Exemplo n.º 1
def find_subpixel_peak_position(corr, subpixel_method="gaussian"):
    Find subpixel approximation of the correlation peak.

    This function returns a subpixels approximation of the correlation
    peak by using one of the several methods available. If requested,
    the function also returns the signal to noise ratio level evaluated
    from the correlation map.

    corr : np.ndarray
        the correlation map.

    subpixel_method : string
         one of the following methods to estimate subpixel location of the peak:
         'centroid' [replaces default if correlation map is negative],
         'gaussian' [default if correlation map is positive],

    subp_peak_position : two elements tuple
        the fractional row and column indices for the sub-pixel
        approximation of the correlation peak.

    # initialization
    # default_peak_position = (np.floor(corr.shape[0] / 2.), np.floor(corr.shape[1] / 2.))
    default_peak_position = (0, 0, 0)

    # the peak locations
    (peak1_i, peak1_j, peak1_z), dummy = find_first_peak(corr)

        # the peak and its neighbours: left, right, down, up
        c = corr[peak1_i, peak1_j, peak1_z]
        cl = corr[peak1_i - 1, peak1_j, peak1_z]
        cr = corr[peak1_i + 1, peak1_j, peak1_z]
        cd = corr[peak1_i, peak1_j - 1, peak1_z]
        cu = corr[peak1_i, peak1_j + 1, peak1_z]
        cf = corr[peak1_i, peak1_j, peak1_z - 1]
        cb = corr[peak1_i, peak1_j, peak1_z + 1]

        # gaussian fit
        if (np.any(np.array([c, cl, cr, cd, cu, cf, cb]) < 0)
                and subpixel_method == "gaussian"):
            subpixel_method = "centroid"

            if subpixel_method == "centroid":
                subp_peak_position = (
                    ((peak1_i - 1) * cl + peak1_i * c +
                     (peak1_i + 1) * cr) / (cl + c + cr),
                    ((peak1_j - 1) * cd + peak1_j * c +
                     (peak1_j + 1) * cu) / (cd + c + cu),
                    ((peak1_z - 1) * cf + peak1_z * c + (peak1_z + 1) * cb) /
                    (cf + c + cb),

            elif subpixel_method == "gaussian":
                with numpy.errstate(divide="ignore"):
                    subp_peak_position = (
                        peak1_i +
                        ((np.log(cl) - np.log(cr)) /
                         (2 * np.log(cl) - 4 * np.log(c) + 2 * np.log(cr))),
                        peak1_j +
                        ((np.log(cd) - np.log(cu)) /
                         (2 * np.log(cd) - 4 * np.log(c) + 2 * np.log(cu))),
                        peak1_z +
                        ((np.log(cf) - np.log(cb)) /
                         (2 * np.log(cf) - 4 * np.log(c) + 2 * np.log(cb))),

            elif subpixel_method == "parabolic":
                subp_peak_position = (
                    peak1_i + (cl - cr) / (2 * cl - 4 * c + 2 * cr),
                    peak1_j + (cd - cu) / (2 * cd - 4 * c + 2 * cu),
                    peak1_z + (cf - cb) / (2 * cf - 4 * c + 2 * cb),
            subp_peak_position = default_peak_position

    except IndexError:
        subp_peak_position = default_peak_position  # TODO.md: is this a good idea??

    return np.array(subp_peak_position) - np.array(default_peak_position)
Exemplo n.º 2
def sig2noise_ratio_windef(corr, sig2noise_method='peak2peak', width=2):
    Computes the signal to noise ratio from the correlation map.

    The signal to noise ratio is computed from the correlation map with
    one of two available method. It is a measure of the quality of the
    matching between to interogation windows.

    corr : 2d np.ndarray
        the correlation map.

    sig2noise_method: string
        the method for evaluating the signal to noise ratio value from
        the correlation map. Can be `peak2peak`, `peak2mean` or None
        if no evaluation should be made.

    width : int, optional
        the half size of the region around the first
        correlation peak to ignore for finding the second
        peak. [default: 2]. Only used if ``sig2noise_method==peak2peak``.

    sig2noise : np.ndarray 
        the signal to noise ratio from the correlation map.


    corr_max1 = np.zeros(corr.shape[0])
    corr_max2 = np.zeros(corr.shape[0])
    peak1_i = np.zeros(corr.shape[0])
    peak1_j = np.zeros(corr.shape[0])
    peak2_i = np.zeros(corr.shape[0])
    peak2_j = np.zeros(corr.shape[0])

    for i in range(0, corr.shape[0]):
        # compute first peak position
        peak1_i[i], peak1_j[i], corr_max1[i] = pyprocess.find_first_peak(
            corr[i, :, :])
        if sig2noise_method == 'peak2peak':
            # now compute signal to noise ratio

            # find second peak height
            peak2_i[i], peak2_j[i], corr_max2[i] = pyprocess.find_second_peak(
                corr[i, :, :], int(peak1_i[i]), int(peak1_j[i]), width=width)

            # if it's an empty interrogation window
            # if the image is lacking particles, totally black it will correlate to very low value, but not zero
            # if the first peak is on the borders, the correlation map is also
            # wrong
            if corr_max1[i] < 1e-3 or (
                    peak1_i[i] == 0 or peak1_j[i] == corr.shape[1]
                    or peak1_j[i] == 0 or peak1_j[i] == corr.shape[2]
                    or peak2_i[i] == 0 or peak2_j[i] == corr.shape[1]
                    or peak2_j[i] == 0 or peak2_j[i] == corr.shape[2]):
                # return zero, since we have no signal.
                corr_max1[i] = 0

        elif sig2noise_method == 'peak2mean':
            # find mean of the correlation map
            corr_max2 = corr.mean(axis=(1, 2))

            raise ValueError('wrong sig2noise_method')

    # avoid dividing by zero
    corr_max2[corr_max2 == 0] = np.nan
    sig2noise = corr_max1 / corr_max2
    sig2noise[sig2noise == np.nan] = 0

    return sig2noise
Exemplo n.º 3
def find_subpixel_peak_position_windef(corr, subpixel_method='gaussian'):
        Find subpixel approximation of the correlation peak.

        This function returns a subpixels approximation of the correlation
        peak by using one of the several methods available. If requested,
        the function also returns the signal to noise ratio level evaluated
        from the correlation map.

        corr : np.ndarray
            the correlation map.

        subpixel_method : string
             one of the following methods to estimate subpixel location of the peak:
             'centroid' [replaces default if correlation map is negative],
             'gaussian' [default if correlation map is positive],

        subp_peak_position : two elements tuple
            the fractional row and column indices for the sub-pixel
            approximation of the correlation peak.

    # initialization
    default_peak_position = (np.floor(corr.shape[0] / 2.),
                             np.floor(corr.shape[1] / 2.))
    '''this calculates the default peak position (peak of the autocorrelation).
        It is window_size/2. It needs to be subtracted to from the peak found to determin the displacment
    #default_peak_position = (0,0)

    # the peak locations
    peak1_i, peak1_j, dummy = pyprocess.find_first_peak(corr)
        The find_first_peak function returns the coordinates of the correlation peak
        and the value of the peak. Here only the coordinates are needed.

        # the peak and its neighbours: left, right, down, up
        c = corr[peak1_i, peak1_j]
        cl = corr[peak1_i - 1, peak1_j]
        cr = corr[peak1_i + 1, peak1_j]
        cd = corr[peak1_i, peak1_j - 1]
        cu = corr[peak1_i, peak1_j + 1]

        # gaussian fit
        if np.any(np.array([c, cl, cr, cd, cu]) < 0
                  ) and subpixel_method == 'gaussian':
            subpixel_method = 'centroid'

            if subpixel_method == 'centroid':
                subp_peak_position = (((peak1_i - 1) * cl + peak1_i * c +
                                       (peak1_i + 1) * cr) / (cl + c + cr),
                                      ((peak1_j - 1) * cd + peak1_j * c +
                                       (peak1_j + 1) * cu) / (cd + c + cu))

            elif subpixel_method == 'gaussian':
                subp_peak_position = (
                    peak1_i +
                    ((np.log(cl) - np.log(cr)) /
                     (2 * np.log(cl) - 4 * np.log(c) + 2 * np.log(cr))),
                    peak1_j +
                    ((np.log(cd) - np.log(cu)) /
                     (2 * np.log(cd) - 4 * np.log(c) + 2 * np.log(cu))))

            elif subpixel_method == 'parabolic':
                subp_peak_position = (peak1_i + (cl - cr) /
                                      (2 * cl - 4 * c + 2 * cr), peak1_j +
                                      (cd - cu) / (2 * cd - 4 * c + 2 * cu))

            subp_peak_position = default_peak_position

    except IndexError:
        subp_peak_position = default_peak_position
        '''This block is looking for the neighbouring pixels. The subpixelposition is calculated based one
            the correlation values. Different methods can be choosen.
            This function returns the displacement in u and v
    return subp_peak_position[0] - default_peak_position[
        0], subp_peak_position[1] - default_peak_position[1]
Exemplo n.º 4
def sig2noise_ratio(corr, sig2noise_method="peak2peak", width=2):
    Computes the signal to noise ratio from the correlation map.

    The signal to noise ratio is computed from the correlation map with
    one of two available method. It is a measure of the quality of the
    matching between to interogation windows.

    corr : 2d np.ndarray
        the correlation map.

    sig2noise_method: string
        the method for evaluating the signal to noise ratio value from
        the correlation map. Can be `peak2peak`, `peak2mean` or None
        if no evaluation should be made.

    width : int, optional
        the half size of the region around the first
        correlation peak to ignore for finding the second
        peak. [default: 2]. Only used if ``sig2noise_method==peak2peak``.

    sig2noise : float
        the signal to noise ratio from the correlation map.


    # compute first peak position
    (peak1_i, peak1_j, peak1_z), corr_max1 = find_first_peak(corr)

    # now compute signal to noise ratio
    if sig2noise_method == "peak2peak":
        # find second peak height
        (peak1_i, peak1_j,
         peak1_z), corr_max2 = find_second_peak_3D(corr,

        # if it's an empty interrogation window
        # if the image is lacking particles, totally black it will correlate to very low value, but not zero
        # if the first peak is on the borders, the correlation map is also wrong
        if corr_max1 < 1e-3 or any([
                x == 0 or x == corr.shape[i]
                for i, x in enumerate([peak1_i, peak1_j, peak1_z])
            return 0.0

    elif sig2noise_method == "peak2mean":
        # find mean of the correlation map
        corr_max2 = corr.mean()

        raise ValueError("wrong sig2noise_method")

    # avoid dividing by zero
        sig2noise = corr_max1 / corr_max2
    except ValueError:
        sig2noise = np.inf

    return sig2noise