Exemplo n.º 1
    def collection_get(self):
        """Tenders List

        Get Tenders List

        Example request to get tenders list:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            GET /tenders HTTP/1.1
            Host: example.com
            Accept: application/json

        This is what one should expect in response:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json

                "data": [
                        "id": "64e93250be76435397e8c992ed4214d1",
                        "dateModified": "2014-10-27T08:06:58.158Z"

        # http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/HTTP_view_API#Querying_Options
        params = {}
        fields = self.request.params.get('opt_fields', '')
        if fields:
            params['opt_fields'] = fields
        limit = self.request.params.get('limit', '')
        if limit:
            params['limit'] = limit
        limit = int(limit) if limit.isdigit() else 100
        descending = self.request.params.get('descending')
        offset = self.request.params.get('offset', '9' if descending else '0')
        if descending:
            params['descending'] = descending
        next_offset = datetime.min.isoformat() if descending else get_now(
        results = Tender.view(self.db,
                              limit=limit + 1,
        results = [tender_serialize(i, fields) for i in results]
        if len(results) > limit:
            results, last = results[:-1], results[-1]
            params['offset'] = last['dateModified']
            params['offset'] = next_offset
        next_url = self.request.route_url('collection_Tender', _query=params)
        next_path = self.request.route_path('collection_Tender', _query=params)
        return {
            'data': results,
            'next_page': {
                "offset": params['offset'],
                "path": next_path,
                "uri": next_url
Exemplo n.º 2
    def collection_get(self):
        """Tenders List

        Get Tenders List

        Example request to get tenders list:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            GET /tenders HTTP/1.1
            Host: example.com
            Accept: application/json

        This is what one should expect in response:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json

                "data": [
                        "id": "64e93250be76435397e8c992ed4214d1",
                        "dateModified": "2014-10-27T08:06:58.158Z"

        # http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/HTTP_view_API#Querying_Options
        params = {}
        fields = self.request.params.get('opt_fields', '')
        if fields:
            params['opt_fields'] = fields
        limit = self.request.params.get('limit', '')
        if limit:
            params['limit'] = limit
        limit = int(limit) if limit.isdigit() else 100
        descending = self.request.params.get('descending')
        offset = self.request.params.get('offset', '9' if descending else '0')
        if descending:
            params['descending'] = descending
        next_offset = datetime.min.isoformat() if descending else get_now().isoformat()
        if fields:
            LOGGER.info('Used custom fields for tenders list: {}'.format(','.join(sorted(fields.split(',')))))
            fields = fields.split(',') + ['dateModified', 'id']
            results = [
                tender_serialize(i, fields)
                for i in Tender.view(self.db, 'tenders/by_dateModified', limit=limit + 1, startkey=offset, descending=bool(descending), include_docs=True)
            results = [
                {'id': i.id, 'dateModified': i.key}
                for i in tenders_by_dateModified_view(self.db, limit=limit + 1, startkey=offset, descending=bool(descending))
        if len(results) > limit:
            results, last = results[:-1], results[-1]
            params['offset'] = last['dateModified']
            params['offset'] = next_offset
        return {
            'data': results,
            'next_page': {
                "offset": params['offset'],
                "path": self.request.route_path('collection_Tender', _query=params),
                "uri": self.request.route_url('collection_Tender', _query=params)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def collection_get(self):
        """Tenders List

        Get Tenders List

        Example request to get tenders list:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            GET /tenders HTTP/1.1
            Host: example.com
            Accept: application/json

        This is what one should expect in response:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json

                "data": [
                        "id": "64e93250be76435397e8c992ed4214d1",
                        "dateModified": "2014-10-27T08:06:58.158Z"

        # http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/HTTP_view_API#Querying_Options
        params = {}
        fields = self.request.params.get('opt_fields', '')
        if fields:
            params['opt_fields'] = fields
        limit = self.request.params.get('limit', '')
        if limit:
            params['limit'] = limit
        limit = int(limit) if limit.isdigit() else 100
        descending = self.request.params.get('descending')
        offset = self.request.params.get('offset', '9' if descending else '0')
        if descending:
            params['descending'] = descending
        mode = self.request.params.get('mode')
        if mode:
            params['mode'] = mode
        list_view = VIEW_MAP.get(mode, tenders_real_by_dateModified_view)
        next_offset = datetime.min.isoformat() if descending else get_now(
        if fields:
            LOGGER.info('Used custom fields for tenders list: {}'.format(
                        extra={'MESSAGE_ID': 'tender_list_custom'})
            fields = fields.split(',') + ['dateModified', 'id']
            list_view_name = '/'.join([list_view.design, list_view.name])
            results = [
                tender_serialize(i, fields)
                for i in Tender.view(self.db,
                                     limit=limit + 1,
            results = [{
                'id': i.id,
                'dateModified': i.key
            } for i in list_view(self.db,
                                 limit=limit + 1,
        if len(results) > limit:
            results, last = results[:-1], results[-1]
            params['offset'] = last['dateModified']
            params['offset'] = next_offset
        return {
            'data': results,
            'next_page': {
                "offset": params['offset'],
                "path": self.request.route_path('collection_Tender',
                "uri": self.request.route_url('collection_Tender',