize(undoRequestMap)
    Put(GetContext(), UndoRequestKey, b)
    Notify(["createOracleRequest", request, address])
    return True
Exemplo n.º 2
def init(operator, stateRoot, confirmHeight):
    inited = Get(GetContext(), INITED)
    if inited:
        Notify(["idiot admin, you have initialized the contract"])
        return False
        assert (len(operator) == 20)
        assert (CheckWitness(operator))
        assert (len(stateRoot) == 3)
        Put(GetContext(), INITED, 1)
        assert (confirmHeight > 0)
        Put(GetContext(), CONFRIM_HEIGHT, confirmHeight)
        Put(GetContext(), OPERATOR_ADDRESS, operator)
        Put(GetContext(), CURRENT_HEIGHT, stateRoot[1])
        stateRootInfo = Serialize(stateRoot)
        Put(GetContext(), concatKey(Current_STATE_PREFIX, stateRoot[1]),
        Notify(["Initialized contract successfully"])
    return True
Exemplo n.º 3
def reset(ont_id, account):
    bind account with ont id, only be invoked by the admin
    :param ont_id:
    :param account:

    assert is_address(account)
    assert CheckWitness(get_owner())

    bound_ont_id = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_ACCOUNT, account))
    assert bound_ont_id != ont_id

    Put(ctx, concat(KEY_ACCOUNT, account), ont_id)
    Put(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT_ID, ont_id), account)

    Notify(["reset", ont_id, account])

    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def _createWithdrawState(height, withdrawAmounts, toAddresses, assetAddresses):
    assert (len(withdrawAmounts) == len(toAddresses))
    length = len(withdrawAmounts)
    id = Get(GetContext(), CURRENT_WITHDRAW_ID)
    if not id:
        id = 1
    for i in range(length):
        assert (withdrawAmounts[i] > 0)
        assert (len(toAddresses[i]) == 20)
        withdrawStatus = [
            id, withdrawAmounts[i], toAddresses[i], height, 0,
        withdrawStatusInfo = Serialize(withdrawStatus)
        Put(GetContext(), concatKey(WITHDRAW_PREFIX, id), withdrawStatusInfo)
        WithdrawEvent(id, withdrawAmounts[i], toAddresses[i], height, 0,
        id = id + 1
    Put(GetContext(), CURRENT_WITHDRAW_ID, id)
    return True
def init():
    based on your requirements, initialize the tokens
    # Notify(["111_init"])
    if not Get(ctx, INITED) and CheckWitness(admin) == True:
        Put(ctx, INITED, 'TRUE')
        Put(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY, 0)
        tt = createMultiTokens()
        if tt == True:
            # adminBalance = Get(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, admin))
            # Put(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY, adminBalance)
            # Notify(["222_init", adminBalance])
            return True
        return False

    return False
Exemplo n.º 6
def sendReqToOracle(jsonIndex):
    call oracle to get format or info of Games, including the, diskId
    :param jsonIndex: Int

    req = getOracleReq(jsonIndex)

    txhash = GetTransactionHash(GetScriptContainer())
    if Get(GetContext(), concatKey(SENTREQHASH_FORMGAME_PREFIX, jsonIndex)):
        Put(GetContext(), concatKey(SENTREQHASH_SAVERES_PREFIX, jsonIndex),
        Put(GetContext(), concatKey(SENTREQHASH_FORMGAME_PREFIX, jsonIndex),
    res = OracleContract('CreateOracleRequest', [req, Operater])

    Notify(["sendReqToOracle", txhash])
    return True
Exemplo n.º 7
def bind(ont_id, account):
    bind ontID with address
    :param ont_id:
    :param account: ontid owner wallet address

    assert CheckWitness(account)

    bound_ont_id = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_ACCOUNT, account))
    if bound_ont_id == ont_id:
        raise Exception("account bind to the same ont id")

    Put(ctx, concat(KEY_ACCOUNT, account), ont_id)
    Put(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT_ID, ont_id), account)

    Notify(["bind", ont_id, account])

    return True
Exemplo n.º 8
def init():
    if Get(ctx, BETKEY):
        Notify(['Already initialized'])
        return False
        BETID = 1
        Put(ctx, BETKEY, BETID)
        Notify(['BETID inited'])

        aes_amount = 10000 * AES_FACTOR
        subtract_bank(token_owner, aes_amount)
        Put(ctx, AESKEY, aes_amount)
        Notify(['AES transferred to contract'])

        ong_amount = 1000 * ONG_FACTOR
        subtract_ong(token_owner, ong_amount)
        Put(ctx, ONGKEY, ong_amount)
        Notify(['ONG transferred to contract'])

        Notify(['Successfully inited'])
        return True
Exemplo n.º 9
def remove_list(element):
    ab_info = Get(ctx, ABKEY)
    if ab_info:
        ab = Deserialize(ab_info)
        Notify(['Active bet list is empty before remove'])
        return False

    # find the index of the element to remove
    index = binary_search(ab, element)

    ab_info = Serialize(ab)
    if ab_info:
        Put(ctx, ABKEY, ab_info)
        Notify(["remove_list", element])
        return True
        Delete(ctx, ABKEY)
        Notify(['Active bet list is empty after remove'])
        return False
Exemplo n.º 10
def init():
    initialize the contract, put some important info into the storage in the blockchain
    if len(OWNER) != 20:
        Notify(["Owner illegal!"])
        return False
    if Get(ctx,SUPPLY_KEY):
        Notify("Already initialized!")
        return False
        total = TOTAL_AMOUNT * FACTOR

        # Notify(["transfer", "", Base58ToAddress(OWNER), total])
        # ownerBase58 = AddressToBase58(OWNER)
        TransferEvent("", OWNER, total)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 11
def autoUnlock(account):
    now = GetTime()

    KEY_lockCount = concat(USER_LOCK_CNT_PREFIX, account)
    lockCount = Get(ctx, KEY_lockCount)

    if lockCount > 0:
        i = 0
        while i < lockCount:
            lockInfo = getLockState(account, i)
            deserializeUserLock = Deserialize(lockInfo)
            releaseTime = deserializeUserLock['releaseTime']

            if releaseTime <= now:
                if unlock(account, i):
                    i -= 1
                    lockCount -= 1
            i += 1

    return True
Exemplo n.º 12
def vote(bet, address, amount_staked, for_against):
    assert (CheckWitness(address))

    # check if active bet list is populated/exists
    assert (check_bet_status(bet) == 1)
    assert (user_exist(address))

    assert (for_against == False or for_against == True)

    if not get_voter_staked_amount(bet, address, for_against):
                      concatkey(address, concatkey(for_against, VOTE_PREFIX))),
        bet_voters = get_bet_voters(bet, for_against)
        Put(ctx, concatkey(bet, concatkey(for_against, BET_VOTERS_LIST)),
        versa_bet_voters = get_bet_voters(bet, 1 - for_against)
        assert (len(bet_voters) + len(versa_bet_voters) <= VOTES_PER_BET)
                      concatkey(address, concatkey(for_against, VOTE_PREFIX))),
            get_voter_staked_amount(bet, address, for_against) + amount_staked)

    bet_content_info = Get(
        ctx, concatkey(bet, concatkey(for_against, BET_CONTENT_PREFIX)))

    bet_content = Deserialize(bet_content_info)
    bet_content["reputation"] += get_user_repution(address)
    bet_content["count"] += 1
    bet_content["staked"] += amount_staked
    Put(ctx, concatkey(bet, concatkey(for_against, BET_CONTENT_PREFIX)),

    assert (deposit(address, amount_staked))
    Notify(["vote", bet, address, amount_staked, for_against])
    return True
Exemplo n.º 13
def SetOracleOutcome(txHash, data, status, errMessage):
    #check witness
    syncAddress = Get(GetContext(), SyncAddress)
    Require(len(syncAddress) == 20)

    #get undoRequest map
    undoRequestMap = GetUndoRequestMap()

    #TODO : check if key exist

    #put result into storage
    result = state(data, status, errMessage)
    r = Serialize(result)
    Put(GetContext(), txHash, r)

    #remove txHash from undoRequest map
    b = Serialize(undoRequestMap)
    Put(GetContext(), UndoRequestKey, b)
    Notify(["setOracleOutcome", txHash, status, errMessage])
    return True
Exemplo n.º 14
def subtract_bank(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    params = [byte_address]
    if RepContract('balanceOf', params) < amount:
        Notify(['Wallet balance too low'])
        return False

        from_acct = byte_address
        to_acct = contract_address

        supply = Get(ctx, SUPPKEY)
        supply += amount
        Put(ctx, SUPPKEY, supply)
        Notify(['Supply increased by', amount])

        params = [from_acct, to_acct, amount]
        return RepContract('transfer', params)
Exemplo n.º 15
def endGame(gameIdList):
    totalDiskProfitForDev = 0
    for gameId in gameIdList:
        # make sure placing bets stage is over
        Require(canPlaceBet(gameId) == False)
        # maker sure the game results have been saved
        diskResMapInfo = Get(GetContext(), concatKey(GAME_RES_PREFIX, gameId))
        diskResMap = Deserialize(diskResMapInfo)

        diskIdList = getDiskIdList(gameId)
        for diskId in diskIdList:
            # if the gameId-diskId game hasn't been settled yet.
            if getDiskStatus(diskId) == 0:
                diskRes = diskResMap[diskId]
                diskProfitForDev = _endDisk(diskId, diskRes)
                totalDiskProfitForDev = Add(totalDiskProfitForDev,
    # update the profit for dev
    return True
Exemplo n.º 16
def GetAllowance(t_owner, t_spender):
    Gets the amount of tokens that a spender is allowed to spend
    from the owners' account.

    :param t_owner: Owner of tokens
    :type t_owner: bytearray
    :param t_spender: Requestor of tokens
    :type t_spender: bytearray

    :return: Amount allowed to be spent by Requestor on behalf of owner
    :rtype: int


    context = GetContext()

    allowance_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

    amount = Get(context, allowance_key)

    return amount
Exemplo n.º 17
def init():
    initialize the contract, put some important info into the storage in the blockchain
    if len(OWNER) != 20:
        Notify(["Owner illegal!"])
        return False
    if len(CONTRACT_ADDRESS) != 20:
        Notify(["Owner illegal!"])
        return False
    if Get(ctx, SUPPLY_KEY):
        Notify("Already initialized!")
        return False
        total = TOTAL_AMOUNT * FACTOR
        Put(ctx, SUPPLY_KEY, total)
        Put(ctx, concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, CONTRACT_ADDRESS), total)

        TransferEvent("", CONTRACT_ADDRESS, total)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 18
def testSink(bl, u8, u16, u32, u64, b, bs, vbs, addr, hash1, str1):
    sinkHash = Get(GetContext(), "SINK")
    Notify(["sinkHash", sinkHash])
    buff = None
    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteBool", [bl, buff])
    Notify([1, buff])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteUint8", [u8, buff])
    Notify([2, buff])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteUint16", [u16, buff])
    Notify([3, buff, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF > 0])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteUint32", [u32, buff])
    Notify([4, buff])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteUint64", [u64, buff])
    Notify([5, buff, u64, 18446744073709551615])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteByte", [b, buff])
    Notify([6, buff])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteBytes", [bs, buff])
    Notify([7, buff])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteVarBytes", [vbs, buff])
    Notify([8, buff])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteBytes20", [addr, buff])
    Notify([9, buff])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteBytes32", [hash1, buff])
    Notify([10, buff])

    buff = DynamicAppCall(sinkHash, "WriteString", [str1, buff])
    Notify([11, buff])

    return buff
Exemplo n.º 19
def testSource(buff):
    sourceHash = Get(GetContext(), "SOURCE")
    Notify(["sourceHash", sourceHash])
    offset = 0
    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextBool", [buff, offset])
    Notify([1, res, False])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextUint8", [buff, res[1]])
    Notify([2, res, 255])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextUint16", [buff, res[1]])
    Notify([3, res, 65535])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextUint32", [buff, res[1]])
    Notify([4, res, 4294967295])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextUint64", [buff, res[1]])
    Notify([5, res, 10100])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextByte", [buff, res[1]])
    Notify([6, res, 200])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextBytes", [buff, res[1], 6])
    Notify([7, res, "hahaha"])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextVarBytes", [buff, res[1]])
    Notify([8, res, "heiheihei"])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextBytes20", [buff, res[1]])
    Notify([9, res])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextBytes32", [buff, res[1]])
    Notify([10, res])

    res = DynamicAppCall(sourceHash, "NextString", [buff, res[1]])
    Notify([11, res])

    return buff
Exemplo n.º 20
def view_wallet(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    # check if user list exists
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        Notify(['User list is empty'])
        return False

    # check if user has been created
    if address not in all_users:
        Notify(['User not yet created'])
        return False

    # if the above checks hold, we can check the user's wallet.
        params = [byte_address]
        return RepContract("balanceOf", params)
Exemplo n.º 21
def unbind(ont_id, account):
    unbind ont id with address
    :param ont_id:
    :param account: ont id owner wallet address

    assert CheckWitness(account)

    bound_ont_id = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_ACCOUNT, account))
    if not bound_ont_id:
        raise Exception("account not bind with any ont id")

    assert bound_ont_id == ont_id

    Delete(ctx, concat(KEY_ACCOUNT, account))
    Delete(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT_ID, ont_id))

    Notify(["unbind", ont_id, account])

    return True
Exemplo n.º 22
def transferFrom(spender, from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    spender spends amount of tokens on the behalf of from_acct, spender makes a transaction of amount of tokens
    from from_acct to to_acct
    :param spender:
    :param from_acct:
    :param to_acct:
    :param amount:
    assert (amount > 0)
    assert (not isPaused())
    assert (isAddress(from_acct) and isAddress(to_acct))
    assert (CheckWitness(spender))

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_KEY, from_acct)
    fromBalance = balanceOf(from_acct)
    assert (fromBalance >= amount)

    approveKey = concat(concat(APPROVE_KEY, from_acct), spender)
    approvedAmount = Get(ctx, approveKey)

    if amount > approvedAmount:
        return False
    elif amount == approvedAmount:
        Delete(ctx, approveKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, Sub(fromBalance, amount))
        Put(ctx, approveKey, Sub(approvedAmount, amount))
        Put(ctx, fromKey, Sub(fromBalance, amount))

    toBalance = balanceOf(to_acct)
    Put(ctx, concat(BALANCE_KEY, to_acct), Add(toBalance, amount))

    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 23
def RemoveToken(symbol, hash):

    :param symbol:token symbol, like "ONT", "ONG"
    :param hash: this token will be removed from the exchange.
    :return:True or False
    require(CheckWitness(Admin), "not admin")

    supportToken = Get(ctx, SUPPORTED_TOKEN)
    if not supportToken:
        return False

    tokenMap = Deserialize(supportToken)

    if tokenMap[symbol] != hash:
        return False

    Put(ctx, SUPPORTED_TOKEN, Serialize(tokenMap))
    Delete(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_SYMBOL_PREFIX, symbol))
    Delete(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_HASH_PREFIX, hash))

    return True
Exemplo n.º 24
def RemoveExchange(exchangeName, exchangeId):

    :param exchangeName:exchange name, like "Huobi"
    :param exchangeId:exchange Id
    :return:True or False, if success, the exchange can't invoke token proxy smart contract.
    require(CheckWitness(Admin), "not admin")

    registerExchange = Get(ctx, REGISTERED_EXCHANGE)
    if not registerExchange:
        return False

    exchangeMap = Deserialize(registerExchange)

    if exchangeMap[exchangeName] != exchangeId:
        return False

    Put(ctx, REGISTERED_EXCHANGE, Serialize(exchangeMap))
    Delete(ctx, concatKey(EXCHANGE_NAME_PREFIX, exchangeName))
    Delete(ctx, concatKey(EXCHANGE_ID_PREFIX, exchangeId))

    return True
Exemplo n.º 25
def saveGameResultByHand(gameId, diskIdList, diskResList):
    Require(canPlaceBet(gameId) == False)
    diskResMapInfo = Get(GetContext(), concatKey(GAME_RES_PREFIX, gameId))
    if not diskResMapInfo:
        # 401: "Operator Should Request Game Result First!"
        Notify(["Error", 401])
        return False
    diskResMap = Deserialize(diskResMapInfo)
    gameDiskIdList = getDiskIdList(gameId)
    diskIdLen = len(diskIdList)
    diskIdIndex = 0
    while diskIdIndex < diskIdLen:

        diskId = diskIdList[diskIdIndex]
        Require(_checkInList(diskId, gameDiskIdList))
        Require(getDiskStatus(diskId) == 0)
        # Require(diskResMap[diskId] == DefaultSide)
        diskResMap[diskId] = diskResList[diskIdIndex]
        diskIdIndex = diskIdIndex + 1
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(GAME_RES_PREFIX, gameId),
    Notify(["saveGameResultByHand", gameId, diskIdList, diskResList])
    return True
Exemplo n.º 26
def getPlayerDNAFromRange(Account, fromNum, toNum):
    get player's DNA list from fromNum to toNum
    toNum - fromNum must < 1000
    can only get 1000 at most once
    paramExample: [Account, fromNum, toNum]
    :param Account: player's account
    :param fromNum: int
    :param toNum: int
    :return: [DNA1, DNA2, DNA3]
    Require(Sub(toNum, fromNum) < 1000)
    DNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, Account))
    if DNAlist:
        DNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)
        raise Exception("NO DNA")
    Require(Sub(toNum, fromNum) < len(DNAlist))

    tmpList = []
    while fromNum <= toNum:
        tmpList.append(DNAlist[Sub(fromNum, 1)])
        fromNum += 1
    return tmpList
def lock(fee, to_chain_id, address, amount):
    lock some amount of tokens of this contract, call cross chain method to release to_amount of tokens of another chain's contract
    :param fee: miner fee of this cross chain tx
    :param to_chain_id: chain id of destination chain
    :param address: address of caller
    :param to_amount: amount to lock
    if len(address) != 20:
        raise Exception("address length error")
    if CheckWitness(address) == False:
        raise Exception("address checkwitness failed.")

    # transfer asset
    res = transfer(address, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, amount)
    if not res:
        raise Exception("transfer failed.")

    # call cross chain contract
    input_map = {"address": address, "amount": amount}
    input_bytes = Serialize(input_map)
    destination_contract = Get(ctx, DESTINATION_CONTRACT)

    if destination_contract:
        param = state(fee, address, to_chain_id, destination_contract,
                      "unlock", input_bytes)
        res = Invoke(0, CROSS_CHAIN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, "createCrossChainTx",
        if not res:
            raise Exception("call cross chain contract failed.")
        raise Exception("destination contract can not be empty")

    LockEvent(fee, to_chain_id, destination_contract, address, amount)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 28
def transferFrom(spender, from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    spender spends amount of tokens on the behalf of from_acct, spender makes a transaction of amount of tokens
    from from_acct to to_acct
    :param spender:
    :param from_acct:
    :param to_acct:
    :param amount:
    if len(spender) != 20 or len(from_acct) != 20 or len(to_acct) != 20:
        raise Exception("Address length error")
    if CheckWitness(spender) == False:
        return False

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False

    approveKey = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, from_acct), spender)
    approvedAmount = Get(ctx, approveKey)
    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    if amount > approvedAmount:
        return False
    elif amount == approvedAmount:
        Delete(ctx, approveKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)
        Put(ctx, approveKey, approvedAmount - amount)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)
        VaasAssert(approvedAmount > Get(ctx, approveKey))

    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)
    VaasAssert(toBalance < Get(ctx, toKey))
    VaasAssert(fromBalance > Get(ctx, fromKey))
    #TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
def getRecord(key):
    return Get(GetContext(), key)
Exemplo n.º 30
def getFeeCollector():
    return Get(GetContext(), FEE_COLLECTOR_KEY)