Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, history_path=None):
        # Disable tornado's logging.
        # TODO(Kenadia): Enable these logs if verbosity flag is at least -vvv.
        #     I think this will require changing how StoreRepsInModule works.
        #     Currently, if we call logs.ARG_PARSER.parse_known_args() multiple
        #     times, we multiply the number of v's that we get.
        tornado_logger = logging.getLogger('tornado')
        tornado_logger.propagate = False
        if not tornado_logger.handlers:

        # Override tornado's json encoding to handle our Attachments.
        def _json_encode(value):
            return TestRecordEncoder().encode(value)

        sockjs.tornado.proto.json_encode = _json_encode

        # Bind port early so that the correct port number can be used in the routes.
        sockets, port = web_gui_server.bind_port(int(conf.station_server_port))

        # Set up the station watcher.
        station_watcher = StationWatcher(StationPubSub.publish_update)

        # Set up the SockJS endpoints.
        dashboard_class = DashboardPubSub.for_port(port)
        dash_router = sockjs.tornado.SockJSRouter(dashboard_class,
        station_router = sockjs.tornado.SockJSRouter(StationPubSub,
        routes = dash_router.urls + station_router.urls

        # Set up the other endpoints.
            (r'/tests/(?P<test_uid>[\w\d:]+)/phases', PhasesHandler),
             'attachments/(?P<attachment_name>.+)', AttachmentsHandler),

        # Optionally enable history from disk.
        if history_path is not None:
                (r'/history', HistoryListHandler, {
                    'history_path': history_path
                (r'/history/(?P<file_name>[^/]+)', HistoryItemHandler, {
                    'history_path': history_path
                 HistoryAttachmentsHandler, {
                     'history_path': history_path

        super(StationServer, self).__init__(routes, port, sockets=sockets)
        self.station_multicast = StationMulticast(port)
Exemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self, history_path=None):
    # Disable tornado's logging.
    # TODO(Kenadia): Enable these logs if verbosity flag is at least -vvv.
    #     I think this will require changing how StoreRepsInModule works.
    #     Currently, if we call logs.ARG_PARSER.parse_known_args() multiple
    #     times, we multiply the number of v's that we get.
    tornado_logger = logging.getLogger('tornado')
    tornado_logger.propagate = False
    if not tornado_logger.handlers:

    # Bind port early so that the correct port number can be used in the routes.
    sockets, port = web_gui_server.bind_port(int(conf.station_server_port))

    # Set up the station watcher.
    station_watcher = StationWatcher(StationPubSub.publish_update)

    # Set up the SockJS endpoints.
    dashboard_class = DashboardPubSub.for_port(port)
    dash_router = sockjs.tornado.SockJSRouter(dashboard_class, '/sub/dashboard')
    station_router = sockjs.tornado.SockJSRouter(StationPubSub, '/sub/station')
    routes = dash_router.urls + station_router.urls

    # Set up the other endpoints.
        (r'/tests/(?P<test_uid>[\w\d:]+)/phases', PhasesHandler),
         'attachments/(?P<attachment_name>.+)', AttachmentsHandler),

    # Optionally enable history from disk.
    if history_path is not None:
          (r'/history', HistoryListHandler, {'history_path': history_path}),
          (r'/history/(?P<file_name>[^/]+)', HistoryItemHandler,
           {'history_path': history_path}),
           HistoryAttachmentsHandler, {'history_path': history_path}),

    super(StationServer, self).__init__(routes, port, sockets=sockets)
    self.station_multicast = StationMulticast(port)