Exemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     Create the UI
     self.theme_manager = ThemeManager()
 def setUp(self):
     Create the UI
     self.main_window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
     Registry().register('main_window', self.main_window)
     self.form = SelectPlanForm()
     self.form.planning_center_api.airplane_mode = True
     self.form.planning_center_api.airplane_mode_directory = TEST_PATH
     theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
     theme_manager.get_themes = MagicMock()
     theme_manager.get_themes.return_value = ['themeA','themeB']
Exemplo n.º 3
    def write_theme_same_image_test(self):
        Test that we don't try to overwrite a theme background image with itself
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, shutil.copyfile,
        #        theme, check_directory_exists and thememanager-attributes.
        with patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.shutil.copyfile') as mocked_copyfile, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists:
            mocked_open.return_value = MagicMock()
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager.old_background_image = None
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            mocked_theme = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake_theme_xml'.encode(

            # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to the same image, but the path written slightly different
            file_name1 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church.jpg')
            # Do replacement from end of string to avoid problems with path start
            file_name2 = file_name1[::-1].replace(os.sep, os.sep + os.sep,
            theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_name1, file_name2)

            # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
                             'shutil.copyfile should not be called')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def unzip_theme_test(self):
        Test that unzipping of themes works
        # GIVEN: A theme file, a output folder and some mocked out internal functions
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.critical_error_message_box') \
                as mocked_critical_error_message_box:
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager._create_theme_from_xml = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            folder = mkdtemp()
            theme_file = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'themes',

            # WHEN: We try to unzip it
            theme_manager.unzip_theme(theme_file, folder)

            # THEN: Files should be unpacked
                    os.path.join(folder, 'Moss on tree', 'Moss on tree.xml')))
            self.assertEqual(mocked_critical_error_message_box.call_count, 0,
                             'No errors should have happened')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def write_theme_diff_images_test(self):
        Test that we do overwrite a theme background image when a new is submitted
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, shutil.copyfile,
        #        theme, check_directory_exists and thememanager-attributes.
        with patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.shutil.copyfile') as mocked_copyfile, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists:
            mocked_open.return_value = MagicMock()
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager.old_background_image = None
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            mocked_theme = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake_theme_xml'.encode(

            # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to different images
            file_name1 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church.jpg')
            file_name2 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church2.jpg')
            theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_name1, file_name2)

            # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
                            'shutil.copyfile should be called')
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_export_theme(self, mocked_zipfile_write, mocked_zipfile_init):
        Test exporting a theme .
        # GIVEN: A new ThemeManager instance.
        theme_manager = ThemeManager()
        theme_manager.theme_path = RESOURCE_PATH / 'themes'
        mocked_zipfile_init.return_value = None

        # WHEN: The theme is exported
        theme_manager._export_theme(Path('some', 'path', 'Default.otz'),

        # THEN: The zipfile should be created at the given path
            os.path.join('some', 'path', 'Default.otz'), 'w')
            str(RESOURCE_PATH / 'themes' / 'Default' / 'Default.xml'),
            os.path.join('Default', 'Default.xml'))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_unzip_theme_invalid_version(self):
        Test that themes with invalid (< 2.0) or with no version attributes are rejected
        # GIVEN: An instance of ThemeManager whilst mocking a theme that returns a theme with no version attribute
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.zipfile.ZipFile') as mocked_zip_file,\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.ElementTree.getroot') as mocked_getroot,\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.critical_error_message_box') as mocked_critical_error_message_box:

            mocked_zip_file.return_value = MagicMock(**{'namelist.return_value': [os.path.join('theme', 'theme.xml')]})
            mocked_getroot.return_value = MagicMock(**{'get.return_value': None})
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)

            # WHEN: unzip_theme is called
            theme_manager.unzip_theme('theme.file', 'folder')

            # THEN: The critical_error_message_box should have been called
            self.assertEqual(mocked_critical_error_message_box.call_count, 1, 'Should have been called once')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_over_write_message_box_no(self):
        Test that theme_manager.over_write_message_box returns False when the user clicks no.
        # GIVEN: A patched QMessageBox.question and an instance of ThemeManager
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question', return_value=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No)\
                as mocked_qmessagebox_question,\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.translate') as mocked_translate:
            mocked_translate.side_effect = lambda context, text: text
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)

            # WHEN: Calling over_write_message_box with 'Theme Name'
            result = theme_manager.over_write_message_box('Theme Name')

            # THEN: over_write_message_box should return False and the message box should contain the theme name
                theme_manager, 'Theme Already Exists', 'Theme Theme Name already exists. Do you want to replace it?',
                ANY, ANY)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_export_theme(self):
        Test exporting a theme .
        # GIVEN: A new ThemeManager instance.
        theme_manager = ThemeManager()
        theme_manager.path = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'themes')
        with patch('zipfile.ZipFile.__init__') as mocked_zipfile_init, \
                patch('zipfile.ZipFile.write') as mocked_zipfile_write:
            mocked_zipfile_init.return_value = None

            # WHEN: The theme is exported
            theme_manager._export_theme(os.path.join('some', 'path'), 'Default')

            # THEN: The zipfile should be created at the given path
            mocked_zipfile_init.assert_called_with(os.path.join('some', 'path', 'Default.otz'), 'w')
            mocked_zipfile_write.assert_called_with(os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'themes',
                                                                 'Default', 'Default.xml'),
                                                    os.path.join('Default', 'Default.xml'))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_over_write_message_box_no(self, mocked_translate,
        Test that theme_manager.over_write_message_box returns False when the user clicks no.
        # GIVEN: A patched QMessageBox.question and an instance of ThemeManager
        mocked_translate.side_effect = lambda context, text: text
        theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)

        # WHEN: Calling over_write_message_box with 'Theme Name'
        result = theme_manager.over_write_message_box('Theme Name')

        # THEN: over_write_message_box should return False and the message box should contain the theme name
        assert result is False
            'Theme Already Exists',
            'Theme Theme Name already exists. Do you want to replace it?',
Exemplo n.º 11
    def over_write_message_box_no_test(self):
        Test that theme_manager.over_write_message_box returns False when the user clicks no.
        # GIVEN: A patched QMessageBox.question and an instance of ThemeManager
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.QtGui.QMessageBox.question', return_value=QtGui.QMessageBox.No)\
                as mocked_qmessagebox_question,\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.translate') as mocked_translate:
            mocked_translate.side_effect = lambda context, text: text
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)

            # WHEN: Calling over_write_message_box with 'Theme Name'
            result = theme_manager.over_write_message_box('Theme Name')

            # THEN: over_write_message_box should return False and the message box should contain the theme name
                theme_manager, 'Theme Already Exists',
                'Theme Theme Name already exists. Do you want to replace it?',
                ANY, ANY)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def initial_theme_manager_test(self):
        Test the instantiation of theme manager.
        # GIVEN: A new service manager instance.

        # WHEN: the default theme manager is built.
        # THEN: The the controller should be registered in the registry.
                             'The base theme manager should be registered')
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_write_theme_diff_images(self):
        Test that we do overwrite a theme background image when a new is submitted
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, shutil.copyfile,
        #        theme, check_directory_exists and thememanager-attributes.
        with patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.shutil.copyfile') as mocked_copyfile, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists:
            mocked_open.return_value = MagicMock()
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager.old_background_image = None
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            mocked_theme = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake_theme_xml'.encode()

            # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to different images
            file_name1 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church.jpg')
            file_name2 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church2.jpg')
            theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_name1, file_name2)

            # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
            self.assertTrue(mocked_copyfile.called, 'shutil.copyfile should be called')
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_write_theme_same_image(self):
        Test that we don't try to overwrite a theme background image with itself
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, shutil.copyfile,
        #        theme, check_directory_exists and thememanager-attributes.
        with patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.shutil.copyfile') as mocked_copyfile, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists:
            mocked_open.return_value = MagicMock()
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager.old_background_image = None
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            mocked_theme = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake_theme_xml'.encode()

            # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to the same image, but the path written slightly different
            file_name1 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church.jpg')
            # Do replacement from end of string to avoid problems with path start
            file_name2 = file_name1[::-1].replace(os.sep, os.sep + os.sep, 2)[::-1]
            theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_name1, file_name2)

            # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
            self.assertFalse(mocked_copyfile.called, 'shutil.copyfile should not be called')
Exemplo n.º 15
    def unzip_theme_invalid_version_test(self):
        Test that themes with invalid (< 2.0) or with no version attributes are rejected
        # GIVEN: An instance of ThemeManager whilst mocking a theme that returns a theme with no version attribute
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.zipfile.ZipFile') as mocked_zip_file,\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.ElementTree.getroot') as mocked_getroot,\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.critical_error_message_box') as mocked_critical_error_message_box:

            mocked_zip_file.return_value = MagicMock(**{
                'namelist.return_value': [os.path.join('theme', 'theme.xml')]
            mocked_getroot.return_value = MagicMock(
                **{'get.return_value': None})
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)

            # WHEN: unzip_theme is called
            theme_manager.unzip_theme('theme.file', 'folder')

            # THEN: The critical_error_message_box should have been called
            mocked_critical_error_message_box.assert_called_once(ANY, ANY)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def export_theme_test(self):
        Test exporting a theme .
        # GIVEN: A new ThemeManager instance.
        theme_manager = ThemeManager()
        theme_manager.path = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'themes')
        with patch('zipfile.ZipFile.__init__') as mocked_zipfile_init, \
                patch('zipfile.ZipFile.write') as mocked_zipfile_write:
            mocked_zipfile_init.return_value = None

            # WHEN: The theme is exported
            theme_manager._export_theme(os.path.join('some', 'path'),

            # THEN: The zipfile should be created at the given path
                os.path.join('some', 'path', 'Default.otz'), 'w')
                os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'themes', 'Default',
                os.path.join('Default', 'Default.xml'))
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_write_theme_special_char_name(self):
        Test that we can save themes with special characters in the name
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked theme and thememanager-attributes.
        theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
        theme_manager.old_background_image = None
        theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
        theme_manager.theme_path = Path(self.temp_folder)
        mocked_theme = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme.theme_name = 'theme 愛 name'
        mocked_theme.export_theme.return_value = "{}"

        # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with a theme with a name with special characters in it
        theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, None, None)

        # THEN: It should have been created
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.temp_folder, 'theme 愛 name', 'theme 愛 name.json')) is True, \
            'Theme with special characters should have been created!'
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_write_theme_diff_images(self, mocked_create_paths,
        Test that we do overwrite a theme background image when a new is submitted
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, copyfile,
        #        theme, create_paths and thememanager-attributes.
        theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
        theme_manager.old_background_image = None
        theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
        theme_manager.theme_path = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
        mocked_theme.filename = "filename"

        # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to different images
        file_path_1 = RESOURCE_PATH / 'church.jpg'
        file_path_2 = RESOURCE_PATH / 'church2.jpg'
        theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_path_1, file_path_2)

        # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
        assert mocked_copyfile.called is True, 'copyfile should be called'
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_unzip_theme(self):
        Test that unzipping of themes works
        # GIVEN: A theme file, a output folder and some mocked out internal functions
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.critical_error_message_box') \
                as mocked_critical_error_message_box:
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager._create_theme_from_xml = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.theme_path = None
            folder_path = Path(mkdtemp())
            theme_file_path = RESOURCE_PATH / 'themes' / 'Moss_on_tree.otz'

            # WHEN: We try to unzip it
            theme_manager.unzip_theme(theme_file_path, folder_path)

            # THEN: Files should be unpacked
            assert (folder_path / 'Moss on tree' /
                    'Moss on tree.xml').exists() is True
            assert mocked_critical_error_message_box.call_count == 0, 'No errors should have happened'
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_write_theme_same_image(self, mocked_create_paths,
        Test that we don't try to overwrite a theme background image with itself
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, copyfile,
        #        theme, create_paths and thememanager-attributes.
        theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
        theme_manager.old_background_image = None
        theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
        theme_manager.theme_path = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
        mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake_theme_xml'.encode(

        # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to the same image, but the path written slightly different
        file_path_1 = RESOURCE_PATH / 'church.jpg'
        theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_path_1, file_path_1)

        # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
        assert mocked_copyfile.called is False, 'copyfile should not be called'
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_write_theme_special_char_name(self):
        Test that we can save themes with special characters in the name
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked theme and thememanager-attributes.
        theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
        theme_manager.old_background_image = None
        theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
        theme_manager.path = self.temp_folder
        mocked_theme = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme.theme_name = 'theme 愛 name'
        mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake theme 愛 XML'.encode()

        # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with a theme with a name with special characters in it
        theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, None, None)

        # THEN: It should have been created
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.temp_folder, 'theme 愛 name', 'theme 愛 name.xml')),
                        'Theme with special characters should have been created!')
Exemplo n.º 22
    def write_theme_special_char_name_test(self):
        Test that we can save themes with special characters in the name
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked theme and thememanager-attributes.
        theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
        theme_manager.old_background_image = None
        theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
        theme_manager.path = self.temp_folder
        mocked_theme = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme.theme_name = 'theme 愛 name'
        mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
        mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake theme 愛 XML'.encode(

        # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with a theme with a name with special characters in it
        theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, None, None)

        # THEN: It should have been created
                os.path.join(self.temp_folder, 'theme 愛 name',
                             'theme 愛 name.xml')),
            'Theme with special characters should have been created!')
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_unzip_theme(self):
        Test that unzipping of themes works
        # GIVEN: A theme file, a output folder and some mocked out internal functions
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.critical_error_message_box') \
                as mocked_critical_error_message_box:
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager._create_theme_from_xml = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            folder = mkdtemp()
            theme_file = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'themes', 'Moss_on_tree.otz')

            # WHEN: We try to unzip it
            theme_manager.unzip_theme(theme_file, folder)

            # THEN: Files should be unpacked
            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, 'Moss on tree', 'Moss on tree.xml')))
            self.assertEqual(mocked_critical_error_message_box.call_count, 0, 'No errors should have happened')
Exemplo n.º 24
class TestThemeManager(TestCase, TestMixin):
    Test the functions in the ThemeManager module
    def setUp(self):
        Create the UI
        self.theme_manager = ThemeManager()

    def tearDown(self):
        Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault
        del self.theme_manager

    def initialise_test(self):
        Test the thememanager initialise - basic test
        # GIVEN: A new a call to initialise
        self.theme_manager.build_theme_path = MagicMock()
        self.theme_manager.load_first_time_themes = MagicMock()
        Settings().setValue('themes/global theme', 'my_theme')

        # WHEN: the initialisation is run

        # THEN:
        self.assertEqual(1, self.theme_manager.build_theme_path.call_count,
                         'The function build_theme_path should have been called')
        self.assertEqual(1, self.theme_manager.load_first_time_themes.call_count,
                         'The function load_first_time_themes should have been called only once')
        self.assertEqual(self.theme_manager.global_theme, 'my_theme',
                         'The global theme should have been set to my_theme')

    def build_theme_path_test(self):
        Test the thememanager build_theme_path - basic test
        # GIVEN: A new a call to initialise
        with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists:
            # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_directory()
            mocked_check_directory_exists.return_value = True
        Settings().setValue('themes/global theme', 'my_theme')

        self.theme_manager.theme_form = MagicMock()
        self.theme_manager.load_first_time_themes = MagicMock()

        # WHEN: the build_theme_path is run

        #  THEN:
        assert self.theme_manager.thumb_path.startswith(self.theme_manager.path) is True, \
            'The thumb path and the main path should start with the same value'

    def click_on_new_theme_test(self):
        Test the on_add_theme event handler is called by the UI
        # GIVEN: An initial form
        Settings().setValue('themes/global theme', 'my_theme')
        mocked_event = MagicMock()
        self.theme_manager.on_add_theme = mocked_event

        # WHEN displaying the UI and pressing cancel
        new_theme = self.theme_manager.toolbar.actions['newTheme']

        assert mocked_event.call_count == 1, 'The on_add_theme method should have been called once'

    def bootstrap_post_test(self, mocked_theme_form, mocked_rename_form):
        Test the functions of bootstrap_post_setup are called.
        # GIVEN:
        self.theme_manager.load_themes = MagicMock()
        self.theme_manager.path = MagicMock()

        # WHEN:

        # THEN:
        self.assertEqual(self.theme_manager.path, self.theme_manager.theme_form.path)
        self.assertEqual(1, self.theme_manager.load_themes.call_count, "load_themes should have been called once")
Exemplo n.º 25
class TestThemeManager(TestCase, TestMixin):
    Test the functions in the ThemeManager module
    def setUp(self):
        Create the UI
        self.theme_manager = ThemeManager()

    def tearDown(self):
        Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault
        del self.theme_manager

    def test_initialise(self):
        Test the thememanager initialise - basic test
        # GIVEN: A new a call to initialise
        self.theme_manager.setup_ui = MagicMock()
        self.theme_manager.build_theme_path = MagicMock()
        self.theme_manager.load_first_time_themes = MagicMock()
        self.theme_manager.upgrade_themes = MagicMock()
        Settings().setValue('themes/global theme', 'my_theme')

        # WHEN: the initialisation is run

        # THEN:
        assert self.theme_manager.global_theme == 'my_theme'

    def test_build_theme_path(self, mocked_get_section_data_path,
        Test the thememanager build_theme_path
        # GIVEN: A mocked out AppLocation.get_directory() and mocked create_paths
        mocked_get_section_data_path.return_value = Path('tests/my_theme')

        # WHEN: the build_theme_path is run

        #  THEN: The theme path and the thumb path should be correct
        assert self.theme_manager.theme_path == Path('tests/my_theme')
        assert self.theme_manager.thumb_path == Path(
            Path('tests/my_theme'), Path('tests/my_theme/thumbnails'))

    def test_click_on_new_theme(self):
        Test the on_add_theme event handler is called by the UI
        # GIVEN: An initial form
        Settings().setValue('themes/global theme', 'my_theme')
        mocked_event = MagicMock()
        self.theme_manager.on_add_theme = mocked_event

        # WHEN displaying the UI and pressing cancel
        new_theme = self.theme_manager.toolbar.actions['newTheme']

        assert mocked_event.call_count == 1, 'The on_add_theme method should have been called once'

    def test_bootstrap_post(self, mocked_rename_form, mocked_theme_form):
        Test the functions of bootstrap_post_setup are called.
        # GIVEN:
        self.theme_manager.load_themes = MagicMock()
        self.theme_manager.theme_path = MagicMock()

        # WHEN:

        # THEN:
        assert 1 == self.theme_manager.load_themes.call_count, "load_themes should have been called once"