Exemplo n.º 1
    def save_disagg_results(self, results):
        Save the computed PMFs in the datastore

        :param results:
            a dict s, m, k -> 6D-matrix of shape (T, Ma, Lo, La, P, Z) or
            (T, Ma, D, E, P, Z) depending if k is 0 or k is 1
        oq = self.oqparam
        out = output_dict(self.shapedic, oq.disagg_outputs)
        count = numpy.zeros(len(self.sitecol), U16)
        _disagg_trt = numpy.zeros(self.N, [(trt, float) for trt in self.trts])
        vcurves = []  # hazard curves with a vertical section for large poes
        for (s, m, k), mat6 in sorted(results.items()):
            # NB: k is an index with value 0 (MagDistEps) or 1 (MagLonLat)
            imt = self.imts[m]
            for p, poe in enumerate(self.poes_disagg):
                mat5 = mat6[..., p, :]
                if k == 0 and m == 0 and poe == self.poes_disagg[-1]:
                    # mat5 has shape (T, Ma, D, E, Z)
                    _disagg_trt[s] = tuple(pprod(mat5[..., 0], axis=(1, 2, 3)))
                poe2 = pprod(mat5, axis=(0, 1, 2, 3))
                self.datastore['poe4'][s, m, p] = poe2  # shape Z
                poe_agg = poe2.mean()
                if (poe and abs(1 - poe_agg / poe) > .1 and not count[s]
                        and self.hmap4[s, m, p].any()):
                        'Site #%d, IMT=%s: poe_agg=%s is quite different from '
                        'the expected poe=%s, perhaps not enough levels',
                        s, imt, poe_agg, poe)
                    count[s] += 1
                mat4 = agg_probs(*mat5)  # shape (Ma D E Z) or (Ma Lo La Z)
                for key in oq.disagg_outputs:
                    if key == 'Mag' and k == 0:
                        out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat4, axis=(1, 2))
                    elif key == 'Dist' and k == 0:
                        out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat4, axis=(0, 2))
                    elif key == 'TRT' and k == 0:
                        out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat5, axis=(1, 2, 3))
                    elif key == 'Mag_Dist' and k == 0:
                        out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat4, axis=2)
                    elif key == 'Mag_Dist_Eps' and k == 0:
                        out[key][s, m, p, :] = mat4
                    elif key == 'Lon_Lat' and k == 1:
                        out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat4, axis=0)
                    elif key == 'Mag_Lon_Lat' and k == 1:
                        out[key][s, m, p, :] = mat4
                    elif key == 'Lon_Lat_TRT' and k == 1:
                        out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat5, axis=1).transpose(
                            1, 2, 0, 3)  # T Lo La Z -> Lo La T Z
                    # shape NMP..Z
        self.datastore['disagg'] = out
        # below a dataset useful for debugging, at minimum IMT and maximum RP
        self.datastore['_disagg_trt'] = _disagg_trt
        if len(vcurves):
            NML1 = len(vcurves), self.M, oq.imtls.size // self.M
            self.datastore['_vcurves'] = numpy.array(vcurves).reshape(NML1)
            self.datastore['_vcurves'].attrs['sids'] = numpy.where(count)[0]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def save_disagg_results(self, results, out):
        Save the computed PMFs in the datastore

        :param results:
            a dict s -> 9D-matrix of shape (T, Ma, D, Lo, La, E, M, P, Z)
        :para out:
            a dict kind -> PMF matrix to be populated
        outputs = self.oqparam.disagg_outputs
        for s, mat9 in results.items():
            if s not in self.ok_sites:
            for p, poe in enumerate(self.poes_disagg):
                mat8 = mat9[..., p, :]
                poe2 = pprod(mat8, axis=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
                self.datastore['poe4'][s, :, p] = poe2  # shape (M, Z)
                poe_agg = poe2.mean()
                if poe and abs(1 - poe_agg / poe) > .1:
                        'Site #%d: poe_agg=%s is quite different from the '
                        'expected poe=%s; perhaps the number of intensity '
                        'measure levels is too small?', s, poe_agg, poe)
                for m, imt in enumerate(self.imts):
                    mat7 = mat8[..., m, :]
                    mat6 = agg_probs(*mat7)  # 6D
                    for key in outputs:
                        pmf = disagg.pmf_map[key](
                            mat7 if key.endswith('TRT') else mat6)
                        out[key][s, m, p, :] = pmf
Exemplo n.º 3
def check_disagg_by_src(dstore):
    Make sure that by composing disagg_by_src one gets the hazard curves
    mean = dstore.sel('hcurves-stats', stat='mean')[:, 0]  # N, M, L
    dbs = dstore.sel('disagg_by_src')  # N, R, M, L, Ns
    poes = general.pprod(dbs, axis=4)  # N, R, M, L
    weights = dstore['weights'][:]
    mean2 = numpy.einsum('sr...,r->s...', poes, weights)  # N, M, L
    aac(mean, mean2, atol=1E-6)
Exemplo n.º 4
def output(mat6):
    :param mat6: a 6D matrix with axis (D, Lo, La, E, P, Z)
    :returns: two matrices of shape (D, E, P, Z) and (Lo, La, P, Z)
    return pprod(mat6, axis=(1, 2)), pprod(mat6, axis=(0, 3))