Exemplo n.º 1
 def type_logincomplete_html(self):
     redirect = self.request.GET['redirect']
         import openid.consumer.consumer
     except ImportError:
         return self.render_error("OpenID Error", "OpenID is not supported in this installation")
     consumer = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(self.request.session, None)
     query_dict = dict((k,v) for k,v in self.request.GET.items())
     current_url = self.request.build_absolute_uri().split('?')[0]
     openid_response = consumer.complete(query_dict, current_url)
     if openid_response.status == openid.consumer.consumer.SUCCESS:
         identity_url = openid_response.identity_url
         identity_url_without_fragment = identity_url.split('#')[0]
         # If we want to use display_identifier, we need to have python-openid >=2.1, which isn't in Ubuntu Hardy
         #display_identifier = openid_response.getDisplayIdentifier()
         sreg = openid_response.extensionResponse('sreg', False)
             openid_authentication_method = OpenidAccount.objects.get(Q(openid_url=identity_url_without_fragment) |
                                                                      Q(openid_url__startswith=identity_url_without_fragment + '#'),
                                                                      active=True, agent__active=True)
         except ObjectDoesNotExist:
             # No active OpenidAccount has this openid_url.
             return self.render_error("OpenID Error", "There is no active agent with that OpenID")
         self.request.session['cur_agent_id'] = openid_authentication_method.agent.pk
         full_redirect = '%s?redirect=%s' % (reverse('item_type_url', kwargs={'viewer': self.viewer_name, 'action': 'loggedinorout'}), urlquote(redirect))
         return HttpResponseRedirect(full_redirect)
     elif openid_response.status == openid.consumer.consumer.CANCEL:
         return self.render_error("OpenID Error", "OpenID request was cancelled")
     elif openid_response.status == openid.consumer.consumer.FAILURE:
         return self.render_error("OpenID Error", "OpenID error: %s" % escape(openid_response.message))
     elif openid_response.status == openid.consumer.consumer.SETUP_NEEDED:
         return self.render_error("OpenID Error", "OpenID setup needed")
         return self.render_error("OpenID Error", "Invalid OpenID status: %s" % escape(openid_response.status))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def process(self):
     consumer = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(session, None)
     return_to = request.url
     info = consumer.complete(request.params, return_to)
     display_identifier = info.getDisplayIdentifier()
     if info.status == openid.consumer.consumer.FAILURE and display_identifier:
         c.errors.append(display_identifier + ' : ' + info.message)
         return render('/auth/login.mako')
     elif info.status == openid.consumer.consumer.SUCCESS:
         session['user'] = display_identifier
         session['messages'].append('Logged in as ' + display_identifier)
         target = session.get('post_login_redirect', '/')
         if target:
             session['post_login_redirect'] = ''
     elif info.status == openid.consumer.consumer.CANCEL:
         return render('/auth/login.mako')
     elif info.status == openid.consumer.consumer.SETUP_NEEDED:
         c.errors.append('Setup needed: ' + info.setup_url)
         return render('/auth/login.mako')
         c.errors.append('Verification failed.')
         return render('/auth/login.mako')
Exemplo n.º 3
def complete(request):
    data = dict(request.REQUEST.items())

    consumer = get_consumer(request.session)

    trust_url, return_to = get_auth_urls(request)
    response = consumer.complete(data, return_to)

    return consumer, response
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get(self):
   args = self.args_to_dict()
   consumer = self.get_consumer()
   response = consumer.complete(args, self.request.uri)
   if response.status == 'success':
   elif response.status == 'failure':
   elif response.status == 'cancel':
     assert False, "Response status must be in ('success', 'failure', 'cancel')"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def return_path(self, environ, start_response):
        """After a call to verify_path, Opid instructs the OpenID
        provider to redirect to return_path, which then examines the
        result of the authentication and determines whether a redirect
        to the success or failure paths are necessary.

        Opid places a few pieces of information in the session:

        opid.auth_status: contains the success or failure strings, as
        returned by the python-openid module.

        opid.identity_url: the identity returned by the OpenID provider

        opid.auth_time: the time of authentication, set by Opid

        with self.session_context(environ) as session:
            consumer = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(session['opid.session'],

            # Consumer.complete expects a dictionary, whereas a query
            # string represents a multidict. We flatten it here.
            qdict = {}
            for k,v in _parse_qsl(environ['QUERY_STRING']):
                qdict[k] = v

            resp = consumer.complete(qdict, self._return_to(environ))
            environ['opid.auth_status'] = resp.status

            # fixme: we could theoretically make success and failure user
            # definable apps. In this case, it'd be better to generalize
            # handling of success/failure urls. Ie, we might not want them
            # at all. Rather, when opid gets a hit at /verify, store the
            # query string in the session. We can then pass it on to the
            # success and failure apps, so that they can determine what to
            # do next.

            if resp.status == 'success':
                session['opid.identity_url'] = resp.identity_url
                session['opid.auth_time'] = time.time()

                environ['opid.redirect_url'] = session['opid.success_url']
                return self.redirect_app(environ, start_response)
                environ['opid.redirect_url'] = session['opid.failure_url']
                return self.redirect_app(environ, start_response)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def complete(self, environ, start_response):
        req = Request(environ)
        sess = environ['beaker.session']
        set_template(environ, 'login.xslt')
        # params = {'base_uri': self.base_url}
        params = {'base_uri': 'http://dev.amp.fm/'}

        headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/xml')]

        consumer = self.get_consumer(sess[self.ekey])
        info = consumer.complete(req.GET)

        cookies = []
        if info.status == 'success':
            req.cookies['openid'] = req.params['identity']
            guid = req.cookies.get('guid', str(uuid.uuid1()))
            headers.append(make_cookie_header('openid.session', guid, expires=0))
            headers.append(make_cookie_header('openid', req.params['identity']))
            params['status'] = 'complete'
            params['return_location'] = sess[self.ekey]['return_location']
            params['message'] = 'Logged in as %s' % req.params['identity']
        elif info.status == 'failure':
            # Sylvain: I explicitely remove any existing cookie in case of a failure
            headers.append(make_cookie_header('openid.session', expires=0))
            headers.append(make_cookie_header('openid', expires=0))
            params['status']= 'failure'
            if info.identity_url:
                fmt = "Verification of %s failed: %s"                
                params['message'] = fmt % (cgi.escape(info.identity_url),
                params['message'] = "Verification failed"

        elif info.status == 'cancel':
            params['status'] = 'failure'
            params['message'] = 'Verfication cancelled'

        set_params(environ, params)
        start_response('200 OK', headers)
        return []
Exemplo n.º 7
    def GET_postlogin(self):
        if getattr(c.user, "f2p", None) != "participated":
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam")

        session = g.f2pcache.get("steam_session_%d" % c.user._id)
        if not session:
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=no_session")

        consumer = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(session, store=None)
        auth_response = consumer.complete(request.params, request.url)

        if auth_response.status == openid.consumer.consumer.CANCEL:
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=cancel")

        if auth_response.status != openid.consumer.consumer.SUCCESS:
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=not_success")

        steamid_match = STEAMID_EXTRACTOR.search(auth_response.identity_url)
        if not steamid_match:
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=id_mismatch")

        steamid = steamid_match.group(1)
        g.log.debug("successful steam auth for %r", steamid)

        with g.make_lock("f2p", "steam_claim_%d" % c.user._id):
            if c.user.f2p != "participated":
                return redirect_to("/f2p/steam")

            c.user.f2p = "claiming"

        message = json.dumps({
            "user-id": c.user._id,
            "steam-id": steamid,
        amqp.add_item(QNAME, message)

        return redirect_to("/f2p/steam")
Exemplo n.º 8
    def GET_postlogin(self):
        if getattr(c.user, "f2p", None) != "participated":
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam")

        session = g.f2pcache.get("steam_session_%d" % c.user._id)
        if not session:
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=no_session")

        consumer = openid.consumer.consumer.Consumer(session, store=None)
        auth_response = consumer.complete(request.params, request.url)

        if auth_response.status == openid.consumer.consumer.CANCEL:
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=cancel")

        if auth_response.status != openid.consumer.consumer.SUCCESS:
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=not_success")

        steamid_match = STEAMID_EXTRACTOR.search(auth_response.identity_url)
        if not steamid_match:
            return redirect_to("/f2p/steam?error=id_mismatch")

        steamid = steamid_match.group(1)
        g.log.debug("successful steam auth for %r", steamid)

        with g.make_lock("f2p", "steam_claim_%d" % c.user._id):
            if c.user.f2p != "participated":
                return redirect_to("/f2p/steam")

            c.user.f2p = "claiming"

        message = json.dumps({
            "user-id": c.user._id,
            "steam-id": steamid,
        amqp.add_item(QNAME, message)

        return redirect_to("/f2p/steam")