Exemplo n.º 1
 def create_geospatial_data_from_geonames_json(self, manifest, json_data):
     """ creates and saves geospatial data derived from geonames """
     ok = False
     coords = ''
     lat = False
     lon = False
     ftype = 'Point'
     if 'bbox' in json_data:
         ftype = 'Polygon'
         east = json_data['bbox']['east']
         south = json_data['bbox']['south']
         west = json_data['bbox']['west']
         north = json_data['bbox']['north']
         lat = (south + north) / 2
         lon = (east + west) / 2
         coordinates = []
         cood_inner = []
         cood_inner.append([east, south])
         cood_inner.append([east, north])
         cood_inner.append([west, north])
         cood_inner.append([west, south])
         cood_inner.append([east, south])
         coords = json.dumps(coordinates, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
         coords = ''
         if 'lat' in json_data:
             lat = float(json_data['lat'])
         if 'lng' in json_data:
             lon = float(json_data['lng'])
     if lat is not False and lon is not False:
         # we have OK coodinates, let's save them
         geodata = Geospace()
         geodata.uuid = manifest.uuid
         geodata.project_uuid = manifest.project_uuid
         geodata.source_id = 'geonames-api'
         geodata.item_type = manifest.item_type
         geodata.feature_id = 1
         geodata.meta_type = 'oc-gen:discovey-location'
         geodata.ftype = ftype
         geodata.latitude = lat
         geodata.longitude = lon
         geodata.specificity = self.specifity
         geodata.coordinates = coords
         geodata.note = 'Location data from GeoNames.org'
         ok = True
     if ok:
         self.new_geodata += 1
         output = 'New geodata [' + str(self.new_geodata) + '] ' + str(
         output += ' (' + str(manifest.uuid) + ')'
     return ok
Exemplo n.º 2
 def store_records(self, act_table, recs):
     stores records retrieved for a given table
     i = 0
     for record in recs:
         i += 1
         allow_write = self.check_allow_write(act_table, record)
         record = self.prep_update_keep_old(act_table, record)
         if (allow_write is False and self.update_keep_old is False):
             print('\n Not allowed to overwite record.' + str(i))
             # print('\n Adding record:' + str(record))
             newr = False
             if (act_table == 'link_annotations'):
                 newr = LinkAnnotation(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'link_entities'):
                 newr = LinkEntity(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_assertions'):
                 newr = Assertion(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_manifest'):
                 newr = Manifest(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_subjects'):
                 newr = Subject(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_mediafiles'):
                 newr = Mediafile(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_documents'):
                 newr = OCdocument(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_persons'):
                 newr = Person(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_projects'):
                 newr = Project(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_strings'):
                 newr = OCstring(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_types'):
                 newr = OCtype(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_geospace'):
                 newr = Geospace(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_events'):
                 newr = Event(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_predicates'):
                 newr = Predicate(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_identifiers'):
                 newr = StableIdentifer(**record)
             elif (act_table == 'oc_obsmetadata'):
                 newr = ObsMetadata(**record)
             if (newr is not False):
                 except Exception as error:
                     print('Something slipped past in ' + act_table +
                           '...' + str(error))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def add_feature_to_existing_items(self, feature):
     """ Process a feature to extract geospatial
         object. It will:
         (1) Find the appropriate item in the manifest table
         (2) Adds a record in the geospace table
     man_obj = None
     if 'properties' in feature:
         props = feature['properties']
         if 'uri' in props:
             try_uuid = props['uri'].split('/')[-1]
             man_objs = Manifest.objects.filter(uuid=try_uuid)[:1]
             if man_objs:
                 man_obj = man_objs[0]
     if man_obj and 'geometry' in feature:
         # first get and validate the coordinates from the GeoJSON file
         if man_obj.uuid not in self.uuid_counts:
             self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid] = 0
         self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid] += 1
         geometry_type = feature['geometry']['type']
         coordinates = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
         v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
         c_ok = v_geojson.validate_all_geometry_coordinates(
             geometry_type, coordinates)
         if not c_ok:
             print('Fixing coordinates for: {}'.format(man_obj.uuid))
             coordinates = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(
                 geometry_type, coordinates)
         if self.delete_old_geo and self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid] < 2:
         coord_str = json.dumps(coordinates, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
         gg = GeospaceGeneration()
         lon_lat = gg.get_centroid_lonlat_coordinates(
             coord_str, geometry_type)
         print('Saving new geomettry for: ' + str(man_obj.uuid))
         geo = Geospace()
         geo.uuid = man_obj.uuid
         geo.project_uuid = man_obj.project_uuid
         geo.source_id = self.source_id
         geo.item_type = man_obj.item_type
         geo.feature_id = self.uuid_counts[man_obj.uuid]
         geo.meta_type = ImportFieldAnnotation.PRED_GEO_LOCATION
         geo.ftype = geometry_type
         geo.latitude = lon_lat[1]
         geo.longitude = lon_lat[0]
         geo.specificity = 0
         # dump coordinates as json string
         geo.coordinates = coord_str
             print('Problem saving: ' + str(man_obj.uuid))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def make_geo_obj(self, feature_id, lon, lat, coords=False):
     geo_obj = Geospace()
     geo_obj.uuid = self.project_uuid
     geo_obj.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
     geo_obj.source_id = 'Project metadata summary'
     geo_obj.item_type = 'projects'
     geo_obj.feature_id = feature_id
     geo_obj.meta_type = 'oc-gen:geo-coverage'
     if coords is False:
         geo_obj.ftype = 'Point'
         geo_obj.coordinates = ''
         geo_obj.ftype = 'Polygon'
         geo_obj.coordinates = json.dumps(coords, ensure_ascii=False)
     geo_obj.latitude = lat
     geo_obj.longitude = lon
     geo_obj.specificity = self.project_specificity
     geo_obj.note = 'Project geographic coverage \
                     summarized from geospatial data \
                     describing subjects published \
                     with this project.'
     return geo_obj
Exemplo n.º 5
 def add_sites_geo_from_filecache(self):
     """ updates Open Context to save new sites
         location information
     if self.filecache is not None:
         # print('Cache update !: ' + self.cache_filekey)
         self.filecache.working_dir = self.working_dir
         json_obj = self.filecache.get_dict_from_file(self.cache_filekey)
         if isinstance(json_obj, dict):
             if 'trinomial_refs' in json_obj:
                 for tri_ref in json_obj['trinomial_refs']:
                     for trinomial in tri_ref['trinomials']:
                         man_objs = Manifest.objects.filter(
                             label=trinomial, class_uri='oc-gen:cat-site')
                         if len(man_objs) > 0:
                             man_obj = man_objs[0]
                             county_code = trinomial[0:4]
                             if county_code in self.COUNTY_GEO:
                                 county_geo = self.COUNTY_GEO[county_code]
                                 print('County code: ' + county_code +
                                       ' is ' + str(county_geo))
                                 geos = Geospace.objects.filter(
                                 if len(geos) < 1:
                                     geo = Geospace()
                                     geo.uuid = man_obj.uuid
                                     geo.project_uuid = man_obj.project_uuid
                                     geo.source_id = self.source_id
                                     geo.item_type = man_obj.item_type
                                     geo.feature_id = 1
                                     geo.meta_type = "oc-gen:discovey-location"
                                     geo.ftype = 'Point'
                                     geo.latitude = county_geo['lat']
                                     geo.longitude = county_geo['lon']
                                     geo.specificity = -11
Exemplo n.º 6
 def add_update_geo_data(self, post_data):
     """ Updates a file associated with a media item """
     ok = True
     errors = []
     note = ''
     required_params = [
         'source_id', 'hash_id', 'meta_type', 'ftype', 'feature_id',
         'latitude', 'longitude', 'specificity', 'geojson'
     for r_param in required_params:
         if r_param not in post_data:
             # we're missing some required data
             # don't create the item
             ok = False
             message = 'Missing paramater: ' + r_param + ''
             note = '; '.join(errors)
     if ok:
         coordinates = ''
         hash_id = post_data['hash_id'].strip()
         if len(hash_id) < 1:
             hash_id = False
         source_id = post_data['source_id'].strip()
         ftype = post_data['ftype'].strip()
         # validate the dates
         output = self.validate_float_param('latitude', post_data, errors)
         latitude = output['float']
         errors = output['errors']
         output = self.validate_float_param('longitude', post_data, errors)
         longitude = output['float']
         errors = output['errors']
         output = self.validate_int_param('feature_id', post_data, errors)
         feature_id = output['integer']
         errors = output['errors']
         output = self.validate_int_param('specificity', post_data, errors)
         specificity = output['integer']
         errors = output['errors']
         # now check for GeoJSON, and validate if added
         coordinates = ''
         geojson_str = post_data['geojson'].strip()
         if len(geojson_str) > 1:
             # we have a geojson object
             output = self.validate_geojson(geojson_str, errors)
             coordinates = output['coordinates']
             if output['type'] is not False:
                 ftype = output['type']
                 if isinstance(coordinates, str):
                     v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
                     coord_list = json.loads(coordinates)
                     coord_list = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(
                         ftype, coord_list)
                     coordinates = json.dumps(coord_list)
                     gg = GeospaceGeneration()
                     lon_lat = gg.get_centroid_lonlat_coordinates(
                         coordinates, ftype)
                     latitude = lon_lat[1]
                     longitude = lon_lat[0]
             if coordinates is False and latitude is not False\
                and longitude is not False:
                 # no coordinates input in GeoJSON so make them
                 ftype = 'Point'
                 coordinates = json.dumps([longitude, latitude],
         if latitude is False or longitude is False \
            or feature_id is False or coordinates is False \
            or specificity is False:
             # 1 or more of the geospatial data are bad
             ok = False
             note = '; '.join(errors)
             act_geo = None
             if hash_id is not False:
                     act_geo = Geospace.objects.get(hash_id=hash_id)
                 except Geospace.DoesNotExist:
                     act_geo = False
                     ok = False
                     message = 'Cannot find geo record for hash_id: ' + str(
                     note = '; '.join(errors)
             if ok:
                 # we're OK to add to an event
                 if act_geo is None:
                     act_geo = Geospace()
                 act_geo.uuid = self.manifest.uuid
                 act_geo.project_uuid = self.manifest.project_uuid
                 act_geo.source_id = source_id
                 act_geo.meta_type = post_data['meta_type'].strip()
                 act_geo.ftype = ftype
                 act_geo.feature_id = feature_id
                 act_geo.latitude = latitude
                 act_geo.longitude = longitude
                 act_geo.coordinates = coordinates
                 act_geo.specificity = specificity
                 note = 'Updated geodata for ' + self.manifest.uuid
     if ok:
         # now clear the cache a change was made
         self.errors = errors
     self.response = {
         'action': 'add-update-geo-data',
         'ok': ok,
         'change': {
             'note': note
     return self.response