Exemplo n.º 1
def _loadDiscussion(menuitem):
    reg = menuitem.data
    if reg:
        name = reg.name()
        return """
Create an instance of the material &property;
<classname>%s</classname>.  This command is only used in data files.
Data files containing &properties; are created by the <link
and <link
commands in the <xref linkend='MenuItem-OOF.File.Save'/> menu.
</para> <para> The <varname>name</varname> argument should be set to
the name of a named &property; or to an empty string
(<userinput>''</userinput>) when setting parameters in an unnamed
See <xref linkend="Property-%s"/> for a complete description of the
parameters for this &property;.
                """ % (reg.name(), reg.name().replace(':', '-'))

        return intro + xmlmenudump.getDiscussion(reg)

    # No discussion section for intermediate nodes in the Property
    # tree, except for the root.
    if reg.path() == 'OOF.LoadData.Property':
        return """<para>

        The <command>OOF.LoadData.Property</command> menu contains an
        entry for each <emphasis>unnamed</emphasis> &property;.  The
        menu hierarchy echoes the hierarchical arrangement of the
        &properties; themselves.  The commands are used only in data
        files, where each command sets the parameters of a &property;.
        Unlike the <xref linkend='MenuItem-OOF.Property.Parametrize'/>
        menu, which is also based on the &property; hierarchy, the
        <command>OOF.LoadData.Property</command> menu does not include
        named properties.  Instead, each command has a
        <varname>name</varname> argument, which is set to an empty
        string (<userinput>''</userinput>) when assigning parameters
        to unnamed &properties;.</para>"""

    return ""
Exemplo n.º 2
def _loadDiscussion(menuitem):
    reg = menuitem.data
    if reg:
        name = reg.name()
        return  """
Create an instance of the material &property;
<classname>%s</classname>.  This command is only used in data files.
Data files containing &properties; are created by the <link
and <link
commands in the <xref linkend='MenuItem-OOF.File.Save'/> menu.
</para> <para> The <varname>name</varname> argument should be set to
the name of a named &property; or to an empty string
(<userinput>''</userinput>) when setting parameters in an unnamed
See <xref linkend="Property-%s"/> for a complete description of the
parameters for this &property;.
                """ % (reg.name(), reg.name().replace(':','-'))

        return intro + xmlmenudump.getDiscussion(reg)

    # No discussion section for intermediate nodes in the Property
    # tree, except for the root.
    if reg.path() == 'OOF.LoadData.Property':
        return """<para>

        The <command>OOF.LoadData.Property</command> menu contains an
        entry for each <emphasis>unnamed</emphasis> &property;.  The
        menu hierarchy echoes the hierarchical arrangement of the
        &properties; themselves.  The commands are used only in data
        files, where each command sets the parameters of a &property;.
        Unlike the <xref linkend='MenuItem-OOF.Property.Parametrize'/>
        menu, which is also based on the &property; hierarchy, the
        <command>OOF.LoadData.Property</command> menu does not include
        named properties.  Instead, each command has a
        <varname>name</varname> argument, which is set to an empty
        string (<userinput>''</userinput>) when assigning parameters
        to unnamed &properties;.</para>"""

    return ""
Exemplo n.º 3
def xmldocs(phile):
    # Called by xmldump in problem.py.

    # First, do some bookkeeping
    ptypedict = {}  # lists of Properties of each PropertyType.
    propdict = {}  # lists of Properties for each equation, field, or flux
    for reg in AllProperties.data.getObjects():
        if reg.secret():
        ptype = reg.propertyType()
        except KeyError:
            ptypedict[ptype] = [reg]
        # propdict is returned to problem.xmldump so that equations
        # and fluxes can list their relevant properties.
        for eqn in reg.equations():
            except KeyError:
                propdict[eqn] = [reg]
        for flux in reg.fluxes():
            except KeyError:
                propdict[flux] = [reg]
        for field in reg.fields():
            except KeyError:
                propdict[field] = [reg]

    print >> phile, "<section id='Section-Properties'>"
    print >> phile, "<title>Material Properties</title>"
    print >> phile, """
This is a listing of &properties; by category.  Each &material; may
have at most one &property; from each category.  Follow the links for
more detail about each &property;, including which &fields; it
requires and which &fluxes; and/or &equations; it contributes to.
    print >> phile, "<itemizedlist>"
    ptypes = ptypedict.keys()
    for ptype in ptypes:
        print >> phile, '<listitem id="PropertyType-%s">' % ptype
        print >> phile, '<para>', ptype
        print >> phile, '<itemizedlist>'
        for reg in ptypedict[ptype]:
            print >> phile, '<listitem><simpara><link linkend="Property-%s">%s</link></simpara></listitem>' % (
                reg.name().replace(':', '-'), reg.name())
        print >> phile, '</itemizedlist>'
        print >> phile, '</para>'
        print >> phile, '</listitem>'
    print >> phile, '</itemizedlist>'

    # Create a refentry page for each Property
    for reg in AllProperties.data.getObjects():
        if reg.secret():
        name = reg.name()
        idname = name.replace(':', '-')
        ptype = reg.propertyType()
        xmlmenudump.xmlIndexEntry(name, ptype + " Property",
                                  "Property-" + idname)
        print >> phile, '<refentry xreflabel="%s" id="Property-%s" role="Property">' \
            % (name, idname)
        print >> phile, '<refnamediv>'
        print >> phile, '<refname>%s</refname>' % name
        if reg.tip is not parameter.emptyTipString:
            tip = reg.tip or "MISSING PROPERTY TIP STRING for %s" % name
            tip = ""
        print >> phile, '<refpurpose>%s</refpurpose>' % tip
        print >> phile, '</refnamediv>'
        print >> phile, '<refsect1>'
        print >> phile, '<title>Details</title>'
        print >> phile, '<itemizedlist>'
        # Category
        print >> phile, '<listitem><simpara>'
        print >> phile, 'Property Category: <link linkend="PropertyType-%(t)s">%(t)s</link>' % dict(
        print >> phile, '</simpara></listitem>'
        # Parameters
        print >> phile, '<listitem>'
        print >> phile, '<para>Parameters:'
        print >> phile, '<variablelist>'
        for param in reg.params:
            print >> phile, '<varlistentry>'
            print >> phile, '<term><varname>%s</varname></term>' % param.name
            print >> phile, '<listitem>'
            if param.tip is not parameter.emptyTipString:
                tip = param.tip or "MISSING PROPERTY PARAMETER TIP for %s" % name
                tip = ""
            print >> phile, '<simpara>%s <emphasis>Type</emphasis>: %s </simpara>'\
                % (tip, param.valueDesc())
            print >> phile, '</listitem>'
            print >> phile, '</varlistentry>'
        print >> phile, '</variablelist>'
        print >> phile, '</para></listitem> <!-- Parameters -->'

        for classname, plural, objlist in [('Field', 'Fields', reg.fields()),
                                           ('Flux', 'Fluxes', reg.fluxes()),
                                           ('Equation', 'Equations',
            if objlist:
                print >> phile, '<listitem><simpara>'
                text = [
                    "<link linkend='%s-%s'><varname>%s</varname></link>" %
                    (classname, obj.name(), obj.name()) for obj in objlist
                print >> phile, "%s: %s" % (plural, ", ".join(text))
                print >> phile, '</simpara></listitem>'

        print >> phile, '</itemizedlist>'
        print >> phile, '</refsect1> <!-- Details -->'

        print >> phile, '<refsect1>'
        print >> phile, '<title>Discussion</title>'
            print >> phile, xmlmenudump.getDiscussion(reg)
        except AttributeError:
            print >> phile, "<para>MISSING PROPERTY DISCUSSION: %s</para>" % name
        print >> phile, '</refsect1> <!-- Discussion -->'
        print >> phile, '</refentry>'

    print >> phile, "</section> <!-- Properties -->"

    return propdict
Exemplo n.º 4
def outputDump(file):
    scalars = output.scalarOutputs.getObjects()
    positions = output.positionOutputs.getObjects()
    aggregates = output.aggregateOutputs.getObjects()
    allOutputs = scalars + positions + aggregates
    # # allOutputs contains duplicates...
    # allOutputs.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getPath(), y.getPath()))
    xmlids = {}
    _catalogPaths(scalars, xmlids, 'Output-Scalar-')
    _catalogPaths(positions, xmlids, 'Output-Position-')
    _catalogPaths(aggregates, xmlids, 'Output-Aggregates-')

    print >> file, "<section id='Section-Output'>"
    print >> file, " <title>Outputs</title>"
    print >> file, "<!--this section produced by SRC/engine/IO/xmloutputs.py-->"
    print >> file, """
     The <classname>Output</classname> classes provide ways of
     extracting data from <link
     linkend='Section-Concepts-Mesh'>Meshes</link>.  Different kinds
     of <classname>Outputs</classname> produce different kinds of
     data.  <link
     plots</link>, for example, display the results of a <link
     linkend='Section-Output-Scalar'>Scalar Output</link> at
     locations determined by a <link
     linkend='Section-Output-Position'>Position Output</link>.
      <classname>Outputs</classname> are used for graphical output by
      some <xref linkend="RegisteredClass-DisplayMethod"/> classes,
      for post-processing on the <link
      linkend="Section-Tasks-Analysis">Analysis</link> and <link
      linkend="Section-Tasks-BdyAnalysis">Boundary Analysis</link> pages,
      and as data for
      <link linkend="MenuItem-OOF.Mesh.Scheduled_Output">scheduled
     The three categories of outputs are
      <listitem><para id='Section-Output-Scalar'>
       These are Outputs whose result is a single number at each evaluation
       point.  They are used as the <varname>what</varname> argument
       in the contour plotting commands, for example.
       <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>
    paths = [(o.getPath(), o) for o in scalars]
    for path, o in paths:
        xmlmenudump.xmlIndexEntry(path, "Scalar Output", xmlids[o])
        print >> file, " <listitem><simpara><link linkend='%s'>" % xmlids[o]
        print >> file, "  <classname>%s</classname>" % path
        print >> file, " </link></simpara></listitem>"
    print >> file, """
      <listitem><para id='Section-Output-Position'>
       These are Outputs whose result is a position.  They are used as the
       <varname>where</varname> argument in plotting commands.
        <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>"""
    paths = [(o.getPath(), o) for o in positions]
    for path, o in paths:
        xmlmenudump.xmlIndexEntry(path, "Position Output", xmlids[o])
        print >> file, " <listitem><simpara><link linkend='%s'>" % xmlids[o]
        print >> file, "  <classname>%s</classname>" % path
        print >> file, " </link></simpara></listitem>"
    print >> file, """
      <listitem><para id='Section-Output-Aggregate'>

       These are Outputs whose result is a (possibly) multidimensional
       object, such as a &field; or &flux;.
       They are used when interactively querying &mesh; data with the
       Viewer</link>.  Many of the <link
       are also <classname>AggregateOutputs</classname>.
       <itemizedlist spacing='compact'> """
    paths = [(o.getPath(), o) for o in aggregates]
    for path, o in paths:
        xmlmenudump.xmlIndexEntry(path, "Aggregate Output", xmlids[o])
        print >> file, "<listitem><simpara><link linkend='%s'>" % xmlids[o]
        print >> file, " <classname>%s</classname>" % path
        print >> file, " </link></simpara></listitem>"
    print >> file, """


    # for i in range(len(allOutputs)):
    #     if i==0 or (allOutputs[i] is not allOutputs[i-1]):
    #         o = allOutputs[i]
    for o, xmlid in xmlids.items():
        path = o.getPath()
        # xmlid = xmlids[path]
        print >> file, "<refentry id='%s' role='Output'>" % xmlid
        print >> file, " <refnamediv>"
        print >> file, "  <refname>%s</refname>" % path
            print >> file, " <refpurpose>%s</refpurpose>" % xmlmenudump.getHelp(
        except AttributeError:
            print >> file, " <refpurpose>MISSING TIP STRING: %s</refpurpose>" % xmlid
        print >> file, " </refnamediv>"
        print >> file, " <refsynopsisdiv>"
        print >> file, "  <title>Output Categories</title>"
        print >> file, "  <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>"
        if o in scalars:
            print >> file, "<listitem><simpara><link linkend='Section-Output-Scalar'><classname>ScalarOutput</classname></link></simpara></listitem>"
        if o in positions:
            print >> file, "<listitem><simpara><link linkend='Section-Output-Position'><classname>PositionOutput</classname></link></simpara></listitem>"
        if o in aggregates:
            print >> file, "<listitem><simpara><link linkend='Section-Output-Aggregate'><classname>AggregateOutput</classname></link></simpara></listitem>"
        print >> file, "  </itemizedlist>"
        print >> file, " </refsynopsisdiv>"
        params = o.getSettableParams().values()
        if params:
            print >> file, " <refsect1>"
            print >> file, "  <title>Parameters</title>"
            print >> file, "  <variablelist>"
            for param in params:
                print >> file, "   <varlistentry>"
                print >> file, "    <term><varname>%s</varname></term>" \
                      % param.name
                print >> file, "    <listitem>"
                    tip = xmlmenudump.getHelp(param)
                except AttributeError:
                    tip = "MISSING TIP STRING: %s" % param.name
                print >> file, "     <simpara>%s <emphasis>Type</emphasis>: %s</simpara>" \
                      % (tip, param.valueDesc())
                print >> file, "     </listitem>"
                print >> file, "   </varlistentry>"
            print >> file, "  </variablelist>"
            print >> file, " </refsect1>"
        print >> file, " <refsect1>"
        print >> file, "  <title>Description</title>"
            print >> file, xmlmenudump.getDiscussion(o)
        except AttributeError:
            print >> file, \
                  "<simpara>MISSING DISCUSSION: Output %s</simpara>" % path
        print >> file, " </refsect1>"

        print >> file, "</refentry>"

    print >> file, "</section>"  # End of Outputs
Exemplo n.º 5
def xmldocs(phile):
    # Called by xmldump in problem.py.

    # First, do some bookkeeping 
    ptypedict = {}  # lists of Properties of each PropertyType.
    propdict = {}   # lists of Properties for each equation, field, or flux
    for reg in AllProperties.data.getObjects():
        if reg.secret():
        ptype = reg.propertyType()
        except KeyError:
            ptypedict[ptype] = [reg]
        # propdict is returned to problem.xmldump so that equations
        # and fluxes can list their relevant properties.
        for eqn in reg.equations():
            except KeyError:
                propdict[eqn] = [reg]
        for flux in reg.fluxes():
            except KeyError:
                propdict[flux] = [reg]
        for field in reg.fields():
            except KeyError:
                propdict[field] = [reg]

    print >> phile, "<section id='Section-Properties'>"
    print >> phile, "<title>Material Properties</title>"
    print >> phile, """
This is a listing of &properties; by category.  Each &material; may
have at most one &property; from each category.  Follow the links for
more detail about each &property;, including which &fields; it
requires and which &fluxes; and/or &equations; it contributes to.
    print >> phile, "<itemizedlist>"
    ptypes = ptypedict.keys()
    for ptype in ptypes:
        print >> phile, '<listitem id="PropertyType-%s">' % ptype
        print >> phile, '<para>', ptype
        print >> phile, '<itemizedlist>'
        for reg in ptypedict[ptype]:
            print >> phile, '<listitem><simpara><link linkend="Property-%s">%s</link></simpara></listitem>' % (reg.name().replace(':', '-'), reg.name())
        print >> phile, '</itemizedlist>'
        print >> phile, '</para>'
        print >> phile, '</listitem>'
    print >> phile, '</itemizedlist>'

    # Create a refentry page for each Property
    for reg in AllProperties.data.getObjects():
        if reg.secret():
        name = reg.name()
        idname = name.replace(':', '-')
        ptype = reg.propertyType()
        xmlmenudump.xmlIndexEntry(name, ptype+" Property", "Property-"+idname)
        print >> phile, '<refentry xreflabel="%s" id="Property-%s" role="Property">' \
            % (name, idname)
        print >> phile, '<refnamediv>'
        print >> phile, '<refname>%s</refname>' % name
        if reg.tip is not parameter.emptyTipString:
            tip = reg.tip or "MISSING PROPERTY TIP STRING for %s" % name
            tip = ""
        print >> phile, '<refpurpose>%s</refpurpose>' % tip
        print >> phile, '</refnamediv>'
        print >> phile, '<refsect1>'
        print >> phile, '<title>Details</title>'
        print >> phile, '<itemizedlist>'
        # Category
        print >> phile, '<listitem><simpara>'
        print >> phile, 'Property Category: <link linkend="PropertyType-%(t)s">%(t)s</link>' % dict(t=ptype)
        print >> phile, '</simpara></listitem>'
        # Parameters
        print >> phile, '<listitem>'
        print >> phile, '<para>Parameters:'
        print >> phile, '<variablelist>'
        for param in reg.params:
            print >> phile, '<varlistentry>'
            print >> phile, '<term><varname>%s</varname></term>' % param.name
            print >> phile, '<listitem>'
            if param.tip is not parameter.emptyTipString:
                tip = param.tip or "MISSING PROPERTY PARAMETER TIP for %s"%name
                tip = ""
            print >> phile, '<simpara>%s <emphasis>Type</emphasis>: %s </simpara>'\
                % (tip, param.valueDesc())
            print >> phile, '</listitem>'
            print >> phile, '</varlistentry>'
        print >> phile, '</variablelist>'
        print >> phile, '</para></listitem> <!-- Parameters -->'

        for classname, plural, objlist in [('Field', 'Fields', reg.fields()),
                                 ('Flux', 'Fluxes', reg.fluxes()),
                                 ('Equation', 'Equations', reg.equations())]:
            if objlist:
                print >> phile, '<listitem><simpara>'
                text = ["<link linkend='%s-%s'><varname>%s</varname></link>"
                        % (classname, obj.name(), obj.name())
                        for obj in objlist]
                print >> phile, "%s: %s" % (plural, ", ".join(text))
                print >> phile, '</simpara></listitem>'

        print >> phile, '</itemizedlist>'
        print >> phile, '</refsect1> <!-- Details -->'

        print >> phile, '<refsect1>'
        print >> phile, '<title>Discussion</title>'
            print >> phile, xmlmenudump.getDiscussion(reg)
        except AttributeError:
            print >> phile, "<para>MISSING PROPERTY DISCUSSION: %s</para>" % name
        print >> phile, '</refsect1> <!-- Discussion -->'
        print >> phile, '</refentry>'

    print >> phile, "</section> <!-- Properties -->"

    return propdict
Exemplo n.º 6
def outputDump(file):
    scalars = output.scalarOutputs.getObjects()
    positions = output.positionOutputs.getObjects()
    aggregates = output.aggregateOutputs.getObjects()
    allOutputs = scalars + positions + aggregates
    # # allOutputs contains duplicates...
    # allOutputs.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getPath(), y.getPath()))
    xmlids = {}
    _catalogPaths(scalars, xmlids, 'Output-Scalar-')
    _catalogPaths(positions, xmlids, 'Output-Position-')
    _catalogPaths(aggregates, xmlids, 'Output-Aggregates-')

    print >> file, "<section id='Section-Output'>"
    print >> file, " <title>Outputs</title>"
    print >> file, "<!--this section produced by SRC/engine/IO/xmloutputs.py-->"
    print >> file, """
     The <classname>Output</classname> classes provide ways of
     extracting data from <link
     linkend='Section-Concepts-Mesh'>Meshes</link>.  Different kinds
     of <classname>Outputs</classname> produce different kinds of
     data.  <link
     plots</link>, for example, display the results of a <link
     linkend='Section-Output-Scalar'>Scalar Output</link> at
     locations determined by a <link
     linkend='Section-Output-Position'>Position Output</link>.
      <classname>Outputs</classname> are used for graphical output by
      some <xref linkend="RegisteredClass-DisplayMethod"/> classes,
      for post-processing on the <link
      linkend="Section-Tasks-Analysis">Analysis</link> and <link
      linkend="Section-Tasks-BdyAnalysis">Boundary Analysis</link> pages,
      and as data for
      <link linkend="MenuItem-OOF.Mesh.Scheduled_Output">scheduled
     The three categories of outputs are
      <listitem><para id='Section-Output-Scalar'>
       These are Outputs whose result is a single number at each evaluation
       point.  They are used as the <varname>what</varname> argument
       in the contour plotting commands, for example.
       <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>
    paths = [(o.getPath(),o) for o in scalars]
    for path,o in paths:
        xmlmenudump.xmlIndexEntry(path, "Scalar Output", xmlids[o])
        print >> file, " <listitem><simpara><link linkend='%s'>" % xmlids[o]
        print >> file, "  <classname>%s</classname>" % path
        print >> file, " </link></simpara></listitem>"
    print >> file, """
      <listitem><para id='Section-Output-Position'>
       These are Outputs whose result is a position.  They are used as the
       <varname>where</varname> argument in plotting commands.
        <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>"""
    paths = [(o.getPath(),o) for o in positions]
    for path,o in paths:
        xmlmenudump.xmlIndexEntry(path, "Position Output", xmlids[o])
        print >> file, " <listitem><simpara><link linkend='%s'>" % xmlids[o]
        print >> file, "  <classname>%s</classname>" % path
        print >> file, " </link></simpara></listitem>"
    print >> file, """
      <listitem><para id='Section-Output-Aggregate'>

       These are Outputs whose result is a (possibly) multidimensional
       object, such as a &field; or &flux;.
       They are used when interactively querying &mesh; data with the
       Viewer</link>.  Many of the <link
       are also <classname>AggregateOutputs</classname>.
       <itemizedlist spacing='compact'> """
    paths = [(o.getPath(),o) for o in aggregates]
    for path,o in paths:
        xmlmenudump.xmlIndexEntry(path, "Aggregate Output", xmlids[o])
        print >> file, "<listitem><simpara><link linkend='%s'>" % xmlids[o]
        print >> file, " <classname>%s</classname>" % path
        print >> file, " </link></simpara></listitem>"
    print >> file, """


    # for i in range(len(allOutputs)):
    #     if i==0 or (allOutputs[i] is not allOutputs[i-1]):
    #         o = allOutputs[i]
    for o,xmlid in xmlids.items():
            path = o.getPath()
            # xmlid = xmlids[path]
            print >> file, "<refentry id='%s' role='Output'>" % xmlid
            print >> file, " <refnamediv>"
            print >> file, "  <refname>%s</refname>" % path
                print >> file, " <refpurpose>%s</refpurpose>" % xmlmenudump.getHelp(o)
            except AttributeError:
                print >> file, " <refpurpose>MISSING TIP STRING: %s</refpurpose>" % xmlid
            print >> file, " </refnamediv>"
            print >> file, " <refsynopsisdiv>"
            print >> file, "  <title>Output Categories</title>"
            print >> file, "  <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>"
            if o in scalars:
                print >> file, "<listitem><simpara><link linkend='Section-Output-Scalar'><classname>ScalarOutput</classname></link></simpara></listitem>"
            if o in positions:
                print >> file, "<listitem><simpara><link linkend='Section-Output-Position'><classname>PositionOutput</classname></link></simpara></listitem>"
            if o in aggregates:
                print >> file, "<listitem><simpara><link linkend='Section-Output-Aggregate'><classname>AggregateOutput</classname></link></simpara></listitem>"
            print >> file, "  </itemizedlist>"
            print >> file, " </refsynopsisdiv>"
            params = o.getSettableParams().values()
            if params:
                print >> file, " <refsect1>"
                print >> file, "  <title>Parameters</title>"
                print >> file, "  <variablelist>"
                for param in params:
                    print >> file, "   <varlistentry>"
                    print >> file, "    <term><varname>%s</varname></term>" \
                          % param.name
                    print >> file, "    <listitem>"
                        tip = xmlmenudump.getHelp(param)
                    except AttributeError:
                        tip = "MISSING TIP STRING: %s" % param.name
                    print >> file, "     <simpara>%s <emphasis>Type</emphasis>: %s</simpara>" \
                          % (tip, param.valueDesc())
                    print >> file, "     </listitem>"
                    print >> file, "   </varlistentry>"
                print >> file, "  </variablelist>"
                print >> file, " </refsect1>"
            print >> file, " <refsect1>"
            print >> file, "  <title>Description</title>"
                print >> file, xmlmenudump.getDiscussion(o)
            except AttributeError:
                print >> file, \
                      "<simpara>MISSING DISCUSSION: Output %s</simpara>" % path
            print >> file, " </refsect1>"
            print >> file, "</refentry>"
    print >> file, "</section>"         # End of Outputs