Exemplo n.º 1
def read_lsm(filename,channel=0):
    """Read an lsm image

     - `filename` (str) - name of the file to read
     - `channel` (int) - optional

    # LSM reader
    imageFile = lsmreader.Lsmimage(filename)

    _info = {}
    #LSM header
    _VX = imageFile.header['CZ LSM info']['Voxel Size X']
    _VY = imageFile.header['CZ LSM info']['Voxel Size Y']
    _VZ = imageFile.header['CZ LSM info']['Voxel Size Z']
    _vx = _VX * 10**6
    _vy = _VY * 10**6
    _vz = _VZ * 10**6

    _PIXSIZE = imageFile.header['Image'][0]['Bit / Sample']

    _info["TYPE"] = 'unsigned fixed'
    _info["PIXSIZE"] = str(_PIXSIZE)
    _info["SCALE"] = 2
    _info["CPU"] = 'decm'
    _info["#GEOMETRY"] = 'CARTESIAN'

    #LSM datas
    _data = imageFile.image['data'][channel]
    im = SpatialImage(_data)
    im.resolution = _vx,_vy,_vz
    im.info = _info
    return im
Exemplo n.º 2
def display (image, palette_name = "grayscale", title = None , color_index_max = None) :

    w = SlideViewer()

    if not isinstance(image,SpatialImage):
        image = SpatialImage(image)

    if image.ndim < 3 :
        image = image.reshape(image.shape + (1,))

    if color_index_max is None :
        cmax = image.max()
    else :
        cmax = color_index_max

    palette = palette_factory(palette_name,cmax)



    return w
def display (image, palette_name = "grayscale", title = None , color_index_max = None) :

    w = SlideViewer()

    if not isinstance(image,SpatialImage):
        image = SpatialImage(image)

    if image.ndim < 3 :
        image = image.reshape(image.shape + (1,))

    if color_index_max is None :
        cmax = image.max()
    else :
        cmax = color_index_max

    palette = palette_factory(palette_name,cmax)



    return w
def read_lsm_image(lsm_file, channel_names=None):
    import lsmreader

    lsm_img = lsmreader.Lsmimage(lsm_file)

    voxelsize = tuple([
            np.around(lsm_img.header['CZ LSM info']['Voxel Size ' + dim] *
                      decimals=3)) for dim in ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
    n_channels = len(lsm_img.image['data'])

    filename = lsm_file.split('/')[-1]
    print filename, " : ", n_channels, " Channels ", voxelsize

    if n_channels > 1:
        if channel_names is None:
            channel_names = ["CH" + str(i) for i in range(n_channels)]
        img = {}
        for i_channel, channel_name in enumerate(channel_names):
            img[channel_name] = SpatialImage(lsm_img.image['data'][i_channel],
        img = SpatialImage(lsm_img.image['data'][0], voxelsize=voxelsize)

    return img
Exemplo n.º 5
def load (file, mmap_mode=None, is_vectorial=False) :
    """Load a pickled, ``.npy``, or ``.npz`` binary file.

     - `file` (file or str)
     - `mmap_mode` (None, 'r+', 'r', 'w+', 'c') - optional
        If not None, then memory-map the file, using the given mode
        (see `numpy.memmap`).  The mode has no effect for pickled or
        zipped files.
        A memory-mapped array is stored on disk, and not directly loaded
        into memory.  However, it can be accessed and sliced like any
        ndarray.  Memory mapping is especially useful for accessing
        small fragments of large files without reading the entire file
        into memory.
     - `is_vectorial` (bool) - specifically deal with file as if it was
        a 2D vectorial (RGB[A]) image so that it returns a 3D RGBA image
        and conforms to the contract.
    :Returns Type: |SpatialImage|
    if isinstance(file,str) :
        file = open(file,'rb')

    header = file.read(12)

    if header == "SpatialImage" :
        nb, = unpack('i',file.read(calcsize('i') ) )
        res,info = loads(file.read(nb) )
        data = np.load(file,mmap_mode)

        # if the read data is of shape 2 then
        # we can be sure it is a scalar 2D image
        # and we can reshape to a 3D scalar image.
        if len(data.shape) == 2:
            print "openalea.image.serial.basics.load: assuming 2D scalar image"
            data = data.reshape(data.shape+(1,))
            if len(res) == 2:
                res += (1.,)
        elif len(data.shape) == 3 and not is_vectorial:
            print "openalea.image.serial.basics.load: assuming 3D scalar image"
        elif len(data.shape) == 3 and  is_vectorial:
            print "openalea.image.serial.basics.load: interpreting as 2D scalar RGB[A] image"
            data = data.reshape( data.shape[:2] + (1, data.shape[2]) )
            if len(res) == 2:
                res += (1.,)
        elif len(data.shape) == 4 and not is_vectorial:
            print "openalea.image.serial.basics.load: assuming 3D RGB[A] image"
            raise IOError("Unable to identify image shape and encoding")

        if len(res) == len(data.shape) :
            vdim = 1
        else :
            vdim = data.shape[-1]

        return SpatialImage(data,res,vdim,info)
    else :
        return SpatialImage(np.load(file,mmap_mode))
Exemplo n.º 6
def logicalnot(img):
    d = img.dtype
    vmax = eval(d.name)(sys.maxint)
    im_target = vmax * ones(img.shape, img.dtype)

    image = bitwise_xor(img, im_target)

    if isinstance(img, SpatialImage):
        return SpatialImage(image, img.resolution)
        return SpatialImage(image)
Exemplo n.º 7
def color2grey(image):
    Convert a color image into a grey-level image.
    if image.ndim != 4:
        print "Error : Not a color image"
        return -1

    if not isinstance(image, SpatialImage):
        image = SpatialImage(image)

    return (SpatialImage(image[:, :, :, 0], image.resolution),
            SpatialImage(image[:, :, :, 1], image.resolution),
            SpatialImage(image[:, :, :, 2], image.resolution))
def point_selection (image, palette_name = "grayscale", color_index_max = None) :
    if not isinstance(image,SpatialImage):
        image = SpatialImage(image)

    w = PointSelection()
    if color_index_max is None :
        cmax = image.max()
    else :
        cmax = color_index_max
    palette = palette_factory(palette_name,cmax)
    return w
def point_selection(image, palette_name="grayscale", color_index_max=None):

    if not isinstance(image, SpatialImage):
        image = SpatialImage(image)

    w = PointSelection()
    if color_index_max is None:
        cmax = image.max()
        cmax = color_index_max
    palette = palette_factory(palette_name, cmax)
    return w
Exemplo n.º 10
def img_resize(sp_img, sub_factor=2, option=None):
    Down interpolation of image 'sp_img' by a factor 'sub_factor'. 
    For intensity image use 'option="gray"', for segmented images use 'option="label"'.
    vx = sp_img.voxelsize
    poss_opt = ['gray', 'label']
    if option is None:
        if option not in poss_opt:
    extent = img_extent(sp_img)
    tmp_voxelsize = np.array(sp_img.voxelsize) *sub_factor
    print tmp_voxelsize
    new_shape, new_voxelsize = [], []
    for ind in range(0,len(sp_img.shape)):
    identity_trsf = create_trsf(param_str_2='-identity', trsf_type=BalTransformation.RIGID_3D, trsf_unit=BalTransformation.REAL_UNIT)
    template_img = np.zeros((new_shape[0],new_shape[1],new_shape[2]), dtype=sp_img.dtype)
    template_img = SpatialImage(template_img, voxelsize=new_voxelsize)
    if option=='gray':
        param_str_2 = '-interpolation linear'
    elif option=='label':
        param_str_2 = '-interpolation nearest'
    out_img = apply_trsf(sp_img, identity_trsf,template_img=template_img, param_str_2=param_str_2)

    return out_img
Exemplo n.º 11
def nuclei_detection(reference_img, threshold=1000, radius_range=(0.8,1.4), step=0.2, segmentation_centering=False, subsampling=4, microscope_orientation=1):

    size = np.array(reference_img.shape)
    voxelsize = microscope_orientation*np.array(reference_img.voxelsize)

    positions = detect_nuclei(reference_img,threshold=threshold,radius_range=radius_range, step=step)
    positions = array_dict(positions)
    positions = array_dict(positions.values(),positions.keys()+2).to_dict()

    if segmentation_centering:
        nuclei_img = deepcopy(reference_img)
        image_coords = tuple(np.transpose((positions.values()/voxelsize).astype(int)))

        if subsampling>1:
            #nuclei_img = nd.gaussian_filter(nuclei_img,sigma=subsampling/4.)[::subsampling,::subsampling,::subsampling]
            nuclei_img = nd.gaussian_filter1d(nd.gaussian_filter1d(nuclei_img,sigma=subsampling/8.,axis=0),sigma=subsampling/8.,axis=1)[::subsampling,::subsampling,:]
            nuclei_img = SpatialImage(nuclei_img,voxelsize=(subsampling*reference_img.voxelsize[0],subsampling*reference_img.voxelsize[1],reference_img.voxelsize[2]))
            image_coords = tuple(np.transpose((positions.values()/(microscope_orientation*np.array(nuclei_img.voxelsize))).astype(int)))

        intensity_min = np.percentile(nuclei_img[image_coords],0)-1
        segmented_img = nuclei_active_region_segmentation(nuclei_img, positions, display=False, omega_energies=dict(intensity=subsampling,gradient=1.5,smoothness=10000.0*np.power(subsampling,1.5)), intensity_min=intensity_min)

        positions = nuclei_positions_from_segmented_image(segmented_img)
    positions = array_dict(positions)
    positions = array_dict(positions.values()*microscope_orientation,positions.keys()).to_dict()

    return positions
Exemplo n.º 12
def apply_palette(data, palette):
    if data.dtype == bool:
        data = data * 1

    img = palette[data]

    if isinstance(data, SpatialImage):
        img = SpatialImage(img, img.resolution, palette.shape[1], img.info)

    return img,
def read_tiff_image(tiff_file, channel_names=None):
    from tifffile import TiffFile

    tiff_img = TiffFile(tiff_file)
    tiff_channels = tiff_img.asarray()

    n_channels = 1 if tiff_channels.ndim == 3 else tiff_channels.shape[1]

    if n_channels > 1:
        if channel_names is None:
            channel_names = ["CH" + str(i) for i in range(n_channels)]
        img = {}
        for i_channel, channel_name in enumerate(channel_names):
            img[channel_name] = SpatialImage(
                np.transpose(tiff_channels[:, i_channel], (1, 2, 0)))
        img = SpatialImage(np.transpose(tiff_channels, (1, 2, 0)))

    return img
Exemplo n.º 14
def scale_shift_intensities(image, dtype=None, maxIn=None, maxOut=255):

    if dtype is None:
        dtype = uint8

    if maxIn is None:
        maxIn = image.max()

    scale = maxOut / (float(maxIn))

    return SpatialImage(dtype(image * scale), image.resolution)
Exemplo n.º 15
def imread (filename, dimension=3) :
    """Reads an image file completely into memory.

    It uses the file extension to determine how to read the file. It first tries
    some specific readers for volume images (Inrimages, TIFFs, LSMs, NPY) or falls
    back on PIL readers for common formats if installed.

    In all cases the returned image is 3D (2D is upgraded to single slice 3D).
    If it has colour or is a vector field it is even 4D.

     - `filename` (str)

    :Returns Type:
    filename = expusr(filename)
    if not exists(filename) :
        raise IOError("The requested file do not exist: %s" % filename)

    root, ext = splitext(filename)
    ext = ext.lower()
    if ext == ".gz":
        root, ext = splitext(root)
        ext = ext.lower()
    if ext == ".inr":
        return read_inrimage(filename)
    elif ext == ".lsm":
        return read_lsm(filename)
    elif ext in [".tif", ".tiff"]:
        return read_tif(filename)
    elif ext in [".npz", ".npy"]:
        return load(filename)
        # -- We use the normal numpy reader. It returns 2D images.
        # If len(shape) == 2 : scalar image.
        # If len(shape) == 3 and shape[2] == 3 : rgb image
        # If len(shape) == 3 and shape[3] == 4 : rgba image.
        # Return a SpatialImage please! --

        # Use the array protocol to convert a PIL image to an array.
        # Don't use pylab'es PIL_to_array conversion as it flips images vertically.
        im_array = np.array(Image.open(filename))
        shape    = im_array.shape
        if len(shape)==2:
            newShape = (shape[0], shape[1], 1, 1)
        elif len(shape) == 3:
            newShape = (shape[0], shape[1], 1, shape[2])
            raise IOError("unhandled image shape : %s, %s"%(filename, str(shape)))
        #newarr   = np.zeros(newShape, dtype=im_array.dtype, order="C")
        #newarr[:,:,0] = im_array[:,:]
        vdim     = 1 if( len(shape) < 3 ) else shape[2]
        return SpatialImage(im_array.reshape(newShape), None, vdim)
Exemplo n.º 16
def flatten(img_list, alpha=False):
    """Concatenate all images into a single image

    Use alpha to blend images one on top of each other

    .. warning:: all images must have the same nD shape
                 and an alpha channel (except maybe for the first one)

    If alpha is True, the resulting image will use the max of all alpha channels
    as an alpha channel.

    .. warning:: if the first image is a |SpatialImage|, the resulting image will
                 also be a |SpatialImage| but no test is made to ensure
                 consistency in the resolution of the layers

     - `img_list` (list of NxM(xP)x4 array of uint8)
     - `alpha` (bool) - the resulting image will have an alpha channel or not

    :Returns Type: NxM(xP)x3(4) array of uint8
    bg = img_list[0]

    R = bg[..., 0]
    G = bg[..., 1]
    B = bg[..., 2]

    if bg.shape[-1] == 4:
        alpha_list = [bg[..., 3]]
        alpha_list = []

    for lay in img_list[1:]:
        A = lay[..., 3]

        A = A / 255.
        iA = 1. - A

        R = R * iA + lay[..., 0] * A
        G = G * iA + lay[..., 1] * A
        B = B * iA + lay[..., 2] * A

    if alpha:
        A = array(alpha_list).max(axis=0)
        ret = rollaxis(array([R, G, B, A], bg.dtype), 0, len(bg.shape))
        ret = rollaxis(array([R, G, B], bg.dtype), 0, len(bg.shape))

    if isinstance(bg, SpatialImage):
        return SpatialImage(ret, bg.resolution, 4, bg.info)
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 17
def grey2color(r, g, b):
    convert a grey-level image into a color image.
    if (r.shape != g.shape) or (r.shape != b.shape):
        print "Error : r,g,b have not the same shape"
        return -1

    xdim, ydim, zdim = r.shape

    if not isinstance(r, SpatialImage):
        r = SpatialImage(r)
    if not isinstance(g, SpatialImage):
        g = SpatialImage(g)
    if not isinstance(b, SpatialImage):
        b = SpatialImage(b)

    color = SpatialImage(zeros(xdim, ydim, zdim, 3), r.resolution)
    color[:, :, :, 0] = r
    color[:, :, :, 1] = g
    color[:, :, :, 2] = b
    return color
    def _reconstruct_pixmaps(self, axis=2):
        pal = self.palette()
        data = self.image()

        tr = QTransform()

        #construct pixmaps
        pix = []

        # Manage also colored images.
        if len(data.shape) == 4 and data.shape[-1] in (3, 4):
            if data.dtype != uint8:
                raise Exception(
                    "Only uint8 RGB[A] images supported, got %s instead" %
            pal = None
        for z in xrange(data.shape[axis]):
            if axis == 0:
                dat = data[z, :, :]
            elif axis == 1:
                dat = data[:, z, :]
                dat = data[:, :, z]

            if pal is not None:
                dat = pal[dat]
                if isinstance(data, SpatialImage):
                    dat = SpatialImage(dat)
            #img = QImage(dat,
            #             data.shape[0],
            #             data.shape[1],
            #             QImage.Format_ARGB32)
            dat = to_pix(dat)

        self._pixmaps = pix
        self._current_slice = min(max(self._current_slice, 0), len(pix) - 1)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _reconstruct_pixmaps (self, axis=2) :
        pal = self.palette()
        data = self.image()

        tr = QTransform()

        #construct pixmaps
        pix = []
        # Manage also colored images.
        if len(data.shape) == 4 and data.shape[-1] in (3,4):
            if data.dtype != uint8:
                raise Exception("Only uint8 RGB[A] images supported, got %s instead"%str(data.dtype))
            pal = None
        for z in xrange(data.shape[axis]) :
            if axis == 0 :
                dat = data[z,:,:] 
            elif axis == 1 :
                dat = data[:,z,:] 
            else :
                dat = data[:,:,z]

            if pal is not None:
                dat = pal[dat]
                if isinstance(data, SpatialImage):
            #img = QImage(dat,
            #             data.shape[0],
            #             data.shape[1],
            #             QImage.Format_ARGB32)
            dat = to_pix (dat)
            pix.append(dat.transformed(tr) )

        self._pixmaps = pix
        self._current_slice = min(max(self._current_slice,0),len(pix) - 1)
def read_czi_image(czi_file, channel_names=None):
    from czifile import CziFile

    czi_img = CziFile(czi_file)

    czi_channels = np.transpose(czi_img.asarray()[0, :, 0, :, :, :, 0],
                                (0, 2, 3, 1))

    voxelsize = {}
    for s in czi_img.segments():
        if s.SID == "ZISRAWMETADATA":
            metadata = s.data().split('\n')

            for i, row in enumerate(metadata):
                if "Distance Id" in row:
                    s = metadata[i + 1]
                    voxelsize[row.split('"')[1]] = np.around(
                        float(s[s.find('>') + 1:s.find('>') +
                                s[s.find('>'):].find('<')]) * 1e6,

    voxelsize = tuple([voxelsize[dim] for dim in ['X', 'Y', 'Z']])
    n_channels = czi_channels.shape[0]

    print czi_file.split('/')[-1], " : ", n_channels, " Channels ", voxelsize

    if n_channels > 1:
        if channel_names is None:
            channel_names = ["CH" + str(i) for i in range(n_channels)]
        img = {}
        for i_channel, channel_name in enumerate(channel_names):
            img[channel_name] = SpatialImage(czi_channels[i_channel],
        img = SpatialImage(czi_channels[0], voxelsize=voxelsize)

    return img
Exemplo n.º 21
def deformation_field(image, points1, points2, sigma, dtype=np.float64):

    vectors = points2 - points1
    points1 = np.round(points1)
    del points2

    #points2 = np.round(points2)
    label = skiz(image, points1, vectors)
    img_vectors = component_gaussian_filter(label, sigma=sigma)
    del label

    # create an image with only the vectors at the points otherelse 0
    img_vect0 = np.zeros(shape=image.shape + (3, ), dtype=dtype)
    for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(points1):
        img_vect0[x, y, z] = vectors[i]
    img_vect0 = component_gaussian_filter(img_vect0,

    # create an image with only 1 at the points and fit it.
    img_pt1 = np.zeros(shape=image.shape, dtype=dtype)
    for x, y, z in points1:
        img_pt1[x, y, z] = 1
    img_pt1 = filters.gaussian_filter(img_pt1, sigma=sigma)

    # Normalization
    img_vect0[:, :, :, 0] /= img_pt1
    img_vect0[:, :, :, 1] /= img_pt1
    img_vect0[:, :, :, 2] /= img_pt1
    zero_mask = img_pt1 < 1e-6
    del img_pt1
    masked_vectors = img_vectors[zero_mask]
    img_vect0[zero_mask] = masked_vectors
    del masked_vectors, zero_mask

    img_vect0 = component_gaussian_filter(img_vect0,

    return SpatialImage(img_vect0, image.resolution, vdim=3)
def test_generate_write_read():
    """Tests if a scalar and a vector image are written and read back correctly.
    Can't test if they are compatible with other Inrimage tools here, use ZViewer!"""
    # create a checkerboard that fades to black in depth
    cb = checkerboard(vs=(0.5,0.5,0.2))
    coeffs = attenuation(numpy.linspace(0,1, cb.shape[2])).reshape(1,1,cb.shape[2])
    cb = SpatialImage(cb*coeffs, voxelsize=cb.voxelsize, dtype=cb.dtype)
    f = "test_inri_0.inr.gz"
    write_inrimage(f, cb)
    read_cb = read_inrimage(f)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(cb, read_cb)

    # create a random vector field
    ff = "test_inri_0_tr.inr.gz"
    field = random_vector_field_like(cb, 4.0,20)
    write_inrimage(ff, field)
    read_field = read_inrimage(ff)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(field, read_field)
Exemplo n.º 23
def example_nuclei_image(n_points=100,
                         voxelsize=(0.25, 0.25, 0.5),
    size = [size / v for v in voxelsize]

    img = np.zeros(tuple(size))

    center = (np.array(size) * np.array(voxelsize) / 2.)

    points = {}
    for i in xrange(n_points):
        points[i] = center + np.random.rand(3)

    point_target_distance = np.power(n_points, 1 / 3.) * nuclei_radius * 1.5
    sigma_deformation = nuclei_radius / 5.
    omega_forces = dict(distance=1, repulsion=1)

    points = point_position_optimization(points,

    x, y, z = np.ogrid[0:size[0] * voxelsize[0]:voxelsize[0],
                       0:size[1] * voxelsize[1]:voxelsize[1],
                       0:size[2] * voxelsize[2]:voxelsize[2]]

    img = (255. * nuclei_density_function(
        points, nuclei_radius, 2. / nuclei_radius)(x, y, z)).astype(np.uint16)

    _return = (SpatialImage(img, voxelsize=voxelsize), )
    if return_points:
        _return += (points, )

    if len(_return) == 1:
        return _return[0]
    return _return
Exemplo n.º 24
def cube_image(size=50):
    img = np.ones((size, size, size), np.uint8)

    points = {}
    points[11] = np.array([1, 0, 0], float) * size
    points[12] = np.array([0, 1, 0], float) * size
    points[31] = np.array([0, 0, 1], float) * size
    points[59] = np.array([1, 1, 1], float) * size
    points = array_dict(points)

    center = np.array([[size / 2, size / 2, size / 2]], float)

    coords = np.transpose(np.mgrid[0:size, 0:size, 0:size],
                          (1, 2, 3, 0)).reshape((np.power(size, 3), 3))
    labels = points.keys()[vq(coords, points.values())[0]]

    ext_coords = coords[vq(coords, center)[1] > size / 2.]

    img[tuple(np.transpose(coords))] = labels
    #img[tuple(np.transpose(ext_coords))] = 1
    img = SpatialImage(img, voxelsize=(1, 1, 1))

    return img
def to_image(data, axis=2):
    # Manage also colored images.
    if len(data.shape) == 4 and data.shape[-1] in (3, 4):
        if data.dtype != np.uint8:
            raise Exception("Only uint8 RGB[A] images supported, got %s instead" % str(data.dtype))
    pal = None
    for z in xrange(data.shape[axis]):
        if axis == 0:
            dat = data[z, :,:] 
        elif axis == 1:
            dat = data[:, z, :] 
            dat = data[:, :, z]

        if pal is not None:
            dat = pal[dat]
            if isinstance(data, SpatialImage):
                dat = SpatialImage(dat)
        #img = QImage(dat,
        #             data.shape[0],
        #             data.shape[1],
        #             QImage.Format_ARGB32)
        return to_img(dat)
Exemplo n.º 26
def seed_image_from_points(size,
    Generate a SpatialImage of a given shape with labelled spherical regions around points

    seed_img = background_label * np.ones(tuple(size), np.uint16)

    size = np.array(size)
    voxelsize = np.array(voxelsize)

    for p in positions.keys():
        image_neighborhood = np.array(np.ceil(point_radius / voxelsize), int)
        neighborhood_coords = np.mgrid[
            -image_neighborhood[0]:image_neighborhood[0] + 1,
            -image_neighborhood[1]:image_neighborhood[1] + 1,
            -image_neighborhood[2]:image_neighborhood[2] + 1]
        neighborhood_coords = np.concatenate(
                                        (1, 2, 3, 0)))) + np.array(
                                            positions[p] / voxelsize, int)
        neighborhood_coords = np.minimum(
            np.maximum(neighborhood_coords, np.array([0, 0, 0])), size - 1)
        neighborhood_coords = array_unique(neighborhood_coords)

        neighborhood_distance = np.linalg.norm(
            neighborhood_coords * voxelsize - positions[p], axis=1)
        neighborhood_coords = neighborhood_coords[
            neighborhood_distance <= point_radius]
        neighborhood_coords = tuple(np.transpose(neighborhood_coords))

        seed_img[neighborhood_coords] = p

    return SpatialImage(seed_img, voxelsize=list(voxelsize))
def spatial_image_analysis_to_spatial_image(input_sia,

    sia = deepcopy(input_sia)

    img_labels = sia.labels()
    if labels is not None:
        labels_to_remove = set(img_labels) - set(list(labels))

    img_labels = sia.labels()
    segmented_img = deepcopy(sia.image)
    background = sia.background()

    print background

    if property_name == 'volume':
        img_volumes = sia.volume(img_labels)
        if isinstance(img_volumes, np.ndarray) or isinstance(
                img_volumes, list):
            img_volumes = array_dict(img_volumes, keys=img_labels)
        elif isinstance(img_volumes, dict):
            img_volumes = array_dict(img_volumes)

        property_img = SpatialImage(img_volumes.values(segmented_img).astype(
        property_img[segmented_img == background] = background

        property_img = segmented_img

    return property_img
Exemplo n.º 28
nomenclature_names = dict(zip(nomenclature_data['Name'],nomenclature_data['Nomenclature Name']))

reference_name = 'TagBFP'
channel_names = ['DIIV','PIN1','PI','TagBFP','CLV3']
signal_names = channel_names

image_filename = microscopy_dirname+"/RAW/"+filename
image_dict = read_czi_image(image_filename,channel_names=channel_names)

no_organ_filename = microscopy_dirname+"/TIF-No-organs/"+filename[:-4]+"-No-organs.tif"
if os.path.exists(no_organ_filename):
    no_organ_dict = read_tiff_image(no_organ_filename,channel_names=channel_names)

    image_mask = (image_dict[reference_name] == no_organ_dict[reference_name])
    voxelsize = image_dict[reference_name].voxelsize
    img_file = image_dirname+"/"+nomenclature_names[filename]+"/"+nomenclature_names[filename]+"_mask.inr.gz"

png_filename =  microscopy_dirname+"/max_projection_intensity&masks/"+filename[:-4]+"_CH2_iso_MIP6000.png"
mask_png_filename =  microscopy_dirname+"/max_projection_intensity&masks/"+filename[:-4]+"_CH2_iso_MIP6000mask.png"

if os.path.exists(mask_png_filename):
    png_img = imread_2d(png_filename)
    mask_png_img = imread_2d(mask_png_filename)
    mask_png_img = (mask_png_img == png_img)&(png_img != 0)

    image_mask = np.tile(mask_png_img[:,:,np.newaxis],(1,1,image_dict[reference_name].shape[2]))

    img_file = image_dirname+"/"+nomenclature_names[filename]+"/"+nomenclature_names[filename]+"_projection_mask.inr.gz"
Exemplo n.º 29
def resampling(img,
    It resamples a 2-D or 3-D image using a 4*4 transformation matrix or a deformation field .

    The value of a point in the result image is determined by spline interpolation of the requested order.

    - `img`

    - `transformation` (array) - Matrix 4x4 or deformation field

    - `order` (int) - optional
    order corresponds to the degree of a polynomial used to the spline interpolation
    By default, order = 1 (linear interpolation)

    - `output_shape` (tuple) - optional
    The output shape can optionally be given.
    By default, it is equal to the input shape

    - `output_type` (tuple) - optional
    The output data type can optionally be given.
    By default, it is equal to the input data type

    - `output_voxels` (tuple) - optional
    The output voxels size can optionally be given.
    By default, it is equal to the input voxels size

    - `mode` (string) - optional
    Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled
    according to the given mode ("constant", "nearest", "reflect" or "wrap")
    By default, the given mode is "constant"

    - `prefilter` (boolean) - optional
    The parameter prefilter determines if the input is pre-filtered before interpolation
    (necessary for spline interpolation of order > 1)
    If False it is assumed that the input is already filtered

    :Returns Type: image resampled by the transformation

    if transformation.shape != (4, 4):
        print('using of a field deformation')
        _tx = transformation[:, :, :, 0]
        _ty = transformation[:, :, :, 1]
        _tz = transformation[:, :, :, 2]

        _data = geometric_transform(img,
                                    extra_arguments=(_tx, _ty, _tz),
        _data = SpatialImage(_data, img.resolution)

        transformation = np.identity(4)

        if not isinstance(img, SpatialImage):
            _data = SpatialImage(img)
            _data = img

    #extraction of the Rotation and Translation matrix (R,t)
    _R = transformation[0:3, 0:3]
    _t = transformation[0:3, 3]

    #extraction of voxel size of image
    vx, vy, vz = _data.resolution

    #creating of output
    if output_voxels is None:
        output_voxels = vx, vy, vz
    vox, voy, voz = output_voxels

    #scaling matrix
    #_output_scaling = np.diag([vox,voy,voz])
    #_input_scaling = np.diag([1. / vx, 1. / vy, 1. / vz])

    #change of basis
    #R = np.dot(_input_scaling, np.dot(_R, _output_scaling) )
    #t = np.dot(_input_scaling, _t)

    _output = affine_transform(_data,

    output = SpatialImage(_output, output_voxels)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 30
reference_name = 'TagBFP'
channel_names = ['DIIV', 'PIN1', 'PI', 'TagBFP', 'CLV3']
compute_ratios = [n in ['DIIV'] for n in channel_names]
microscope_orientation = -1

image_filename = microscopy_dirname + "/RAW/" + filename
image_dict = read_czi_image(image_filename, channel_names=channel_names)

no_organ_filename = microscopy_dirname + "/TIF-No-organs/" + filename[:-4] + "-No-organs.tif"
if os.path.exists(no_organ_filename):
    no_organ_dict = read_tiff_image(no_organ_filename,
    voxelsize = image_dict[reference_name].voxelsize
    for channel in channel_names:
        image_dict[channel] = SpatialImage(no_organ_dict[channel],

reference_img = image_dict[reference_name]
          voxelsize=microscope_orientation *
world['nuclei_image']['intensity_range'] = (2000, 20000)

if 'PI' in channel_names:
    pi_img = image_dict['PI']
              voxelsize=microscope_orientation *
Exemplo n.º 31
def imread(filename, channel_names=None):

    reader = bioformats.get_image_reader(path=filename, key=0)
    n_series = reader.rdr.getSeriesCount()

    metadata_xml = bioformats.get_omexml_metadata(

    img_metadata = bioformats.OMEXML(metadata_xml)

    bit_dtypes = {}
    bit_dtypes[8] = np.uint8
    bit_dtypes[16] = np.uint16

    img_series = {}
    for s in range(n_series)[:1]:
        img = np.array([[
            reader.read(c=None, z=z, t=t)
            for z in xrange(reader.rdr.getSizeZ())
        ] for t in xrange(reader.rdr.getSizeT())])

        if reader.rdr.getSizeC() == 1:
            img = img[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis]

        # img = np.transpose(img,(0,4,2,3,1))
        img = np.transpose(img, (1, 4, 3, 2, 0))

        series_name = img_metadata.image(s).Name

        vx = get_float_attr(img_metadata.image(s).Pixels.node, "PhysicalSizeX")
        vy = get_float_attr(img_metadata.image(s).Pixels.node, "PhysicalSizeY")
        vz = get_float_attr(img_metadata.image(s).Pixels.node, "PhysicalSizeZ")

        vx = 1 if vx is None else vx
        vy = 1 if vy is None else vy
        vz = 1 if vz is None else vz
        print(vx, vy, vz)

        bits = get_int_attr(
            img_metadata.image(s).Pixels.node, "SignificantBits")

        if img.shape[0] > 1:
            for t in xrange(img.shape[0]):
                img_series[series_name + "_T" + str(t).zfill(2)] = {}

                for c in xrange(img.shape[1]):
                    image = SpatialImage(img[t, c], voxelsize=(vx, vy, vz))
                    if (image.max() <= 1.0):
                        image = image * (np.power(2, bits) - 1)
                    image = image.astype(bit_dtypes[bits])

                    if channel_names is not None and len(
                            channel_names) == img.shape[1]:
                        channel_id = channel_names[c]
                        channel_id = img_metadata.image(s).Pixels.Channel(c).ID
                    if channel_id is None:
                        channel_id = "C" + str(c)
                    img_series[series_name + "_T" +
                               str(t).zfill(2)][channel_id] = image

                if img.shape[1] == 1:
                    img_series[series_name + "_T" +
                               str(t).zfill(2)] = img_series[
                                   series_name + "_T" +
            img_series[series_name] = {}
            for c in xrange(img.shape[1]):
                image = np.copy(img[0, c])
                if (image.max() <= 1.0):
                    image = image * (np.power(2, bits) - 1)
                image = image.astype(bit_dtypes[bits])
                image = SpatialImage(image, voxelsize=(vx, vy, vz))
                if channel_names is not None and len(
                        channel_names) == img.shape[1]:
                    channel_id = channel_names[c]
                    channel_id = img_metadata.image(s).Pixels.Channel(c).Name
                if channel_id is None:
                    channel_id = img_metadata.image(s).Pixels.Channel(c).ID
                    if channel_id is None:
                        channel_id = "C" + str(c)
                img_series[series_name][channel_id] = image
            if img.shape[1] == 1:
                img_series[series_name] = img_series[series_name].values()[0]

    if n_series == 1:
        return img_series.values()[0]
        return img_series
Exemplo n.º 32
def read_sequence ( directory, grayscale=True, number_images=None, start=0, increment=1, filename_contains="", voxels_size=None, verbose=True) :
    Convert a sequence of images in a folder as a numpy array.
    The images must all be the same size and type.
    They can be in TIFF, .... format.

        - `grayscale` (bool) - convert the image to grayscale
        - `number_images` (int) - specify how many images to open
        - `start` (int) - used to start with the nth image in the folder (default = 0 for the first image)
        - `increment` (int) - set to "n" to open every "n" image (default = 1 for opening all images)
        - `filename_contains` (str) - only files whose name contains that string are opened
        - `voxels_size (tuple) - specify voxels size
        - `verbose` (bool) - verbose mode

    _images = []
    _files = []

    if verbose : print "Loading : "
    for f in os.listdir(directory):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, '*%s*' %filename_contains):
            try :
                im = Image.open(os.path.join(directory, f))
                if grayscale is True :
            except :
                if verbose : print "\t warning : cannot open %s" %f

    if len(_images) == 0 :
        if verbose : print "\t no images loaded"
        return -1

    xdim, ydim = _images[0].size

    if number_images is None :
        zdim = round(float(len(_images) - start)/ increment)
        _nmax = len(_images) - start
    else :
        zdim = number_images
        _nmax = number_images * increment

    if _images[0].mode == 'RGB':
        nd_image = np.zeros((xdim,ydim,zdim, 3), dtype=np.uint8)

    nd_image = np.zeros((xdim,ydim,zdim))

    j = 0
    for i in _images[start:_nmax+start:increment] :
        if i.size == _images[start].size :
            nd_image[:,:,j] = i
            if verbose : print "\t ./%s" %_files[_images.index(i)]
            j += 1
        else :
            if verbose : print "%s : wrong size - %s expected, %s found" %(_files[_images.index(i)], _images[start].size, i.size)
    result = nd_image.transpose(1,0,2)

    if voxels_size is None :
        return SpatialImage(result)
    else :
        return SpatialImage(result, voxels_size)
Exemplo n.º 33
def read_tif(filename,channel=0):
    """Read a tif image

    - `filename` (str) - name of the file to read

    # TIF reader
    tif = libtiff.TIFF.open(filename)

    if tif.GetField('ImageDescription'):
        tif = TIFFfile(filename)
        arr = tif.get_tiff_array()
        _data = arr[:].T
        info_str = tif.get_info()
        i = 1
        while not tif.LastDirectory():
        _data = np.zeros((i,)+tif.read_image().shape,dtype=tif.read_image().dtype)
        for ii,i in enumerate(tif.iter_images()):
            _data[ii] = i
        _data = _data.transpose(2, 1, 0)
        info_str = tif.info()

    nx, ny, nz = _data.shape

    # -- prepare metadata dictionnary --
    info_dict = dict( filter( lambda x: len(x)==2,
                              (inf.split(':') for inf in info_str.split("\n"))
                              ) )
    info_dict.update(dict( filter( lambda x: len(x)==2,(inf.split('=') for inf in info_str.split("\n"))) ))
    for k,v in info_dict.iteritems():
        info_dict[k] = v.strip()

    print info_dict

    # -- getting the voxelsizes from the tiff image: sometimes
    # there is a BoundingBox attribute, sometimes there are
    # XResolution, YResolution, ZResolution or spacing.
    # the object returned by get_tiff_array has a "get_voxel_sizes()"
    # method but it fails, so here we go. --
    if "BoundingBox" in info_dict:
        bbox = info_dict["BoundingBox"]
        xm, xM, ym, yM, zm, zM = map(float,bbox.split())
        _vx = (xM-xm)/nx
        _vy = (yM-ym)/ny
        _vz = (zM-zm)/nz
        # -- When we have [XYZ]Resolution fields, it describes the
        # number of voxels per real unit. In SpatialImage we want the
        # voxelsizes, which is the number of real units per voxels.
        # So we must invert the result. --
        if "XResolution" in info_dict:
            # --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
            # sometimes as a single number --
            xres_str = eval(info_dict["XResolution"])
            if isinstance(xres_str, list) and isinstance(xres_str[0], tuple):
                xres_str = xres_str[0]
                _vx = float(xres_str[0])/xres_str[1]
            elif isinstance(xres_str, (int, float)):
                _vx = float(xres_str)
                _vx = 1.
            _vx = 1./_vx if _vx != 0 else 1.
            _vx = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on
        if "YResolution" in info_dict:
            # --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
            # sometimes as a single number --
            yres_str = eval(info_dict["YResolution"])
            if isinstance(yres_str, list) and isinstance(yres_str[0], tuple):
                yres_str = yres_str[0]
                _vy = float(yres_str[0])/yres_str[1]
            elif isinstance(yres_str, (int, float)):
                _vy = float(yres_str)
                _vy = 1.
            _vy = 1./_vy if _vy != 0 else 1.
            _vy = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on

        if "ZResolution" in info_dict:
            # --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
            # sometimes as a single number --
            zres_str = eval(info_dict["ZResolution"])
            if isinstance(zres_str, list) and isinstance(zres_str[0], tuple):
                zres_str = zres_str[0]
                _vz = float(zres_str[0])/zres_str[1]
            elif isinstance(zres_str, (int, float)):
                _vz = float(zres_str)
                _vz = 1.
            _vz = 1./_vz if _vz != 0 else 1.
            if "spacing" in info_dict:
                _vz = eval(info_dict["spacing"])
                _vz = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on

    # -- dtypes are not really stored in a compatible way (">u2" instead of uint16)
    # but we can convert those --
    dt = np.dtype(_data.dtype.name)
    # -- Return a SpatialImage please! --
    im = SpatialImage(_data, dtype=dt)
    im.resolution = _vx,_vy,_vz
    im.info = info_dict

    return im

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from openalea.deploy.shared_data import shared_data
    from openalea.image.serial.basics import imread
    import openalea.oalab
    img_path = shared_data(openalea.oalab, 'icons/Crystal_Clear_app_clock.png')
    img = imread(img_path)

    import numpy
    matrix = numpy.zeros((100, 100, 100), dtype=numpy.uint8)
    matrix[90:100, :10, :10] = 1
    matrix[:10, 90:100, :10] = 2
    matrix[:10, :10, 90:100] = 3
    img3d = SpatialImage(matrix)

    instance = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
    if instance is None:
        app = QtGui.QApplication([])
        app = instance

    slider = ImageStackViewerWidget()

    slider_3d = ImageStackViewerWidget()