Exemplo n.º 1
def emitter_decay_sims() -> None:
    """Runs simulations of emitter decay with non ideal MPS."""
    # Some Parameter values for the system being simulated.
    gamma = 1.0  # Decay rate of the emitter.
    delta = 0.0  # Detuning of emitter frequency from reference frequency.
    delay = 4.0 / gamma  # Delay between emitter and mirror.
    ph_mirror = 0  # Reflection phases of the mirror.
    refls_mirror = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]  # reflection coefficients.
    ph_delay = np.pi  # Phase corresponding to the delay between emitter to
    # mirror and back at the reference frequency.

    # Numerical parameters.
    dims = 2  # Dimensionality of each waveguide bin.
    dt = 0.05 / gamma  # Time-step. Also used for meshing waveguide in MPS.
    num_tsteps = 1000  # Number of time-steps to perform.
    thresh = 1e-2  # Threshold at which to truncate Schmidth decomposition at
    # each step of MPS.

    # Open a h5 file for storing simulation results.
    data = h5py.File("results/impact_emitter_decay.h5", "w")
    param_grp = data.create_group("parameters")
    param_grp.create_dataset("gamma", data=gamma)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delta", data=delta)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delay", data=delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_mirror", data=ph_mirror)
    param_grp.create_dataset("refls_mirror", data=np.array(refls_mirror))
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_delay", data=ph_delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dims", data=dims)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dt", data=dt)
    param_grp.create_dataset("num_tsteps", data=num_tsteps)
    param_grp.create_dataset("thresh", data=thresh)
    sim_res_grp = data.create_group("simulation_results")

    # MPS with non-ideal mirror MPS code but with reflectivity = 1.
    print("Running nonideal mirror MPS simulations.")
    results_nonideal = []
    for refl_mirror in refls_mirror:
        print("On refl_mirror = {}".format(refl_mirror))
        # Define the system.
        sys = low_dim_sys.TwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta)
        mps_ideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgPartialMirror(qutip.basis(2, 1), delay,
                                                   refl_mirror, ph_mirror,
                                                   ph_delay, dims, sys, dt,
        result = mps_ideal.simulate(num_tsteps,
                                    [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)], 50)
    sim_res_grp.create_dataset("mps_nonideal", data=np.array(results_nonideal))
Exemplo n.º 2
def convergence_with_dt() -> None:
    """Runs simulations with different discretization dt."""
    # The parameters assumed here lead to a bound state. We only study
    # convergence of a system with these parameters.
    gamma = 1.0
    delta = 0.0
    delay = 4.0 / gamma
    ph_mirror = 0
    ph_delay = np.pi
    sim_time = 50

    # Numerical parameters.
    dims = 2  # Enough while considering a decay problem.
    dt_fdtd = 0.001  # Use a very small `dt` for FDTD simulations, since these
    # are very fast.
    thresh = 0.01

    #dt_mps = [0.15, 0.1, 0.075,  0.05, 0.025]
    dt_mps = [1.0, 0.5, 0.15, 0.1, 0.05]

    # Open h5 file for storing simulations.
    data = h5py.File("results/mps_convergence_dt.h5")
    data.create_dataset("dt", data=np.array(dt_mps))

    # Run the FDTD simulations.
    result_fdtd = fdtd.tls_ideal_mirror(gamma, delay, ph_delay, ph_mirror,
                                        dt_fdtd, int(sim_time // dt_fdtd))
    data.create_dataset("fdtd", data=np.array(result_fdtd))

    # Run the MPS simulations.
    mps_grp = data.create_group("mps")
    results_mps = []
    for dt in dt_mps:
        print("On dt = {}".format(dt))
        sys = low_dim_sys.TwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta)
        mps_ideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgPartialMirror(qutip.basis(2, 1), delay,
                                                   1.0, ph_mirror, ph_delay,
                                                   dims, sys, dt, thresh)
        result = mps_ideal.simulate(int(sim_time // dt),
                                    [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)], 50)
        mps_grp.create_dataset("dt_{}".format(dt), data=np.array(result[0]))
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import qutip

import open_quant_sys_mirror_mps as oqs_mirror_mps
import low_dim_sys

gamma = 1.0
delta = 0.0
delay = 4.0 / gamma
ph_mirror = 0
ph_delay = np.pi
dt = 0.025
num_tsteps = 400
dims = 2

sys = low_dim_sys.TwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta)
mps = oqs_mirror_mps.WgIdealMirror(qutip.basis(2, 1), delay, ph_mirror,
                                   ph_delay, dims, sys, dt)
mps_mirr = oqs_mirror_mps.WgPartialMirror(qutip.basis(2, 1), delay, 1.0,
                                          ph_mirror, ph_delay, dims, sys, dt)
res_mirr = mps_mirr.simulate(num_tsteps, [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)])
res = mps.simulate(num_tsteps, [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)])

plt.plot(np.real(res_mirr[0]), label="Non-ideal")
plt.plot(np.real(res[0]), "--k", label="Ideal")
def emitter_drive_sims() -> None:
    """Run simulations of emitter near mirror with a coherent drive."""
    # Some Parameter values for the system being simulated.
    gamma = 1.0  # Decay rate of the emitter.
    delta = 0.0  # Detuning of emitter frequency from reference frequency.
    delay = 4.0 / gamma  # Delay between emitter and mirror.
    ph_mirrors = [0, 0.25 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi, 0.75 * np.pi,
                  np.pi]  # Mirror phase.
    ph_delay = np.pi  # Phase corresponding to the delay between emitter to
    # mirror and back at the reference frequency.
    pulse_width = 2 / gamma
    pulse_amp = 0.1 * gamma

    # Numerical parameters.
    dims = 2  # Dimensionality of each waveguide bin.
    dt = 0.05 / gamma  # Time-step. Also used for meshing waveguide in MPS.
    num_tsteps = 1000  # Number of time-steps to perform.
    thresh = 1e-2  # Threshold at which to truncate Schmidth decomposition at
    # each step of MPS.

    # Open a h5 file for storing simulation results.
    data = h5py.File("results/validation_emitter_drive_exponential.h5", "w")
    param_grp = data.create_group("parameters")
    param_grp.create_dataset("gamma", data=gamma)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delta", data=delta)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delay", data=delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_mirrors", data=ph_mirrors)
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_delay", data=ph_delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dims", data=dims)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dt", data=dt)
    param_grp.create_dataset("num_tsteps", data=num_tsteps)
    param_grp.create_dataset("thresh", data=thresh)
    param_grp.create_dataset("pulse_width", data=pulse_width)
    param_grp.create_dataset("pulse_amp", data=pulse_amp)
    sim_res_grp = data.create_group("simulation_results")

    # Define the pulse.
    def square_pulse(t: float) -> float:
        if t < pulse_width:
            return pulse_amp
            return 0

    def gaussian_pulse(t: float) -> float:
        return pulse_amp * np.exp(-(t - pulse_cen)**2 / pulse_width**2)

    def exponential_pulse(t: float) -> float:
        return pulse_amp * np.exp(-t / pulse_width)

    # Run the ideal MPS simulations.
    print("Running ideal MPS simulations.")
    results_mps_ideal = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        print("On ph_mirror = {}".format(ph_mirror))
        # Define the low dimensional system.
        sys = low_dim_sys.DrivenTwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta, exponential_pulse)
        mps_ideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgIdealMirror(qutip.basis(2, 0), delay,
                                                 ph_mirror, ph_delay, dims,
                                                 sys, dt, thresh)
        result = mps_ideal.simulate(num_tsteps,
                                    [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)], 50)
    sim_res_grp.create_dataset("mps_ideal", data=np.array(results_mps_ideal))

    # Run the nonideal MPS simulations.
    print("Running nonideal MPS simulations.")
    results_mps_nonideal = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        print("On ph_mirror = {}".format(ph_mirror))
        # Define the low dimensional system.
        sys = low_dim_sys.DrivenTwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta, exponential_pulse)
        mps_nonideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgPartialMirror(qutip.basis(2, 0), delay,
                                                      1, ph_mirror, ph_delay,
                                                      dims, sys, dt, thresh)
        result = mps_nonideal.simulate(num_tsteps,
                                       [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)],
def emitter_decay_sims() -> None:
    """Runs simulations of emitter decay with non ideal MPS."""
    # Some Parameter values for the system being simulated.
    gamma = 1.0  # Decay rate of the emitter.
    delta = 0.0  # Detuning of emitter frequency from reference frequency.
    delay = 4.0 / gamma  # Delay between emitter and mirror.
    ph_mirrors = [0, 0.25 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi, 0.75 * np.pi,
                  np.pi]  # Mirror phase.
    ph_delay = np.pi  # Phase corresponding to the delay between emitter to
    # mirror and back at the reference frequency.

    # Numerical parameters.
    dims = 2  # Dimensionality of each waveguide bin.
    dt = 0.05 / gamma  # Time-step. Also used for meshing waveguide in MPS.
    num_tsteps = 1000  # Number of time-steps to perform.
    thresh = 1e-2  # Threshold at which to truncate Schmidth decomposition at
    # each step of MPS.

    # Open a h5 file for storing simulation results.
    data = h5py.File("results/validation_emitter_decay.h5", "w")
    param_grp = data.create_group("parameters")
    param_grp.create_dataset("gamma", data=gamma)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delta", data=delta)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delay", data=delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_mirrors", data=ph_mirrors)
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_delay", data=ph_delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dims", data=dims)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dt", data=dt)
    param_grp.create_dataset("num_tsteps", data=num_tsteps)
    param_grp.create_dataset("thresh", data=thresh)
    sim_res_grp = data.create_group("simulation_results")

    # Quick simulation with FDTD. Want to check if the mirror phase values give
    # visibly different results in the decay of the emitter.
    print("Running ideal mirror FDTD simulations.")
    results_fdtd = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        result = fdtd.tls_ideal_mirror(gamma, delay, ph_delay, ph_mirror, dt,
        # Leaving out the last element in the simulation for the length of FDTD
        # result to be consistent with the length of MPS simulation.
    sim_res_grp.create_dataset("fdtd", data=np.array(results_fdtd))

    # MPS with ideal mirror.
    print("Running ideal mirror MPS simulations.")
    results_ideal = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        print("On ph_mirror = {}".format(ph_mirror))
        # Define the system.
        sys = low_dim_sys.TwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta)
        mps_ideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgIdealMirror(qutip.basis(2, 1), delay,
                                                 ph_mirror, ph_delay, dims,
                                                 sys, dt, thresh)
        result = mps_ideal.simulate(num_tsteps,
                                    [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)], 50)
    sim_res_grp.create_dataset("mps_ideal", data=np.array(results_ideal))

    # MPS with non-ideal mirror MPS code but with reflectivity = 1.
    print("Running nonideal mirror MPS simulations.")
    results_nonideal = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        print("On ph_mirror = {}".format(ph_mirror))
        # Define the system.
        sys = low_dim_sys.TwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta)
        mps_ideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgPartialMirror(qutip.basis(2, 1), delay,
                                                   1.0, ph_mirror, ph_delay,
                                                   dims, sys, dt, thresh)
        result = mps_ideal.simulate(num_tsteps,
                                    [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)], 50)
    sim_res_grp.create_dataset("mps_nonideal", data=np.array(results_nonideal))