Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_05_cache_success(self):
     ids = [{"id" : "10.cached"}]
     # set up the mocks for the first test
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_05")
     cache.check_cache = mock_queue_cache
     # first do a lookup on a queued version
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     assert len(rs.processing) == 1
     result = rs.processing[0]
     assert result['identifier']['id'] == "10.cached"
     assert result['identifier']['type'] == "doi"
     assert result['identifier']['canonical'] == "doi:10.cached"
     # now update the cache mock for the appropriate result
     cache.check_cache = mock_success_cache
     old_is_stale = workflow._is_stale
     workflow._is_stale = mock_is_stale_false
     # now the same lookup on a properly cached version
     ids = [{"id" : "10.cached"}]
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     workflow._is_stale = old_is_stale
     assert len(rs.results) == 1
     result = rs.results[0]
     assert result['identifier'][0]['id'] == "10.cached"
     assert result['identifier'][0]['type'] == "doi"
     assert result['identifier'][0]['canonical'] == "doi:10.cached", result
     assert result['title'] == "cached"
 def test_05_cache_success(self):
     ids = [{"id" : "10.cached"}]
     # set up the mocks for the first test
     config.type_detection = ["mock_doi_type", "mock_pmid_type"]
     config.canonicalisers = {"doi" : "mock_doi_canon", "pmid" : "mock_pmid_canon"}
     cache.check_cache = mock_queue_cache
     # first do a lookup on a queued version
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     assert len(rs.processing) == 1
     result = rs.processing[0]
     assert result['identifier']['id'] == "10.cached"
     assert result['identifier']['type'] == "doi"
     assert result['identifier']['canonical'] == "doi:10.cached"
     # now update the cache mock for the appropriate result
     cache.check_cache = mock_success_cache
     old_is_stale = workflow._is_stale
     workflow._is_stale = mock_is_stale_false
     # now the same lookup on a properly cached version
     ids = [{"id" : "10.cached"}]
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     workflow._is_stale = old_is_stale
     assert len(rs.results) == 1
     result = rs.results[0]
     assert result['identifier'][0]['id'] == "10.cached"
     assert result['identifier'][0]['type'] == "doi"
     assert result['identifier'][0]['canonical'] == "doi:10.cached", result
     assert result['title'] == "cached"
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_06_cache_prior_error(self):
     # test to make sure that a prior error causes a lookup error
     global CACHE
     CACHE["doi:10.cached"] = {"error" : "prior error"}
     cache.check_cache = mock_check_cache_general
     ids = [{"id" : "10.cached"}]
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     assert len(rs.errors) == 1
 def test_07_lookup_error(self):
     ids = [{"id" : "12345", "type" : "doi"}]
     config.type_detection = ["mock_doi_type", "mock_pmid_type"]
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     assert len(rs.errors) == 1
     result = rs.errors[0]
     assert result['identifier']['id'] == "12345"
     assert result['identifier']['type'] == "doi"
     assert result.has_key("error")
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_08_lookup_error(self):
     ids = [{"id" : "12345", "type" : "doi"}]
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_08")
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     assert len(rs.errors) == 1
     result = rs.errors[0]
     assert result['identifier']['id'] == "12345"
     assert result['identifier']['type'] == "doi"
     assert result.has_key("error")
 def test_06_archive_success(self):
     ids = [{"id" : "10.archived"}]
     # set up the mocks for the first test
     config.type_detection = ["mock_doi_type", "mock_pmid_type"]
     config.canonicalisers = {"doi" : "mock_doi_canon", "pmid" : "mock_pmid_canon"}
     cache.check_cache = mock_null_cache
     models.Record.check_archive = mock_check_archive
     old_is_stale = workflow._is_stale
     workflow._is_stale = mock_is_stale_false
     # do a lookup for an archived version
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     workflow._is_stale = old_is_stale
     assert len(rs.results) == 1
     result = rs.results[0]
     assert result['identifier'][0]['id'] == "10.archived"
     assert result['identifier'][0]['type'] == "doi"
     assert result['identifier'][0]['canonical'] == "doi:10.archived", result
     assert result['title'] == "archived"
Exemplo n.º 7
def api_lookup(path='',ids=[]):
    givejson = util.request_wants_json()
    path = path.replace('.json','')

    idlist = []
    if ids and isinstance(ids,basestring):
        idlist = [ {"id":i} for i in ids.split(',') ]
    elif ids:
        for i in ids:
            if isinstance(i,basestring):
    elif request.json:
        for item in request.json:
            if isinstance(item,dict):
    elif path and len(path) > 0:
        idlist = [ {"id":i} for i in path.split(',') ]

    if len(idlist) > 1000:

    if idlist:
        results = workflow.lookup(idlist).json()
        results = json.dumps({})

    if request.method == 'GET' and not givejson:
        if path:
            triggered = idlist
            triggered = False
        return render_template('index.html', results=results, triggered=triggered)
        resp = make_response( results )
        resp.mimetype = "application/json"
        return resp
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_07_archive_success(self):
     ids = [{"id" : "10.archived"}]
     # set up the mocks for the first test
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_07")
     cache.check_cache = mock_null_cache
     models.Record.check_archive = mock_check_archive
     old_is_stale = workflow._is_stale
     workflow._is_stale = mock_is_stale_false
     # do a lookup for an archived version
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     workflow._is_stale = old_is_stale
     assert len(rs.results) == 1
     result = rs.results[0]
     assert result['identifier'][0]['id'] == "10.archived"
     assert result['identifier'][0]['type'] == "doi"
     assert result['identifier'][0]['canonical'] == "doi:10.archived", result
     assert result['title'] == "archived"
 def test_12_check_cache_update_on_queued(self):
     global CACHE
     ids = [{"id" : "10.queued"}]
     # set up the configuration so that the type and canonical form are created
     # but no copy of the id is found in the cache or archive
     config.type_detection = ["mock_doi_type", "mock_pmid_type"]
     config.canonicalisers = {"doi" : "mock_doi_canon", "pmid" : "mock_pmid_canon"}
     cache.check_cache = mock_null_cache
     models.Record.check_archive = mock_null_archive
     # mock out the cache method to allow us to record
     # calls to it
     cache.cache = mock_cache
     # mock out the _start_back_end so that we don't actually start the
     # back end
     old_back_end = workflow._start_back_end
     workflow._start_back_end = mock_back_end
     # do the lookup
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     # assert that the result is in the appropriate bit of the response
     assert len(rs.processing) == 1
     result = rs.processing[0]
     assert result['identifier']['id'] == "10.queued"
     # now check our cache and make sure that the item got cached
     # correctly
     assert CACHE.has_key("doi:10.queued")
     assert CACHE["doi:10.queued"]['queued']
     # reset the test cache and reinstate the old back-end
     del CACHE["doi:10.queued"]
     workflow._start_back_end = old_back_end
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_14_check_cache_update_on_queued(self):
     global CACHE
     ids = [{"id" : "10.queued"}]
     # set up the configuration so that the type and canonical form are created
     # but no copy of the id is found in the cache or archive
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_14")
     cache.check_cache = mock_null_cache
     models.Record.check_archive = mock_null_archive
     # mock out the cache method to allow us to record
     # calls to it
     cache.cache = mock_cache
     # mock out the _start_back_end so that we don't actually start the
     # back end
     old_back_end = workflow._start_back_end
     workflow._start_back_end = mock_back_end
     # do the lookup
     rs = workflow.lookup(ids)
     # assert that the result is in the appropriate bit of the response
     assert len(rs.processing) == 1
     result = rs.processing[0]
     assert result['identifier']['id'] == "10.queued"
     # now check our cache and make sure that the item got cached
     # correctly
     assert CACHE.has_key("doi:10.queued")
     assert CACHE["doi:10.queued"]['queued'], CACHE
     # reset the test cache and reinstate the old back-end
     del CACHE["doi:10.queued"]
     workflow._start_back_end = old_back_end
Exemplo n.º 11
def api_lookup(path='',ids=[]):
    givejson = util.request_wants_json()
    path = path.replace('.json','')
    idlimit = config.LOOKUP_LIMIT
    # have we been asked to prioritise?
    priority = bool(request.values.get("priority", False))
    if priority:
        idlimit = config.PRIORITY_LOOKUP_LIMIT
    idlist = []

    # look for JSON in the incoming request data
    if request.json:
        # the MIME type of the request is set properly - this is how it
        # should be
        request_json = request.json
        request_json = None

        # check if somebody just POST-ed without bothering to request
        # the right MIME type
            request_json = json.loads(request.data)
        except ValueError:

        # now check if the client mislabeled the request really badly,
        # i.e. saying it's HTML form data when it's actually JSON
            request_json = json.loads(str(request.form))
        except ValueError:

    if ids and isinstance(ids,basestring):
        idlist = [ {"id":i} for i in ids.split(',') ]
    elif ids:
        for i in ids:
            if isinstance(i,basestring):
    elif request_json:
        for item in request_json:
            if isinstance(item,dict):
    elif path and len(path) > 0:
        idlist = [ {"id":i} for i in path.split(',') ]

    log.debug('LOOKUP: About to do a request size test. Len of idlist: ' + str(len(idlist)))
    if len(idlist) > idlimit:

    if idlist:
        results = workflow.lookup(idlist, priority).json()
        results = json.dumps({})

    if request.method == 'GET' and not givejson:
        if path:
            triggered = idlist
            triggered = False
        return render_template('index.html', results=results, triggered=triggered)
        resp = make_response( results )
        resp.mimetype = "application/json"
        return resp