Exemplo n.º 1
def algo19(db, ref):
    #Column T: must be a date>= 25/04/2015 and >=Column S
    start_col_loc = column_index_from_string(
        etl.find_in_header(db, 'DD - Start')) - 1
    comp_col_loc = column_index_from_string(etl.find_in_header(db,
                                                               'DD - End')) - 1

    bad_date = []
    start = ""
    comp = ""

    for row in db.rows[1:]:
            start = datetime(day = int(etl.xstr(row[start_col_loc].value)), \
                            month = int(etl.xstr(row[start_col_loc+1].value)), \
                            year = int(etl.xstr(row[start_col_loc+2].value)))

            comp = datetime(day = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc].value)), \
                            month = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc+1].value)), \
                            year = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc+2].value)))

            if comp < start:
                bad_date.append(str(start) + ' @ row ' + str(row[0].row))

            bad_date.append(str(start) + ' @ row ' + str(row[0].row))

    return db, ref, return_message('Malformatted date or before Start Date',
Exemplo n.º 2
    def iter_rows(self, range_string='', row_offset=0, column_offset=1):
        """ Returns a squared range based on the `range_string` parameter,
        using generators.

        :param range_string: range of cells (e.g. 'A1:C4')
        :type range_string: string

        :param row_offset: additional rows (e.g. 4)
        :type row: int

        :param column_offset: additonal columns (e.g. 3)
        :type column: int

        :rtype: generator

        if range_string:
            min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = get_range_boundaries(range_string, row_offset, column_offset)
            min_col = column_index_from_string(self.min_col)
            max_col = self.max_col
            if max_col is not None:
                max_col = column_index_from_string(self.max_col) + 1
            min_row = self.min_row
            max_row = self.max_row

        return self.get_squared_range(min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def unmerge_cells(self, range_string=None, start_row=None, start_column=None, end_row=None, end_column=None):
        """ Remove merge on a cell range.  Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """
        if not range_string:
            if start_row is None or start_column is None or end_row is None or end_column is None:
                msg = "You have to provide a value either for "\
                      "'coordinate' or for 'start_row', 'start_column', 'end_row' *and* 'end_column'"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
                range_string = '%s%s:%s%s' % (get_column_letter(start_column + 1), start_row + 1, get_column_letter(end_column + 1), end_row + 1)
        elif len(range_string.split(':')) != 2:
            msg = "Range must be a cell range (e.g. A1:E1)"
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
            range_string = range_string.replace('$', '')

        if range_string in self._merged_cells:
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[0])
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[1])
            min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
            max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
            # Mark cell as unmerged
            for col in xrange(min_col,max_col+1):
                for row in xrange(min_row,max_row+1):
                    if not (row == min_row and col == min_col):
                        self._get_cell('%s%s' % (get_column_letter(col), row)).merged = False
            msg = 'Cell range %s not known as merged.' % range_string
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
def algo20(db,ref):
    #Output if completion date < current date and activity status not like completed
    status_col_loc = column_index_from_string(etl.find_in_header(db, 'Activity Status')) - 1
    comp_col_loc = column_index_from_string(etl.find_in_header(db, 'DD - End')) - 1

    bad_date = []
    valid = True
    comp = ""

    for row in db.rows[1:]:
            comp = datetime(day = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc].value)), \
                month = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc+1].value)), \
                year = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc+2].value)))
            valid = False

        if valid:
                if comp < datetime.now() and 'completed' not in row[status_col_loc].value.lower():
                    bad_date.append('%s row %i' % (str(comp),row[0].row))
                    bad_date.append('%s row %i' % (str(comp),row[0].row))

    return db, ref, return_message('Bad date or Completion Date has passed for ' ,bad_date)
Exemplo n.º 5
def algo20(db, ref):
    #Output if completion date < current date and activity status not like completed
    status_col_loc = column_index_from_string(
        etl.find_in_header(db, 'Activity Status')) - 1
    comp_col_loc = column_index_from_string(etl.find_in_header(db,
                                                               'DD - End')) - 1

    bad_date = []
    valid = True
    comp = ""

    for row in db.rows[1:]:
            comp = datetime(day = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc].value)), \
                month = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc+1].value)), \
                year = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc+2].value)))
            valid = False

        if valid:
                if comp < datetime.now(
                ) and 'completed' not in row[status_col_loc].value.lower():
                    bad_date.append('%s row %i' % (str(comp), row[0].row))
                bad_date.append('%s row %i' % (str(comp), row[0].row))

    return db, ref, return_message(
        'Bad date or Completion Date has passed for ', bad_date)
Exemplo n.º 6
def iter_rows(workbook_name,

    archive = get_archive_file(workbook_name)

    source = xml_source

    if range_string:
        min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = get_range_boundaries(
            range_string, row_offset, column_offset)
        min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = read_dimension(xml_source=source)
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col) + 1
        max_row += 6

    style_table = read_style_table(archive.read(ARC_STYLE))

    p = iterparse(source)

    return get_squared_range(p, min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row,
                             string_table, style_table, shared_date)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def merge_cells(self, range_string=None, start_row=None, start_column=None, end_row=None, end_column=None):
        """ Set merge on a cell range.  Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """
        if not range_string:
            if  start_row is None or start_column is None or end_row is None or end_column is None:
                msg = "You have to provide a value either for "\
                      "'coordinate' or for 'start_row', 'start_column', 'end_row' *and* 'end_column'"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
                range_string = '%s%s:%s%s' % (get_column_letter(start_column + 1), start_row + 1, get_column_letter(end_column + 1), end_row + 1)
        elif len(range_string.split(':')) != 2:
                msg = "Range must be a cell range (e.g. A1:E1)"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
            range_string = range_string.replace('$', '')

        # Make sure top_left cell exists - is this necessary?
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[0])
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[1])
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
        # Blank out the rest of the cells in the range
        for col in xrange(min_col, max_col + 1):
            for row in xrange(min_row, max_row + 1):
                if not (row == min_row and col == min_col):
                    # PHPExcel adds cell and specifically blanks it out if it doesn't exist
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' % (get_column_letter(col), row)).value = None
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' % (get_column_letter(col), row)).merged = True

        if range_string not in self._merged_cells:
def algo19(db,ref):
    #Column T: must be a date>= 25/04/2015 and >=Column S
    start_col_loc = column_index_from_string(etl.find_in_header(db, 'DD - Start')) - 1
    comp_col_loc = column_index_from_string(etl.find_in_header(db, 'DD - End')) - 1

    bad_date = []
    start = ""
    comp = ""

    for row in db.rows[1:]:
            start = datetime(day = int(etl.xstr(row[start_col_loc].value)), \
                            month = int(etl.xstr(row[start_col_loc+1].value)), \
                            year = int(etl.xstr(row[start_col_loc+2].value)))

            comp = datetime(day = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc].value)), \
                            month = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc+1].value)), \
                            year = int(etl.xstr(row[comp_col_loc+2].value)))

            if comp < start:
                bad_date.append(str(start) + ' @ row ' + str(row[0].row))

            bad_date.append(str(start) + ' @ row ' + str(row[0].row))

    return db, ref, return_message('Malformatted date or before Start Date', bad_date)
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_params(filename, chipstring = 'C', xstring = 'D', ystring = 'E', mstring = 'F'):
    import openpyxl
    from openpyxl.cell import column_index_from_string
    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename)
    sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
    chip_arr = np.array([])
    x_arr = np.array([])
    y_arr = np.array([])
    m_arr = np.array([])
    chipcol = column_index_from_string(chipstring)
    xcol = column_index_from_string(xstring)
    ycol = column_index_from_string(ystring)
    mcol = column_index_from_string(mstring)
    for i in np.arange(1,10):
        chip = sheet.cell(row=i, column=chipcol).value
        chip_arr = np.append(chip_arr, chip)
        xval = sheet.cell(row=i, column=xcol).value
        x_arr = np.append(x_arr, xval)
        yval = sheet.cell(row=i, column=ycol).value
        if chip == 1. or chip == 1:
            yval += CHIP2YLEN
        y_arr = np.append(y_arr, yval)
        mval = sheet.cell(row=i, column=mcol).value
        m_arr = np.append(m_arr, mval)
    return [x_arr, y_arr, m_arr]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def iter_rows(self, range_string='', row_offset=0, column_offset=1):
        """ Returns a squared range based on the `range_string` parameter,
        using generators.

        :param range_string: range of cells (e.g. 'A1:C4')
        :type range_string: string

        :param row_offset: additional rows (e.g. 4)
        :type row: int

        :param column_offset: additonal columns (e.g. 3)
        :type column: int

        :rtype: generator

        if range_string:
            min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = get_range_boundaries(range_string, row_offset, column_offset)
            min_col = column_index_from_string(self.min_col)
            max_col = column_index_from_string(self.max_col) + 1
            min_row = self.min_row
            max_row = self.max_row + 6

        return self.get_squared_range(min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)
    def reach(self, db):
        """how is the vdc accessible"""
        #TODO: use index() method instead of dict
        dist_loc = column_index_from_string(etl.find_in_header(db,
                                                               'District')) - 1
        vdc_loc = column_index_from_string(
            etl.find_in_header(db, 'VDC / Municipalities')) - 1
        acc_look = column_index_from_string(
                               'DistrictVDC Concatenation')) - 1
        acc_acc = column_index_from_string(
            etl.find_in_header(self.s_dict['acc'], 'NeKSAP ACCESS')) - 1

        dist_vals = etl.get_values(db.columns[dist_loc][1:])
        vdc_vals = etl.get_values(db.columns[vdc_loc][1:])
        acc_look_vals = etl.get_values(
        acc_acc_vals = etl.get_values(self.s_dict['acc'].columns[acc_acc][1:])

        #make dict for access, concatenate dist and vdc
        acc_dict = dict(zip(acc_look_vals, acc_acc_vals))
        d_v_conc = [dist_vals[i] + vdc_vals[i] for i in xrange(len(dist_vals))]

        ret = []
        for v in d_v_conc:
            if v in acc_dict and v != '':

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
    def swapValues(self):
        # Swap columns based on matching rules
        # Check date
        if len(SwapValues.yearSV.get()) != 4:
                'Date Error', 'Please enter the full date (Ex 2016 not 16)')

        # Perform swap if date format is correct
            # Prep workbook and sheet
            SwapValues.newWb = openpyxl.Workbook()
            SwapValues.newSheet = SwapValues.newWb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet')
            SwapValues.newSheet.title = 'Swapped Sheet'

            # Format sheet with correct headers
            for key, value in sorted(self.headersDict.items()):
                    column=column_index_from_string(key)).value = value

            # Pull data from matching defined place
            for rowNum in range(1, FileSelection.sheet.max_row):
                for self.budgetPeriod in range(1, 13):
                    self.printRow += 1
                    for key, value in sorted(self.mappingRulesDict.items()):
                                key)).value = self.getVal(value, rowNum)

            # Export new workbook
def consolidate_specfic(baseline_ret, wsl, which_sheet):
    """consolidate a given sheet type and remove old data"""

    cons_wb = Workbook()
    cons = cons_wb.active
    cons.title = which_sheet

    to_add = []
    ag_skip = []
    cnts = {}

    baseline_ret = baseline_ret.get_sheet_by_name(which_sheet)

    #trim baseline to be between Implementing agency and additional comments
    iav = column_index_from_string(find_in_header(baseline_ret,'Implementing Agency'))-1
    acv = column_index_from_string(find_in_header(baseline_ret,'Additional comments'))
    luv = column_index_from_string(find_in_header(baseline_ret,'Last Update'))
    baseline = Workbook().active

    for i,r in enumerate(baseline_ret.rows):
        #insert header
        if i == 0:
            baseline.append(get_values(r[iav:acv]) + get_values([r[luv-1]]))
        #else, add last update dates. try and format if not null
            if r[luv-1].value is not None:
                    baseline.append(get_values(r[iav:acv]) + [r[luv-1].value.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')])
                except Exception, e:
                    baseline.append(get_values(r[iav:acv]) + [convert_date(r[luv-1].value, '%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%Y')])
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_data_rows(sheet, col_ids, data_location):
    left_column, left_row, right_column, right_row, right_defined = \
        get_square_indices(sheet, data_location)
    left_column = max(left_column, column_index_from_string(min(*col_ids)))
    right_column = min(right_column, column_index_from_string(max(*col_ids)))
    data = get_range(sheet, left_column, left_row, right_column, right_row)
    for i, row in enumerate(data):
        selected = tuple(filter(lambda x: x.column in col_ids, row))
        yield left_row + i, selected
Exemplo n.º 15
	def __init__(self, files, params):
		ExcelHandler.filePath = files.filePath.get()
		ExcelHandler.wb = files.wb
		ExcelHandler.sheet = files.sheet
			ExcelHandler.searchCol = column_index_from_string(str(params.searchCol.get()).upper())
			ExcelHandler.pasteCol = column_index_from_string(str(params.pasteCol.get()).upper())
		except ValueError:
			tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Please enter valid column names.')
Exemplo n.º 16
	def validatePNCol(self, columnValue):
		if not (columnValue.isalpha() or columnValue == ''):
			return False

		elif columnValue != '':
			except ValueError:
				return False

		return True
Exemplo n.º 17
 def col_row_range(self):
     获取行号和列号的范围 A4:Q7 -> [4,7] [A,Q]
     cell_start,cell_end = self.theader_range.split(":")
     min_col,min_row = ce.column_index_from_string(self.ws[cell_start].column),self.ws[cell_start].row
     max_col,max_row = ce.column_index_from_string(self.ws[cell_end].column),self.ws[cell_end].row
     self.rownum_range = [min_row,max_row]
     self.colnum_range = [ce.get_column_letter(min_col),ce.get_column_letter(max_col)]
     self.theader_area_size = [max_row-min_row+1,max_col-min_col+1]
Exemplo n.º 18
def form_column_list(first_char, last_char):
    form_column_list(first_char, last_char)

    Формирование листа букв A-...: [first_char, ..., last_char]

    Возвращает лист.
    start_index = column_index_from_string(first_char)
    end_index = column_index_from_string(last_char)
    range_list = range(start_index, end_index+1)
    out_list = [get_column_letter(i) for i in range_list]
    return out_list
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_dor_sheet_and_day_column(dor, sheet, date, next_month_after=31):
    day = date.day
    if day <= next_month_after:
        month = "{:%B}".format(date)
    else:  # go to next month
        next_month = date + datetime.timedelta(15)
        month = "{:%B}".format(next_month)
    dor_sheet = dor.get_sheet_by_name(sheet)
    month_cell = search_in_column(dor_sheet, month, 1, start=1, end=dor_sheet.max_column)
    month_column_index = column_index_from_string(month_cell.column)
    day_cell = search_in_column(dor_sheet, day, 2, start=month_column_index, end=dor_sheet.max_column)
    column_index = column_index_from_string(day_cell.column)
    return dor_sheet, column_index
Exemplo n.º 20
 def get_all_cells(self,cell_ranges):
     根据给定的区域,获取该区域中的所有单元格 A4:A5
     result_cells = []
     min_col = 0
     min_row = 0
     max_col = 0
     max_row = 0
     cell_start,cell_end = cell_ranges.split(":")
     min_col,min_row = ce.column_index_from_string(self.ws[cell_start].column),self.ws[cell_start].row
     max_col,max_row = ce.column_index_from_string(self.ws[cell_end].column),self.ws[cell_end].row
     for c_t in range(min_col,max_col+1):
         for r_t in range(min_row,max_row+1):
     return result_cells
Exemplo n.º 21
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml."""
    if worksheet.column_dimensions:
        start_tag(doc, 'cols')
        for column_string, columndimension in \
            col_index = column_index_from_string(column_string)
            col_def = {'min': str(col_index), 'max': str(col_index)}
            if columndimension.width != -1:
                col_def['customWidth'] = '1'
            if not columndimension.visible:
                col_def['hidden'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.outline_level > 0:
                col_def['outlineLevel'] = str(columndimension.outline_level)
            if columndimension.collapsed:
                col_def['collapsed'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.auto_size:
                col_def['bestFit'] = 'true'
            if column_string in worksheet._styles:
                col_def['style'] = str(style_table[hash(
            if columndimension.width > 0:
                col_def['width'] = str(columndimension.width)
                col_def['width'] = '9.10'
            tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
        end_tag(doc, 'cols')
Exemplo n.º 22
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table=None):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml.

    style_table is ignored but required
    for compatibility with the dumped worksheet <cols> may never be empty -
    spec says must contain at least one child
    cols = []
    for label, dimension in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions):
        col_def = dict(dimension)
        style = worksheet._styles.get(label)
        if col_def == {} and style is None:
        elif style is not None:
            col_def['style'] = '%d' % style
        idx = column_index_from_string(label)
        cols.append((idx, col_def))
    if cols == []:
    start_tag(doc, 'cols')
    for idx, col_def in sorted(cols):
        v = "%d" % idx
        col_def.update({'min':v, 'max':v})
        tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
    end_tag(doc, 'cols')
Exemplo n.º 23
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml."""
    if worksheet.column_dimensions:
        start_tag(doc, 'cols')
        for column_string, columndimension in \
            col_index = column_index_from_string(column_string)
            col_def = {'min': str(col_index), 'max': str(col_index)}
            if columndimension.width != -1:
                col_def['customWidth'] = '1'
            if not columndimension.visible:
                col_def['hidden'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.outline_level > 0:
                col_def['outlineLevel'] = str(columndimension.outline_level)
            if columndimension.collapsed:
                col_def['collapsed'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.auto_size:
                col_def['bestFit'] = 'true'
            if column_string in worksheet._styles:
                col_def['style'] = str(style_table[hash(worksheet.get_style(column_string))])
            if columndimension.width > 0:
                col_def['width'] = str(columndimension.width)
                col_def['width'] = '9.10'
            tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
        end_tag(doc, 'cols')
Exemplo n.º 24
 def get_cells(self, min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col):
     p = iterparse(self.xml_source, tag=[ROW_TAG], remove_blank_text=True)
     for _event, element in p:
         if element.tag == ROW_TAG:
             row = int(element.get("r"))
             if max_row is not None and row > max_row:
             if min_row <= row:
                 for cell in safe_iterator(element, CELL_TAG):
                     coord = cell.get('r')
                     column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
                     column = column_index_from_string(column_str)
                     if max_col is not None and column > max_col:
                     if min_col <= column:
                         data_type = cell.get('t', 'n')
                         style_id = cell.get('s')
                         formula = cell.findtext(FORMULA_TAG)
                         value = cell.findtext(VALUE_TAG)
                         if formula is not None and not self.parent.data_only:
                             data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                             value = "=%s" % formula
                         yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, column_str,
                                            value, data_type, style_id)
         if element.tag in (CELL_TAG, VALUE_TAG, FORMULA_TAG):
             # sub-elements of rows should be skipped
Exemplo n.º 25
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml."""
    if worksheet.column_dimensions:
        start_tag(doc, "cols")
        for column_string, columndimension in worksheet.column_dimensions.iteritems():
            col_index = column_index_from_string(column_string)
            col_def = {}
            col_def["collapsed"] = str(columndimension.style_index)
            col_def["min"] = str(col_index)
            col_def["max"] = str(col_index)
            if columndimension.width != worksheet.default_column_dimension.width:
                col_def["customWidth"] = "true"
            if not columndimension.visible:
                col_def["hidden"] = "true"
            if columndimension.outline_level > 0:
                col_def["outlineLevel"] = str(columndimension.outline_level)
            if columndimension.collapsed:
                col_def["collapsed"] = "true"
            if columndimension.auto_size:
                col_def["bestFit"] = "true"
            if columndimension.width > 0:
                col_def["width"] = str(columndimension.width)
                col_def["width"] = "9.10"
            tag(doc, "col", col_def)
        end_tag(doc, "cols")
Exemplo n.º 26
def GetSched(day, n):
    for i in range(1, 12):
        done = False
        col = get_column_letter(
            column_index_from_string((w.coordinate)[0]) + n)
        cls = col + str(int((w.coordinate)[1:]) + i)
        time = 'A' + str(int((w.coordinate)[1:]) + i)
        for range_ in sheet.merged_cell_ranges:
            merged_cells = list(openpyxl.utils.rows_from_range(range_))
            for row in merged_cells:
                if cls in row:
                    if cls == merged_cells[0][0] and sheet[
                            cls].value != None and "Week" not in sheet[
                        apd = [
                            list(filter(None, sheet[cls].value.split('\n'))),
                        for i in range(1, len(merged_cells)):
                            apd.append(sheet[time[0] +
                    done = True
        if sheet[cls].value != None and "Week" not in sheet[
                cls].value and done == False:
                list(filter(None, sheet[cls].value.split('\n'))),
    for i in day:
        if len(i) > 2:
            day[day.index(i)] = [
                i[0], ((i[1].split("-"))[0] + '-' + (i[-1].split("-"))[1])
Exemplo n.º 27
    def get_cells(self, min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col):
        p = iterparse(self.xml_source)

        for _event, element in p:

            if element.tag == '{%s}c' % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
                coord = element.get('r')
                column_str, row = RE_COORDINATE.match(coord).groups()

                row = int(row)
                column = column_index_from_string(column_str)

                if min_col <= column <= max_col and min_row <= row <= max_row:
                    data_type = element.get('t', 'n')
                    style_id = element.get('s')
                    formula = element.findtext('{%s}f' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                    value = element.findtext('{%s}v' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                    if formula is not None and not self.parent.data_only:
                        data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                        value = "=" + formula
                    if not (value or formula or style_id):
                        # this cell is pointless and should not have been
                        # written in the first place
                    yield RawCell(row, column_str, coord, value, data_type,
                                  style_id, None)
            # sub-elements of cells should be skipped
            if (element.tag == '{%s}v' % SHEET_MAIN_NS
                    or element.tag == '{%s}f' % SHEET_MAIN_NS):
Exemplo n.º 28
def coord2rowcol(coord):
    Transform a spreadsheet style coordinate into a 0, 0 based index.
    col, row_idx = coordinate_from_string(coord)
    col_idx = column_index_from_string(col)
    return row_idx - 1, col_idx - 1
def write_cols(worksheet):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml.

    <cols> may never be empty -
    spec says must contain at least one child
    cols = []
    for label, dimension in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions):
        dimension.style = worksheet._styles.get(label)
        col_def = dict(dimension)
        if col_def == {}:
        idx = column_index_from_string(label)
        cols.append((idx, col_def))

    if not cols:

    el = Element('cols')

    for idx, col_def in sorted(cols):
        v = "%d" % idx
        cmin = col_def.get('min') or v
        cmax = col_def.get('max') or v
        col_def.update({'min': cmin, 'max': cmax})
        el.append(Element('col', col_def))
    return el
def write_sheetviews(worksheet):
    views = Element('sheetViews')
    sheetviewAttrs = {'workbookViewId': '0'}
    if not worksheet.show_gridlines:
        sheetviewAttrs['showGridLines'] = '0'
    view = SubElement(views, 'sheetView', sheetviewAttrs)
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = 'topRight'
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs['xSplit'] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs['ySplit'] = str(row - 1)
            pane = 'bottomLeft'
            if column > 1:
                pane = 'bottomRight'
        view.append(Element('pane', paneAttrs))
        selectionAttrs['pane'] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            SubElement(view, 'selection', {'pane': 'topRight'})
            SubElement(view, 'selection', {'pane': 'bottomLeft'})

    selectionAttrs.update({'activeCell': worksheet.active_cell,
                           'sqref': worksheet.selected_cell})

    SubElement(view, 'selection', selectionAttrs)
    return views
Exemplo n.º 31
    def _get_row(self, element, min_col=1, max_col=None):
        """Return cells from a particular row"""
        col_counter = min_col

        for cell in safe_iterator(element, CELL_TAG):
            coord = cell.get('r')
            column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
            column = column_index_from_string(column_str)

            if max_col is not None and column > max_col:

            if min_col <= column:
                for gap in range(col_counter, column):
                    # pad row with missing cells
                    yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, None, None)

                data_type = cell.get('t', 'n')
                style_id = int(cell.get('s', 0))
                formula = cell.findtext(FORMULA_TAG)
                value = cell.find(VALUE_TAG)
                if value is not None:
                    value = value.text
                if formula is not None:
                    if not self.parent.data_only:
                        data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                        value = "=%s" % formula

                yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, column_str,
                                   value, data_type, style_id)
            col_counter = column + 1
        if max_col is not None:
            while col_counter <= max_col:
                yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, None, None)
                col_counter += 1
Exemplo n.º 32
    def append(self, list_or_dict):
        """Appends a group of values at the bottom of the current sheet.

        * If it's a list: all values are added in order, starting from the first column
        * If it's a dict: values are assigned to the columns indicated by the keys (numbers or letters)

        :param list_or_dict: list or dict containing values to append
        :type list_or_dict: list/tuple or dict


        * append(['This is A1', 'This is B1', 'This is C1'])
        * **or** append({'A' : 'This is A1', 'C' : 'This is C1'})
        * **or** append({0 : 'This is A1', 2 : 'This is C1'})

        :raise: TypeError when list_or_dict is neither a list/tuple nor a dict

        row_idx = len(self.row_dimensions)
        if isinstance(list_or_dict, (list, tuple)):
            for col_idx, content in enumerate(list_or_dict):
                self.cell(row=row_idx, column=col_idx).value = content

        elif isinstance(list_or_dict, dict):
            for col_idx, content in iteritems(list_or_dict):
                if isinstance(col_idx, basestring):
                    col_idx = column_index_from_string(col_idx) - 1
                self.cell(row=row_idx, column=col_idx).value = content

            raise TypeError('list_or_dict must be a list or a dict')
Exemplo n.º 33
def write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet):
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = 'topRight'
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs['xSplit'] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs['ySplit'] = str(row - 1)
            pane = 'bottomLeft'
            if column > 1:
                pane = 'bottomRight'
        tag(doc, 'pane', paneAttrs)
        selectionAttrs['pane'] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'topRight'})
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'bottomLeft'})

    selectionAttrs.update({'activeCell': worksheet.active_cell,
                           'sqref': worksheet.selected_cell})

    tag(doc, 'selection', selectionAttrs)
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
Exemplo n.º 34
def write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet):
    start_tag(doc, "sheetViews")
    start_tag(doc, "sheetView", {"workbookViewId": "0"})
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = "topRight"
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs["xSplit"] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs["ySplit"] = str(row - 1)
            pane = "bottomLeft"
            if column > 1:
                pane = "bottomRight"
        paneAttrs.update(dict(topLeftCell=topLeftCell, activePane=pane, state="frozen"))
        tag(doc, "pane", paneAttrs)
        selectionAttrs["pane"] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            tag(doc, "selection", {"pane": "topRight"})
            tag(doc, "selection", {"pane": "bottomLeft"})

    selectionAttrs.update({"activeCell": worksheet.active_cell, "sqref": worksheet.selected_cell})

    tag(doc, "selection", selectionAttrs)
    end_tag(doc, "sheetView")
    end_tag(doc, "sheetViews")
Exemplo n.º 35
def get_cells(p,

    for _event, element in p:

        if element.tag == '{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main}c':
            coord = element.get('r')
            column_str, row = _re_coordinate.match(coord).groups()

            row = int(row)
            column = column_index_from_string(column_str)

            if min_col <= column <= max_col and min_row <= row <= max_row:
                data_type = element.get('t', 'n')
                style_id = element.get('s')
                value = element.findtext(
                yield RawCell(row, column_str, coord, value, data_type,
                              style_id, None)

        if element.tag == '{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main}v':
Exemplo n.º 36
 def get_cells(self, min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col):
     p = iterparse(self.xml_source, tag=[ROW_TAG], remove_blank_text=True)
     for _event, element in p:
         if element.tag == ROW_TAG:
             row = int(element.get("r"))
             if max_row is not None and row > max_row:
             if min_row <= row:
                 for cell in safe_iterator(element, CELL_TAG):
                     coord = cell.get('r')
                     column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
                     column = column_index_from_string(column_str)
                     if max_col is not None and column > max_col:
                     if min_col <= column:
                         data_type = cell.get('t', 'n')
                         style_id = cell.get('s')
                         formula = cell.findtext(FORMULA_TAG)
                         value = cell.findtext(VALUE_TAG)
                         if formula is not None and not self.parent.data_only:
                             data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                             value = "=%s" % formula
                         yield ReadOnlyCell(row, column_str, value, data_type,
         if element.tag in (CELL_TAG, VALUE_TAG, FORMULA_TAG):
             # sub-elements of rows should be skipped
Exemplo n.º 37
def write_cols(xf, worksheet, style_table=None):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml.

    style_table is ignored but required
    for compatibility with the dumped worksheet <cols> may never be empty -
    spec says must contain at least one child
    cols = []
    for label, dimension in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions):
        dimension.style = worksheet._styles.get(label)
        col_def = dict(dimension)
        if col_def == {}:
        idx = column_index_from_string(label)
        cols.append((idx, col_def))

    if not cols:

    with xf.element('cols'):
        for idx, col_def in sorted(cols):
            v = "%d" % idx
            cmin = col_def.get('min') or v
            cmax = col_def.get('max') or v
            col_def.update({'min': cmin, 'max': cmax})
            c = Element('col', col_def)
Exemplo n.º 38
def create_get_filter_dict(trziste, name, cfg):
    column = cfg[name]
    column_ix = column_index_from_string(column) - 1
    def f(row):
        return { 'trziste' : trziste, 
                name : row[column_ix].value }
    return f
Exemplo n.º 39
    def _write_comment_shape(self, root, comment, idx):
        # get zero-indexed coordinates of the comment
        row = comment._parent.row - 1
        column = column_index_from_string(comment._parent.column) - 1

        attrs = {
            "id": "_x0000_s%s" % (idx+1026),
            "type": "#_x0000_t202",
            "style": "position:absolute; margin-left:59.25pt;margin-top:1.5pt;width:108pt;height:59.25pt;z-index:1;visibility:hidden",
            "fillcolor": "#ffffe1",
            "{%s}insetmode" % officens: "auto"
        shape = SubElement(root, "{%s}shape" % vmlns, attrs)

        SubElement(shape, "{%s}fill" % vmlns, {"color2":"#ffffe1"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}shadow" % vmlns, {"color":"black", "obscured":"t"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}path" % vmlns, {"{%s}connecttype"%officens:"none"})
        textbox = SubElement(shape, "{%s}textbox" % vmlns, {"style":"mso-direction-alt:auto"})
        SubElement(textbox, "div", {"style": "text-align:left"})
        client_data = SubElement(shape, "{%s}ClientData" % excelns, {"ObjectType": "Note"})
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}MoveWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}SizeWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}AutoFill" % excelns).text = "False"
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Row" % excelns).text = str(row)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Column" % excelns).text = str(column)
Exemplo n.º 40
    def _write_comment_shape(self, root, comment, idx):
        # get zero-indexed coordinates of the comment
        row = comment._parent.row - 1
        column = column_index_from_string(comment._parent.column) - 1

        attrs = {
            "id": "_x0000_s%s" % (idx+1026),
            "type": "#_x0000_t202",
            "style": "position:absolute; margin-left:59.25pt;margin-top:1.5pt;width:108pt;height:59.25pt;z-index:1;visibility:hidden",
            "fillcolor": "#ffffe1",
            "{%s}insetmode" % officens: "auto"
        shape = SubElement(root, "{%s}shape" % vmlns, attrs)

        SubElement(shape, "{%s}fill" % vmlns, {"color2":"#ffffe1"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}shadow" % vmlns, {"color":"black", "obscured":"t"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}path" % vmlns, {"{%s}connecttype"%officens:"none"})
        textbox = SubElement(shape, "{%s}textbox" % vmlns, {"style":"mso-direction-alt:auto"})
        SubElement(textbox, "div", {"style": "text-align:left"})
        client_data = SubElement(shape, "{%s}ClientData" % excelns, {"ObjectType": "Note"})
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}MoveWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}SizeWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}AutoFill" % excelns).text = "False"
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Row" % excelns).text = str(row)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Column" % excelns).text = str(column)
Exemplo n.º 41
    def importDatabase(self, file_name):

        from openpyxl.cell import column_index_from_string

        wb = load_workbook(filename=file_name, use_iterators=True)
        ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(name='Members')

        # Read and confirm the header
        for row in ws.iter_rows():
            membAttr = {}
            for cell in row:
                if cell._value:
                    col = column_index_from_string(cell.column)
                    if cell.row > 1:
                        # Read the remaining members
                        membAttr[self.impExpMemberHeader[col - 1]] = cell.value

                    elif cell.row == 1 and cell.value != self.impExpMemberHeader[col - 1]:
                        self.statBar.showMessage("Error in header in '{}'".format(file_name), Util.messageDelay)
                        return False

            if membAttr:
                member = self.getMember(membAttr['FirstName'], membAttr['LastName'], membAttr['Birthday'])
                if member:
                    self.updateItem('Member', membAttr, member)
                    self.addItem('Member', membAttr)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 42
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml."""
    if worksheet.column_dimensions:
        start_tag(doc, 'cols')
        for column_string, columndimension in \
            col_index = column_index_from_string(column_string)
            col_def = {}
            col_def['collapsed'] = str(columndimension.style_index)
            col_def['min'] = str(col_index)
            col_def['max'] = str(col_index)
            if columndimension.width != \
                col_def['customWidth'] = 'true'
            if not columndimension.visible:
                col_def['hidden'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.outline_level > 0:
                col_def['outlineLevel'] = str(columndimension.outline_level)
            if columndimension.collapsed:
                col_def['collapsed'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.auto_size:
                col_def['bestFit'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.width > 0:
                col_def['width'] = str(columndimension.width)
                col_def['width'] = '9.10'
            tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
        end_tag(doc, 'cols')
Exemplo n.º 43
	def validateEntry(self, varName, curEntryVal):
	# Validates the entry based on entry type. Returns True if pass, False if fail
		if self.nameDict[varName]['type'] == 'column':
			if not (curEntryVal.isalpha() or curEntryVal == ''):
				return False
			elif curEntryVal != '':
				except ValueError:
					return False

		elif ParamSelection.offsetMode.get() == 'char':
			if not (curEntryVal.isdigit() or curEntryVal == ''):
				return False

		return True
Exemplo n.º 44
	def checkData(self, rowNum, IDTag):
		# Iterate though all selected data entry columns
		for columnName, propertyDict in ColumnSelection.columnsToImportDict.items():
			# Get value of IFS control
			except FileNotFoundError:
				print('Could not locate GetControlValue.exe')
			# Store text in IFS control	
			controlText = str(pyperclip.paste())

			# Get value of current cell
			curCell = FileSelection.sheet.cell(row=rowNum, column=column_index_from_string(columnName))
			excelText = str(curCell.value)

			# Compare values for non blank cells
			if excelText != None:
				if controlText == excelText:
					# print(IDTag + ' checked. PASS' ### Debugging ###

				# Data does not match
					if IDTag not in ColumnSelection.mismatchList:
					# print('Excel IFS mismatch') ### Debugging ###
Exemplo n.º 45
def write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet):
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = 'topRight'
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs['xSplit'] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs['ySplit'] = str(row - 1)
            pane = 'bottomLeft'
            if column > 1:
                pane = 'bottomRight'
            dict(topLeftCell=topLeftCell, activePane=pane, state='frozen'))
        tag(doc, 'pane', paneAttrs)
        selectionAttrs['pane'] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'topRight'})
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'bottomLeft'})

        'activeCell': worksheet.active_cell,
        'sqref': worksheet.selected_cell

    tag(doc, 'selection', selectionAttrs)
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
Exemplo n.º 46
    def _get_row(self, element, min_col=1, max_col=None):
        """Return cells from a particular row"""
        col_counter = min_col

        for cell in safe_iterator(element, CELL_TAG):
            coord = cell.get('r')
            column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
            column = column_index_from_string(column_str)

            if max_col is not None and column > max_col:

            if min_col <= column:
                for gap in range(col_counter, column):
                    # pad row with missing cells
                    yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, None, None)

                data_type = cell.get('t', 'n')
                style_id = int(cell.get('s', 0))
                formula = cell.findtext(FORMULA_TAG)
                value = cell.find(VALUE_TAG)
                if value is not None:
                    value = value.text
                if formula is not None:
                    if not self.parent.data_only:
                        data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                        value = "=%s" % formula

                yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, column_str, value, data_type,
            col_counter = column + 1
        if max_col is not None:
            while col_counter <= max_col:
                yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, None, None)
                col_counter += 1
Exemplo n.º 47
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml."""
    if worksheet.column_dimensions:
        start_tag(doc, 'cols')
        for column_string, columndimension in \
            col_index = column_index_from_string(column_string)
            col_def = {}
            col_def['collapsed'] = str(columndimension.style_index)
            col_def['min'] = str(col_index)
            col_def['max'] = str(col_index)
            if columndimension.width != \
                col_def['customWidth'] = 'true'
            if not columndimension.visible:
                col_def['hidden'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.outline_level > 0:
                col_def['outlineLevel'] = str(columndimension.outline_level)
            if columndimension.collapsed:
                col_def['collapsed'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.auto_size:
                col_def['bestFit'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.width > 0:
                col_def['width'] = str(columndimension.width)
                col_def['width'] = '9.10'
            tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
        end_tag(doc, 'cols')
Exemplo n.º 48
    def get_cells(self, min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col):
        p = iterparse(self.xml_source)

        for _event, element in p:

            if element.tag == '{%s}c' % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
                coord = element.get('r')
                column_str, row = RE_COORDINATE.match(coord).groups()

                row = int(row)
                column = column_index_from_string(column_str)

                if min_col <= column <= max_col and min_row <= row <= max_row:
                    data_type = element.get('t', 'n')
                    style_id = element.get('s')
                    formula = element.findtext('{%s}f' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                    value = element.findtext('{%s}v' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                    if formula is not None and not self.parent.data_only:
                        data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                        value = "=" + formula
                    yield RawCell(row, column_str, coord, value, data_type, style_id, None)
            # sub-elements of cells should be skipped
            if (element.tag == '{%s}v' % SHEET_MAIN_NS
                or element.tag == '{%s}f' % SHEET_MAIN_NS):
Exemplo n.º 49
    def append(self, list_or_dict):
        """Appends a group of values at the bottom of the current sheet.

        * If it's a list: all values are added in order, starting from the first column
        * If it's a dict: values are assigned to the columns indicated by the keys (numbers or letters)

        :param list_or_dict: list or dict containing values to append
        :type list_or_dict: list/tuple or dict


        * append(['This is A1', 'This is B1', 'This is C1'])
        * **or** append({'A' : 'This is A1', 'C' : 'This is C1'})
        * **or** append({0 : 'This is A1', 2 : 'This is C1'})

        :raise: TypeError when list_or_dict is neither a list/tuple nor a dict

        row_idx = len(self.row_dimensions)
        if isinstance(list_or_dict, (list, tuple)):
            for col_idx, content in enumerate(list_or_dict):
                self.cell(row=row_idx, column=col_idx).value = content

        elif isinstance(list_or_dict, dict):
            for col_idx, content in iteritems(list_or_dict):
                if isinstance(col_idx, basestring):
                    col_idx = column_index_from_string(col_idx) - 1
                self.cell(row=row_idx, column=col_idx).value = content

            raise TypeError("list_or_dict must be a list or a dict")
Exemplo n.º 50
def create_get_atc_sifra(cfg):
    column = cfg['columns']['ATC_naziv']
    column_ix = column_index_from_string(column) - 1

    def f(row):
        return row[column_ix].value[:7]

    return f
Exemplo n.º 51
def create_get_opis(cfg):
    column = cfg['opis']
    column_ix = column_index_from_string(column) - 1

    def f(row):
        return row[column_ix].value

    return f
Exemplo n.º 52
def get_range_boundaries(range_string, row_offset=0, column_offset=1):

    if ':' in range_string:
        min_range, max_range = range_string.split(':')
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col) + 1

        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string)
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = min_col + column_offset
        max_row = min_row + row_offset

    return (min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)
Exemplo n.º 53
def get_range_boundaries(range_string, row_offset=0, column_offset=1):

    if ':' in range_string:
        min_range, max_range = range_string.split(':')
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col) + 1

        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string)
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = min_col + column_offset
        max_row = min_row + row_offset

    return (min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)