Exemplo n.º 1
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table=None):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml.

    style_table is ignored but required
    for compatibility with the dumped worksheet <cols> may never be empty -
    spec says must contain at least one child
    cols = []
    for label, dimension in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions):
        col_def = dict(dimension)
        style = worksheet._styles.get(label)
        if col_def == {} and style is None:
        elif style is not None:
            col_def['style'] = '%d' % style
        idx = column_index_from_string(label)
        cols.append((idx, col_def))
    if cols == []:
    start_tag(doc, 'cols')
    for idx, col_def in sorted(cols):
        v = "%d" % idx
        col_def.update({'min':v, 'max':v})
        tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
    end_tag(doc, 'cols')
Exemplo n.º 2
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table=None):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml.

    style_table is ignored but required
    for compatibility with the dumped worksheet <cols> may never be empty -
    spec says must contain at least one child
    cols = []
    for label, dimension in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions):
        dimension.style = worksheet._styles.get(label)
        col_def = dict(dimension)
        if col_def == {}:
        idx = column_index_from_string(label)
        cols.append((idx, col_def))
    if cols == []:
    start_tag(doc, 'cols')
    for idx, col_def in sorted(cols):
        v = "%d" % idx
        cmin = col_def.get('min') or v
        cmax = col_def.get('max') or v
        col_def.update({'min': cmin, 'max': cmax})
        tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
    end_tag(doc, 'cols')
Exemplo n.º 3
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml."""
    if worksheet.column_dimensions:
        start_tag(doc, 'cols')
        for column_string, columndimension in \
            col_index = column_index_from_string(column_string)
            col_def = {'min': str(col_index), 'max': str(col_index)}
            if columndimension.width != -1:
                col_def['customWidth'] = '1'
            if not columndimension.visible:
                col_def['hidden'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.outline_level > 0:
                col_def['outlineLevel'] = str(columndimension.outline_level)
            if columndimension.collapsed:
                col_def['collapsed'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.auto_size:
                col_def['bestFit'] = 'true'
            if column_string in worksheet._styles:
                col_def['style'] = str(style_table[hash(
            if columndimension.width > 0:
                col_def['width'] = str(columndimension.width)
                col_def['width'] = '9.10'
            tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
        end_tag(doc, 'cols')
Exemplo n.º 4
def write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table):
    """Write worksheet columns to xml."""
    if worksheet.column_dimensions:
        start_tag(doc, 'cols')
        for column_string, columndimension in \
            col_index = column_index_from_string(column_string)
            col_def = {'min': str(col_index), 'max': str(col_index)}
            if columndimension.width != -1:
                col_def['customWidth'] = '1'
            if not columndimension.visible:
                col_def['hidden'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.outline_level > 0:
                col_def['outlineLevel'] = str(columndimension.outline_level)
            if columndimension.collapsed:
                col_def['collapsed'] = 'true'
            if columndimension.auto_size:
                col_def['bestFit'] = 'true'
            if column_string in worksheet._styles:
                col_def['style'] = str(style_table[hash(worksheet.get_style(column_string))])
            if columndimension.width > 0:
                col_def['width'] = str(columndimension.width)
                col_def['width'] = '9.10'
            tag(doc, 'col', col_def)
        end_tag(doc, 'cols')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def write_header(self):

        fobj = self.get_temporary_file(filename=self._fileobj_header_name)
        doc = XMLGenerator(fobj)

        start_tag(doc, 'worksheet',
                      'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main',
                      'xmlns:r': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships'})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        tag(doc, 'outlinePr',
                 {'summaryBelow': '1',
                 'summaryRight': '1'})
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': 'A1:%s' % (self.get_dimensions())})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
        tag(doc, 'selection', {'activeCell': 'A1',
                 'sqref': 'A1'})
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
        tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', {'defaultRowHeight': '15'})

        # START csv2xlsx
        start_tag(doc, 'cols')
        for (col_lo, col_hi), width in self.col_widths.items():
            tag(doc, 'col', dict(min=str(col_lo), max=str(col_hi), width=width, customWidth="1"))
        end_tag(doc, 'cols')
        # END csv2xlsx

        start_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
Exemplo n.º 6
def write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet):
    """Write merged cells to xml."""
    if len(worksheet._merged_cells) > 0:
        start_tag(doc, 'mergeCells', {'count': str(len(worksheet._merged_cells))})
        for range_string in worksheet._merged_cells:
            attrs = {'ref': range_string}
            tag(doc, 'mergeCell', attrs)
        end_tag(doc, 'mergeCells')
Exemplo n.º 7
def write_header_footer(doc, worksheet):
    if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader() or worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
        start_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader():
            tag(doc, 'oddHeader', None, worksheet.header_footer.getHeader())
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
            tag(doc, 'oddFooter', None, worksheet.header_footer.getFooter())
        end_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')
Exemplo n.º 8
def write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet):
    """Write merged cells to xml."""
    if len(worksheet._merged_cells) > 0:
        start_tag(doc, 'mergeCells', {'count': str(len(worksheet._merged_cells))})
        for range_string in worksheet._merged_cells:
            attrs = {'ref': range_string}
            tag(doc, 'mergeCell', attrs)
        end_tag(doc, 'mergeCells')
Exemplo n.º 9
def write_pagebreaks(doc, worksheet):
    breaks = worksheet.page_breaks
    if breaks:
        start_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks', {'count': str(len(breaks)),
                                     'manualBreakCount': str(len(breaks))})
        for b in breaks:
            tag(doc, 'brk', {'id': str(b), 'man': 'true', 'max': '16383',
                             'min': '0'})
        end_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks')
Exemplo n.º 10
def write_worksheet_format(doc, worksheet):
    attrs = {'defaultRowHeight': '15',
             'baseColWidth': '10'}
    dimensions_outline = [dim.outline_level
                          for _, dim in iteritems(worksheet.column_dimensions)]
    if dimensions_outline:
        outline_level = max(dimensions_outline)
        if outline_level:
            attrs['outlineLevelCol'] = str(outline_level)
    tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', attrs)
Exemplo n.º 11
def write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet):
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = 'topRight'
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs['xSplit'] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs['ySplit'] = str(row - 1)
            pane = 'bottomLeft'
            if column > 1:
                pane = 'bottomRight'
            dict(topLeftCell=topLeftCell, activePane=pane, state='frozen'))
        tag(doc, 'pane', paneAttrs)
        selectionAttrs['pane'] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'topRight'})
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'bottomLeft'})

        'activeCell': worksheet.active_cell,
        'sqref': worksheet.selected_cell

    tag(doc, 'selection', selectionAttrs)
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
Exemplo n.º 12
def write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet):
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = 'topRight'
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs['xSplit'] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs['ySplit'] = str(row - 1)
            pane = 'bottomLeft'
            if column > 1:
                pane = 'bottomRight'
        tag(doc, 'pane', paneAttrs)
        selectionAttrs['pane'] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'topRight'})
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'bottomLeft'})

    selectionAttrs.update({'activeCell': worksheet.active_cell,
                           'sqref': worksheet.selected_cell})

    tag(doc, 'selection', selectionAttrs)
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
Exemplo n.º 13
def write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet):
    """Write worksheet hyperlinks to xml."""
    write_hyperlinks = False
    for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
        if cell.hyperlink_rel_id is not None:
            write_hyperlinks = True
    if write_hyperlinks:
        start_tag(doc, 'hyperlinks', {'xmlns:r':"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"})
        for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
            if cell.hyperlink_rel_id is not None:
                attrs = {'display': cell.hyperlink,
                         'ref': cell.coordinate,
                         'r:id': cell.hyperlink_rel_id}
                tag(doc, 'hyperlink', attrs)
        end_tag(doc, 'hyperlinks')
Exemplo n.º 14
def write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet):
    """Write worksheet hyperlinks to xml."""
    write_hyperlinks = False
    for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
        if cell.hyperlink_rel_id is not None:
            write_hyperlinks = True
    if write_hyperlinks:
        start_tag(doc, 'hyperlinks')
        for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
            if cell.hyperlink_rel_id is not None:
                attrs = {'display': cell.hyperlink,
                         'ref': cell.coordinate,
                         'r:id': cell.hyperlink_rel_id}
                tag(doc, 'hyperlink', attrs)
        end_tag(doc, 'hyperlinks')
Exemplo n.º 15
def write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet):
    """Write worksheet hyperlinks to xml."""
    write_hyperlinks = False
    for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
        if cell.hyperlink_rel_id is not None:
            write_hyperlinks = True
    if write_hyperlinks:
        start_tag(doc, 'hyperlinks')
        for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
            if cell.hyperlink_rel_id is not None:
                attrs = {'display': cell.hyperlink,
                         'ref': cell.coordinate,
                         'r:id': cell.hyperlink_rel_id}
                tag(doc, 'hyperlink', attrs)
        end_tag(doc, 'hyperlinks')
Exemplo n.º 16
def write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet):
    """ Write data validation(s) to xml."""
    # Filter out "empty" data-validation objects (i.e. with 0 cells)
    required_dvs = [x for x in worksheet._data_validations
                    if len(x.cells) or len(x.ranges)]
    count = len(required_dvs)
    if count == 0:

    start_tag(doc, 'dataValidations', {'count': str(count)})
    for data_validation in required_dvs:
        start_tag(doc, 'dataValidation', data_validation.generate_attributes_map())
        if data_validation.formula1:
            tag(doc, 'formula1', body=data_validation.formula1)
        if data_validation.formula2:
            tag(doc, 'formula2', body=data_validation.formula2)
        end_tag(doc, 'dataValidation')
    end_tag(doc, 'dataValidations')
Exemplo n.º 17
def write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet):
    """ Write data validation(s) to xml."""
    # Filter out "empty" data-validation objects (i.e. with 0 cells)
    required_dvs = [x for x in worksheet._data_validations
                    if len(x.cells) or len(x.ranges)]
    count = len(required_dvs)
    if count == 0:

    start_tag(doc, 'dataValidations', {'count': str(count)})
    for data_validation in required_dvs:
        start_tag(doc, 'dataValidation', data_validation.generate_attributes_map())
        if data_validation.formula1:
            tag(doc, 'formula1', body=data_validation.formula1)
        if data_validation.formula2:
            tag(doc, 'formula2', body=data_validation.formula2)
        end_tag(doc, 'dataValidation')
    end_tag(doc, 'dataValidations')
Exemplo n.º 18
def write_string_table(string_table):
    """Write the string table xml."""
    temp_buffer = BytesIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer)
    start_tag(doc, 'sst', {'xmlns':
            'uniqueCount': '%d' % len(string_table)})
    for key in string_table:
        start_tag(doc, 'si')
        if key.strip() != key:
            attr = {'xml:space': 'preserve'}
            attr = {}
        tag(doc, 't', attr, key)
        end_tag(doc, 'si')
    end_tag(doc, 'sst')
    string_table_xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()
    return string_table_xml
Exemplo n.º 19
def write_string_table(string_table):
    """Write the string table xml."""
    temp_buffer = BytesIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer)
    start_tag(doc, 'sst', {'xmlns':
            'uniqueCount': '%d' % len(string_table)})
    for key in string_table:
        start_tag(doc, 'si')
        if key.strip() != key:
            attr = {'xml:space': 'preserve'}
            attr = {}
        tag(doc, 't', attr, key)
        end_tag(doc, 'si')
    end_tag(doc, 'sst')
    string_table_xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()
    return string_table_xml
Exemplo n.º 20
def write_string_table(string_table):
    """Write the string table xml."""
    temp_buffer = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer, encoding='utf-8')
    start_tag(doc, 'sst', {'xmlns':
            'uniqueCount': '%d' % len(string_table)})
    strings_to_write = sorted(string_table.items(),
            key=lambda pair: pair[1])
    for key in [pair[0] for pair in strings_to_write]:
        start_tag(doc, 'si')
        if key.strip() != key:
            attr = {'xml:space': 'preserve'}
            attr = {}
        tag(doc, 't', attr, key)
        end_tag(doc, 'si')
    end_tag(doc, 'sst')
    string_table_xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()
    return string_table_xml
Exemplo n.º 21
def write_worksheet_autofilter(doc, worksheet):
    auto_filter = worksheet.auto_filter
    if auto_filter.filter_columns or auto_filter.sort_conditions:
        start_tag(doc, 'autoFilter', {'ref': auto_filter.ref})
        for col_id, filter_column in sorted(auto_filter.filter_columns.items()):
            start_tag(doc, 'filterColumn', {'colId': str(col_id)})
            if filter_column.blank:
                start_tag(doc, 'filters', {'blank': '1'})
                start_tag(doc, 'filters')
            for val in filter_column.vals:
                tag(doc, 'filter', {'val': val})
            end_tag(doc, 'filters')
            end_tag(doc, 'filterColumn')
        if auto_filter.sort_conditions:
            start_tag(doc, 'sortState', {'ref': auto_filter.ref})
            for sort_condition in auto_filter.sort_conditions:
                sort_attr = {'ref': sort_condition.ref}
                if sort_condition.descending:
                    sort_attr['descending'] = '1'
                tag(doc, 'sortCondtion', sort_attr)
            end_tag(doc, 'sortState')
        end_tag(doc, 'autoFilter')
    elif auto_filter.ref:
        tag(doc, 'autoFilter', {'ref': auto_filter.ref})
    def write_header(self):

        fobj = self.get_temporary_file(filename=self._fileobj_header_name)
        doc = XMLGenerator(fobj)

            doc, 'worksheet', {
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        tag(doc, 'outlinePr', {'summaryBelow': '1', 'summaryRight': '1'})
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': 'A1:%s' % (self.get_dimensions())})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
        tag(doc, 'selection', {'activeCell': 'A1', 'sqref': 'A1'})
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
        fmt = write_format(self)
        cols = write_cols(self)
        if cols is not None:

        return doc
Exemplo n.º 23
    def write_header(self):

        fobj = self.get_temporary_file(filename=self._fileobj_header_name)
        doc = XMLGenerator(fobj)

        start_tag(doc, 'worksheet',
                'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main',
                'xmlns:r': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships'})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        tag(doc, 'outlinePr',
                {'summaryBelow': '1',
                'summaryRight': '1'})
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': 'A1:%s' % (self.get_dimensions())})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
        tag(doc, 'selection', {'activeCell': 'A1',
                'sqref': 'A1'})
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
        fmt = write_format(self)
        cols = write_cols(self)
        if cols is not None:

        return doc
Exemplo n.º 24
def write_worksheet_autofilter(doc, worksheet):
    auto_filter = worksheet.auto_filter
    if auto_filter.filter_columns or auto_filter.sort_conditions:
        start_tag(doc, 'autoFilter', {'ref': auto_filter.ref})
        for col_id, filter_column in sorted(
            start_tag(doc, 'filterColumn', {'colId': str(col_id)})
            if filter_column.blank:
                start_tag(doc, 'filters', {'blank': '1'})
                start_tag(doc, 'filters')
            for val in filter_column.vals:
                tag(doc, 'filter', {'val': val})
            end_tag(doc, 'filters')
            end_tag(doc, 'filterColumn')
        if auto_filter.sort_conditions:
            start_tag(doc, 'sortState', {'ref': auto_filter.ref})
            for sort_condition in auto_filter.sort_conditions:
                sort_attr = {'ref': sort_condition.ref}
                if sort_condition.descending:
                    sort_attr['descending'] = '1'
                tag(doc, 'sortCondtion', sort_attr)
            end_tag(doc, 'sortState')
        end_tag(doc, 'autoFilter')
    elif auto_filter.ref:
        tag(doc, 'autoFilter', {'ref': auto_filter.ref})
Exemplo n.º 25
    def append(self, row):
        :param row: iterable containing values to append
        :type row: iterable
        doc = self._get_content_generator()
        self._max_row += 1
        span = len(row)
        self._max_col = max(self._max_col, span)
        row_idx = self._max_row
        attrs = {'r': '%d' % row_idx,
                 'spans': '1:%d' % span}
        start_tag(doc, 'row', attrs)

        for col_idx, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell is None:

            coordinate = '%s%d' % (get_column_letter(col_idx + 1), row_idx)
            attributes = {'r': coordinate}

            if isinstance(cell, bool):
                dtype = 'boolean'
            elif isinstance(cell, NUMERIC_TYPES):
                dtype = 'numeric'
            elif isinstance(cell, (datetime.datetime, datetime.date)):
                dtype = 'datetime'
                cell = to_excel(cell)
                attributes['s'] = STYLES[dtype]['style']
            elif cell and cell[0] == '=':
                dtype = 'formula'
                dtype = 'string'
                cell = self._string_builder.add(cell)

            if dtype != 'formula':
                attributes['t'] = STYLES[dtype]['type']
            start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)

            if dtype == 'formula':
                tag(doc, 'f', body='%s' % cell[1:])
                tag(doc, 'v')
            elif dtype == 'boolean':
                tag(doc, 'v', body='%d' % cell)
                tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % cell)
            end_tag(doc, 'c')
        end_tag(doc, 'row')
Exemplo n.º 26
def write_string_table(string_table):
    """Write the string table xml."""
    temp_buffer = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=temp_buffer, encoding='utf-8')
        doc, 'sst', {
            'uniqueCount': '%d' % len(string_table)
    strings_to_write = sorted(string_table.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1])
    for key in [pair[0] for pair in strings_to_write]:
        start_tag(doc, 'si')
        if key.strip() != key:
            attr = {'xml:space': 'preserve'}
            attr = {}
        tag(doc, 't', attr, key)
        end_tag(doc, 'si')
    end_tag(doc, 'sst')
    string_table_xml = temp_buffer.getvalue()
    return string_table_xml
Exemplo n.º 27
    def append(self, row):
        :param row: iterable containing values to append
        :type row: iterable
        doc = self._get_content_generator()
        self._max_row += 1
        span = len(row)
        self._max_col = max(self._max_col, span)
        row_idx = self._max_row
        attrs = {"r": "%d" % row_idx, "spans": "1:%d" % span}
        start_tag(doc, "row", attrs)

        for col_idx, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell is None:

            coordinate = "%s%d" % (get_column_letter(col_idx + 1), row_idx)
            attributes = {"r": coordinate}

            if isinstance(cell, bool):
                dtype = "boolean"
            elif isinstance(cell, NUMERIC_TYPES):
                dtype = "numeric"
            elif isinstance(cell, (datetime.datetime, datetime.date)):
                dtype = "datetime"
                cell = to_excel(cell)
                attributes["s"] = STYLES[dtype]["style"]
            elif cell and cell[0] == "=":
                dtype = "formula"
                dtype = "string"
                cell = self._string_builder.add(cell)

            if dtype != "formula":
                attributes["t"] = STYLES[dtype]["type"]
            start_tag(doc, "c", attributes)

            if dtype == "formula":
                tag(doc, "f", body="%s" % cell[1:])
                tag(doc, "v")
            elif dtype == "boolean":
                tag(doc, "v", body="%d" % cell)
                tag(doc, "v", body="%s" % cell)
            end_tag(doc, "c")
        end_tag(doc, "row")
Exemplo n.º 28
    def write_header(self):

        fobj = self.get_temporary_file(filename=self._fileobj_header_name)
        doc = XMLGenerator(fobj, 'utf-8')

        start_tag(doc, 'worksheet',
                'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main',
                'xmlns:r': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships'})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        tag(doc, 'outlinePr',
                {'summaryBelow': '1',
                'summaryRight': '1'})
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': 'A1:%s' % (self.get_dimensions())})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
        tag(doc, 'selection', {'activeCell': 'A1',
                'sqref': 'A1'})
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
        end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
        tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', {'defaultRowHeight': '15'})
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
Exemplo n.º 29
def write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet):
    """Write conditional formatting to xml."""
    for range_string, rules in iteritems(worksheet.conditional_formatting.cf_rules):
        if not len(rules):
            # Skip if there are no rules.  This is possible if a dataBar rule was read in and ignored.
        start_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting', {'sqref': range_string})
        for rule in rules:
            if rule['type'] == 'dataBar':
                # Ignore - uses extLst tag which is currently unsupported.
            attr = {'type': rule['type']}
            for rule_attr in ConditionalFormatting.rule_attributes:
                if rule_attr in rule:
                    attr[rule_attr] = str(rule[rule_attr])
            start_tag(doc, 'cfRule', attr)
            if 'formula' in rule:
                for f in rule['formula']:
                    tag(doc, 'formula', None, f)
            if 'colorScale' in rule:
                start_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
                for cfvo in rule['colorScale']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                for color in rule['colorScale']['color']:
                    tag(doc, 'color', dict(color))
                end_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
            if 'iconSet' in rule:
                iconAttr = {}
                for icon_attr in ConditionalFormatting.icon_attributes:
                    if icon_attr in rule['iconSet']:
                        iconAttr[icon_attr] = rule['iconSet'][icon_attr]
                start_tag(doc, 'iconSet', iconAttr)
                for cfvo in rule['iconSet']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                end_tag(doc, 'iconSet')
            end_tag(doc, 'cfRule')
        end_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting')
Exemplo n.º 30
def write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet):
    """Write conditional formatting to xml."""
    for range_string, rules in iteritems(worksheet.conditional_formatting.cf_rules):
        if not len(rules):
            # Skip if there are no rules.  This is possible if a dataBar rule was read in and ignored.
        start_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting', {'sqref': range_string})
        for rule in rules:
            if rule['type'] == 'dataBar':
                # Ignore - uses extLst tag which is currently unsupported.
            attr = {'type': rule['type']}
            for rule_attr in ConditionalFormatting.rule_attributes:
                if rule_attr in rule:
                    attr[rule_attr] = str(rule[rule_attr])
            start_tag(doc, 'cfRule', attr)
            if 'formula' in rule:
                for f in rule['formula']:
                    tag(doc, 'formula', None, f)
            if 'colorScale' in rule:
                start_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
                for cfvo in rule['colorScale']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                for color in rule['colorScale']['color']:
                    tag(doc, 'color', dict(color))
                end_tag(doc, 'colorScale')
            if 'iconSet' in rule:
                iconAttr = {}
                for icon_attr in ConditionalFormatting.icon_attributes:
                    if icon_attr in rule['iconSet']:
                        iconAttr[icon_attr] = rule['iconSet'][icon_attr]
                start_tag(doc, 'iconSet', iconAttr)
                for cfvo in rule['iconSet']['cfvo']:
                    tag(doc, 'cfvo', cfvo)
                end_tag(doc, 'iconSet')
            end_tag(doc, 'cfRule')
        end_tag(doc, 'conditionalFormatting')
Exemplo n.º 31
    def write_header(self):

        fobj = self.get_temporary_file(filename=self._fileobj_header_name)
        doc = XMLGenerator(fobj, "utf-8")

                "xmlns": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main",
                "xmlns:r": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships",
        start_tag(doc, "sheetPr")
        tag(doc, "outlinePr", {"summaryBelow": "1", "summaryRight": "1"})
        end_tag(doc, "sheetPr")
        tag(doc, "dimension", {"ref": "A1:%s" % (self.get_dimensions())})
        start_tag(doc, "sheetViews")
        start_tag(doc, "sheetView", {"workbookViewId": "0"})
        tag(doc, "selection", {"activeCell": "A1", "sqref": "A1"})
        end_tag(doc, "sheetView")
        end_tag(doc, "sheetViews")
        tag(doc, "sheetFormatPr", {"defaultRowHeight": "15"})
        start_tag(doc, "sheetData")
Exemplo n.º 32
def write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write worksheet data to xml."""
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
    max_column = worksheet.get_highest_column()
    style_id_by_hash = style_table
    cells_by_row = {}
    for styleCoord in iterkeys(worksheet._styles):
        # Ensure a blank cell exists if it has a style
        if isinstance(styleCoord, str) and COORD_RE.search(styleCoord):
    for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
        cells_by_row.setdefault(cell.row, []).append(cell)
    for row_idx in sorted(cells_by_row):
        row_dimension = worksheet.row_dimensions[row_idx]
        attrs = {'r': '%d' % row_idx, 'spans': '1:%d' % max_column}
        if not row_dimension.visible:
            attrs['hidden'] = '1'
        if row_dimension.height > 0:
            attrs['ht'] = str(row_dimension.height)
            attrs['customHeight'] = '1'
        if row_idx in worksheet._styles:
            attrs['s'] = str(style_table[hash(worksheet.get_style(row_idx))])
            attrs['customFormat'] = '1'
        start_tag(doc, 'row', attrs)
        row_cells = cells_by_row[row_idx]
        sorted_cells = sorted(row_cells, key=row_sort)
        for cell in sorted_cells:
            value = cell._value
            coordinate = cell.coordinate
            attributes = {'r': coordinate}
            if cell.data_type != cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
                attributes['t'] = cell.data_type
            if coordinate in worksheet._styles:
                attributes['s'] = '%d' % style_id_by_hash[hash(

            if value in ('', None):
                tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
                start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
                if cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_STRING:
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % string_table[value])
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
                    if coordinate in worksheet.formula_attributes:
                        attr = worksheet.formula_attributes[coordinate]
                        if 't' in attr and attr[
                                't'] == 'shared' and 'ref' not in attr:
                            # Don't write body for shared formula
                            tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr)
                            tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr, body='%s' % value[1:])
                        tag(doc, 'f', body='%s' % value[1:])
                    tag(doc, 'v')
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_NUMERIC:
                    if isinstance(value, (long, decimal.Decimal)):
                        func = str
                        func = repr
                    tag(doc, 'v', body=func(value))
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_BOOL:
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%d' % value)
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % value)
                end_tag(doc, 'c')
        end_tag(doc, 'row')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
Exemplo n.º 33
def write_cell(doc, worksheet, cell, string_table):
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    cell_style = worksheet._styles.get(coordinate)
    if cell_style is not None:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell_style

    if cell.data_type != cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell.internal_value
    if value in ('', None):
        tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
        start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
        if cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_STRING:
            tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % string_table.index(value))
        elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
            shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate)
            if shared_formula is not None:
                attr = shared_formula
                if 't' in attr and attr['t'] == 'shared' and 'ref' not in attr:
                    # Don't write body for shared formula
                    tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr)
                    tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr, body=value[1:])
                tag(doc, 'f', body=value[1:])
            tag(doc, 'v')
        elif cell.data_type in (cell.TYPE_NUMERIC, cell.TYPE_BOOL):
            tag(doc, 'v', body=safe_string(value))
            tag(doc, 'v', body=value)
        end_tag(doc, 'c')
Exemplo n.º 34
    def append(self, row):
        :param row: iterable containing values to append
        :type row: iterable
        doc = self._get_content_generator()
        self._max_row += 1
        span = len(row)
        self._max_col = max(self._max_col, span)
        row_idx = self._max_row
        attrs = {'r': '%d' % row_idx, 'spans': '1:%d' % span}
        start_tag(doc, 'row', attrs)

        for col_idx, cell in enumerate(row):
            style = None
            comment = None
            if cell is None:
            elif isinstance(cell, dict):
                dct = cell
                cell = dct.get('value')
                if cell is None:
                style = dct.get('style')
                comment = dct.get('comment')
                for ob, attr, cls in ((style, 'style', Style),
                                      (comment, 'comment', Comment)):
                    if ob is not None and not isinstance(ob, cls):
                        raise TypeError('%s should be a %s not a %s' %
                                        (attr, cls.__class__.__name__,

            column = get_column_letter(col_idx + 1)
            coordinate = '%s%d' % (column, row_idx)
            attributes = {'r': coordinate}
            if comment is not None:
                comment._parent = CommentParentCell(coordinate, row_idx,
                self._comment_count += 1

            if isinstance(cell, bool):
                dtype = 'boolean'
            elif isinstance(cell, NUMERIC_TYPES):
                dtype = 'numeric'
            elif isinstance(cell, TIME_TYPES):
                dtype = 'datetime'
                if isinstance(cell, datetime.date):
                    cell = to_excel(cell)
                elif isinstance(cell, datetime.time):
                    cell = time_to_days(cell)
                elif isinstance(cell, datetime.timedelta):
                    cell = timedelta_to_days(cell)
                if style is None:
                    # allow user-defined style if needed
                    style = STYLES[dtype]['style']
            elif cell and cell[0] == '=':
                dtype = 'formula'
                dtype = 'string'
                cell = self._strings.add(unicode(cell))

            if style is not None:
                attributes['s'] = '%d' % self._styles.add(style)

            if dtype != 'formula':
                attributes['t'] = STYLES[dtype]['type']
            start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)

            if dtype == 'formula':
                tag(doc, 'f', body='%s' % cell[1:])
                tag(doc, 'v')
            elif dtype == 'boolean':
                tag(doc, 'v', body='%d' % cell)
                tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % cell)
            end_tag(doc, 'c')
        end_tag(doc, 'row')
Exemplo n.º 35
def write_worksheet(worksheet, shared_strings):
    """Write a worksheet to an xml file."""
    if worksheet.xml_source:
        vba_root = fromstring(worksheet.xml_source)
        vba_root = None
    xml_file = BytesIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=xml_file)
    start_tag(doc, 'worksheet',
              {'xmlns': SHEET_MAIN_NS,
               'xmlns:r': REL_NS})
    vba_attrs = {}
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}sheetPr' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
            vba_attrs['codeName'] = el.get('codeName', worksheet.title)

    start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr', vba_attrs)
    tag(doc, 'outlinePr',
        {'summaryBelow': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_below),
         'summaryRight': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_right)})
    if worksheet.page_setup.fitToPage:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetUpPr', {'fitToPage': '1'})
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')

    tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': '%s' % worksheet.calculate_dimension()})
    write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_format(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, shared_strings)
    if worksheet.protection.sheet:
        tag(doc, 'sheetProtection', dict(worksheet.protection))
    write_worksheet_autofilter(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet)

    options = worksheet.page_setup.options
    if options:
        tag(doc, 'printOptions', options)

    tag(doc, 'pageMargins', dict(worksheet.page_margins))

    setup = worksheet.page_setup.setup
    if setup:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetup', setup)

    write_header_footer(doc, worksheet)

    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        tag(doc, 'drawing', {'r:id': 'rId1'})

    # If vba is being preserved then add a legacyDrawing element so
    # that any controls can be drawn.
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}legacyDrawing' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
            rId = el.get('{%s}id' % REL_NS)
            tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': rId})

    write_pagebreaks(doc, worksheet)

    # add a legacyDrawing so that excel can draw comments
    if worksheet._comment_count > 0:
        tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': 'commentsvml'})

    end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
    xml_string = xml_file.getvalue()
    return xml_string
Exemplo n.º 36
def write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write worksheet data to xml."""
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
    max_column = worksheet.get_highest_column()
    style_id_by_hash = style_table
    cells_by_row = {}
    for styleCoord in iterkeys(worksheet._styles):
        # Ensure a blank cell exists if it has a style
        if isinstance(styleCoord, str) and COORD_RE.search(styleCoord):
    for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
        cells_by_row.setdefault(cell.row, []).append(cell)
    for row_idx in sorted(cells_by_row):
        row_dimension = worksheet.row_dimensions[row_idx]
        attrs = {'r': '%d' % row_idx,
                 'spans': '1:%d' % max_column}
        if not row_dimension.visible:
            attrs['hidden'] = '1'
        if row_dimension.height > 0:
            attrs['ht'] = str(row_dimension.height)
            attrs['customHeight'] = '1'
        if row_idx in worksheet._styles:
            attrs['s'] = str(style_table[hash(worksheet.get_style(row_idx))])
            attrs['customFormat'] = '1'
        start_tag(doc, 'row', attrs)
        row_cells = cells_by_row[row_idx]
        sorted_cells = sorted(row_cells, key=row_sort)
        for cell in sorted_cells:
            value = cell._value
            coordinate = cell.coordinate
            attributes = {'r': coordinate}
            if cell.data_type != cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
                attributes['t'] = cell.data_type
            if coordinate in worksheet._styles:
                attributes['s'] = '%d' % style_id_by_hash[

            if value in ('', None):
                tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
                start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
                if cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_STRING:
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % string_table[value])
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
                    if coordinate in worksheet.formula_attributes:
                        attr = worksheet.formula_attributes[coordinate]
                        if 't' in attr and attr['t'] == 'shared' and 'ref' not in attr:
                            # Don't write body for shared formula
                            tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr)
                            tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr, body='%s' % value[1:])
                        tag(doc, 'f', body='%s' % value[1:])
                    tag(doc, 'v')
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_NUMERIC:
                    if isinstance(value, (long, decimal.Decimal)):
                        func = str
                        func = repr
                    tag(doc, 'v', body=func(value))
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_BOOL:
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%d' % value)
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % value)
                end_tag(doc, 'c')
        end_tag(doc, 'row')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
 def _close_content(self):
     doc = self._get_content_generator()
     end_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
     if self._comments:
         tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': 'commentsvml'})
     end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
Exemplo n.º 38
def write_worksheet(worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write a worksheet to an xml file."""
    if worksheet.xml_source:
        vba_root = fromstring(worksheet.xml_source)
        vba_root = None
    xml_file = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=xml_file, encoding='utf-8')
    start_tag(doc, 'worksheet',
              {'xmlns': SHEET_MAIN_NS,
               'xmlns:r': REL_NS})
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}sheetPr' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
            codename =el.get('codeName', worksheet.title)
            start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr', {"codeName": codename})
            start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'outlinePr',
        {'summaryBelow': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_below),
         'summaryRight': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_right)})
    if worksheet.page_setup.fitToPage:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetUpPr', {'fitToPage':'1'})
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': '%s' % worksheet.calculate_dimension()})
    write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet)
    tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', {'defaultRowHeight': '15'})
    write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table)
    write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table)
    if worksheet.protection.enabled:
        tag(doc, 'sheetProtection',
            {'objects': '1', 'scenarios': '1', 'sheet': '1'})
    write_worksheet_autofilter(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet)

    options = worksheet.page_setup.options
    if options:
        tag(doc, 'printOptions', options)

    margins = worksheet.page_margins.margins
    if margins:
        tag(doc, 'pageMargins', margins)

    setup = worksheet.page_setup.setup
    if setup:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetup', setup)

    if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader() or worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
        start_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader():
            tag(doc, 'oddHeader', None, worksheet.header_footer.getHeader())
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
            tag(doc, 'oddFooter', None, worksheet.header_footer.getFooter())
        end_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')

    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        tag(doc, 'drawing', {'r:id':'rId1'})

    # If vba is being preserved then add a legacyDrawing element so
    # that any controls can be drawn.
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}legacyDrawing' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
            rId = el.get('{%s}id' % REL_NS)
            tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': rId})

    breaks = worksheet.page_breaks
    if breaks:
        start_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks', {'count': str(len(breaks)), 'manualBreakCount': str(len(breaks))})
        for b in breaks:
            tag(doc, 'brk', {'id': str(b), 'man': 'true', 'max': '16383', 'min': '0'})
        end_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks')

    # add a legacyDrawing so that excel can draw comments
    if worksheet._comment_count > 0:
        tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id':'commentsvml'})

    end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
    xml_string = xml_file.getvalue()
    return xml_string
Exemplo n.º 39
 def _close_content(self):
     doc = self._get_content_generator()
     end_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
     if self._comments:
         tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': 'commentsvml'})
     end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
def write_worksheet(worksheet, shared_strings):
    """Write a worksheet to an xml file."""

    xml_file = BytesIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=xml_file)
    start_tag(doc, 'worksheet',
              {'xmlns': SHEET_MAIN_NS,
               'xmlns:r': REL_NS})

    props = write_properties(worksheet, worksheet.vba_code)

    dim = Element('dimension', {'ref': '%s' % worksheet.calculate_dimension()})

    views = write_sheetviews(worksheet)

    fmt = write_format(worksheet)

    cols = write_cols(worksheet)
    if cols is not None:

    write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet)

    if worksheet.protection.sheet:
        prot = Element('sheetProtection', dict(worksheet.protection))

    af = write_autofilter(worksheet)
    if af is not None:

    merge = write_mergecells(worksheet)
    if merge is not None:

    cfs = write_conditional_formatting(worksheet)
    for cf in cfs:

    dvs = write_datavalidation(worksheet)
    if dvs:

    hyper = write_hyperlinks(worksheet)
    if hyper is not None:

    options = worksheet.page_setup.options
    if options:
        tag(doc, 'printOptions', options)

    tag(doc, 'pageMargins', dict(worksheet.page_margins))

    setup = worksheet.page_setup.setup
    if setup:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetup', setup)

    hf = write_header_footer(worksheet)
    if hf is not None:

    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        tag(doc, 'drawing', {'r:id': 'rId1'})

    if worksheet.vba_controls is not None:
        xml = Element("{%s}legacyDrawing" % SHEET_MAIN_NS,
                      {"{%s}id" % REL_NS : worksheet.vba_controls})

    breaks = write_pagebreaks(worksheet)
    if breaks is not None:

    # add a legacyDrawing so that excel can draw comments
    if worksheet._comment_count > 0:
        tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': 'commentsvml'})

    end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
    xml_string = xml_file.getvalue()
    return xml_string
Exemplo n.º 41
def write_worksheet(worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write a worksheet to an xml file."""
    if worksheet.xml_source:
        vba_root = fromstring(worksheet.xml_source)
        vba_root = None
    xml_file = StringIO()
    doc = XMLGenerator(out=xml_file, encoding='utf-8')
    start_tag(doc, 'worksheet', {'xmlns': SHEET_MAIN_NS, 'xmlns:r': REL_NS})
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}sheetPr' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
            codename = el.get('codeName', worksheet.title)
            start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr', {"codeName": codename})
            start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        start_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
        doc, 'outlinePr', {
            'summaryBelow': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_below),
            'summaryRight': '%d' % (worksheet.show_summary_right)
    if worksheet.page_setup.fitToPage:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetUpPr', {'fitToPage': '1'})
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetPr')
    tag(doc, 'dimension', {'ref': '%s' % worksheet.calculate_dimension()})
    write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet)
    tag(doc, 'sheetFormatPr', {'defaultRowHeight': '15'})
    write_worksheet_cols(doc, worksheet, style_table)
    write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table)
    if worksheet.protection.enabled:
        tag(doc, 'sheetProtection', {
            'objects': '1',
            'scenarios': '1',
            'sheet': '1'
    write_worksheet_autofilter(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_mergecells(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_datavalidations(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_hyperlinks(doc, worksheet)
    write_worksheet_conditional_formatting(doc, worksheet)

    options = worksheet.page_setup.options
    if options:
        tag(doc, 'printOptions', options)

    margins = worksheet.page_margins.margins
    if margins:
        tag(doc, 'pageMargins', margins)

    setup = worksheet.page_setup.setup
    if setup:
        tag(doc, 'pageSetup', setup)

    if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader(
    ) or worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
        start_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasHeader():
            tag(doc, 'oddHeader', None, worksheet.header_footer.getHeader())
        if worksheet.header_footer.hasFooter():
            tag(doc, 'oddFooter', None, worksheet.header_footer.getFooter())
        end_tag(doc, 'headerFooter')

    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        tag(doc, 'drawing', {'r:id': 'rId1'})

    # If vba is being preserved then add a legacyDrawing element so
    # that any controls can be drawn.
    if vba_root is not None:
        el = vba_root.find('{%s}legacyDrawing' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if el is not None:
            rId = el.get('{%s}id' % REL_NS)
            tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': rId})

    breaks = worksheet.page_breaks
    if breaks:
        start_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks', {
            'count': str(len(breaks)),
            'manualBreakCount': str(len(breaks))
        for b in breaks:
            tag(doc, 'brk', {
                'id': str(b),
                'man': 'true',
                'max': '16383',
                'min': '0'
        end_tag(doc, 'rowBreaks')

    # add a legacyDrawing so that excel can draw comments
    if worksheet._comment_count > 0:
        tag(doc, 'legacyDrawing', {'r:id': 'commentsvml'})

    end_tag(doc, 'worksheet')
    xml_string = xml_file.getvalue()
    return xml_string
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_tag(doc, root):
    t = tag(root, "start", {'height':"10"}, "words")
    assert doc.getvalue() == """<start height="10">words</start>"""
def write_cell(doc, worksheet, cell):
    string_table = worksheet.parent.shared_strings
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    if cell.has_style:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell._style

    if cell.data_type != cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell.internal_value
    if value in ('', None):
        tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
        start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
        if cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_STRING:
            idx = string_table.add(value)
            tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % idx)
        elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
            shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate)
            if shared_formula is not None:
                attr = shared_formula
                if 't' in attr and attr['t'] == 'shared' and 'ref' not in attr:
                    # Don't write body for shared formula
                    tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr)
                    tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr, body=value[1:])
                tag(doc, 'f', body=value[1:])
            tag(doc, 'v')
        elif cell.data_type in (cell.TYPE_NUMERIC, cell.TYPE_BOOL):
            tag(doc, 'v', body=safe_string(value))
            tag(doc, 'v', body=value)
        end_tag(doc, 'c')