Exemplo n.º 1
def stats_grab(url, file):
    page = open_page(url)
    container = page.find("div", {"class": "p402_premium"})
    table = container.find("table", {"id": "stats"})
    data = table.find_all("tr")
    table_grab(data, file)
    next_page_grab(container, file)
Exemplo n.º 2
def lead_changes_count_grab(game_url, file):
    lead_change_link = url_pbp_alter(root_url + game_url)
    page = open_page(lead_change_link)  # get the website
    all_lead_changes = page.find_all("td",
                                     {"class": "bbr-play-leadchange center"})
    change_count = str(len(all_lead_changes))
    file.write(change_count + ",")
    print(change_count + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 3
def stats_grab_caller(url, file_name):
    page = open_page(url)
    file = open_file(file_name)
    container = page.find("div", {"class": "p402_premium"})
    table = container.find("table", {"id": "stats"})
    data = table.find_all("tr")
    header_grab(table, file)
    stats_grab(url, file)
Exemplo n.º 4
def bandcamp_grab(url_to_grab, file_name):
    # grabs the titles and lengths of songs from a bandcamp
    # stores data in csv
    page = open_page(url_to_grab)
    data = page.find("div", {"class": "leftMiddleColumns"}).ol.find_all("li")
    for li in data:
        incomplete_album_link = li.find('a', href=True)
        if incomplete_album_link is not None:
            url_album = url_to_grab + incomplete_album_link['href']
            album_grab(url_album, file_name)
Exemplo n.º 5
def album_grab(url_to_grab, file_name):

    # grabs the titles and lengths of songs from a bandcamp
    # stores data in csv
    page = open_page(url_to_grab)
    album = page.find_all("tr", {"itemprop": "tracks"})
    track_number = 1
    # add album name write and track number
    for track in album:
        local_url = track.find("a", {"itemprop": "url"})['href']
        song_url = "https://8102.bandcamp.com" + local_url
        # song grab actually writes to the csv, this simply calls it.
        song_grab(song_url, file_name, track_number)
        track_number += 1
Exemplo n.º 6
def song_grab(url, file_name, track_num):
    page = open_page(url)
    file = open_file(file_name)

    song_name = page.find("h2", {"class": "trackTitle"}).text.strip()
    abt_divfind = page.find("div", {"class": "tralbumData tralbum-about"})
    if abt_divfind is not None:
        abt_text = abt_divfind.text
        abt = ' '.join(abt_text.split())
        abt = ""
    track_creds = page.find("div", {"class": "tralbumData tralbum-credits"})
    if track_creds is not None:
        creds_text = track_creds.text
        creds2 = ' '.join(creds_text.split())
        creds = creds2.split(",")[2]
    song_duration = page.find("meta", {"itemprop": "duration"})['content']
    write_string = str(
    ) + ", " + song_name + ", " + song_duration + ", " + abt + ", " + creds + "\n"
    # is it better to do one write all at once, maybe dont want 'abt' to add a new line for example
Exemplo n.º 7
def url_pbp_alter(url_to_change):
    page = open_page(url_to_change)
    url_to_pbp = page.find("div", {"class": "filter"}).find_all("div")
    pbp = url_to_pbp[1].find('a', href=True)
    complete_pbp = "https://www.basketball-reference.com" + pbp['href']
    return complete_pbp