Exemplo n.º 1
class FstWrapper(FstExternalCode):

    FSTexe = Str(io_type='in', desc='Path to executable')
    FSTInputFile = Str(iotype='in', desc='FAST input file (ext=.fst)')
    fst_directory = Str(iotype='in', desc='Path to fst directory files')

    def __init__(self):
        super(FstWrapper, self).__init__()

    def execute(self):

        print "Executing FAST"
        self.input_file = os.path.join(self.fst_directory, self.FSTInputFile)

        if (not os.path.exists(self.FSTexe)):
            sys.stderr.write("Can't find FAST executable: {:}\n".format(
            return 0
        print "calling ", self.FSTexe
        print "input file=", self.input_file


        super(FstWrapper, self).execute()
Exemplo n.º 2
class SubCounterComp(Component):

    # --- Initialize counter variable ---
    config = Str('', iotype='out', desc='full ID string')
    case = Str('', iotype='in', desc='current DOE case number')
    power_level = Int(100, iotype='in', desc='% thrust setting')

    reset_iteration = Event()

    def _reset_iteration_fired(self):
        self._iteration = 0

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # ---------------------------------------------
        # --- Constructor for the counter component ---
        # ---------------------------------------------
        super(SubCounterComp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # --- Edit this line to override default numbering
        # --- If restarting, should equal the subiteration number of the last successful case + 1
        # --- Needs to be 0 if starting a new case
        self._iteration = 7
        self.force_execute = True

    def execute(self):

        self.config = '%s_%s_%s' % (self.case, str(
            self._iteration), str(self.power_level))

        self._iteration += 1

        print '--------------------------------------------------'
        print 'Starting Simulation ', self.config
        print '--------------------------------------------------'
Exemplo n.º 3
class HAWC2ConstraintFix23(VariableTree):

    con_type = Str()
    mbdy = Str(desc='Main_body name to which the next main_body is fixed')
    dof = Array(np.zeros(3),
                desc='Direction in global coo that is fixed in rotation'
                '0: free, 1: fixed')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, iotype, client, rpath):
        ProxyMixin.__init__(self, client, rpath)

        default = self._valstr
        desc = client.get(rpath+'.description')

        Str.__init__(self, default_value=default, iotype=iotype, desc=desc)
Exemplo n.º 5
class Case(Container):

    title1 = Str()
    title2 = Str()
    oline = Str()

    def __init__(self):
        super(Case, self).__init__()
        self._stages = []

    def read(self, stream):
        Read from `stream`. Returns:

        - 1 if read OK and more to go.
        - 0 if read OK and end of data.
        - -1 if end-of-file or read error.
        #read title1
        line = stream.readline()
        if not line:
            return False
        self.title1 = line
        line = stream.readline()
        if not line:
            return False
        self.title2 = line

        #  stage loop
        pos = stream.tell()
        line = stream.readline()
        while line and '&DATAIN' in line:
            stagein = Datain()
            if stagein.read(stream):
                stage_num = len(self._stages) + 1
                self.add('Stage%d' % stage_num, stagein)

                if stagein.endjob:
                    return 0
                if stagein.endstg:
                    return 1
                return -1
            pos = stream.tell()
            line = stream.readline()

        if line:
            stream.seek(os.SEEK_SET, pos)

        return 1

    def write(self, stream):

        #print '   .before going to write() ..  self.nstages =', len(self._stages)
        for stagein in self._stages:
Exemplo n.º 6
class HAWC2Constraint(VariableTree):

    con_name = Str()
    con_type = Enum('free',
                    ('fixed', 'fixed_to_body', 'free', 'prescribed_angle'),
                    desc='Constraint type')
    body1 = Str(desc='Main body name to which the body is attached')
    DOF = Array(np.zeros(6), desc='Degrees of freedom')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, excelFile, xmlFile):
        super(ExcelWrapper, self).__init__()

        self.xmlFile = xmlFile
            tree = ET.parse(self.xmlFile)
            if not os.path.exists(self.xmlFile):
                print 'Cannot find the xml file at ' + self.xmlFile

        self.variables = tree.findall("Variable")
        for v in self.variables:
            name = v.attrib['name']
            kwargs = dict([(key, v.attrib[key])
                           for key in ('iotype', 'desc', 'units')
                           if key in v.attrib])
            if v.attrib['iotype'] == 'in':
                if v.attrib['type'] == 'Float':
                             Float(float(v.attrib['value']), **kwargs))
                elif v.attrib['type'] == 'Int':
                             Int(int(v.attrib['value']), **kwargs))
                elif v.attrib['type'] == 'Bool':
                        Bool(ast.literal_eval(v.attrib['value']), **kwargs))
                elif v.attrib['type'] == 'Str':
                    self.add(v.attrib['name'], Str(v.attrib['value'],
                if v.attrib['type'] == 'Float':
                    self.add(v.attrib['name'], Float(**kwargs))
                elif v.attrib['type'] == 'Int':
                    self.add(v.attrib['name'], Int(**kwargs))
                elif v.attrib['type'] == 'Bool':
                    self.add(v.attrib['name'], Bool(**kwargs))
                elif v.attrib['type'] == 'Str':
                    self.add(v.attrib['name'], Str(**kwargs))

        self.excelFile = excelFile
        self.xlInstance = None
        self.workbook = None
        self.ExcelConnectionIsValid = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.excelFile):
            print "Invalid file given"
            self.ExcelConnectionIsValid = False

            self.excelFile = os.path.abspath(self.excelFile)
            xl = self.openExcel()
            if xl is None:
                print "Connection to Excel failed."
                self.ExcelConnectionIsValid = False

                self.xlInstance = xl
                self.workbook = xl.Workbooks.Open(self.excelFile)
Exemplo n.º 8
class Texture(XMLContainer):
    """ XML parameters for a texture/image applied to a surface. """

    XMLTAG = 'Applied_Texture'

    texture_name = Str('Default_Name',
                       desc='Name of texture.')
    texture_filename = Str('Default_Name',
                           desc='Filename for texture data (.jpg or .tga)')
    all_surf_flag = Bool(False,
                         desc='If True, apply to all surfaces of component.')
    surf_id = Int(0,
                  desc='ID of surface to apply to.')
    u = Float(0.5, iotype='in', xmltag='U', desc='Position along U axis.')
    w = Float(0.5, iotype='in', xmltag='W', desc='Position along W axis.')
    scale_u = Float(1.0,
                    desc='Scaling in U direction.')
    scale_w = Float(1.0,
                    desc='Scaling in W direction.')
    wrap_u = Bool(False, iotype='in', xmltag='Wrap_U_Flag', desc='')
    wrap_w = Bool(False, iotype='in', xmltag='Wrap_W_Flag', desc='')
    repeat = Bool(False,
                  desc='Repeat texture over surface.')
    bright = Float(1.0,
    alpha = Float(1.0,
    flip_u = Bool(False, iotype='in', xmltag='Flip_U_Flag', desc='')
    flip_w = Bool(False, iotype='in', xmltag='Flip_W_Flag', desc='')
    refl_flip_u = Bool(False, iotype='in', xmltag='Refl_Flip_U_Flag', desc='')
    refl_flip_w = Bool(False, iotype='in', xmltag='Refl_Flip_W_Flag', desc='')

    def __init__(self):
        super(Texture, self).__init__(self.XMLTAG)
Exemplo n.º 9
class BCIntM_recv(Container):
    """ :class:`BCIntM` receiving block definition. """

    lblk1rr = Int(low=1, desc='Receiving block.')
    lface1 = Str(desc='Grid plane (I, J, or K).')
    ldir1 = Str(desc='Direction into flowfield (P or M).')
    l1lim = Int(low=1, desc='Grid index of surface.')
    m1lim1 = Int(low=1, desc='Initial 1st coord index.')
    m1lim2 = Int(low=1, desc='Initial 2nd coord index.')
    n1lim1 = Int(low=1, desc='Final 1st coord index.')
    n1lim2 = Int(low=1, desc='Final 2nd coord index.')

    def read(self, inp):
        """ Read from stream `inp`. """
        tokens = inp.readline().upper().split()
        if len(tokens) != 8:
            self.raise_exception('line %d: expecting 8 fields, got %d.' \
                                 % (inp.lineno(), len(tokens)), ValueError)

        for i, attr in enumerate(('lblk1rr', 'lface1', 'ldir1', 'l1lim',
                                  'm1lim1', 'm1lim2', 'n1lim1', 'n1lim2')):
            if attr == 'lface1' or attr == 'ldir1':
                value = tokens[i]
                    value = int(tokens[i])
                except ValueError:
                    self.raise_exception('line %d: %s (%s) must be an integer.' \
                                         % (inp.lineno(), attr, tokens[i]),
            setattr(self, attr, value)

    def check_config(self):
        """ Check sanity of current configuration. """
        #TODO: check indices against mesh dimensions, etc.
        if self.lface1 not in ('I', 'J', 'K'):
            self.raise_exception('lface1 (%s) must be I, J, or K.' \
                                 % self.lface1, ValueError)

        if self.ldir1 not in ('P', 'M'):
            self.raise_exception('ldir1 (%s) must be P or M.' \
                                 % self.ldir1, ValueError)

        if self.m1lim2 <= self.m1lim1:
            self.raise_exception('m1lim2 (%d) must be > m1lim1 (%d).' \
                                 % (self.m1lim2, self.m1lim1), ValueError)

        if self.n1lim2 < self.n1lim1:
            self.raise_exception('n1lim2 (%d) must be >= n1lim1 (%d).' \
                                 % (self.n1lim2, self.n1lim1), ValueError)

    def write(self, out):
        """ Write to stream `out`. """
        out.write(' %d %s %s %d %d %d %d %d\n' \
                  % (self.lblk1rr, self.lface1, self.ldir1, self.l1lim,
                     self.m1lim1, self.m1lim2, self.n1lim1, self.n1lim2))
Exemplo n.º 10
class WingParms(XMLContainer):
    """ XML parameters specific to a Wing. """

    XMLTAG = 'Mwing_Parms'

    num_pnts = Int(iotype='in', xmltag='Num_Pnts', desc='')
    driver = Int(iotype='in', xmltag='Driver', desc='')
    aspect_ratio = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Aspect_Ratio', desc='')
    taper_ratio = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Taper_Ratio', desc='')
    area = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Area', desc='')
    span = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Span', desc='')
    tip_chord = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Tip_Chord', desc='')
    root_chord = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Root_Chord', desc='')
    sweep = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Sweep', desc='')
    sweep_loc = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Sweep_Loc', desc='')
    twist_loc = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Twist_Loc', desc='')
    in_twist = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Twist', desc='')
    in_dihed = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Dihed', desc='')
    mid_twist = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Mid_Twist', desc='')
    mid_dihed = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Mid_Dihed', desc='')
    out_twist = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Twist', desc='')
    out_dihed = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Dihed', desc='')
    strake_sweep = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Strake_Sweep', desc='')
    strake_span_per = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Strake_Span_Per', desc='')
    aft_ext_sweep = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Aft_Ext_Sweep', desc='')
    aft_ext_span_per = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Aft_Ext_Span_Per', desc='')
    all_move_flag = Bool(iotype='in', xmltag='All_Move_Flag', desc='')
    in_flap_type = Int(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Flap_Type', desc='')
    out_flap_type = Int(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Flap_Type', desc='')
    in_slat_type = Int(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Slat_Type', desc='')
    out_slat_type = Int(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Slat_Type', desc='')
    in_flap_span_in = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Flap_Span_In', desc='')
    in_flap_span_out = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Flap_Span_Out', desc='')
    in_flap_chord = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Flap_Chord', desc='')
    out_flap_span_in = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Flap_Span_In', desc='')
    out_flap_span_out = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Flap_Span_Out', desc='')
    out_flap_chord = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Flap_Chord', desc='')
    in_slat_span_in = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Slat_Span_In', desc='')
    in_slat_span_out = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Slat_Span_Out', desc='')
    in_slat_chord = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='In_Slat_Chord', desc='')
    out_slat_span_in = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Slat_Span_In', desc='')
    out_slat_span_out = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Slat_Span_Out', desc='')
    out_slat_chord = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Out_Slat_Chord', desc='')
    deflect_on_off = Bool(iotype='in', xmltag='Deflect_On_Off', desc='')
    deflect_name = Str(iotype='in', xmltag='Deflect_Name', desc='')
    deflect_scale = Float(iotype='in', xmltag='Deflect_Scale', desc='')
    deflect_twist_scale = Float(iotype='in',
    strake_aft_flag = Bool(iotype='in', xmltag='Strake_Aft_Flag', desc='')
    # TODO: handle array.
    deflect_pnts = Str(iotype='in', xmltag='Deflect_Pnts', desc='')

    def __init__(self):
        super(WingParms, self).__init__(self.XMLTAG)
Exemplo n.º 11
class HAWC2Simulation(VariableTree):

    time_stop = Float(300, desc='Simulation stop time')
    solvertype = Int(1, desc='Solver type. Default Newmark')
    convergence_limits = List([1.0e3, 1.0, 0.7],
                              desc='Sovler convergence limits')
    on_no_convergence = Str()
    max_iterations = Int(100, desc='Maximum iterations')
    newmark_deltat = Float(0.02, desc='Newmark time step')
    eig_out = Bool(False)
    logfile = Str('hawc2_case.log')
Exemplo n.º 12
class BasicTurbineVT(VariableTree):

    turbine_name = Str('FUSED-Wind turbine', desc='Wind turbine name')
    docs = Str(desc='Human readable description of wind turbine')

    nblades = Int(3, desc='number of blades')
    orientation = Str('upwind')
    rotor_diameter = Float(units='m', desc='Rotor Diameter')
    hub_height = Float(units='m', desc='Hub height')
    drivetrain_config = Enum(1, (1, 2, 3, 4, 'x'), desc='Drive train configuration')
    iec_class = Str(desc='Primary IEC classification of the turbine')

    controls = VarTree(ControlsVT(), desc='control specifications VT')
Exemplo n.º 13
class Layer(VariableTree):
    A layer represents a stack of multidirectional plies and is assigned
    an apparent set of material properties based on the 
    properties of the constituent materials, pre-computed using
    simple micromechanics equations and classical lamination theory.

    Layers are stacked in a region

    thickness = Float()
    angle = Float()
    materialname = Str()
    plyname = Str()
Exemplo n.º 14
class BCPRR_send(Container):
    """ :class:`BCPRR` sending block definition. """

    lblock2b = Int(low=1, desc='Sending block.')
    lface2b = Str(desc='Grid plane (I, J, or K).')
    ldir2b = Str(desc='Direction into flowfield (P or M).')
    l2limb = Int(low=1, desc='Grid index of surface.')
    m2lim1b = Int(low=1, desc='Initial 1st coord index.')
    m2lim2b = Int(low=1, desc='Initial 2nd coord index.')
    n2lim1b = Int(low=1, desc='Final 1st coord index.')
    n2lim2b = Int(low=1, desc='Final 2nd coord index.')

    def read(self, inp):
        """ Read from stream `inp`. """
        tokens = inp.readline().upper().split()
        if len(tokens) != 8:
            self.raise_exception('line %d: expecting 8 fields, got %d.' \
                                 % (inp.lineno(), len(tokens)), ValueError)

        for i, attr in enumerate(('lblock2b', 'lface2b', 'ldir2b', 'l2limb',
                                  'm2lim1b', 'm2lim2b', 'n2lim1b', 'n2lim2b')):
            if attr == 'lface2b' or attr == 'ldir2b':
                value = tokens[i]
                    value = int(tokens[i])
                except ValueError:
                    self.raise_exception('line %d: %s (%s) must be an integer.' \
                                         % (inp.lineno(), attr, tokens[i]),
            setattr(self, attr, value)

    def check_config(self):
        """ Check sanity of current configuration. """
        #TODO: check indices against mesh dimensions, etc.
        if self.lface2b not in ('I', 'J', 'K'):
            self.raise_exception('lface2b (%s) must be I, J, or K.' \
                                 % self.lface2b, ValueError)

        if self.ldir2b not in ('P', 'M'):
            self.raise_exception('ldir2b (%s) must be P or M.' \
                                 % self.ldir2b, ValueError)

    def write(self, out):
        """ Write to stream `out`. """
        out.write(' %d %s %s %d %d %d %d %d\n' \
                  % (self.lblock2b, self.lface2b, self.ldir2b, self.l2limb,
                     self.m2lim1b, self.m2lim2b, self.n2lim1b, self.n2lim2b))
Exemplo n.º 15
class LoadVector(VariableTree):
    Point load vector containing forces and moments
    case_id = Str('dlcx.x', desc='Case identifier')
    s = Float(desc='Running length of blade')
    Fx = Float(units='N', desc='Force in x-direction')
    Fy = Float(units='N', desc='Force in y-direction')
    Fz = Float(units='N', desc='Force in z-direction')
    Fres = Float(units='N', desc='Resulting transverse force')
    Mx = Float(units='N*m', desc='Moment in x-direction')
    My = Float(units='N*m', desc='Moment in y-direction')
    Mz = Float(units='N*m', desc='Moment in z-direction')
    Mres = Float(units='N*m', desc='Resulting bending moment')

    def _toarray(self):

        return np.array([
            self.s, self.Fx, self.Fy, self.Fz, self.Fres, self.Mx, self.My,
            self.Mz, self.Mres

    def _fromarray(self, d):

        self.s = d[0]
        self.Fx = d[1]
        self.Fy = d[2]
        self.Fz = d[3]
        self.Fres = d[4]
        self.Mx = d[5]
        self.My = d[6]
        self.Mz = d[7]
        self.Mres = d[8]
Exemplo n.º 16
class HAWC2ConstraintFix4(VariableTree):

    con_type = Str()
    mbdy1 = List(desc='Main_body name to which the next main_body is fixed')
    mbdy2 = List(
        desc='Main_body name of the main_body that is fixed to main_body1')
    time = Float(2., desc='Time for the pre-stress process. Default=2 sec')
Exemplo n.º 17
class IECRunCaseBaseVT(VariableTree):

    # General conditions needed
    case_name = Str(
        desc='Name of the specific case passed to the aeroelastic code')
    simulation = VarTree(
        AeroElasticSimulationSetup(), desc='Basic simulation input settings'
    )  # 4/28/2015 kld: should move elsewhere but leaving in for debugging
    environment = VarTree(OffshoreTurbineEnvironmentVT(),
                          desc='Inflow conditions to the turbine simulation')
    basic_turbine = VarTree(
        desc='Basic turbine variables already defined in fusedwind')
    rotor = VarTree(RotorOperationalData(),
                    desc='Rotor variables already defined in fusedwind')
    pitch = VarTree(
        desc='Pitch already defined in fusedwind')  # should probably move
    init_conditions = VarTree(FASTInitialConditions(),
                              desc='Initial conditions needed to run FAST')
    simulation_specs = VarTree(
        desc='Basic simulation input settings')  #mb: also shouldn't be here
    aero_inputs = VarTree(AerodynInputs(),
                          desc='Wind and airfoil files to run Aerodyn')
    fst_inputs = VarTree(FASTInputs(), desc='FAST model variables')
    ptfm_inputs = VarTree(PtfmInputs(), desc='Platform model variables')
Exemplo n.º 18
class HAWC2ConstraintFix1(VariableTree):

    con_type = Str()
    mbdy1 = List(desc='Main_body name to which the next main_body is fixed')
    mbdy2 = List(
        desc='Main_body name of the main_body that is fixed to main_body1')
    disable_at = Float(desc='Time at which constraint can be disabled')
Exemplo n.º 19
class DOECounterComp(Component):

    # --- Initialize counter variable ---
    config = Str('', iotype='out', desc='current design configuration number')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # ---------------------------------------------
        # --- Constructor for the counter component ---
        # ---------------------------------------------
        super(DOECounterComp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.case_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

        start_case = 2
        end_case = 4

        # --- Edit this line to define DOE case number
        self.case = 2

        #[self.case_list.append(case_number) for case_number in range(start_case, end_case)]

        self.force_execute = True

    def execute(self):

        self.config = str(self.case_list[self.case])
        self.case += 1
Exemplo n.º 20
class CSVFile(HasTraits):
    DOEgenerator that returns rows in a CSV file.
    Plugs into the DOEgenerator socket on a DOEdriver.


    num_parameters = Int(0,
                         desc='Expected number of parameters in the DOE')

    doe_filename = Str('', iotype='in', desc='Name of CSV file.')

    def __init__(self, doe_filename=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super(CSVFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.doe_filename = doe_filename

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Return an iterator over our sets of input values. """
        return self._next_row()

    def _next_row(self):
        """ Generate float values from CSV file. """
        inp = open(self.doe_filename, 'rb')
        num_params = self.num_parameters
        for i, row in enumerate(csv.reader(inp)):
            if len(row) != num_params:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    '%s line %d: expected %d parameters, got %d' %
                    (self.doe_filename.i + 1, num_params, len(row)))
            yield [float(val) for val in row]
Exemplo n.º 21
class MeshSurface(Vis3DObject):
    """ I, J, or K surface of mesh. """

    block = Int(low=1)
    plane = Str()
    value = Int(low=1)
    min2 = Int(low=1)
    max2 = Int(low=1)
    min3 = Int(low=1)
    max3 = Int(low=1)

    def __init__(self, block, plane, value, min2, max2, min3, max3):
        super(MeshSurface, self).__init__()
        self.block = block
        self.plane = plane
        self.value = value
        self.min2 = min2
        self.max2 = max2
        self.min3 = min3
        self.max3 = max3

    def clone(self, offset):
        """ Return a copy of ourselves, adjusting for block `offset`. """
        obj = Vis3DObject.clone(self, offset)
        obj.block += offset
        return obj

    def write_ensight(self, stream):
        """ Writes Ensight commands to `stream`. """
# MeshSurface %(name)s
clip: select_default
part: modify_begin
clip: tool ijk
part: modify_end
clip: select_default
part: modify_begin
clip: mesh_plane %(plane)s
clip: tool ijk
part: modify_end
part: select_begin
part: select_end
clip: begin
clip: value %(value)d
clip: domain intersect
clip: tool ijk
clip: dimension2 %(min2)d %(max2)d
clip: dimension3 %(min3)d %(max3)d
clip: end
clip: create
part: select_lastcreatedpart
part: modify_begin
part: description %(name)s
part: modify_end
""" % {'block':self.block, 'plane':self.plane, 'value':self.value,
       'min2':self.min2, 'max2':self.max2, 'min3':self.min3, 'max3':self.max3,

        super(MeshSurface, self).write_ensight(stream)
Exemplo n.º 22
class VSPComponent(XMLContainer):
    """ Base XML parameters for a VSP component/part. """

    XMLTAG = 'Component'

    type = Str(iotype='out',
               desc='Type name for this component.')

    def __init__(self):
        super(VSPComponent, self).__init__(self.XMLTAG)
        self.add('general_parms', GeneralParms())

    def read(self, this):
        """ Read parameters from XML tree element `this`. """
        super(VSPComponent, self).read(this)
        parms = this.find('General_Parms')
        if parms is not None:  # No general parameters for 'User' component.

    def write(self, parent, nesting=0):
        Write parameters to XML tree under `parent`.
        Returns tree element.
        this = super(VSPComponent, self).write(parent, nesting)
        if self.type != 'User':
            self.general_parms.write(this, nesting + 1)
        return this
Exemplo n.º 23
class WTPC(GenericWindTurbinePowerCurveVT):
    """ A GenericWindTurbinePowerCurveVT with a name, position and wind rose
    # GenericWindTurbineVT
    hub_height = Float(desc='Machine hub height', units='m')
    rotor_diameter = Float(desc='Machine rotor diameter', units='m')
    power_rating = Float(desc='Machine power rating', units='W')

    # GenericWindTurbinePowerCurveVT
    c_t_curve = Array(desc='Machine thrust coefficients by wind speed at hub')
    power_curve = Array(desc='Machine power output [W] by wind speed at hub')
    cut_in_wind_speed = Float(4.,
                              desc='The cut-in wind speed of the wind turbine',
    cut_out_wind_speed = Float(
        25., desc='The cut-out wind speed of the wind turbine', units='m/s')
    rated_wind_speed = Float(desc='The rated wind speed of the wind turbine',
    air_density = Float(desc='The air density the power curve are valid for',

    # WTPC
    name = Str(desc='The wind turbine name')
    position = Array(shape=(2, ),
                     desc='The UTM position of the turbine',
    wind_rose = VarTree(GenericWindRoseVT(), desc='The wind turbine wind rose')

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialise the variable tree with the right inputs"""
        super(WTPC, self).__init__()
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if k in self.list_vars():
                setattr(self, k, v)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, Ns):
        super(SparProperties, self).__init__()

        # inputs
            Array(np.zeros(Ns + 1),
                  desc='node locations for each element along the span'))

        self.add('d', Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='in', desc='diameter'))
        self.add('theta', Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='in', desc='wrap angle'))
            Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='in', desc='number of tube layers'))
                 Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='in', desc='number of cap strips'))

        self.add('lBiscuit', Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='in', desc=''))

        self.add('CFRPType', Str('', iotype='in', desc=''))

        # outputs
        self.add('EIx', Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='out', desc=''))
        self.add('EIz', Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='out', desc=''))
        self.add('EA', Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='out', desc=''))
        self.add('GJ', Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='out', desc=''))
        self.add('mSpar', Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='out', desc=''))
        self.add('dy', Array(np.zeros(Ns), iotype='out', desc=''))
Exemplo n.º 25
class BladePlanformWriter(Component):

    filebase = Str('blade')
    pf = VarTree(BladePlanformVT(), iotype='in')

    def execute(self):

        name = self.filebase + self.itername + '.pfd'

            if '-fd' in self.itername or '-fd' in self.parent.itername:
                name = self.filebase + '.pfd'

        data = np.array([
            self.pf.x, self.pf.y, self.pf.z, self.pf.rot_x, self.pf.rot_y,
            self.pf.rot_z, self.pf.chord, self.pf.rthick, self.pf.p_le
        fid = open(name, 'w')
        header = [
            'main_axis_x', 'main_axis_y', 'main_axis_z', 'rot_x', 'rot_y',
            'rot_z', 'chord', 'rthick', 'p_le'

        exp_prec = 10  # exponential precesion
        col_width = exp_prec + 8  # column width required for exp precision
        header_full = '# ' + ''.join([(hh + ' [%i]').center(col_width + 2) % i
                                      for i, hh in enumerate(header)]) + '\n'

        np.savetxt(fid, data, fmt='%' + ' %i.%ie' % (col_width, exp_prec))
Exemplo n.º 26
class FUSEDFSTCaseRunner(FUSEDIECBase):

    FSTexe = Str(iotype='in', desc='Path to executable')

    def __init__(self): #, file_locs):
        super(FUSEDFSTCaseRunner, self).__init__()
        #self.filedict = parse_key_val_file_all(file_locs)

    def configure(self):

        self.force_execute = True

        self.add('reader', FstInputReader())
        #self.connect('fst_infile_vt', 'reader.fst_infile_vt')
        #OC3 Example
        #FAST_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        FAST_DIR = "C:/Python27/NREL-Models/WISDEM/AeroelasticSE/src/AeroelasticSE/ModelFiles"
        #print self.filedict
        #FAST_DIR = self.filedict['fst_dir']

        #self.reader.fst_infile =  os.path.join(FAST_DIR,self.filedict['fst_file']) #replace with master fast file
        self.reader.fst_infile = 'NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Monopile_RF.fst' #replace with master fast file
        self.reader.fst_directory = os.path.join(FAST_DIR,"OC3_Files")
        #self.reader.fst_directory = FAST_DIR
        self.reader.ad_file_type = 1  ### TODO: peter graf, automate which type
        self.reader.fst_file_type = 1


        self.add('builder', FUSEDWindInputBuilder())
        #self.connect('reader.fst_vt', 'builder.fstIn') #TODO: why can't these be connected like a normal workflow?
        #self.builder.force_execute = True

        self.connect('inputs', 'builder.inputs')
        self.builder.fstIn = self.reader.fst_vt.copy()
        self.builder.force_execute = True

        self.add('writer', FstInputWriter())
        self.writer.fst_infile = 'FAST_Model.fst'
        self.writer.fst_directory = os.path.join(FAST_DIR,self.inputs.case_name)
        if not os.path.isdir(self.writer.fst_directory):
        self.connect('builder.fstOut', 'writer.fst_vt') #TODO; why can't i do direct connect?
        self.connect('inputs.case_name', ['writer.case_id'])
        self.writer.force_execute = True

        self.add('wrapper', FstWrapper())
        #self.connect('FSTexe', 'wrapper.FSTexe') #TODO: why isn't connect working?
        # Set up input files
        self.wrapper.FSTexe = 'C:/Models/FAST/FAST.exe'
        #self.wrapper.FSTexe = self.filedict['fst_exe']
        self.connect('writer.fst_directory', 'wrapper.fst_directory')
        self.connect('writer.fst_file', 'wrapper.FSTInputFile')
Exemplo n.º 27
class BaseSource(XMLContainer):
    """ Base class for CFD meshing source objects. """

    XMLTAG = 'CFD_Mesh_Source'

    source_name = Str('Default_Name',
                      desc='Name of this source.')
    type = Int(iotype='in', xmltag='Type', desc='Type of meshing source.')
    radius = Float(0.0, iotype='in', xmltag='Rad', desc='Radius of influence.')
    length = Float(0.0, iotype='in', xmltag='Len', desc='Target edge length.')

    def __init__(self):
        super(BaseSource, self).__init__(self.XMLTAG)

    def create(element):
        """ Create a source object of the type specified in `element`. """
        typ = int(element.findtext('Type'))
        if typ == _POINT_SOURCE:
            return PointSource()
        elif typ == _LINE_SOURCE:
            return LineSource()
        elif typ == _BOX_SOURCE:
            return BoxSource()
        raise ValueError("Invalid source type '%s'" % typ)
Exemplo n.º 28
class DOEdriver(CaseIterDriverBase):
    """ Driver for Design of Experiments. """
    # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
    DOEgenerator = Slot(IDOEgenerator, iotype='in', required=True,
                        desc='Iterator supplying normalized DOE values.')

    record_doe = Bool(True, iotype='in',
                      desc='Record normalized DOE values to CSV file.')

    doe_filename = Str('', iotype='in',
                       desc='Name of CSV file to record to'
                            ' (default is <driver-name>.csv)')

    case_outputs = ListStr([], iotype='in', 
                           desc='A list of outputs to be saved with each case.')

    case_filter = Slot(ICaseFilter, iotype='in',
                       desc='Selects cases to be run.')

    def execute(self):
        """Generate and evaluate cases."""
        self._csv_file = None
            super(DOEdriver, self).execute()
            if self._csv_file is not None:

    def get_case_iterator(self):
        """Returns a new iterator over the Case set."""
        return self._get_cases()
    def _get_cases(self):
        """Generate each case."""
        params = self.get_parameters().values()
        self.DOEgenerator.num_parameters = len(params)
        record_doe = self.record_doe
        events = self.get_events()
        outputs = self.case_outputs
        case_filter = self.case_filter

        if record_doe:
            if not self.doe_filename:
                self.doe_filename = '%s.csv' % self.name
            self._csv_file = open(self.doe_filename, 'wb')
            csv_writer = csv.writer(self._csv_file)

        for i, row in enumerate(self.DOEgenerator):
            if record_doe:
                csv_writer.writerow(['%.16g' % val for val in row])
            vals = [p.low+(p.high-p.low)*val for p,val in zip(params,row)]
            case = self.set_parameters(vals, Case(parent_uuid=self._case_id))
            # now add events
            for varname in events: 
                case.add_input(varname, True)
            if case_filter is None or case_filter.select(i, case):
                yield case
Exemplo n.º 29
class HAWC2Mann(VariableTree):

    create_turb = Bool(True)
    L = Float(29.4)
    alfaeps = Float(1.0)
    gamma = Float(3.7)
    seed = Float()
    highfrq_compensation = Float(1.)
    turb_base_name = Str('mann_turb')
    turb_directory = Str('turb')
    box_nu = Int(8192)
    box_nv = Int(32)
    box_nw = Int(32)
    box_du = Float(0.8056640625)
    box_dv = Float(5.6)
    box_dw = Float(5.6)
    std_scaling = Array([1.0, 0.7, 0.5])
class TracedComponent(Component):
    """ Used to check iteration coordinates. """

    inp = Int(iotype='in')
    itername = Str(iotype='out')

    def execute(self):
        """ Record iteration coordinate. """
        self.itername = self.get_itername()
Exemplo n.º 31
class HAWC2AirfoilPolar(VariableTree):
    """A single airfoil polar"""

    desc = Str()
    rthick = Float()
    aoa = Array()
    cl = Array()
    cd = Array()
    cm = Array()