Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, config_path, mode):
        Driver.__init__(self, config_path, mode)

        base_url = "http://" + self.host + ":" + self.port + "/rest"
        self.openhab = openHAB(base_url)
        self.pre_info = None
        self.now_info = []
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_openhab_data(self, *args):
        openhab_url = 'http://<enter address of openHAB server here>:8080/rest'

            openhab = openHAB(openhab_url)
            items = openhab.fetch_all_items()

            rm1 = round(items.get('RM1_Temperature').state, 0)
            self.rm1_temp = "room1: " + \
             str(int(rm1)) + self.deg + "C"

            rm2 = round(items.get('RM2_Temperature').state, 0)
            self.rm2_temp = "room2: " + \
             str(int(rm2)) + self.deg + "C"

            rm3 = items.get('RM3_Temperature').state
            self.rm3_temp = "room3: " + \
             str(int(round(rm3,0))) + self.deg + "C"
            self.rm1_temp = "room1: "
            self.rm2_temp = "room2: "
            self.rm3_temp = "room3: "
Exemplo n.º 3
from openhab import openHAB
from time import sleep
from app import app
from socketIO_client import SocketIO, LoggingNamespace

base_url = ''
openhab = openHAB(base_url)

def checkSTATE():
    items = openhab.fetch_all_items()
    sensor = items.get('LED1')
    sensorSTATE = sensor.state
    if (sensorSTATE=="OFF"):
        return 1
        return 0

def dummy():
    with SocketIO('http://localhost', 5000, LoggingNamespace) as socketIO:  
        #socketIO.emit('messagecs','Take plate from left cupboard')
        #socketIO.emit('messageps','Previous Step: Take plate from left cupboard')
        #socketIO.emit('messagecs','Refill and turn on kettle')
        #socketIO.emit('messageps','Previous Step: Refill and turn on kettle')
        #socketIO.emit('messagecs','Take butter from fridge') 

        items = openhab.fetch_all_items()
        sensor = items.get('LED1')
Exemplo n.º 4
urllib2.urlopen('http://' + ArduinoIP + '?L1=' + StartL1 + '&L2=' + StartL2)

# Wait 5 secs to allow the message to be read

#Main loop of code now
while True:

    #Current Time
    Time = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M')
    timeconnection = urllib2.urlopen('http://' + ArduinoIP + '?L1=Time+Is:' +
                                     '&L2=' + Time)
    print("Sent Time to Arduino")

    # Outside temp from OpenHAB
    openhab = openHAB(OpenHabURL)
    tempreq = openhab.get_item(
    temp = str(float(tempreq.state))
    conditionreq = openhab.get_item(
    condition = str(conditionreq.state)
    openhabconnection = urllib2.urlopen('http://' + ArduinoIP +
                                        '?L1=Conditions:' + '&L2=' + temp +
                                        'C' + '+/+' + condition)
    print("Sent Temp to Arduino")
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_states():

	thing_url = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/rest/things"
	openhab = openHAB(base_url)

	states = []
	item_of_thing_list = []
	# Get all things in openHAB
	things = get(thing_url).json()
	# print (things)

	# Get all items in openHAB
	items = openhab.fetch_all_items() # dict of openHAB items
	items = items.items()	# convert dict into list
	items = np.asarray(items)
	items_list = list(items[:, 0])
	# print (items_list)

	# Get all things and items of things in openHAB
	for thing in things:
		# print (thing)
		thing_type = thing["thingTypeUID"]
		# print (thing_type)
		thing_name = thing["label"]
		thing_local_id = thing["UID"]
		thing_global_id = platform_id + "/" + thing_local_id
		thing_location = thing["location"]
		linked_items = thing["channels"]
		items_state = []

		for linked_item in linked_items:
			item_type = linked_item["itemType"]
			item_name = linked_item["linkedItems"][0]
			item_of_thing_list.append(item_name)	# Get all item of things.
			# item_local_id  = linked_item["uid"]
			item_local_id = item_name
			item_global_id = platform_id + "/" + thing_local_id + "/" + item_local_id
			item_url = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/rest/items?recursive=false"
			item = openhab.get_item(item_name)
			item_state = str(item.state)
			can_set_state = True
					'item_type': str(item_type),
					'item_name': str(item_name),
					'item_global_id': str(item_global_id),
					'item_local_id': str(item_local_id),
					'item_state': str(item_state),
					'can_set_state': str(can_set_state)

		state = {
			'thing_type': str(thing_type),	
			'thing_name': str(thing_name),
			'thing_global_id': str(thing_global_id),
			'thing_local_id': str(thing_local_id),
			'location': str(thing_location), 
			'items': items_state

	# Get items not belong thing
	remain_item_list = list(set(items_list) - set(item_of_thing_list))
	# print (remain_item_list)

	# Those items above be converted to things 
	for item_to_thing in remain_item_list:
		item = openhab.get_item_raw(item_to_thing)
		item_type = item['type']; thing_type = item_type
		item_name = item['name']; thing_name = item_name
		item_state = item['state']
		item_local_id = item_name; thing_local_id = thing_name
		thing_global_id = platform_id + '/' + thing_local_id
		item_global_id = platform_id + '/' + thing_local_id + '/' + item_local_id
		location = 'unknown'
		can_set_state = True

		items_state = [
				'item_type': str(item_type),
				'item_name': str(item_name),
				'item_global_id': str(item_global_id),
				'item_local_id': str(item_local_id),
				'item_state': str(item_state),
				'can_set_state': str(can_set_state)

		state = {
			'thing_type': str(thing_type),	
			'thing_name': str(thing_name),
			'thing_global_id': str(thing_global_id),
			'thing_local_id': str(thing_local_id),
			'location': str(thing_location), 
			'items': items_state


	return states 
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, config_path, time_push):
        Driver.__init__(self, config_path, time_push)

        base_url = "http://" + self.host + ":" + self.port + "/rest"
        self.openhab = openHAB(base_url)