Exemplo n.º 1
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import op_db_library as db

kehe = db.get_distributor_byname('Kehe')
kehe_items = db.get_distributor_items(show_distributors=[kehe])
for p,item,d,dist_item in kehe_items:  # p and d are unused
    if d.name != 'Kehe':
    note = item.get_notes()
    d_id = dist_item.get_dist_item_id()
    note += '\nold kehe id:' + str(d_id)

    barcodes = item.get_barcodes()
    if len(barcodes) == 0 :
    if len(barcodes) == 1:
        print 'Item %s has more than 1 barcode --> ambiguity, no action taken.' % (item)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()
    print '''
    print '''
         <div>Click table headers to sort</div>
         <div>To change a price, enter the new price in the text field and hit ENTER </div>
         <div>To change an item's price group, enter the new group and hit ENTER </div>
         <div>To split an item from the given group click the 'split' button. It will be given a new price_id </div>
         <div>To log a delivery select the appropriate distributor from the dropdown, type in the number delievered (positive or negative integer) and press ENTER </div>
         <div style="clear: both; height: 15px;"> </div>'''
    print '''<form name="options" action="manage_prices.py" method="get">'''
    options = idf.print_form()
    print '''<input type="submit" value="Change options" /> </form>'''
    print '''<br><br>'''
    print '''<table border=0 id="main" class="sortable" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
             <thead class="col-header">
             <th class="th">Price ID </th>
             <th class="th">OP Price</th>
             <th class="th">SaleUnit</th>
             <th class="th">Name</th>
             <th class="th">SKU</th>
             <th class="th">Count</th>
             <th class="th">Deliv</th>
             <th class="th">Distributor</th>
             <th class="th">D ItemID </th>
             <th class="th">Case Cost</th>
             <th class="th">Case Size</th>
             <th class="th">Case Units</th>
             <th class="th">Each Cost</th>
             <th class="th">Margin</th>
             <th class="th">Change P_ID</th>
             <th class="th">Split</th>
             <th class="th">Stocked</th>
             </thead><tbody id="item-stats">\n'''
    cur_price = -1
    cur_item = -1

    units = [(u.get_id(), u.get_name()) for u in db.get_units()]

    for price,item,dist,dist_item in db.get_distributor_items(**options):
        item_id = item.get_id()
        price_id = price.get_id()
        if cur_price != price_id:
            if cur_price != -1:
                # end previous row
                print '</tbody>'
                print '</table></td></tr>'
            print '<tr class="color-row" id="%d_price"><td class="td">%d</td><td class="td">$<input type="text" class="price" id="%d_price_input" size="3" value="%.2f"></input></td>'  % (price_id, price_id, price_id, price.get_unit_cost())
            print '''<td class="td"> <select class="saleunit" id="%d_sale_unit" onChange="setPriceSaleUnit(%d)">''' % (price_id,price_id)
            for unit in units:
                print '''<option value="%d"''' % (unit[0],)
                if unit[0] == price.get_sale_unit_id():
                    print ''' selected>'''
                    print '''>'''
                print unit[1], ''' </option>'''

            print '''</select></td>'''

            print'<td colspan="%d" class="td"><table id="%d_table" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>' % (colspan,price_id)
            print '<tbody class="inner_table">'
            cur_price = price_id
        print '<tr class="%d_tr">' % (item_id,)
        if cur_item != item_id:
            item_dist_count = item.get_distributor_count()
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' id='%d_td' width='400' style='padding-left: 1em;'> %s </td>''' %  (item_dist_count, item_id, str(item))
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' width='80'> <a href='%s' onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank'); return false;">%d</a> </td>''' % (item_dist_count,db.get_item_info_page_link(item_id),item_id)
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' width='80' id="%d_amt"> %d </td>''' % (item_dist_count,item_id,item.get_count())
            print '''<td rowspan="%d" width='100'><input class="amt" id="%d_in" name="%d_in" size="2"/>''' % (item_dist_count,item_id, item_id)
            print '''<select id="%d_dist_in" name="%d_dist_in">''' % (item_id, item_id)
            for d in item.get_distributors():
                print '''<option value="%s"> %s </option>''' % (d.get_dist_id(),d.get_distributor())
            print '''</select>'''
            print '''</td>\n'''
        print '''<td width="100"> %s </td>''' % (dist,)
        print '''<td width="100"> <input class="ditemid" size="10" value="%s" id="%d_%d_ditemid" /> </td>''' % (dist_item.get_dist_item_id(),item.get_id(), dist.get_id())

        each_cost = dist_item.get_each_cost()
        op_price = item.get_price()
        tax = item.get_tax_value()

        if op_price - tax > 0:
            margin = (1.0 - each_cost/(op_price - tax)) * 100
            margin = 100

	print '''<td width="100">$<input class="casecost" size="6" value="%.2f" id="%d_%d_%d_casecost" /></td>''' % (dist_item.get_wholesale_price(), item.get_id(), dist.get_id(), price_id)
        print '''<td width="80" ><input class="casesize" size="5" value="%.2f" id="%d_%d_%d_casesize"/> </td>''' % (dist_item.get_case_size(), item.get_id(), dist.get_id(), price_id)
        print '''<td width="80">%s </td>''' % (dist_item.get_case_unit(),)

	print '''<td width="80" id="%d_%d_each">$%.2f </td>''' % (item_id,dist.get_id(),each_cost)
        if margin <= 20:
            print '''<td width="80" class="bad" id="%d_%d_margin"> %.0f%% &nbsp;</td>''' % (item_id,dist.get_id(), margin)
        elif margin <= 30:
            print '''<td width="80" class="mid" id="%d_%d_margin"> %.0f%% &nbsp; </td>''' % (item_id,dist.get_id(), margin)
            print '''<td width="80" class="good" id="%d_%d_margin"> %.0f%% &nbsp; </td>''' % (item_id,dist.get_id(), margin)

        if cur_item != item_id:
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' width="100"><input class="group" id="%d_group" type="text" size="3"></input></td>''' % (item_dist_count,item_id)
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' width="80"><div onClick="split(%d)">split</div></td>''' % (item_dist_count,item_id)
            if not item.get_is_discontinued():
                print '''<td><input type="checkbox" id="%d_isStocked" onClick="discontinueItem(this)" checked /> </td>''' % (item_id,)
                print '''<td><input type="checkbox" id="%d_isStocked"  onClick="discontinueItem(this)"/> </td>''' % (item_id,)                                             
            cur_item = item_id
        print '''</tr>\n'''

    print '</table></td></tr>'
    print '''</tbody></table>\n'''
    print '''</body></html>'''