Exemplo n.º 1
async def test_access_from_supervisor_ip(remote_addr, bans, status, opp,
                                         aiohttp_client, oppio_env):
    """Test accessing to server from supervisor IP."""
    app = web.Application()
    app["opp"] = opp

    async def unauth_handler(request):
        """Return a mock web response."""
        raise HTTPUnauthorized

    app.router.add_get("/", unauth_handler)
    setup_bans(opp, app, 1)

    with patch("openpeerpower.components.http.ban.async_load_ip_bans_config",
        client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    assert await async_setup_component(opp, "oppio", {"oppio": {}})

    m_open = mock_open()

    with patch.dict(os.environ, {"SUPERVISOR": SUPERVISOR_IP}), patch(
            "openpeerpower.components.http.ban.open", m_open, create=True):
        resp = await client.get("/")
        assert resp.status == 401
        assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == bans
        assert m_open.call_count == bans

        # second request should be forbidden if banned
        resp = await client.get("/")
        assert resp.status == status
        assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == bans
Exemplo n.º 2
async def test_failed_login_attempts_counter(opp, aiohttp_client):
    """Testing if failed login attempts counter increased."""
    app = web.Application()
    app["opp"] = opp

    async def auth_handler(request):
        """Return 200 status code."""
        return None, 200

        request_handler_factory(Mock(requires_auth=True), auth_handler))
        request_handler_factory(Mock(requires_auth=True), auth_handler))
        "/", request_handler_factory(Mock(requires_auth=False), auth_handler))

    setup_bans(opp, app, 5)
    remote_ip = ip_address("")

    async def mock_auth(request, handler):
        """Mock auth middleware."""
        if "auth_true" in request.path:
            request[KEY_AUTHENTICATED] = True
            request[KEY_AUTHENTICATED] = False
        return await handler(request)


    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get("/auth_false")
    assert resp.status == 401
    assert app[KEY_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS][remote_ip] == 1

    resp = await client.get("/auth_false")
    assert resp.status == 401
    assert app[KEY_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS][remote_ip] == 2

    resp = await client.get("/")
    assert resp.status == 200
    assert app[KEY_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS][remote_ip] == 2

    # This used to check that with trusted networks we reset login attempts
    # We no longer support trusted networks.
    resp = await client.get("/auth_true")
    assert resp.status == 200
    assert app[KEY_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS][remote_ip] == 2
Exemplo n.º 3
async def test_access_from_banned_ip(opp, aiohttp_client):
    """Test accessing to server from banned IP. Both trusted and not."""
    app = web.Application()
    setup_bans(opp, app, 5)
    set_real_ip = mock_real_ip(app)

    with patch(
                [IpBan(banned_ip) for banned_ip in BANNED_IPS]),
        client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    for remote_addr in BANNED_IPS:
        resp = await client.get("/")
        assert resp.status == 403
Exemplo n.º 4
async def test_ip_bans_file_creation(opp, aiohttp_client):
    """Testing if banned IP file created."""
    notification_calls = async_mock_service(opp, "persistent_notification",

    app = web.Application()
    app["opp"] = opp

    async def unauth_handler(request):
        """Return a mock web response."""
        raise HTTPUnauthorized

    app.router.add_get("/", unauth_handler)
    setup_bans(opp, app, 2)

    with patch(
            return_value=[IpBan(banned_ip) for banned_ip in BANNED_IPS],
        client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    m_open = mock_open()

    with patch("openpeerpower.components.http.ban.open", m_open, create=True):
        resp = await client.get("/")
        assert resp.status == 401
        assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == len(BANNED_IPS)
        assert m_open.call_count == 0

        resp = await client.get("/")
        assert resp.status == 401
        assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == len(BANNED_IPS) + 1
        m_open.assert_called_once_with(opp.config.path(IP_BANS_FILE), "a")

        resp = await client.get("/")
        assert resp.status == HTTP_FORBIDDEN
        assert m_open.call_count == 1

        assert len(notification_calls) == 3
        assert (
            notification_calls[0].data["message"] ==
            "Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from example.com ( See the log for details."
Exemplo n.º 5
async def test_ip_bans_file_creation(opp, aiohttp_client):
    """Testing if banned IP file created."""
    app = web.Application()
    app["opp"] = opp

    async def unauth_handler(request):
        """Return a mock web response."""
        raise HTTPUnauthorized

    app.router.add_get("/", unauth_handler)
    setup_bans(opp, app, 2)

    with patch(
                [IpBan(banned_ip) for banned_ip in BANNED_IPS]),
        client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    m = mock_open()

    with patch("openpeerpower.components.http.ban.open", m, create=True):
        resp = await client.get("/")
        assert resp.status == 401
        assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == len(BANNED_IPS)
        assert m.call_count == 0

        resp = await client.get("/")
        assert resp.status == 401
        assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == len(BANNED_IPS) + 1
        m.assert_called_once_with(opp.config.path(IP_BANS_FILE), "a")

        resp = await client.get("/")
        assert resp.status == 403
        assert m.call_count == 1