Exemplo n.º 1
def sanitizeOEMolecule(molecule):
    This function checks if the molecule has coordinates,
    explicit hydrogens, aromaticity missing and not unique
    atom names. If the molecule does not have coordinates
    a fatal error is raised. If the molecule does not have
    hydrogens or aramatic flags are missing then a copy of
    the molecule is fixed, if missing or not unique atom
    names are found then a copy of the molecule is fixed

    molecule: OEMol
        The molecule to be checked

    mol_copy: OEMol
        A copy of the checked molecule with fixed aromaticity,
        hydrogens and unique atom names if they are missing
    mol_copy = oechem.OEMol(molecule)

    # Check if the molecule has 3D coordinates
    if not mol_copy.NumAtoms() == 1:  # Mono-atomic molecules are skipped
        if not oechem.OEGetDimensionFromCoords(mol_copy):
            raise ValueError("The molecule coordinates are set to zero")
    # Check if the molecule has hydrogens
    if not oechem.OEHasExplicitHydrogens(mol_copy):
    # Check if the molecule has assigned aromaticity
    if not mol_copy.HasPerceived(oechem.OEPerceived_Aromaticity):
        # oechem.OEAssignAromaticFlags(mol_copy, oechem.OEAroModelOpenEye)
        oechem.OEAssignAromaticFlags(mol_copy, oechem.OEAroModelMDL)
    if not mol_copy.HasPerceived(oechem.OEPerceived_Chiral):

    # Check for any missing and not unique atom names.
    # If found reassign all of them as Tripos atom names

    atm_list_names = []

    for atom in mol_copy.GetAtoms():

    reassign_names = False

    if len(set(atm_list_names)) != len(atm_list_names):
        reassign_names = True

    if '' in atm_list_names:
        reassign_names = True

    if reassign_names:

    return mol_copy
Exemplo n.º 2
def rdmol_from_oemol(oemol):
    Create an RDKit molecule identical to the input OpenEye molecule.

    Written by Caitlin Bannan:

    May not be needed in newer openforcefield versions. See:

    oemol : OEMol

    #print("Starting OpenEye molecule: ", oechem.OEMolToSmiles(oemol))

    # start function
    rdmol = Chem.RWMol()

    # RDKit keeps bond order as a type instead using these values, I don't really understand 7,
    # I took them from Shuzhe's example linked above
    _bondtypes = {
        1: Chem.BondType.SINGLE,
        1.5: Chem.BondType.AROMATIC,
        2: Chem.BondType.DOUBLE,
        3: Chem.BondType.TRIPLE,
        4: Chem.BondType.QUADRUPLE,
        5: Chem.BondType.QUINTUPLE,
        6: Chem.BondType.HEXTUPLE,
        7: Chem.BondType.ONEANDAHALF,

    # atom map lets you find atoms again
    map_atoms = dict()  # {oe_idx: rd_idx}
    for oea in oemol.GetAtoms():
        oe_idx = oea.GetIdx()
        rda = Chem.Atom(oea.GetAtomicNum())

        # unlike OE, RDK lets you set chirality directly
        cip = oechem.OEPerceiveCIPStereo(oemol, oea)
        if cip == oechem.OECIPAtomStereo_S:
        if cip == oechem.OECIPAtomStereo_R:

        map_atoms[oe_idx] = rdmol.AddAtom(rda)

    # As discussed above, setting bond stereochemistry requires neighboring bonds
    # so we will store that information by atom index in this list
    stereo_bonds = list()
    # stereo_bonds will have tuples with the form (rda1, rda2, rda3, rda4, is_cis)
    # where rda[n] is an atom index for a double bond of form 1-2=3-4
    # and is_cis is a Boolean is True then onds 1-2 and 3-4 are cis to each other

    for oeb in oemol.GetBonds():
        # get neighboring rd atoms
        rd_a1 = map_atoms[oeb.GetBgnIdx()]
        rd_a2 = map_atoms[oeb.GetEndIdx()]

        # AddBond returns the total number of bonds, so addbond and then get it
        rdmol.AddBond(rd_a1, rd_a2)
        rdbond = rdmol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(rd_a1, rd_a2)

        # Assign bond type, which is based on order unless it is aromatic
        order = oeb.GetOrder()
        if oeb.IsAromatic():

        # If the bond has specified stereo add the required information to stereo_bonds
        if oeb.HasStereoSpecified(oechem.OEBondStereo_CisTrans):
            # OpenEye determined stereo based on neighboring atoms so get two outside atoms
            n1 = [n for n in oeb.GetBgn().GetAtoms() if n != oeb.GetEnd()][0]
            n2 = [n for n in oeb.GetEnd().GetAtoms() if n != oeb.GetBgn()][0]

            rd_n1 = map_atoms[n1.GetIdx()]
            rd_n2 = map_atoms[n2.GetIdx()]

            stereo = oeb.GetStereo([n1, n2], oechem.OEBondStereo_CisTrans)
            if stereo == oechem.OEBondStereo_Cis:
                stereo_bonds.append((rd_n1, rd_a1, rd_a2, rd_n2, True))
            elif stereo == oechem.OEBondStereo_Trans:
                stereo_bonds.append((rd_n1, rd_a1, rd_a2, rd_n2, False))

    # add bond stereochemistry:
    for (rda1, rda2, rda3, rda4, is_cis) in stereo_bonds:
        # get neighbor bonds
        bond1 = rdmol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(rda1, rda2)
        bond2 = rdmol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(rda3, rda4)

        # Since this is relative, the first bond always goes up
        # as explained above these names come from SMILES slashes so UP/UP is Trans and Up/Down is cis
        if is_cis:

    # if oemol has coordinates (The dimension is non-zero)
    # add those coordinates to the rdmol
    if oechem.OEGetDimensionFromCoords(oemol) > 0:
        conformer = Chem.Conformer()
        oecoords = oemol.GetCoords()
        for oe_idx, rd_idx in map_atoms.items():
            (x, y, z) = oecoords[oe_idx]
            conformer.SetAtomPosition(rd_idx, Geometry.Point3D(x, y, z))

    # Save the molecule title
    rdmol.SetProp("_Name", oemol.GetTitle())

    # Cleanup the rdmol
    # Note I copied UpdatePropertyCache and GetSSSR from Shuzhe's code to convert oemol to rdmol here:
    # I added AssignStereochemistry which takes the directions of the bond set
    # and assigns the stereochemistry tags on the double bonds
    Chem.AssignStereochemistry(rdmol, force=False)

    #print("Final RDKit molecule: ", Chem.MolToSmiles(Chem.RemoveHs(rdmol), isomericSmiles=True))
    return rdmol.GetMol()