def test_file_openable(self):
     Tests that CreateNewTab.fileUploaded can open a file
     testfile = CreateNewTab.fileUploaded("loaded_file.odt", "append")
     # check loaded_file.ods, .odp too
     # check that html file loaded_file.html is there
     if not os.path.exists('loaded_file.html'): print('HTML file not created') 
     contenttype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type('loaded_file.html')
     if contenttype == None or encoding is not None:
         contenttype = '?/?'
     maintype, subtype = contenttype.split('/', 1)
     if maintype == 'text' and subtype == 'html':
         raise WrongFileError("That's not an HTML file!" )
     cssfile = open('file1.css', 'r')
     contenttype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(cssfile)
     if contenttype == None or encoding is not None:
         contenttype = '?/?'
     maintype, subtype = contenttype.split('/', 1)
     if maintype == 'text' and subtype == 'css':
         raise WrongFileError("That's not a css file.")
 def test_new_file(self):
     Tests CreateNewTab.newFile, for returning an html file.
     testfile = CreateNewTab.newFile("testfile")
     if not os.path.exists(testfile): print("File doesn't exist")
     contenttype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(testfile)
     if contenttype == None or encoding is not None:
         contenttype = '?/?'
     maintype, subtype = contenttype.split('/', 1)
     if maintype == 'text' and subtype == 'html':
         raise WrongFileError("That's not an HTML file!" )