Exemplo n.º 1
    def update_node_positions(self, skeleton, mesh):
        ## mesh is a Mesh Who object
        femesh = mesh.getObject()
        displacement = field.getField('Displacement')
        # TODO OPT: this should probably be moved to C
        for i in range(skeleton.nnodes()):
            node = skeleton.getNode(i)
            #Interface branch
            ##            realnode = femesh.getNode(node.meshindex)
            skelel = node.getElement(0)
            realel = femesh.getElement(skelel.getIndex())
            realnode = realel.getCornerNode(skelel.getNodeIndexIntoList(node))

            dx = displacement.value(femesh, realnode, 0)
            dy = displacement.value(femesh, realnode, 1)
            if config.dimension() == 2:
                skeleton.moveNodeBy(node, primitives.Point(dx, dy))
            elif config.dimension() == 3:
                dz = displacement.value(femesh, realnode, 2)
                skeleton.moveNodeBy(node, (dx, dy, dz))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update_node_positions(self, skeleton, mesh):
        ## mesh is a Mesh Who object
        femesh = mesh.getObject()
        displacement = field.getField('Displacement')
        for node in skeleton.nodes:

            #Interface branch
##            realnode = femesh.getNode(node.meshindex)
            #TODO: Do we have to update all the realmesh nodes
            #that correspond to node?
            skelel = node.neighborElements()[0]
            realel = femesh.getElement(skelel.meshindex)
            realnode = realel.getCornerNode(skelel.getNodeIndexIntoList(node))

            dx = displacement.value(femesh, realnode, 0)
            dy = displacement.value(femesh, realnode, 1)
            if config.dimension() == 2:
                skeleton.moveNodeBy(node, primitives.Point(dx, dy))
            elif config.dimension() == 3:
                dz = displacement.value(femesh, realnode, 2)
                skeleton.moveNodeBy(node, primitives.Point(dx, dy, dz))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def update_node_positions(self, skeleton, mesh):
        ## mesh is a Mesh Who object
        femesh = mesh.getObject()
        displacement = field.getField('Displacement')
        for node in skeleton.nodes:

            #Interface branch
##            realnode = femesh.getNode(node.meshindex)
            #TODO: Do we have to update all the realmesh nodes
            #that correspond to node?
            skelel = node.neighborElements()[0]
            realel = femesh.getElement(skelel.meshindex)
            realnode = realel.getCornerNode(skelel.getNodeIndexIntoList(node))

            dx = displacement.value(femesh, realnode, 0)
            dy = displacement.value(femesh, realnode, 1)
            if config.dimension() == 2:
                skeleton.moveNodeBy(node, primitives.Point(dx, dy))
            elif config.dimension() == 3:
                dz = displacement.value(femesh, realnode, 2)
                skeleton.moveNodeBy(node, primitives.Point(dx, dy, dz))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def make_linear_system(self, time, linsys):
        # Construct a LinearizedSystem object containing the
        # globally-indexed K, C, and M matrices, and the rhs vectors,
        # and the maps that extract submatrices and subvectors.

        # The linsys argument is either a LinearizedSystem object
        # previously created by this SubProblemContext, or None.  If
        # it's not None, it will be updated and reused.

        mesh    = self.getParent()
        femesh  = mesh.getObject()
        subpobj = self.getObject()

        # Ask every *other* subproblem to interpolate its DoFs to the
        # given time.  Our boundary conditions and/or material
        # properties may depend on them.
        for subproblem in mesh.subproblems():
            if (subproblem is not self and subproblem.installedTime != time):
                vals = subproblem.interpolateValues(time)
                # This requires that the LinearizedSystem for the
                # other subproblem has already been computed.
                # However, it's never needed on the first call to
                # make_linear_system, so that's ok.
                subproblem.set_mesh_dofs(vals, time)

        ## TODO OPT: Be more sophisticated here. Instead of
        ## recomputing everything, only recompute the matrices and
        ## vectors that may have changed.

        ## TODO OPT: Recompute if nonlinear *and* relevant fields
        ## have changed, not just if nonlinear.  Need field-specific
        ## timestamps in the Mesh? 


        # Figure out which parts of the calculation have to be redone.
        # If always is set, all steps of the calculation will be
        # peformed, even if they're otherwise unnecessary.  This can
        # be useful when debugging.

        # 'always' can be set with the command line option 
        ##     --command "always=True".
        always = False   
            always = utils.OOFeval('always')
        except NameError:

        # If Properties depend nonlinearly on Fields, and if those
        # Fields have changed, the matrices need to be recomputed.
        # The relevant Fields are *all* the Fields defined in the
        # SubProblem's Elements, whether or not those Fields are
        # active in *this* SubProblem.
        flds = self.getParent().all_active_subproblem_fields()

        if linsys is not None:
            linsysComputed = linsys.computed
            linsysComputed = timestamp.timeZero

        newDefinition = self.defnChanged > linsysComputed or always
        newFieldValues = (max(self.fieldsInstalled, mesh.fieldsInitialized)
                          > linsysComputed) or always
        newTime = linsys is None or linsys.time() != time or always
        newBdys = (mesh.boundariesChanged > linsysComputed
                   or (newTime and self.timeDependentBCs())
                   ## TODO: Check for field dependent boundary conditions
                   # or (newFieldValues and self.fieldDependentBCs(flds))
                   or always)

        newLinSys = (linsys is None) or newDefinition

        newMaterials = mesh.materialsChanged > linsysComputed or always
        rebuildMatrices = (
            newLinSys or newMaterials
            or (self.nonlinear(flds) and (newBdys or newFieldValues))
            or (newFieldValues and self.nonlinear_solver.needsResidual())
            or (self.nonlinear_solver.needsJacobian() and 
                self.nonlinear_solver.jacobianRequirementChanged() >
            or (self.nonlinear_solver.needsResidual() and
                (newFieldValues or 
                 (self.nonlinear_solver.residualRequirementChanged() >
            or (newTime and self.timeDependentProperties(flds))
            or always)

        if newDefinition:

        # Create a new linearized system object if necessary
        if newLinSys:
            linsys = self.getObject().new_linear_system(time)
            linsys.computed = timestamp.TimeStamp()

        if newTime:

        # Apply boundary conditions to the linearized system object.
        # This has to be done before the matrix and rhs values are
        # computed. The matrix and rhs may be nonlinear and therefore
        # depend on field values, which may be determined by boundary
        # conditions.
        bcsReset = newLinSys or newBdys
        if bcsReset:
            # reset_bcs() calls Boundary.reset for all Boundaries in
            # the mesh, which resets all FloatBCs on the boundaries.

            femesh.createAuxiliaryBCs() # convert PeriodicBCs --> FloatBCs
            femesh.createInterfaceFloatBCs(self) # jump conds --> FloatBCs

            # Find intersecting floating boundary conditions, and
            # arrange them into a tree structure.  This must be done
            # *before* fixed boundary conditions are applied so that
            # intersecting fixed and floating bcs are treated
            # correctly.
            femesh.floatBCResolve(subpobj, time)

            # LinearizedSystem::force_bndy_rhs is used by
            # invoke_flux_bcs and invoke_force_bcs, and must be
            # cleared before either of them is called.

            femesh.invoke_flux_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)

        # Apply Dirichlet BCs.  If new values have been assigned to
        # the Fields, the old Dirichlet BCs may have been overwritten,
        # so they have to be reapplied.
        if bcsReset or newFieldValues:
            femesh.invoke_fixed_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)

        if bcsReset:
            femesh.invoke_force_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)
            # Set initial values of DoFs used in FloatBCs that
            # intersect fixedBCs.
            femesh.fix_float_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)

        if rebuildMatrices:
            # Assemble vectors and matrices of the linearized system.
            if self.nonlinear_solver.needsResidual():
            if self.nonlinear_solver.needsJacobian():
            # **** This is the cpu intensive step: ****
            self.getObject().make_linear_system(linsys, self.nonlinear_solver)
            self.newMatrixCount += 1

        if bcsReset or rebuildMatrices or newFieldValues:
            # Apply floating boundary conditions by modifying maps in
            # the LinearizedSystem.  This must follow
            # build_submatrix_maps() and precede build_MCK_maps().
            femesh.invoke_float_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)
            # Construct vectors of first and second time derivatives
            # of the time-dependent Dirichlet boundary conditions.
            femesh.setDirichletDerivatives(subpobj, linsys, time)

        if bcsReset:
            # Compute the part of the rhs due to fixed fields or fixed
            # time derivatives in boundary conditions.

            # Add the floating boundary condition profiles'
            # contributions to the rhs.  This must come after
            # find_fix_bndy_rhs(), and must always be called if
            # find_fix_bndy_rhs() is called.
            ## TODO OPT: Only call float_contrib_rhs if solver needs
            ## to know the rhs explicitly.
            femesh.float_contrib_rhs(self.getObject(), linsys)


        # ## Don't remove this block.  Comment it out instead.  It's
        # ## likely to be needed later.
        # global debugcount
        # debugcount += 1
        # if debugcount==3:
        #     if always:
        #         dumpfile = "dump-always"
        #     else:
        #         dumpfile = "dump"
        #     linsys.dumpAll(dumpfile, time, "")
        #     sys.exit()
        return linsys
Exemplo n.º 5
 def meshTimeChangedCB(self, mesh): # sb "time changed"
     if mesh is self.currentMeshContext():
Exemplo n.º 6
    def make_linear_system(self, time, linsys):
        # Construct a LinearizedSystem object containing the
        # globally-indexed K, C, and M matrices, and the rhs vectors,
        # and the maps that extract submatrices and subvectors.

        # The linsys argument is either a LinearizedSystem object
        # previously created by this SubProblemContext, or None.  If
        # it's not None, it will be updated and reused.

        mesh    = self.getParent()
        femesh  = mesh.getObject()
        subpobj = self.getObject()

        # Ask every *other* subproblem to interpolate its DoFs to the
        # given time.  Our boundary conditions and/or material
        # properties may depend on them.
        for subproblem in mesh.subproblems():
            if (subproblem is not self and subproblem.installedTime != time):
                vals = subproblem.interpolateValues(time)
                # This requires that the LinearizedSystem for the
                # other subproblem has already been computed.
                # However, it's never needed on the first call to
                # make_linear_system, so that's ok.
                subproblem.set_mesh_dofs(vals, time)

        ## TODO OPT: Be more sophisticated here. Instead of
        ## recomputing everything, only recompute the matrices and
        ## vectors that may have changed.

        ## TODO OPT: Recompute if nonlinear *and* relevant fields
        ## have changed, not just if nonlinear.  Need field-specific
        ## timestamps in the Mesh? 


        # Figure out which parts of the calculation have to be redone.
        # If always is set, all steps of the calculation will be
        # peformed, even if they're otherwise unnecessary.  This can
        # be useful when debugging.

        # 'always' can be set with the command line option 
        ##     --command "always=True".
        always = False   
            always = utils.OOFeval('always')
        except NameError:

        # If Properties depend nonlinearly on Fields, and if those
        # Fields have changed, the matrices need to be recomputed.
        # The relevant Fields are *all* the Fields defined in the
        # SubProblem's Elements, whether or not those Fields are
        # active in *this* SubProblem.
        flds = self.getParent().all_active_subproblem_fields()

        if linsys is not None:
            linsysComputed = linsys.computed
            linsysComputed = timestamp.timeZero

        newDefinition = self.defnChanged > linsysComputed or always
        newFieldValues = (max(self.fieldsInstalled, mesh.fieldsInitialized)
                          > linsysComputed) or always
        newTime = linsys is None or linsys.time() != time or always
        newBdys = (mesh.boundariesChanged > linsysComputed
                   or (newTime and self.timeDependentBCs())
                   ## TODO: Check for field dependent boundary conditions
                   # or (newFieldValues and self.fieldDependentBCs(flds))
                   or always)

        newLinSys = (linsys is None) or newDefinition

        newMaterials = mesh.materialsChanged > linsysComputed or always
        rebuildMatrices = (
            newLinSys or newMaterials
            or (self.nonlinear(flds) and (newBdys or newFieldValues))
            or (newFieldValues and self.nonlinear_solver.needsResidual())
            or (self.nonlinear_solver.needsJacobian() and 
                self.nonlinear_solver.jacobianRequirementChanged() >
            or (self.nonlinear_solver.needsResidual() and
                (newFieldValues or 
                 (self.nonlinear_solver.residualRequirementChanged() >
            or (newTime and self.timeDependentProperties(flds))
            or always)

        if newDefinition:

        # Create a new linearized system object if necessary
        if newLinSys:
            linsys = self.getObject().new_linear_system(time)
            linsys.computed = timestamp.TimeStamp()

        if newTime:

        # Apply boundary conditions to the linearized system object.
        # This has to be done before the matrix and rhs values are
        # computed. The matrix and rhs may be nonlinear and therefore
        # depend on field values, which may be determined by boundary
        # conditions.
        bcsReset = newLinSys or newBdys
        if bcsReset:
            # reset_bcs() calls Boundary.reset for all Boundaries in
            # the mesh, which resets all FloatBCs on the boundaries.

            femesh.createAuxiliaryBCs() # convert PeriodicBCs --> FloatBCs
            femesh.createInterfaceFloatBCs(self) # jump conds --> FloatBCs

            # Find intersecting floating boundary conditions, and
            # arrange them into a tree structure.  This must be done
            # *before* fixed boundary conditions are applied so that
            # intersecting fixed and floating bcs are treated
            # correctly.
            femesh.floatBCResolve(subpobj, time)

            # LinearizedSystem::force_bndy_rhs is used by
            # invoke_flux_bcs and invoke_force_bcs, and must be
            # cleared before either of them is called.

            femesh.invoke_flux_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)

        # Apply Dirichlet BCs.  If new values have been assigned to
        # the Fields, the old Dirichlet BCs may have been overwritten,
        # so they have to be reapplied.
        if bcsReset or newFieldValues:
            femesh.invoke_fixed_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)

        if bcsReset:
            femesh.invoke_force_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)
            # Set initial values of DoFs used in FloatBCs that
            # intersect fixedBCs.
            femesh.fix_float_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)

        if rebuildMatrices:
            # Assemble vectors and matrices of the linearized system.
            if self.nonlinear_solver.needsResidual():
            if self.nonlinear_solver.needsJacobian():
            # **** This is the cpu intensive step: ****
            self.getObject().make_linear_system(linsys, self.nonlinear_solver)
            self.newMatrixCount += 1

        if bcsReset or rebuildMatrices or newFieldValues:
            # Apply floating boundary conditions by modifying maps in
            # the LinearizedSystem.  This must follow
            # build_submatrix_maps() and precede build_MCK_maps().
            femesh.invoke_float_bcs(subpobj, linsys, time)
            # Construct vectors of first and second time derivatives
            # of the time-dependent Dirichlet boundary conditions.
            femesh.setDirichletDerivatives(subpobj, linsys, time)

        if bcsReset:
            # Compute the part of the rhs due to fixed fields or fixed
            # time derivatives in boundary conditions.

            # Add the floating boundary condition profiles'
            # contributions to the rhs.  This must come after
            # find_fix_bndy_rhs(), and must always be called if
            # find_fix_bndy_rhs() is called.
            ## TODO OPT: Only call float_contrib_rhs if solver needs
            ## to know the rhs explicitly.
            femesh.float_contrib_rhs(self.getObject(), linsys)


        # ## Don't remove this block.  Comment it out instead.  It's
        # ## likely to be needed later.
        # global debugcount
        # debugcount += 1
        # if debugcount==3:
        #     if always:
        #         dumpfile = "dump-always"
        #     else:
        #         dumpfile = "dump"
        #     linsys.dumpAll(dumpfile, time, "")
        #     sys.exit()
        return linsys
Exemplo n.º 7
 def meshTimeChangedCB(self, mesh): # sb "time changed"
     if mesh is self.currentMeshContext():