Exemplo n.º 1
class Registry(Mapping):
    """ Model registry for a particular database.

    The registry is essentially a mapping between model names and model
    instances. There is one registry instance per database.

    def __init__(self, db_name):
        super(Registry, self).__init__()
        self.models = {}  # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_error = {}
        self._store_function = {}
        self._pure_function_fields = {}  # {model: [field, ...], ...}
        self._init = True
        self._init_parent = {}
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = openerp.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # special cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None

        # Indicates that the registry is
        self.ready = False

        # Inter-process signaling (used only when openerp.multi_process is True):
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.base_registry_signaling_sequence = None
        self.base_cache_signaling_sequence = None

        self.cache = LRU(8192)
        # Flag indicating if at least one model cache has been cleared.
        # Useful only in a multi-process context.
        self._any_cache_cleared = False

        cr = self.cursor()
        has_unaccent = openerp.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
        if openerp.tools.config['unaccent'] and not has_unaccent:
                "The option --unaccent was given but no unaccent() function was found in database."
        self.has_unaccent = openerp.tools.config['unaccent'] and has_unaccent

    # Mapping abstract methods implementation
    # => mixin provides methods keys, items, values, get, __eq__, and __ne__
    def __len__(self):
        """ Return the size of the registry. """
        return len(self.models)

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Return an iterator over all model names. """
        return iter(self.models)

    def __getitem__(self, model_name):
        """ Return the model with the given name or raise KeyError if it doesn't exist."""
        return self.models[model_name]

    def __call__(self, model_name):
        """ Same as ``self[model_name]``. """
        return self.models[model_name]

    def model_cache(self):
        return RegistryManager.model_cache

    def pure_function_fields(self):
        """ Return the list of pure function fields (field objects) """
        fields = []
        for mname, fnames in self._pure_function_fields.iteritems():
            model_fields = self[mname]._fields
            for fname in fnames:
        return fields

    def field_sequence(self):
        """ Return a function mapping a field to an integer. The value of a
            field is guaranteed to be strictly greater than the value of the
            field's dependencies.
        # map fields on their dependents
        dependents = {
            set(dep for dep, _ in model._field_triggers[field] if dep != field)
            for model in self.itervalues()
            for field in model._fields.itervalues()
        # sort them topologically, and associate a sequence number to each field
        mapping = {
            field: num
            for num, field in enumerate(reversed(topological_sort(dependents)))
        return mapping.get

    def clear_manual_fields(self):
        """ Invalidate the cache for manual fields. """
        self._fields_by_model = None

    def get_manual_fields(self, cr, model_name):
        """ Return the manual fields (as a dict) for the given model. """
        if self._fields_by_model is None:
            # Query manual fields for all models at once
            self._fields_by_model = dic = defaultdict(dict)
            cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_model_fields WHERE state=%s',
                       ('manual', ))
            for field in cr.dictfetchall():
                dic[field['model']][field['name']] = field
        return self._fields_by_model[model_name]

    def do_parent_store(self, cr):
        for model in self._init_parent:
            if model in self:
        self._init = False

    def obj_list(self):
        """ Return the list of model names in this registry."""
        return self.keys()

    def add(self, model_name, model):
        """ Add or replace a model in the registry."""
        self.models[model_name] = model

    def load(self, cr, module):
        """ Load a given module in the registry.

        At the Python level, the modules are already loaded, but not yet on a
        per-registry level. This method populates a registry with the given
        modules, i.e. it instanciates all the classes of a the given module
        and registers them in the registry.

        from .. import models

        loaded_models = OrderedSet()

        def mark_loaded(model):
            # recursively mark model and its children
            for child_name in model._inherit_children:


        # Instantiate registered classes (via the MetaModel automatic discovery
        # or via explicit constructor call), and add them to the pool.
        for cls in models.MetaModel.module_to_models.get(module.name, []):
            # models register themselves in self.models
            model = cls._build_model(self, cr)

        return map(self, loaded_models)

    def setup_models(self, cr, partial=False):
        """ Complete the setup of models.
            This must be called after loading modules and before using the ORM.

            :param partial: ``True`` if all models have not been loaded yet.

        # load custom models
        ir_model = self['ir.model']
        cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_model WHERE state=%s', ('manual', ))
        for model_data in cr.dictfetchall():
            ir_model._instanciate(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, model_data, {})

        # prepare the setup on all models
        for model in self.models.itervalues():
            model._prepare_setup(cr, SUPERUSER_ID)

        # do the actual setup from a clean state
        self._m2m = {}
        for model in self.models.itervalues():
            model._setup_base(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, partial)

        for model in self.models.itervalues():
            model._setup_fields(cr, SUPERUSER_ID)

        for model in self.models.itervalues():
            model._setup_complete(cr, SUPERUSER_ID)

    def clear_caches(self):
        """ Clear the caches
        This clears the caches associated to methods decorated with
        ``tools.ormcache`` or ``tools.ormcache_multi`` for all the models.
        for model in self.models.itervalues():

    # Useful only in a multi-process context.
    def reset_any_cache_cleared(self):
        self._any_cache_cleared = False

    # Useful only in a multi-process context.
    def any_cache_cleared(self):
        return self._any_cache_cleared

    def setup_multi_process_signaling(cls, cr):
        if not openerp.multi_process:
            return None, None

        # Inter-process signaling:
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
            """SELECT sequence_name FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_name='base_registry_signaling'"""
        if not cr.fetchall():
                """CREATE SEQUENCE base_registry_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1"""
            cr.execute("""SELECT nextval('base_registry_signaling')""")
                """CREATE SEQUENCE base_cache_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1"""
            cr.execute("""SELECT nextval('base_cache_signaling')""")

                    SELECT base_registry_signaling.last_value,
                    FROM base_registry_signaling, base_cache_signaling""")
        r, c = cr.fetchone()
        _logger.debug("Multiprocess load registry signaling: [Registry: # %s] "\
                    "[Cache: # %s]",
                    r, c)
        return r, c

    def in_test_mode(self):
        """ Test whether the registry is in 'test' mode. """
        return self.test_cr is not None

    def enter_test_mode(self):
        """ Enter the 'test' mode, where one cursor serves several requests. """
        assert self.test_cr is None
        self.test_cr = self._db.test_cursor()

    def leave_test_mode(self):
        """ Leave the test mode. """
        assert self.test_cr is not None
        self.test_cr = None

    def cursor(self):
        """ Return a new cursor for the database. The cursor itself may be used
            as a context manager to commit/rollback and close automatically.
        cr = self.test_cr
        if cr is not None:
            # While in test mode, we use one special cursor across requests. The
            # test cursor uses a reentrant lock to serialize accesses. The lock
            # is granted here by cursor(), and automatically released by the
            # cursor itself in its method close().
            return cr
        return self._db.cursor()
Exemplo n.º 2
class Registry(Mapping):
    """ Model registry for a particular database.

    The registry is essentially a mapping between model names and model classes.
    There is one registry instance per database.

    _lock = threading.RLock()
    _saved_lock = None

    def registries(cls):
        """ A mapping from database names to registries. """
        size = config.get('registry_lru_size', None)
        if not size:
            # Size the LRU depending of the memory limits
            if os.name != 'posix':
                # cannot specify the memory limit soft on windows...
                size = 42
                # A registry takes 10MB of memory on average, so we reserve
                # 10Mb (registry) + 5Mb (working memory) per registry
                avgsz = 15 * 1024 * 1024
                size = int(config['limit_memory_soft'] / avgsz)
        return LRU(size)

    def __new__(cls, db_name):
        """ Return the registry for the given database name."""
        with cls._lock:
                return cls.registries[db_name]
            except KeyError:
                return cls.new(db_name)
                # set db tracker - cleaned up at the WSGI dispatching phase in
                # openerp.service.wsgi_server.application
                threading.current_thread().dbname = db_name

    def new(cls, db_name, force_demo=False, status=None, update_module=False):
        """ Create and return a new registry for the given database name. """
        with cls._lock:
            with openerp.api.Environment.manage():
                registry = object.__new__(cls)

                # Initializing a registry will call general code which will in
                # turn call Registry() to obtain the registry being initialized.
                # Make it available in the registries dictionary then remove it
                # if an exception is raised.
                cls.registries[db_name] = registry
                    # This should be a method on Registry
                    openerp.modules.load_modules(registry._db, force_demo, status, update_module)
                except Exception:
                    _logger.exception('Failed to load registry')
                    del cls.registries[db_name]

                # load_modules() above can replace the registry by calling
                # indirectly new() again (when modules have to be uninstalled).
                # Yeah, crazy.
                init_parent = registry._init_parent
                registry = cls.registries[db_name]

                with closing(registry.cursor()) as cr:

        registry.ready = True

        if update_module:
            # only in case of update, otherwise we'll have an infinite reload loop!
        return registry

    def init(self, db_name):
        self.models = {}    # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_error = {}
        self._init = True
        self._init_parent = {}
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = openerp.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # special cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None

        # Indicates that the registry is 
        self.ready = False

        # Inter-process signaling (used only when openerp.multi_process is True):
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.registry_sequence = None
        self.cache_sequence = None

        self.cache = LRU(8192)
        # Flag indicating if at least one model cache has been cleared.
        # Useful only in a multi-process context.
        self.cache_cleared = False

        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
            has_unaccent = openerp.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
            if openerp.tools.config['unaccent'] and not has_unaccent:
                _logger.warning("The option --unaccent was given but no unaccent() function was found in database.")
            self.has_unaccent = openerp.tools.config['unaccent'] and has_unaccent

    def delete(cls, db_name):
        """ Delete the registry linked to a given database. """
        with cls._lock:
            if db_name in cls.registries:
                del cls.registries[db_name]

    def delete_all(cls):
        """ Delete all the registries. """
        with cls._lock:
            for db_name in cls.registries.keys():

    # Mapping abstract methods implementation
    # => mixin provides methods keys, items, values, get, __eq__, and __ne__
    def __len__(self):
        """ Return the size of the registry. """
        return len(self.models)

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Return an iterator over all model names. """
        return iter(self.models)

    def __getitem__(self, model_name):
        """ Return the model with the given name or raise KeyError if it doesn't exist."""
        return self.models[model_name]

    def __call__(self, model_name):
        """ Same as ``self[model_name]``. """
        return self.models[model_name]

    def __setitem__(self, model_name, model):
        """ Add or replace a model in the registry."""
        self.models[model_name] = model

    def model_cache(cls):
        """ A cache for model classes, indexed by their base classes. """
        # we cache 256 classes per registry on average
        return LRU(cls.registries.count * 256)

    def field_sequence(self):
        """ Return a function mapping a field to an integer. The value of a
            field is guaranteed to be strictly greater than the value of the
            field's dependencies.
        # map fields on their dependents
        dependents = {
            field: set(dep for dep, _ in model._field_triggers[field] if dep != field)
            for model in self.itervalues()
            for field in model._fields.itervalues()
        # sort them topologically, and associate a sequence number to each field
        mapping = {
            field: num
            for num, field in enumerate(reversed(topological_sort(dependents)))
        return mapping.get

    def clear_manual_fields(self):
        """ Invalidate the cache for manual fields. """
        self._fields_by_model = None

    def get_manual_fields(self, cr, model_name):
        """ Return the manual fields (as a dict) for the given model. """
        if self._fields_by_model is None:
            # Query manual fields for all models at once
            self._fields_by_model = dic = defaultdict(dict)
            cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_model_fields WHERE state=%s', ('manual',))
            for field in cr.dictfetchall():
                dic[field['model']][field['name']] = field
        return self._fields_by_model[model_name]

    def do_parent_store(self, cr):
        env = openerp.api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
        for model_name in self._init_parent:
            if model_name in env:
        self._init = False

    def load(self, cr, module):
        """ Load a given module in the registry, and return the names of the
        modified models.

        At the Python level, the modules are already loaded, but not yet on a
        per-registry level. This method populates a registry with the given
        modules, i.e. it instanciates all the classes of a the given module
        and registers them in the registry.

        from .. import models

        loaded_models = OrderedSet()
        def mark_loaded(model):
            # recursively mark model and its children
            for child_name in model._inherit_children:


        # Instantiate registered classes (via the MetaModel automatic discovery
        # or via explicit constructor call), and add them to the pool.
        for cls in models.MetaModel.module_to_models.get(module.name, []):
            # models register themselves in self.models
            model = cls._build_model(self, cr)

        return list(loaded_models)

    def setup_models(self, cr, partial=False):
        """ Complete the setup of models.
            This must be called after loading modules and before using the ORM.

            :param partial: ``True`` if all models have not been loaded yet.
        env = openerp.api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})

        # load custom models
        ir_model = env['ir.model']
        cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_model WHERE state=%s', ('manual',))
        for model_data in cr.dictfetchall():

        # prepare the setup on all models
        models = env.values()
        for model in models:

        # do the actual setup from a clean state
        self._m2m = {}
        for model in models:

        for model in models:

        for model in models:

    def init_models(self, cr, model_names, context):
        """ Initialize a list of models (given by their name). Call methods
            ``_auto_init``, ``init``, and ``_auto_end`` on each model to create
            or update the database tables supporting the models.

            The ``context`` may contain the following items:
             - ``module``: the name of the module being installed/updated, if any;
             - ``update_custom_fields``: whether custom fields should be updated.
        if 'module' in context:
            _logger.info('module %s: creating or updating database tables', context['module'])

        context = dict(context, todo=[])
        env = openerp.api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
        models = [env[model_name] for model_name in model_names]

        for model in models:

        for model in models:

        for _, func, args in sorted(context['todo']):

        if models:

    def clear_caches(self):
        """ Clear the caches associated to methods decorated with
        ``tools.ormcache`` or ``tools.ormcache_multi`` for all the models.
        for model in self.models.itervalues():

    def setup_signaling(self):
        """ Setup the inter-process signaling on this registry. """
        if not openerp.multi_process:

        with self.cursor() as cr:
            # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates when the registry
            # must be reloaded.
            # The `base_cache_signaling` sequence indicates when all caches must
            # be invalidated (i.e. cleared).
            cr.execute("SELECT sequence_name FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_name='base_registry_signaling'")
            if not cr.fetchall():
                cr.execute("CREATE SEQUENCE base_registry_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1")
                cr.execute("SELECT nextval('base_registry_signaling')")
                cr.execute("CREATE SEQUENCE base_cache_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1")
                cr.execute("SELECT nextval('base_cache_signaling')")

            cr.execute(""" SELECT base_registry_signaling.last_value,
                           FROM base_registry_signaling, base_cache_signaling""")
            self.registry_sequence, self.cache_sequence = cr.fetchone()
            _logger.debug("Multiprocess load registry signaling: [Registry: %s] [Cache: %s]",
                          self.registry_sequence, self.cache_sequence)

    def check_signaling(self):
        """ Check whether the registry has changed, and performs all necessary
        operations to update the registry. Return an up-to-date registry.
        if not openerp.multi_process:
            return self

        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
            cr.execute(""" SELECT base_registry_signaling.last_value,
                           FROM base_registry_signaling, base_cache_signaling""")
            r, c = cr.fetchone()
            _logger.debug("Multiprocess signaling check: [Registry - %s -> %s] [Cache - %s -> %s]",
                          self.registry_sequence, r, self.cache_sequence, c)
            # Check if the model registry must be reloaded
            if self.registry_sequence != r:
                _logger.info("Reloading the model registry after database signaling.")
                self = Registry.new(self.db_name)
            # Check if the model caches must be invalidated.
            elif self.cache_sequence != c:
                _logger.info("Invalidating all model caches after database signaling.")
                self.cache_cleared = False
            self.registry_sequence = r
            self.cache_sequence = c

        return self

    def signal_registry_change(self):
        """ Notifies other processes that the registry has changed. """
        if openerp.multi_process:
            _logger.info("Registry changed, signaling through the database")
            with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
                cr.execute("select nextval('base_registry_signaling')")
                self.registry_sequence = cr.fetchone()[0]

    def signal_caches_change(self):
        """ Notifies other processes if caches have been invalidated. """
        if openerp.multi_process and self.cache_cleared:
            # signal it through the database to other processes
            _logger.info("At least one model cache has been invalidated, signaling through the database.")
            with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
                cr.execute("select nextval('base_cache_signaling')")
                self.cache_sequence = cr.fetchone()[0]
                self.cache_cleared = False

    def in_test_mode(self):
        """ Test whether the registry is in 'test' mode. """
        return self.test_cr is not None

    def enter_test_mode(self):
        """ Enter the 'test' mode, where one cursor serves several requests. """
        assert self.test_cr is None
        self.test_cr = self._db.test_cursor()
        assert Registry._saved_lock is None
        Registry._saved_lock = Registry._lock
        Registry._lock = DummyRLock()

    def leave_test_mode(self):
        """ Leave the test mode. """
        assert self.test_cr is not None
        self.test_cr = None
        assert Registry._saved_lock is not None
        Registry._lock = Registry._saved_lock
        Registry._saved_lock = None

    def cursor(self):
        """ Return a new cursor for the database. The cursor itself may be used
            as a context manager to commit/rollback and close automatically.
        cr = self.test_cr
        if cr is not None:
            # While in test mode, we use one special cursor across requests. The
            # test cursor uses a reentrant lock to serialize accesses. The lock
            # is granted here by cursor(), and automatically released by the
            # cursor itself in its method close().
            return cr
        return self._db.cursor()
Exemplo n.º 3
class Registry(Mapping):
    """ Model registry for a particular database.

    The registry is essentially a mapping between model names and model
    instances. There is one registry instance per database.


    def __init__(self, db_name):
        super(Registry, self).__init__()
        self.models = {}    # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_error = {}
        self._store_function = {}
        self._pure_function_fields = {}         # {model: [field, ...], ...}
        self._init = True
        self._init_parent = {}
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = openerp.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # special cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None

        # Indicates that the registry is 
        self.ready = False

        # Inter-process signaling (used only when openerp.multi_process is True):
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.base_registry_signaling_sequence = None
        self.base_cache_signaling_sequence = None

        self.cache = LRU(8192)
        # Flag indicating if at least one model cache has been cleared.
        # Useful only in a multi-process context.
        self._any_cache_cleared = False

        cr = self.cursor()
        has_unaccent = openerp.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
        if openerp.tools.config['unaccent'] and not has_unaccent:
            _logger.warning("The option --unaccent was given but no unaccent() function was found in database.")
        self.has_unaccent = openerp.tools.config['unaccent'] and has_unaccent

    # Mapping abstract methods implementation
    # => mixin provides methods keys, items, values, get, __eq__, and __ne__
    def __len__(self):
        """ Return the size of the registry. """
        return len(self.models)

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Return an iterator over all model names. """
        return iter(self.models)

    def __getitem__(self, model_name):
        """ Return the model with the given name or raise KeyError if it doesn't exist."""
        return self.models[model_name]

    def __call__(self, model_name):
        """ Same as ``self[model_name]``. """
        return self.models[model_name]

    def pure_function_fields(self):
        """ Return the list of pure function fields (field objects) """
        fields = []
        for mname, fnames in self._pure_function_fields.iteritems():
            model_fields = self[mname]._fields
            for fname in fnames:
        return fields

    def clear_manual_fields(self):
        """ Invalidate the cache for manual fields. """
        self._fields_by_model = None

    def get_manual_fields(self, cr, model_name):
        """ Return the manual fields (as a dict) for the given model. """
        if self._fields_by_model is None:
            # Query manual fields for all models at once
            self._fields_by_model = dic = defaultdict(dict)
            cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_model_fields WHERE state=%s', ('manual',))
            for field in cr.dictfetchall():
                dic[field['model']][field['name']] = field
        return self._fields_by_model[model_name]

    def do_parent_store(self, cr):
        for o in self._init_parent:
        self._init = False

    def obj_list(self):
        """ Return the list of model names in this registry."""
        return self.keys()

    def add(self, model_name, model):
        """ Add or replace a model in the registry."""
        self.models[model_name] = model

    def load(self, cr, module):
        """ Load a given module in the registry.

        At the Python level, the modules are already loaded, but not yet on a
        per-registry level. This method populates a registry with the given
        modules, i.e. it instanciates all the classes of a the given module
        and registers them in the registry.

        from .. import models

        models_to_load = [] # need to preserve loading order

        # Instantiate registered classes (via the MetaModel automatic discovery
        # or via explicit constructor call), and add them to the pool.
        for cls in models.MetaModel.module_to_models.get(module.name, []):
            # models register themselves in self.models
            model = cls._build_model(self, cr)
            if model._name not in models_to_load:
                # avoid double-loading models whose declaration is split

        return [self.models[m] for m in models_to_load]

    def setup_models(self, cr, partial=False):
        """ Complete the setup of models.
            This must be called after loading modules and before using the ORM.

            :param partial: ``True`` if all models have not been loaded yet.

        # load custom models
        ir_model = self['ir.model']
        cr.execute('select model, transient from ir_model where state=%s', ('manual',))
        for (model_name, transient) in cr.fetchall():
            ir_model.instanciate(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, model_name, transient, {})

        # prepare the setup on all models
        for model in self.models.itervalues():
            model._prepare_setup(cr, SUPERUSER_ID)

        # do the actual setup from a clean state
        self._m2m = {}
        for model in self.models.itervalues():
            model._setup_base(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, partial)

        for model in self.models.itervalues():
            model._setup_fields(cr, SUPERUSER_ID)

        for model in self.models.itervalues():
            model._setup_complete(cr, SUPERUSER_ID)

    def clear_caches(self):
        """ Clear the caches
        This clears the caches associated to methods decorated with
        ``tools.ormcache`` or ``tools.ormcache_multi`` for all the models.
        for model in self.models.itervalues():

    # Useful only in a multi-process context.
    def reset_any_cache_cleared(self):
        self._any_cache_cleared = False

    # Useful only in a multi-process context.
    def any_cache_cleared(self):
        return self._any_cache_cleared

    def setup_multi_process_signaling(cls, cr):
        if not openerp.multi_process:
            return None, None

        # Inter-process signaling:
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        cr.execute("""SELECT sequence_name FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_name='base_registry_signaling'""")
        if not cr.fetchall():
            cr.execute("""CREATE SEQUENCE base_registry_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1""")
            cr.execute("""SELECT nextval('base_registry_signaling')""")
            cr.execute("""CREATE SEQUENCE base_cache_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1""")
            cr.execute("""SELECT nextval('base_cache_signaling')""")
                    SELECT base_registry_signaling.last_value,
                    FROM base_registry_signaling, base_cache_signaling""")
        r, c = cr.fetchone()
        _logger.debug("Multiprocess load registry signaling: [Registry: # %s] "\
                    "[Cache: # %s]",
                    r, c)
        return r, c

    def enter_test_mode(self):
        """ Enter the 'test' mode, where one cursor serves several requests. """
        assert self.test_cr is None
        self.test_cr = self._db.test_cursor()

    def leave_test_mode(self):
        """ Leave the test mode. """
        assert self.test_cr is not None
        self.test_cr = None

    def cursor(self):
        """ Return a new cursor for the database. The cursor itself may be used
            as a context manager to commit/rollback and close automatically.
        cr = self.test_cr
        if cr is not None:
            # While in test mode, we use one special cursor across requests. The
            # test cursor uses a reentrant lock to serialize accesses. The lock
            # is granted here by cursor(), and automatically released by the
            # cursor itself in its method close().
            return cr
        return self._db.cursor()
Exemplo n.º 4
class Registry(Mapping):
    """ Model registry for a particular database.

    The registry is essentially a mapping between model names and model
    instances. There is one registry instance per database.


    def __init__(self, db_name):
        super(Registry, self).__init__()
        self.models = {}    # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_error = {}
        self._store_function = {}
        self._pure_function_fields = {}         # {model: [field, ...], ...}
        self._init = True
        self._init_parent = {}
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = openerp.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # special cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None

        # Indicates that the registry is 
        self.ready = False

        # Inter-process signaling (used only when openerp.multi_process is True):
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.base_registry_signaling_sequence = None
        self.base_cache_signaling_sequence = None

        self.cache = LRU(8192)
        # Flag indicating if at least one model cache has been cleared.
        # Useful only in a multi-process context.
        self._any_cache_cleared = False

        cr = self.cursor()
        has_unaccent = openerp.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
        if openerp.tools.config['unaccent'] and not has_unaccent:
            _logger.warning("The option --unaccent was given but no unaccent() function was found in database.")
        self.has_unaccent = openerp.tools.config['unaccent'] and has_unaccent

    # Mapping abstract methods implementation
    # => mixin provides methods keys, items, values, get, __eq__, and __ne__
    def __len__(self):
        """ Return the size of the registry. """
        return len(self.models)

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Return an iterator over all model names. """
        return iter(self.models)

    def __getitem__(self, model_name):
        """ Return the model with the given name or raise KeyError if it doesn't exist."""
        return self.models[model_name]

    def __call__(self, model_name):
        """ Same as ``self[model_name]``. """
        return self.models[model_name]

    def model_cache(self):
        return RegistryManager.model_cache

    def pure_function_fields(self):
        """ Return the list of pure function fields (field objects) """
        fields = []
        for mname, fnames in self._pure_function_fields.iteritems():
            model_fields = self[mname]._fields
            for fname in fnames:
        return fields

    def field_sequence(self):
        """ Return a function mapping a field to an integer. The value of a
            field is guaranteed to be strictly greater than the value of the
            field's dependencies.
        # map fields on their dependents
        dependents = {
            field: set(dep for dep, _ in model._field_triggers[field] if dep != field)
            for model in self.itervalues()
            for field in model._fields.itervalues()
        # sort them topologically, and associate a sequence number to each field
        mapping = {
            field: num
            for num, field in enumerate(reversed(topological_sort(dependents)))
        return mapping.get

    def clear_manual_fields(self):
        """ Invalidate the cache for manual fields. """
        self._fields_by_model = None

    def get_manual_fields(self, cr, model_name):
        """ Return the manual fields (as a dict) for the given model. """
        if self._fields_by_model is None:
            # Query manual fields for all models at once
            self._fields_by_model = dic = defaultdict(dict)
            cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_model_fields WHERE state=%s', ('manual',))
            for field in cr.dictfetchall():
                dic[field['model']][field['name']] = field
        return self._fields_by_model[model_name]

    def do_parent_store(self, cr):
        env = openerp.api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
        for model_name in self._init_parent:
            if model_name in env:
        self._init = False

    def obj_list(self):
        """ Return the list of model names in this registry."""
        return self.keys()

    def add(self, model_name, model):
        """ Add or replace a model in the registry."""
        self.models[model_name] = model

    def load(self, cr, module):
        """ Load a given module in the registry, and return the names of the
        modified models.

        At the Python level, the modules are already loaded, but not yet on a
        per-registry level. This method populates a registry with the given
        modules, i.e. it instanciates all the classes of a the given module
        and registers them in the registry.

        from .. import models

        loaded_models = OrderedSet()
        def mark_loaded(model):
            # recursively mark model and its children
            for child_name in model._inherit_children:


        # Instantiate registered classes (via the MetaModel automatic discovery
        # or via explicit constructor call), and add them to the pool.
        for cls in models.MetaModel.module_to_models.get(module.name, []):
            # models register themselves in self.models
            model = cls._build_model(self, cr)

        return list(loaded_models)

    def setup_models(self, cr, partial=False):
        """ Complete the setup of models.
            This must be called after loading modules and before using the ORM.

            :param partial: ``True`` if all models have not been loaded yet.
        env = openerp.api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})

        # load custom models
        ir_model = env['ir.model']
        cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_model WHERE state=%s', ('manual',))
        for model_data in cr.dictfetchall():

        # prepare the setup on all models
        models = [env[model_name] for model_name in self.models]
        for model in models:

        # do the actual setup from a clean state
        self._m2m = {}
        for model in models:

        for model in models:

        for model in models:

    def init_models(self, cr, model_names, context):
        """ Initialize a list of models (given by their name). Call methods
            ``_auto_init``, ``init``, and ``_auto_end`` on each model to create
            or update the database tables supporting the models.

            The ``context`` may contain the following items:
             - ``module``: the name of the module being installed/updated, if any;
             - ``update_custom_fields``: whether custom fields should be updated.
        if 'module' in context:
            _logger.info('module %s: creating or updating database tables', context['module'])

        context = dict(context, todo=[])
        env = openerp.api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
        models = [env[model_name] for model_name in model_names]

        for model in models:

        for model in models:

        for _, func, args in sorted(context['todo']):

        if models:

    def clear_caches(self):
        """ Clear the caches
        This clears the caches associated to methods decorated with
        ``tools.ormcache`` or ``tools.ormcache_multi`` for all the models.
        for model in self.models.itervalues():

    # Useful only in a multi-process context.
    def reset_any_cache_cleared(self):
        self._any_cache_cleared = False

    # Useful only in a multi-process context.
    def any_cache_cleared(self):
        return self._any_cache_cleared

    def setup_multi_process_signaling(cls, cr):
        if not openerp.multi_process:
            return None, None

        # Inter-process signaling:
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        cr.execute("""SELECT sequence_name FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_name='base_registry_signaling'""")
        if not cr.fetchall():
            cr.execute("""CREATE SEQUENCE base_registry_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1""")
            cr.execute("""SELECT nextval('base_registry_signaling')""")
            cr.execute("""CREATE SEQUENCE base_cache_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1""")
            cr.execute("""SELECT nextval('base_cache_signaling')""")
                    SELECT base_registry_signaling.last_value,
                    FROM base_registry_signaling, base_cache_signaling""")
        r, c = cr.fetchone()
        _logger.debug("Multiprocess load registry signaling: [Registry: # %s] "\
                    "[Cache: # %s]",
                    r, c)
        return r, c

    def in_test_mode(self):
        """ Test whether the registry is in 'test' mode. """
        return self.test_cr is not None

    def enter_test_mode(self):
        """ Enter the 'test' mode, where one cursor serves several requests. """
        assert self.test_cr is None
        self.test_cr = self._db.test_cursor()

    def leave_test_mode(self):
        """ Leave the test mode. """
        assert self.test_cr is not None
        self.test_cr = None

    def cursor(self):
        """ Return a new cursor for the database. The cursor itself may be used
            as a context manager to commit/rollback and close automatically.
        cr = self.test_cr
        if cr is not None:
            # While in test mode, we use one special cursor across requests. The
            # test cursor uses a reentrant lock to serialize accesses. The lock
            # is granted here by cursor(), and automatically released by the
            # cursor itself in its method close().
            return cr
        return self._db.cursor()