Exemplo n.º 1
    def coordinates(self, coords):
        """ set shape coordinates in percentages (left, top, right, bottom)
        # this needs refactoring to reflect changes in charts
        self.axis_coordinates = coords
        (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = coords  # bottom left, top right
        drawing_width = pixels_to_EMU(self.chart.drawing.width)
        drawing_height = pixels_to_EMU(self.chart.drawing.height)
        plot_width = drawing_width * self.chart.width
        plot_height = drawing_height * self.chart.height

        margin_left = self.chart._get_margin_left() * drawing_width
        xunit = plot_width / self.chart.get_x_units()

        margin_top = self.chart._get_margin_top() * drawing_height
        yunit = self.chart.get_y_units()

        x_start = (margin_left + (float(x1) * xunit)) / drawing_width
        y_start = (margin_top + plot_height - (float(y1) * yunit)) / drawing_height

        x_end = (margin_left + (float(x2) * xunit)) / drawing_width
        y_end = (margin_top + plot_height - (float(y2) * yunit)) / drawing_height

        # allow user to specify y's in whatever order
        # excel expect y_end to be lower
        if y_end < y_start:
            y_end, y_start = y_start, y_end

        self._coordinates = (
Exemplo n.º 2
    def coordinates(self, coords):
        """ set shape coordinates in percentages (left, top, right, bottom)
        # this needs refactoring to reflect changes in charts
        self.axis_coordinates = coords
        (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = coords  # bottom left, top right
        drawing_width = pixels_to_EMU(self.chart.drawing.width)
        drawing_height = pixels_to_EMU(self.chart.drawing.height)
        plot_width = drawing_width * self.chart.width
        plot_height = drawing_height * self.chart.height

        margin_left = self.chart._get_margin_left() * drawing_width
        xunit = plot_width / self.chart.get_x_units()

        margin_top = self.chart._get_margin_top() * drawing_height
        yunit = self.chart.get_y_units()

        x_start = (margin_left + (float(x1) * xunit)) / drawing_width
        y_start = ((margin_top + plot_height - (float(y1) * yunit)) /

        x_end = (margin_left + (float(x2) * xunit)) / drawing_width
        y_end = ((margin_top + plot_height - (float(y2) * yunit)) /

        # allow user to specify y's in whatever order
        # excel expect y_end to be lower
        if y_end < y_start:
            y_end, y_start = y_start, y_end

        self._coordinates = (self._norm_pct(x_start), self._norm_pct(y_start),
                             self._norm_pct(x_end), self._norm_pct(y_end))
    def calc_img_anchor(self, cell, img):
        ## 対象セルのwidth / heightを取得
        width_list = self.get_cell_width_list(cell, to_px=True)
        height_list = self.get_cell_height_list(cell, to_px=True)
        self.logger.info("width_list: %s" % width_list)
        self.logger.info("height_list: %s" % height_list)

        img_width = img.width
        img_height = img.height
        self.logger.info("img_width: %s" % img_width)
        self.logger.info("img_height: %s" % img_height)

        ## imgのwidth / heightを使って、+何セルかを計算
        for i, cell_width in enumerate(width_list):
            if 0 < (img_width - cell_width):
                img_width -= cell_width
                self.logger.info("calclating...: %s" % img_width)
        horizontal_cell_shift = i - 1
        self.logger.info("horizontal_cell_shift: %s" % horizontal_cell_shift)

        for i, cell_height in enumerate(height_list):
            if 0 < (img_height - cell_height):
                img_height -= cell_height
                print("calclating...: %s" % img_height)
        vertical_cell_shift = i - 1
        self.logger.info("vertical_cell_shift: %s" % vertical_cell_shift)

        ## 渡されたcellの縦横に足す
        anchor_cell_column = cell.column + horizontal_cell_shift
        anchor_cell_row = cell.row + vertical_cell_shift

        ## 余りをEMUに変換
        anchor_cell_column_offset = pixels_to_EMU(img_width)
        anchor_cell_row_offset = pixels_to_EMU(img_height)

        self.logger.info("anchor_cell_column: %s" % anchor_cell_column)
        self.logger.info("anchor_cell_column_offset: %s" %
        self.logger.info("anchor_cell_row: %s" % anchor_cell_row)
        self.logger.info("anchor_cell_row_offset: %s" % anchor_cell_row_offset)

        ## anchorのcellとoffsetをreturn
        return anchor_cell_column, anchor_cell_column_offset, anchor_cell_row, anchor_cell_row_offset
Exemplo n.º 4
    def anchor(self):
        from .spreadsheet_drawing import (OneCellAnchor, TwoCellAnchor,
        if self.anchortype == "absolute":
            anchor = AbsoluteAnchor()
            anchor.pos.x = pixels_to_EMU(self.left)
            anchor.pos.y = pixels_to_EMU(self.top)

        elif self.anchortype == "oneCell":
            anchor = OneCellAnchor()
            anchor._from.col = self.anchorcol
            anchor._from.row = self.anchorrow

        anchor.ext.width = pixels_to_EMU(self._width)
        anchor.ext.height = pixels_to_EMU(self._height)

        return anchor
Exemplo n.º 5
def _check_anchor(obj):
    Check whether an object has an existing Anchor object
    If not create a OneCellAnchor using the provided coordinate
    anchor = obj.anchor
    if not isinstance(anchor, _AnchorBase):
        row, col = coordinate_to_tuple(anchor)
        anchor = OneCellAnchor()
        anchor._from.row = row - 1
        anchor._from.col = col - 1
        if isinstance(obj, ChartBase):
            anchor.ext.width = cm_to_EMU(obj.width)
            anchor.ext.height = cm_to_EMU(obj.height)
        elif isinstance(obj, Image):
            anchor.ext.width = pixels_to_EMU(obj.width)
            anchor.ext.height = pixels_to_EMU(obj.height)
    return anchor
Exemplo n.º 6
def _check_anchor(obj):
    Check whether an object has an existing Anchor object
    If not create a OneCellAnchor using the provided coordinate
    anchor = obj.anchor
    if not isinstance(anchor, _AnchorBase):
        row, col = coordinate_to_tuple(anchor)
        anchor = OneCellAnchor()
        anchor._from.row = row -1
        anchor._from.col = col -1
        if isinstance(obj, ChartBase):
            anchor.ext.width = cm_to_EMU(obj.width)
            anchor.ext.height = cm_to_EMU(obj.height)
        elif isinstance(obj, Image):
            anchor.ext.width = pixels_to_EMU(obj.width)
            anchor.ext.height = pixels_to_EMU(obj.height)
    return anchor
Exemplo n.º 7
    def anchor(self):
        from .spreadsheet_drawing import (
        if self.anchortype == "absolute":
            anchor = AbsoluteAnchor()
            anchor.pos.x = pixels_to_EMU(self.left)
            anchor.pos.y = pixels_to_EMU(self.top)

        elif self.anchortype == "oneCell":
            anchor = OneCellAnchor()
            anchor._from.col = self.anchorcol
            anchor._from.row = self.anchorrow

        anchor.ext.width = pixels_to_EMU(self._width)
        anchor.ext.height = pixels_to_EMU(self._height)

        return anchor
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_emu_dimensions(self):
        """ return (x, y, w, h) in EMU """

        return (pixels_to_EMU(self.left), pixels_to_EMU(self.top),
                pixels_to_EMU(self._width), pixels_to_EMU(self._height))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_emu_dimensions(self):
        """ return (x, y, w, h) in EMU """

        return (pixels_to_EMU(self.left), pixels_to_EMU(self.top),
            pixels_to_EMU(self._width), pixels_to_EMU(self._height))
Exemplo n.º 10
def main(cell_w_str, cell_h_str, files):
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.active

    # some constants, may be different from each languages and versions

    # cell native size multiplier (native cell size -> openpyxl cell size)
    # can be calibrated by checking applied cell size in excel
    cwnm, chnm = 24.3 / 23.6, 1

    # cell pixel size multiplier (openpyxl cell size -> pixel cell size)
    # can be calibrated by checking displayed cell size in pixels on 100% zoom in excel
    cwm, chm = 1800 / 180, 582 / 350

    # image pixel size multiplier (pixel image size -> openpyxl image size)
    # can be calibrated by checking displayed image size in pixels on 100% zoom in excel
    iwm, ihm = 4 / 5, 4 / 5

    # image pixel offset multiplier (pixel image offset -> openpyxl image offset)
    # can be calibrated by checking displayed image offset in pixels on 100% zoom in excel
    iwom, ihom = 4 / 5, 4 / 5

    cell_w_native = float(cell_w_str) * cwnm
    cell_h_native = float(cell_h_str) * chnm

    file_count = len(files)
    for i, file in enumerate(files):
        print('Image %02d/%02d' % (i + 1, file_count))

        #set target row, col, and their size
        row, col = i, 0
        ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col + 1)].width = cell_w_native
        ws.row_dimensions[row + 1].height = cell_h_native
        cell_w, cell_h = cell_w_native * cwm, cell_h_native * chm

        #open image and get dimensions
        img = Image(file)
        img_w, img_h = img.width, img.height

        # calculate image dimensions to cell size
        cell_ratio = cell_w / cell_h
        image_ratio = img_w / img_h

        if image_ratio > cell_ratio:
            scale = cell_w / img_w
            x_offset = 0
            y_offset = (cell_h - img_h * scale) / 2
            scale = cell_h / img_h
            x_offset = (cell_w - img_w * scale) / 2
            y_offset = 0

        img_size = XDRPositiveSize2D(pixels_to_EMU(img_w * iwm * scale),
                                     pixels_to_EMU(img_h * ihm * scale))

        # insert image using OneCellAnchor (no stretching error)
        marker = AnchorMarker(col=col,
                              colOff=pixels_to_EMU(x_offset * iwom),
                              rowOff=pixels_to_EMU(y_offset * ihom))
        img.anchor = OneCellAnchor(_from=marker, ext=img_size)

    # save file
Exemplo n.º 11
    def get_y_units(self):
        """ calculate one unit for y axis in EMU """

        dh = pixels_to_EMU(self.drawing.height)
        return (dh * self.height) / self.y_axis.max