Exemplo n.º 1
    def generate_struct_implementation(self, genfile):
        create C code for the implementation of the struct functions.
        it is used to fill a struct instance with data of a csv data line.

        # returned snippets
        ret = list()

        # variables to be replaced in the function template
        template_args = {
            "member_count": self.name_struct + "::member_count",
            "delimiter": genfile.DELIMITER,
            "struct_name": self.name_struct,

        # create a list of lines for each parser
        # a parser converts one csv line to struct entries
        parsers = gen_dict_key2lists(genfile.member_methods.keys())

        # place all needed parsers into their requested member function destination
        for idx, (member_name, member_type) in enumerate(self.members.items()):
            for parser in member_type.get_parsers(idx, member_name):

        # create parser snippets and return them
        for parser_type, parser_list in parsers.items():

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
    def generate_struct_implementation(self, genfile):
        create C code for the implementation of the struct functions.
        it is used to fill a struct instance with data of a csv data line.

        # returned snippets
        ret = list()

        # constexpr member count definition
            data="constexpr size_t %s::member_count;" % self.name_struct,

        # variables to be replaced in the function template
        template_args = {
            "member_count":  self.name_struct + "::member_count",
            "delimiter":     genfile.DELIMITER,
            "struct_name":   self.name_struct,

        # create a list of lines for each parser
        # a parser converts one csv line to struct entries
        parsers = gen_dict_key2lists(genfile.member_methods.keys())

        # place all needed parsers into their requested member function destination
        for idx, (member_name, member_type) in enumerate(self.members.items()):
            for parser in member_type.get_parsers(idx, member_name):

        # create parser snippets and return them
        for parser_type, parser_list in parsers.items():
                    file_name  = self.name_struct_file,
                    class_name = self.name_struct,
                    data       = template_args,

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
    def read(self, raw, offset, cls=None, members=None):
        recursively read defined binary data from raw at given offset.

        this is used to fill the python classes with data from the binary input.

        if cls:
            target_class = cls
            target_class = self

        dbg(lazymsg=lambda: "-> 0x%08x => reading %s" % (offset, repr(cls)), lvl=3)

        # break out of the current reading loop when members don't exist in source data file
        stop_reading_members = False

        if not members:
            members = target_class.get_data_format(allowed_modes=(True, READ_EXPORT, READ, READ_UNKNOWN), flatten_includes=False)

        for is_parent, export, var_name, var_type in members:

            if stop_reading_members:
                if isinstance(var_type, DataMember):
                    replacement_value = var_type.get_empty_value()
                    replacement_value = 0

                setattr(self, var_name, replacement_value)

            if isinstance(var_type, GroupMember):
                if not issubclass(var_type.cls, Exportable):
                    raise Exception("class where members should be included is not exportable: %s" % var_type.cls.__name__)

                if isinstance(var_type, IncludeMembers):
                    # call the read function of the referenced class (cls),
                    # but store the data to the current object (self).
                    offset = var_type.cls.read(self, raw, offset, cls=var_type.cls)
                    # create new instance of referenced class (cls),
                    # use its read method to store data to itself,
                    # then save the result as a reference named `var_name`
                    # TODO: constructor argument passing may be required here.
                    grouped_data = var_type.cls()
                    offset = grouped_data.read(raw, offset)

                    setattr(self, var_name, grouped_data)

            elif isinstance(var_type, MultisubtypeMember):
                # subdata reference implies recursive call for reading the binary data

                # arguments passed to the next-level constructor.
                varargs = dict()

                if var_type.passed_args:
                    if type(var_type.passed_args) == str:
                        var_type.passed_args = set(var_type.passed_args)
                    for passed_member_name in var_type.passed_args:
                        varargs[passed_member_name] = getattr(self, passed_member_name)

                # subdata list length has to be defined beforehand as a object member OR number.
                # it's name or count is specified at the subdata member definition by length.
                list_len = var_type.get_length(self)

                # prepare result storage lists
                if isinstance(var_type, SubdataMember):
                    # single-subtype child data list
                    setattr(self, var_name, list())
                    single_type_subdata = True
                    # multi-subtype child data list
                    setattr(self, var_name, gen_dict_key2lists(var_type.class_lookup.keys()))
                    single_type_subdata = False

                # check if entries need offset checking
                if var_type.offset_to:
                    offset_lookup = getattr(self, var_type.offset_to[0])
                    offset_lookup = None

                for i in range(list_len):

                    # if datfile offset == 0, entry has to be skipped.
                    if offset_lookup:
                        if not var_type.offset_to[1](offset_lookup[i]):
                        # TODO: don't read sequentially, use the lookup as new offset?

                    if single_type_subdata:
                        # append single data entry to the subdata object list
                        new_data_class = var_type.class_lookup[None]
                        # to determine the subtype class, read the binary definition
                        # this utilizes an on-the-fly definition of the data to be read.
                        offset = self.read(
                            raw, offset, cls=target_class,
                            members=(((False,) + var_type.subtype_definition),)

                        # read the variable set by the above read call to
                        # use the read data to determine the denominaton of the member type
                        subtype_name = getattr(self, var_type.subtype_definition[1])

                        # look up the type name to get the subtype class
                        new_data_class = var_type.class_lookup[subtype_name]

                    if not issubclass(new_data_class, Exportable):
                        raise Exception("dumped data is not exportable: %s" % new_data_class.__name__)

                    # create instance of submember class
                    new_data = new_data_class(**varargs)

                    # dbg(lazymsg=lambda: "%s: calling read of %s..." % (repr(self), repr(new_data)), lvl=4)

                    # recursive call, read the subdata.
                    offset = new_data.read(raw, offset, new_data_class)

                    # append the new data to the appropriate list
                    if single_type_subdata:
                        getattr(self, var_name).append(new_data)
                        getattr(self, var_name)[subtype_name].append(new_data)

                # reading binary data, as this member is no reference but actual content.

                data_count = 1
                is_custom_member = False

                if type(var_type) == str:
                    # TODO: generate and save member type on the fly
                    # instead of just reading
                    is_array = vararray_match.match(var_type)

                    if is_array:
                        struct_type = is_array.group(1)
                        data_count  = is_array.group(2)
                        if struct_type == "char":
                            struct_type = "char[]"

                        if integer_match.match(data_count):
                            # integer length
                            data_count = int(data_count)
                            # dynamic length specified by member name
                            data_count = getattr(self, data_count)

                        struct_type = var_type
                        data_count  = 1

                elif isinstance(var_type, DataMember):
                    # special type requires having set the raw data type
                    struct_type = var_type.raw_type
                    data_count  = var_type.get_length(self)
                    is_custom_member = True

                    raise Exception("unknown data member definition %s for member '%s'" % (var_type, var_name))

                if data_count < 0:
                    raise Exception("invalid length %d < 0 in %s for member '%s'" % (data_count, var_type, var_name))

                if struct_type not in struct_type_lookup:
                    raise Exception("%s: member %s requests unknown data type %s" % (repr(self), var_name, struct_type))

                if export == READ_UNKNOWN:
                    # for unknown variables, generate uid for the unknown memory location
                    var_name = "unknown-0x%08x" % offset

                # lookup c type to python struct scan type
                symbol = struct_type_lookup[struct_type]

                # read that stuff!!11
                dbg(lazymsg=lambda: "        @0x%08x: reading %s<%s> as '< %d%s'" % (offset, var_name, var_type, data_count, symbol), lvl=4)

                struct_format = "< %d%s" % (data_count, symbol)
                result        = struct.unpack_from(struct_format, raw, offset)

                dbg(lazymsg=lambda: "                \_ = %s" % (result, ), lvl=4)

                if is_custom_member:
                    if not var_type.verify_read_data(self, result):
                        raise Exception("invalid data when reading %s at offset %# 08x" % (var_name, offset))

                # TODO: move these into a read entry hook/verification method
                if symbol == "s":
                    # stringify char array
                    result = zstr(result[0])
                elif data_count == 1:
                    # store first tuple element
                    result = result[0]

                    if symbol == "f":
                        import math
                        if not math.isfinite(result):
                            raise Exception("invalid float when reading %s at offset %# 08x" % (var_name, offset))

                # increase the current file position by the size we just read
                offset += struct.calcsize(struct_format)

                # run entry hook for non-primitive members
                if is_custom_member:
                    result = var_type.entry_hook(result)

                    if result == ContinueReadMember.ABORT:
                        # don't go through all other members of this class!
                        stop_reading_members = True

                # store member's data value
                setattr(self, var_name, result)

        dbg(lazymsg=lambda: "<- 0x%08x <= finished %s" % (offset, repr(cls)), lvl=3)
        return offset