Exemplo n.º 1
    def process(self, videofile, progress):
        progress(0, _("Extracting histogram"))
        video = hg.cvCreateFileCapture(str(videofile).encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
        if not video:
            raise Exception("Could not open video file")
        histo = cv.cvCreateHist([256],cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY,[[0,256]], 1)
        frame = hg.cvQueryFrame(video)
        frame_gray  = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvGetSize(frame), frame.depth, 1);
        hists    = []
        nbframes = 0

        fps = hg.cvGetCaptureProperty(video, hg.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)
        while frame :
            if not progress(hg.cvGetCaptureProperty(video, hg.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO)):
            h = [cv.cvGetReal1D(histo.bins,i) for i in range(255) ]
            h = numpy.array(h,dtype='int32')
            frame = hg.cvQueryFrame(video)
            nbframes += 1

        hists = numpy.array(hists)
        return hists.reshape(nbframes, -1), fps
        # compute the hsv version of the image 
        cv.cvCvtColor (frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)

        # compute which pixels are in the wanted range
        cv.cvInRangeS (hsv, hsv_min, hsv_max, mask)

        # extract the hue from the hsv array
        cv.cvSplit (hsv, hue, None, None, None)

        # select the rectangle of interest in the hue/mask arrays
        hue_roi = cv.cvGetSubRect (hue, selection)
        mask_roi = cv.cvGetSubRect (mask, selection)

        # it's time to compute the histogram
        cv.cvCalcHist (hue_roi, hist, 0, mask_roi)

        # extract the min and max value of the histogram
        min_val, max_val = cv.cvGetMinMaxHistValue (hist, None, None)

        # compute the scale factor
        if max_val > 0:
            scale = 255. / max_val
            scale = 0.

        # scale the histograms
        cv.cvConvertScale (hist.bins, hist.bins, scale, 0)

        # clear the histogram image
        cv.cvSetZero (histimg)
Exemplo n.º 3
        # compute the hsv version of the image
        cv.cvCvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)

        # compute which pixels are in the wanted range
        cv.cvInRangeS(hsv, hsv_min, hsv_max, mask)

        # extract the hue from the hsv array
        cv.cvSplit(hsv, hue, None, None, None)

        # select the rectangle of interest in the hue/mask arrays
        hue_roi = cv.cvGetSubRect(hue, selection)
        mask_roi = cv.cvGetSubRect(mask, selection)

        # it's time to compute the histogram
        cv.cvCalcHist(hue_roi, hist, 0, mask_roi)

        # extract the min and max value of the histogram
        min_val, max_val, min_idx, max_idx = cv.cvGetMinMaxHistValue(hist)

        # compute the scale factor
        if max_val > 0:
            scale = 255. / max_val
            scale = 0.

        # scale the histograms
        cv.cvConvertScale(hist.bins, hist.bins, scale, 0)

        # clear the histogram image
Exemplo n.º 4
        # compute the hsv version of the image 
        cv.cvCvtColor (frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)

        # compute which pixels are in the wanted range
        cv.cvInRangeS (hsv, hsv_min, hsv_max, mask)

        # extract the hue from the hsv array
        cv.cvSplit (hsv, hue, None, None, None)

        # select the rectangle of interest in the hue/mask arrays
        hue_roi = cv.cvGetSubRect (hue, selection)
        mask_roi = cv.cvGetSubRect (mask, selection)

        # it's time to compute the histogram
        cv.cvCalcHist (hue_roi, hist, 0, mask_roi)

        # extract the min and max value of the histogram
        #min_val, max_val = cv.cvGetMinMaxHistValue (hist, None, None)
  	min_val, max_val, min_idx, max_idx = cv.cvGetMinMaxHistValue (hist)

        # compute the scale factor
        if max_val > 0:
            scale = 255. / max_val
            scale = 0.

        # scale the histograms
        cv.cvConvertScale (hist.bins, hist.bins, scale, 0)

        # clear the histogram image
Exemplo n.º 5
        if track_object:
            _vmin = vmin
            _vmax = vmax

            cv.cvInRangeS( hsv,
                           cv.cvScalar(  0, smin,min(_vmin,_vmax),0),
                           cv.cvScalar(180, 256, max(_vmin,_vmax),0),
                           mask );

            cv.cvSplit( hsv, hue, None, None, None)

            if track_object < 0:
                max_val = 0.0                
                subhue = cv.cvGetSubRect(hue, selection)
                submask = cv.cvGetSubRect(mask, selection)
                cv.cvCalcHist( subhue, hist, 0, submask )
                # extract the min and max value of the histogram
                min_val, max_val, min_idx, max_idx = cv.cvGetMinMaxHistValue (hist)
                if (max_val):
                    cv.cvConvertScale( hist.bins, hist.bins, 255.0 / max_val, 0)
                    cv.cvConvertScale( hist.bins, hist.bins, 0.0, 0 )

                track_window = selection
                track_object = 1

            cv.cvCalcArrBackProject( hue, backproject, hist )
Exemplo n.º 6
        # compute the hsv version of the image 
        cv.cvCvtColor (frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)

        # compute which pixels are in the wanted range
        cv.cvInRangeS (hsv, hsv_min, hsv_max, mask)

        # extract the hue from the hsv array
        cv.cvSplit (hsv, hue, None, None, None)

        # select the rectangle of interest in the hue/mask arrays
        hue_roi = cv.cvGetSubRect (hue, selection)
        mask_roi = cv.cvGetSubRect (mask, selection)

        # it's time to compute the histogram
        cv.cvCalcHist (hue_roi, hist, 0, mask_roi)

        # extract the min and max value of the histogram
        min_val, max_val, min_idx, max_idx = cv.cvGetMinMaxHistValue (hist)

        # compute the scale factor
        if max_val > 0:
            scale = 255. / max_val
            scale = 0.

        # scale the histograms
        cv.cvConvertScale (hist.bins, hist.bins, scale, 0)

        # clear the histogram image
        cv.cvSetZero (histimg)
Exemplo n.º 7
                  cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 2, 8, 0)

        if track_object:
            _vmin = vmin
            _vmax = vmax

            cv.cvInRangeS(hsv, cv.cvScalar(0, smin, min(_vmin, _vmax), 0),
                          cv.cvScalar(180, 256, max(_vmin, _vmax), 0), mask)

            cv.cvSplit(hsv, hue, None, None, None)

            if track_object < 0:
                max_val = 0.0
                subhue = cv.cvGetSubRect(hue, selection)
                submask = cv.cvGetSubRect(mask, selection)
                cv.cvCalcHist(subhue, hist, 0, submask)

                # extract the min and max value of the histogram
                min_val, max_val, min_idx, max_idx = cv.cvGetMinMaxHistValue(

                if (max_val):
                    cv.cvConvertScale(hist.bins, hist.bins, 255.0 / max_val, 0)
                    cv.cvConvertScale(hist.bins, hist.bins, 0.0, 0)

                track_window = selection
                track_object = 1

            cv.cvCalcArrBackProject(hue, backproject, hist)
Exemplo n.º 8
    highgui.cvShowImage("Input", img)
    # 5x5 Gaussian Blur
    cv.cvSmooth(img, img, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN, 5, 5)
    # convert to HSV
    cv.cvCvtColor(img, img, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)

    # threshold bad values
    cv.cvInRangeS(img, hsv_min, hsv_max, thresh_mask)

    cv.cvAnd(thresh_mask, mask_bw, thresh_mask)
    # Hue(0,180), Saturation(0,255), Value(0,255)
    cv.cvSplit(img, img_h, img_s, img_v, 0)

    # calculate histogram
    cv.cvCalcHist(img_h, h_hue, 0, thresh_mask)
    cv.cvCalcHist(img_s, h_sat, 0, thresh_mask)
    cv.cvCalcHist(img_v, h_val, 0, thresh_mask)

    # Don't normalize, use total mask pixels to calculate relative importance
    # cv.cvNormalizeHist(h_hue, 180)
    # cv.cvNormalizeHist(h_sat, 255)
    # cv.cvNormalizeHist(h_val, 255)
    # minv,maxv,minp,maxp = cv.cvMinMaxLoc(img_h)
    # print minv,maxv

    # hue_min,hue_max,min_loc,max_loc = cv.cvGetMinMaxHistValue(h_hue)
    for h in xrange(h_bins):
        hue = cv.cvGetReal1D(h_hue.bins, h)
        color = hsv2rgb(h * h_limit / h_bins)