Exemplo n.º 1
    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        Set the unscaled variable value in true units.

        name : str
            Promoted or relative variable name in the owning system's namespace.
        value : float or list or tuple or ndarray
            variable value to set (not scaled, not dimensionless)
        abs_name = name2abs_name(self._system, name, self._names, self._typ)
        if abs_name is not None:
            if self._icol is None:
                slc = _full_slice
                slc = (_full_slice, self._icol)
            value, _ = ensure_compatible(name, value,
            if self._vector_info._under_complex_step:

                # setitem overwrites anything you may have done with numpy indexing
                    del self._complex_view_cache[abs_name]
                except KeyError:

                self._views[abs_name][slc] = value.real
                self._imag_views[abs_name][slc] = value.imag
                self._views[abs_name][slc] = value
            msg = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'
            raise KeyError(msg.format(name))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add_output(self, name, val=1.0, units=None):
        Add an independent variable to this component.

        This should never be called by a user, as it skips all checks.

        name : str
            Name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units. Default is 1.0.
        units : str or None
            Units in which the output variables will be provided to the component during execution.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.

            Metadata for added variable.

        # Add the output quickly.
        # We don't need to check for errors because we get the value straight from a
        # source, and ivc metadata is minimal.
        value, shape = ensure_compatible(name, val, None)
        metadata = {
            'val': value,
            'shape': shape,
            'size': shape_to_len(shape),
            'units': units,
            'res_units': None,
            'desc': '',
            'distributed': False,
            'tags': set(),
            'ref': 1.0,
            'ref0': 0.0,
            'res_ref': 1.0,
            'lower': None,
            'upper': None,
            'shape_by_conn': False,
            'copy_shape': None

        self._static_var_rel2meta[name] = metadata
        return metadata
Exemplo n.º 3
    def add_output(self, name, val=1.0, shape=None, units=None, res_units=None, desc='',
                   lower=None, upper=None, ref=1.0, ref0=0.0, res_ref=1.0, var_set=0):
        Add an output variable to the component.

        name : str
            name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units. Default is 1.0.
        shape : int or tuple or list or None
            Shape of this variable, only required if val is not an array.
            Default is None.
        units : str or None
            Units in which the output variables will be provided to the component during execution.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.
        res_units : str or None
            Units in which the residuals of this output will be given to the user when requested.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.
        desc : str
            description of the variable.
        lower : float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable or None
            lower bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
            consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
            val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no lower bound.
            Default is None.
        upper : float or list or tuple or ndarray or or Iterable None
            upper bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
            consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
            val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no upper bound.
            Default is None.
        ref : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
            the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.
        ref0 : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
            the scaled value is 0. Default is 0.
        res_ref : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined res_units of this output's residual
            when the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.
        var_set : hashable object
            For advanced users only. ID or color for this variable, relevant for reconfigurability.
            Default is 0.

            metadata for added variable
        if units == 'unitless':
            warn_deprecation("Output '%s' has units='unitless' but 'unitless' "
                             "has been deprecated. Use "
                             "units=None instead.  Note that connecting a "
                             "unitless variable to one with units is no longer "
                             "an error, but will issue a warning instead." %
            units = None

        # First, type check all arguments
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('The name argument should be a string')
        if not np.isscalar(val) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The val argument should be a float, list, tuple, or ndarray')
        if not np.isscalar(ref) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The ref argument should be a float, list, tuple, or ndarray')
        if not np.isscalar(ref0) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The ref0 argument should be a float, list, tuple, or ndarray')
        if not np.isscalar(res_ref) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The res_ref argument should be a float, list, tuple, or ndarray')
        if shape is not None and not isinstance(shape, (int, tuple, list, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError("The shape argument should be an int, tuple, or list but "
                            "a '%s' was given" % type(shape))
        if units is not None and not isinstance(units, str):
            raise TypeError('The units argument should be a str or None')
        if res_units is not None and not isinstance(res_units, str):
            raise TypeError('The res_units argument should be a str or None')

        # Check that units are valid
        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid" % units)

        metadata = {}

        # value, shape: based on args, making sure they are compatible
        metadata['value'], metadata['shape'] = ensure_compatible(name, val, shape)
        metadata['size'] = np.prod(metadata['shape'])

        # units, res_units: taken as is
        metadata['units'] = units
        metadata['res_units'] = res_units

        # desc: taken as is
        metadata['desc'] = desc

        if lower is not None:
            lower = ensure_compatible(name, lower, metadata['shape'])[0]
        if upper is not None:
            upper = ensure_compatible(name, upper, metadata['shape'])[0]

        metadata['lower'] = lower
        metadata['upper'] = upper

        # All refs: check the shape if necessary
        for item, item_name in zip([ref, ref0, res_ref], ['ref', 'ref0', 'res_ref']):
            if not np.isscalar(item):
                if np.atleast_1d(item).shape != metadata['shape']:
                    raise ValueError('The %s argument has the wrong shape' % item_name)

        if np.isscalar(ref):
            self._has_output_scaling |= ref != 1.0
            self._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref != 1.0)

        if np.isscalar(ref0):
            self._has_output_scaling |= ref0 != 0.0
            self._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref0)

        if np.isscalar(res_ref):
            self._has_resid_scaling |= res_ref != 1.0
            self._has_resid_scaling |= np.any(res_ref != 1.0)

        ref = format_as_float_or_array('ref', ref, flatten=True)
        ref0 = format_as_float_or_array('ref0', ref0, flatten=True)
        res_ref = format_as_float_or_array('res_ref', res_ref, flatten=True)

        # ref, ref0, res_ref: taken as is
        metadata['ref'] = ref
        metadata['ref0'] = ref0
        metadata['res_ref'] = res_ref

        # var_set: taken as is
        metadata['var_set'] = var_set

        metadata['distributed'] = self.distributed

        # We may not know the pathname yet, so we have to use name for now, instead of abs_name.
        if self._static_mode:
            var_rel2data_io = self._static_var_rel2data_io
            var_rel_names = self._static_var_rel_names
            var_rel2data_io = self._var_rel2data_io
            var_rel_names = self._var_rel_names

        # Disallow dupes
        if name in var_rel2data_io:
            msg = "Variable name '{}' already exists.".format(name)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        var_rel2data_io[name] = {
            'prom': name, 'rel': name,
            'my_idx': len(self._var_rel_names['output']),
            'type': 'output', 'metadata': metadata}

        return metadata
Exemplo n.º 4
    def add_input(self, name, val=1.0, shape=None, src_indices=None, flat_src_indices=None,
                  units=None, desc='', var_set=0):
        Add an input variable to the component.

        name : str
            name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units.
            Default is 1.0.
        shape : int or tuple or list or None
            Shape of this variable, only required if src_indices not provided and
            val is not an array. Default is None.
        src_indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None
            The global indices of the source variable to transfer data from.
            A value of None implies this input depends on all entries of source.
            Default is None. The shapes of the target and src_indices must match,
            and form of the entries within is determined by the value of 'flat_src_indices'.
        flat_src_indices : bool
            If True, each entry of src_indices is assumed to be an index into the
            flattened source.  Otherwise each entry must be a tuple or list of size equal
            to the number of dimensions of the source.
        units : str or None
            Units in which this input variable will be provided to the component
            during execution. Default is None, which means it is unitless.
        desc : str
            description of the variable
        var_set : hashable object
            For advanced users only. ID or color for this variable, relevant for
            reconfigurability. Default is 0.

            metadata for added variable
        if units == 'unitless':
            warn_deprecation("Input '%s' has units='unitless' but 'unitless' "
                             "has been deprecated. Use "
                             "units=None instead.  Note that connecting a "
                             "unitless variable to one with units is no longer "
                             "an error, but will issue a warning instead." %
            units = None

        # First, type check all arguments
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('The name argument should be a string')
        if not np.isscalar(val) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The val argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable')
        if shape is not None and not isinstance(shape, (int, tuple, list, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError("The shape argument should be an int, tuple, or list but "
                            "a '%s' was given" % type(shape))
        if src_indices is not None and not isinstance(src_indices, (int, list, tuple,
                                                                    np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The src_indices argument should be an int, list, '
                            'tuple, ndarray or Iterable')
        if units is not None and not isinstance(units, str):
            raise TypeError('The units argument should be a str or None')

        # Check that units are valid
        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid" % units)

        metadata = {}

        # value, shape: based on args, making sure they are compatible
        metadata['value'], metadata['shape'] = ensure_compatible(name, val, shape, src_indices)
        metadata['size'] = np.prod(metadata['shape'])

        # src_indices: None or ndarray
        if src_indices is None:
            metadata['src_indices'] = None
            metadata['src_indices'] = np.atleast_1d(src_indices)
        metadata['flat_src_indices'] = flat_src_indices

        # units: taken as is
        metadata['units'] = units

        # desc: taken as is
        metadata['desc'] = desc

        # var_set: taken as is
        metadata['var_set'] = var_set

        # We may not know the pathname yet, so we have to use name for now, instead of abs_name.
        if self._static_mode:
            var_rel2data_io = self._static_var_rel2data_io
            var_rel_names = self._static_var_rel_names
            var_rel2data_io = self._var_rel2data_io
            var_rel_names = self._var_rel_names

        # Disallow dupes
        if name in var_rel2data_io:
            msg = "Variable name '{}' already exists.".format(name)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        var_rel2data_io[name] = {
            'prom': name, 'rel': name,
            'my_idx': len(self._var_rel_names['input']),
            'type': 'input', 'metadata': metadata}

        return metadata
Exemplo n.º 5
    def add_output(self,
        Add an independent variable to this component.

        This should never be called by a user, as it skips all checks.

        name : str
            name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units. Default is 1.0.
        shape : int or tuple or list or None
            Shape of this variable, only required if val is not an array.
            Default is None.
        units : str or None
            Units in which the output variables will be provided to the component during execution.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.
        res_units : None
            This argument is deprecated because it was unused.
        desc : str
            description of the variable
        lower : None
            This argument is deprecated because it was unused.
        upper : None
            This argument is deprecated because it was unused.
        ref : None
            This argument is deprecated because it was unused.
        ref0 : None
            This argument is deprecated because it was unused.
        res_ref : None
            This argument is deprecated because it was unused.
        tags : str or list of strs
            User defined tags that can be used to filter what gets listed when calling
        shape_by_conn : bool
            If True, shape this output to match its connected input(s).
        copy_shape : str or None
            If a str, that str is the name of a variable. Shape this output to match that of
            the named variable.
        # Add the output quickly.
        # We don't need to check for errors because we get the value straight from a
        # source, and ivc metadata is minimal.
        value, shape, _ = ensure_compatible(name, val, None)
        metadata = {
            'value': value,
            'shape': shape,
            'size': shape_to_len(shape),
            'units': units,
            'res_units': None,
            'desc': '',
            'distributed': False,
            'tags': set(),
            'ref': 1.0,
            'ref0': 0.0,
            'res_ref': 1.0,
            'lower': None,
            'upper': None,
            'shape_by_conn': False,
            'copy_shape': None

        self._static_var_rel2meta[name] = metadata
Exemplo n.º 6
    def add_output(self, name, val=1.0, shape=None, units=None, res_units=None, desc='',
                   lower=None, upper=None, ref=1.0, ref0=0.0, res_ref=1.0):
        Add an output variable to the component.

        name : str
            name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units. Default is 1.0.
        shape : int or tuple or list or None
            Shape of this variable, only required if val is not an array.
            Default is None.
        units : str or None
            Units in which the output variables will be provided to the component during execution.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.
        res_units : str or None
            Units in which the residuals of this output will be given to the user when requested.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.
        desc : str
            description of the variable.
        lower : float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable or None
            lower bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
            consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
            val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no lower bound.
            Default is None.
        upper : float or list or tuple or ndarray or or Iterable None
            upper bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
            consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
            val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no upper bound.
            Default is None.
        ref : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
            the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.
        ref0 : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
            the scaled value is 0. Default is 0.
        res_ref : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined res_units of this output's residual
            when the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.

            metadata for added variable
        if units == 'unitless':
            warn_deprecation("Output '%s' has units='unitless' but 'unitless' "
                             "has been deprecated. Use "
                             "units=None instead.  Note that connecting a "
                             "unitless variable to one with units is no longer "
                             "an error, but will issue a warning instead." %
            units = None

        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('The name argument should be a string')
        if not _valid_var_name(name):
            raise NameError("'%s' is not a valid output name." % name)
        if not isscalar(val) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            msg = 'The val argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable'
            raise TypeError(msg)
        if not isscalar(ref) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            msg = 'The ref argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable'
            raise TypeError(msg)
        if not isscalar(ref0) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            msg = 'The ref0 argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable'
            raise TypeError(msg)
        if not isscalar(res_ref) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            msg = 'The res_ref argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable'
            raise TypeError(msg)
        if shape is not None and not isinstance(shape, (int, tuple, list, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError("The shape argument should be an int, tuple, or list but "
                            "a '%s' was given" % type(shape))
        if units is not None and not isinstance(units, str):
            raise TypeError('The units argument should be a str or None')
        if res_units is not None and not isinstance(res_units, str):
            raise TypeError('The res_units argument should be a str or None')

        # Check that units are valid
        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid" % units)

        metadata = {}

        # value, shape: based on args, making sure they are compatible
        metadata['value'], metadata['shape'], _ = ensure_compatible(name, val, shape)
        metadata['size'] = np.prod(metadata['shape'])

        # units, res_units: taken as is
        metadata['units'] = units
        metadata['res_units'] = res_units

        # desc: taken as is
        metadata['desc'] = desc

        if lower is not None:
            lower = ensure_compatible(name, lower, metadata['shape'])[0]
        if upper is not None:
            upper = ensure_compatible(name, upper, metadata['shape'])[0]

        metadata['lower'] = lower
        metadata['upper'] = upper

        # All refs: check the shape if necessary
        for item, item_name in zip([ref, ref0, res_ref], ['ref', 'ref0', 'res_ref']):
            if not isscalar(item):
                it = atleast_1d(item)
                if it.shape != metadata['shape']:
                    raise ValueError("'{}': When adding output '{}', expected shape {} but got "
                                     "shape {} for argument '{}'.".format(self.name, name,
                                                                          it.shape, item_name))

        if isscalar(ref):
            self._has_output_scaling |= ref != 1.0
            self._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref != 1.0)

        if isscalar(ref0):
            self._has_output_scaling |= ref0 != 0.0
            self._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref0)

        if isscalar(res_ref):
            self._has_resid_scaling |= res_ref != 1.0
            self._has_resid_scaling |= np.any(res_ref != 1.0)

        ref = format_as_float_or_array('ref', ref, flatten=True)
        ref0 = format_as_float_or_array('ref0', ref0, flatten=True)
        res_ref = format_as_float_or_array('res_ref', res_ref, flatten=True)

        metadata['ref'] = ref
        metadata['ref0'] = ref0
        metadata['res_ref'] = res_ref

        metadata['distributed'] = self.options['distributed']

        # We may not know the pathname yet, so we have to use name for now, instead of abs_name.
        if self._static_mode:
            var_rel2meta = self._static_var_rel2meta
            var_rel_names = self._static_var_rel_names
            var_rel2meta = self._var_rel2meta
            var_rel_names = self._var_rel_names

        # Disallow dupes
        if name in var_rel2meta:
            msg = "Variable name '{}' already exists.".format(name)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        var_rel2meta[name] = metadata

        return metadata
Exemplo n.º 7
    def add_input(self, name, val=1.0, shape=None, src_indices=None, flat_src_indices=None,
                  units=None, desc=''):
        Add an input variable to the component.

        name : str
            name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units.
            Default is 1.0.
        shape : int or tuple or list or None
            Shape of this variable, only required if src_indices not provided and
            val is not an array. Default is None.
        src_indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None
            The global indices of the source variable to transfer data from.
            A value of None implies this input depends on all entries of source.
            Default is None. The shapes of the target and src_indices must match,
            and form of the entries within is determined by the value of 'flat_src_indices'.
        flat_src_indices : bool
            If True, each entry of src_indices is assumed to be an index into the
            flattened source.  Otherwise each entry must be a tuple or list of size equal
            to the number of dimensions of the source.
        units : str or None
            Units in which this input variable will be provided to the component
            during execution. Default is None, which means it is unitless.
        desc : str
            description of the variable

            metadata for added variable
        if units == 'unitless':
            warn_deprecation("Input '%s' has units='unitless' but 'unitless' "
                             "has been deprecated. Use "
                             "units=None instead.  Note that connecting a "
                             "unitless variable to one with units is no longer "
                             "an error, but will issue a warning instead." %
            units = None

        # First, type check all arguments
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('The name argument should be a string')
        if not _valid_var_name(name):
            raise NameError("'%s' is not a valid input name." % name)
        if not isscalar(val) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The val argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable')
        if shape is not None and not isinstance(shape, (int, tuple, list, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError("The shape argument should be an int, tuple, or list but "
                            "a '%s' was given" % type(shape))
        if src_indices is not None and not isinstance(src_indices, (int, list, tuple,
                                                                    ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The src_indices argument should be an int, list, '
                            'tuple, ndarray or Iterable')
        if units is not None and not isinstance(units, str):
            raise TypeError('The units argument should be a str or None')

        # Check that units are valid
        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid" % units)

        metadata = {}

        # value, shape: based on args, making sure they are compatible
        metadata['value'], metadata['shape'], src_indices = ensure_compatible(name, val, shape,
        metadata['size'] = np.prod(metadata['shape'])

        # src_indices: None or ndarray
        if src_indices is None:
            metadata['src_indices'] = None
            metadata['src_indices'] = np.asarray(src_indices, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
        metadata['flat_src_indices'] = flat_src_indices

        metadata['units'] = units
        metadata['desc'] = desc
        metadata['distributed'] = self.options['distributed']

        # We may not know the pathname yet, so we have to use name for now, instead of abs_name.
        if self._static_mode:
            var_rel2meta = self._static_var_rel2meta
            var_rel_names = self._static_var_rel_names
            var_rel2meta = self._var_rel2meta
            var_rel_names = self._var_rel_names

        # Disallow dupes
        if name in var_rel2meta:
            msg = "Variable name '{}' already exists.".format(name)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        var_rel2meta[name] = metadata

        return metadata