Exemplo n.º 1
def get_amplification(oqparam):
    :returns: a DataFrame (ampcode, level, PGA, SA() ...)
    fname = oqparam.inputs['amplification']
    df = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {'ampcode': site.ampcode_dt, None: F64},
    df.fname = fname
    return df
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _read_csv(self, errors=None):
     :yields: asset nodes
     expected_header = set(self._csv_header('', ''))
     floatfields = set()
     strfields = self.tagcol.tagnames + self.occupancy_periods.split()
     for fname in self.datafiles:
         with open(fname, encoding='utf-8-sig', errors=errors) as f:
                 fields = next(csv.reader(f))
             except UnicodeDecodeError:
                 msg = ("%s is not encoded as UTF-8\ntry oq shell "
                        "and then o.fix_latin1('%s')\nor set "
                        "ignore_encoding_errors=true" % (fname, fname))
                 raise RuntimeError(msg)
             header = set(self.fieldmap.get(f, f) for f in fields)
             for field in fields:
                 if field not in strfields:
             missing = expected_header - header - {'exposure', 'country'}
             if len(header) < len(fields):
                 raise InvalidFile(
                     '%s: The header %s contains a duplicated field' %
                     (fname, header))
             elif missing:
                 raise InvalidFile('%s: missing %s' % (fname, missing))
     conv = {
         'lon': float,
         'lat': float,
         'number': float,
         'area': float,
         'retrofitted': float,
         None: object
     for f in strfields:
         conv[f] = str
     revmap = {}  # oq -> inp
     for inp, oq in self.fieldmap.items():
         revmap[oq] = inp
         if oq in conv:
             conv[inp] = conv[oq]
     rename = self.fieldmap.copy()
     for field in self.cost_types['name']:
         f = revmap.get(field, field)
         conv[f] = float
         rename[f] = 'value-' + field
     for field in self.occupancy_periods.split():
         f = revmap.get(field, field)
         conv[f] = float
         rename[f] = 'occupants_' + field
     for fname in self.datafiles:
         array = hdf5.read_csv(fname, conv, rename, errors=errors).array
         array['lon'] = numpy.round(array['lon'], 5)
         array['lat'] = numpy.round(array['lat'], 5)
         yield from array
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_site_model(oqparam):
    Convert the NRML file into an array of site parameters.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
        an array with fields lon, lat, vs30, ...
    req_site_params = get_gsim_lt(oqparam).req_site_params
    arrays = []
    for fname in oqparam.inputs['site_model']:
        if isinstance(fname, str) and fname.endswith('.csv'):
            sm = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {
                None: float,
                'vs30measured': numpy.uint8
            if 'site_id' in sm.dtype.names:
                raise InvalidFile('%s: you passed a sites.csv file instead of '
                                  'a site_model.csv file!' % fname)
            z = numpy.zeros(len(sm), sorted(sm.dtype.descr))
            for name in z.dtype.names:  # reorder the fields
                z[name] = sm[name]
        nodes = nrml.read(fname).siteModel
        params = [valid.site_param(node.attrib) for node in nodes]
        missing = req_site_params - set(params[0])
        if 'vs30measured' in missing:  # use a default of False
            missing -= {'vs30measured'}
            for param in params:
                param['vs30measured'] = False
        if 'backarc' in missing:  # use a default of False
            missing -= {'backarc'}
            for param in params:
                param['backarc'] = False
        if missing:
            raise InvalidFile(
                '%s: missing parameter %s' %
                (oqparam.inputs['site_model'], ', '.join(missing)))
        # NB: the sorted in sorted(params[0]) is essential, otherwise there is
        # an heisenbug in scenario/test_case_4
        site_model_dt = numpy.dtype([(p, site.site_param_dt[p])
                                     for p in sorted(params[0])])
        sm = numpy.array([
            tuple(param[name] for name in site_model_dt.names)
            for param in params
        ], site_model_dt)
        dupl = "\n".join('%s %s' % loc
                         for loc, n in countby(sm, 'lon', 'lat').items()
                         if n > 1)
        if dupl:
            raise InvalidFile('There are duplicated sites in %s:\n%s' %
                              (fname, dupl))
    return numpy.concatenate(arrays)
 def test_dupl(self):
     fname = gettemp(dupl_ampl_func)
     df = read_csv(fname, {
         'ampcode': ampcode_dt,
         None: numpy.float64
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
         Amplifier(self.imtls, df, self.soil_levels)
     self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), "Found duplicates for b'A'")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_case_7a(self):
        # case with preimported exposure
        self.run_calc(case_7a.__file__, 'job_h.ini')
        [fname] = export(('losses_by_event', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        self.assertEqualFiles('expected/agg_losses.csv', fname)
        rup_ids = set(read_csv(fname, {None: '<S50'})['rup_id'])

        [fname] = export(('tot_curves-rlzs', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        self.assertEqualFiles('expected/agg_curves.csv', fname)

        # check that the IDs in losses_by_event.csv exist in ruptures.csv
        [fname] = export(('ruptures', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        rupids = set(read_csv(fname, {None: '<S50'})['rup_id'])
            rup_ids <= rupids, 'There are non-existing rupture IDs'
            ' in the event loss table!')
Exemplo n.º 6
def import_gmfs(dstore, fname, sids):
    Import in the datastore a ground motion field CSV file.

    :param dstore: the datastore
    :param fname: the CSV file
    :param sids: the site IDs (complete)
    :returns: event_ids, num_rlzs
    array = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {'sid': U32, 'eid': U32, None: F32}).array
    names = array.dtype.names
    if names[0] == 'rlzi':  # backward compatbility
        names = names[1:]  # discard the field rlzi
    imts = [name[4:] for name in names[2:]]
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    missing = set(oq.imtls) - set(imts)
    if missing:
        raise ValueError('The calculation needs %s which is missing from %s' %
                         (', '.join(missing), fname))
    imt2idx = {imt: i for i, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls)}
    arr = numpy.zeros(len(array), oq.gmf_data_dt())
    for name in names:
        if name.startswith('gmv_'):
                m = imt2idx[name[4:]]
            except KeyError:  # the file contains more than enough IMTs
                arr['gmv'][:, m] = array[name]
            arr[name] = array[name]
    # store the events
    eids = numpy.unique(array['eid'])
    E = len(eids)
    events = numpy.zeros(E, rupture.events_dt)
    events['id'] = eids
    dstore['events'] = events
    # store the GMFs
    dic = general.group_array(arr, 'sid')
    lst = []
    offset = 0
    gmvlst = []
    for sid in sids:
        n = len(dic.get(sid, []))
        lst.append((offset, offset + n))
        if n:
            offset += n
            gmvs = dic[sid]
    dstore['gmf_data/data'] = numpy.concatenate(gmvlst)
    dstore['gmf_data/indices'] = numpy.array(lst, U32)
    dstore['gmf_data/imts'] = ' '.join(imts)
    dstore['weights'] = numpy.ones(1)
    return eids
Exemplo n.º 7
def _get_site_model(fname, req_site_params):
    sm = hdf5.read_csv(fname, site.site_param_dt).array
    sm['lon'] = numpy.round(sm['lon'], 5)
    sm['lat'] = numpy.round(sm['lat'], 5)
    dupl = general.get_duplicates(sm, 'lon', 'lat')
    if dupl:
        raise InvalidFile('Found duplicate sites %s in %s' % (dupl, fname))
    z = numpy.zeros(len(sm), sorted(sm.dtype.descr))
    for name in z.dtype.names:
        z[name] = sm[name]
    return z
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_case_26_land(self):
     # cali landslide simplified
     self.run_calc(case_26.__file__, 'job_land.ini')
     df = self.calc.datastore.read_df('gmf_data', 'sid')
     pd_mean = df[df.prob_disp > 0].prob_disp.mean()
     nd_mean = df[df.newmark_disp > 0].newmark_disp.mean()
     self.assertGreater(pd_mean, 0)
     self.assertGreater(nd_mean, 0)
     [fname, _, _] = export(('gmf_data', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
     arr = read_csv(fname)[:2]
     self.assertEqual(arr.dtype.names, ('site_id', 'event_id', 'gmv_PGA'))
Exemplo n.º 9
def compute_mean(fname, *keys):
    keys = [k.lower() for k in keys]
    aw = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {'imt': str, 'poe': str, None: float})
    dframe = aw.to_dframe()
    out = []
    poecols = [col for col in dframe.columns if POECOL.match(col)]
    for key, df in dframe.groupby(keys):
        poes = [df[col].to_numpy() for col in poecols]
        [avg] = numpy.average(poes, weights=aw.weights, axis=0)
        out.append((key, avg))
    return out
Exemplo n.º 10
 def read_df(cls, csvfname):
     :param csvfname: CSV file name
     :returns: a pandas DataFrame
     df = hdf5.read_csv(csvfname, {
         'ampcode': ampcode_dt,
         None: float
     df.fname = csvfname
     return df
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_crmodel(oqparam):
    Return a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance

   :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    risklist = get_risk_functions(oqparam)
    if not oqparam.limit_states and risklist.limit_states:
        oqparam.limit_states = risklist.limit_states
    elif 'damage' in oqparam.calculation_mode and risklist.limit_states:
        assert oqparam.limit_states == risklist.limit_states
    loss_types = oqparam.loss_dt().names
    consdict = {}
    if 'consequence' in oqparam.inputs:
        # build consdict of the form consequence_by_tagname -> tag -> array
        for by, fnames in oqparam.inputs['consequence'].items():
            if isinstance(fnames, str):  # single file
                fnames = [fnames]
            dtypedict = {
                by: str,
                'consequence': str,
                'loss_type': str,
                None: float

            # i.e. files collapsed.csv, fatalities.csv, ... with headers
            # taxonomy,consequence,loss_type,slight,moderate,extensive
            arrays = []
            for fname in fnames:
                arr = hdf5.read_csv(fname, dtypedict).array
                for no, row in enumerate(arr, 2):
                    if row['loss_type'] not in loss_types:
                        msg = '%s: %s is not a recognized loss type, line=%d'
                        raise InvalidFile(msg % (fname, row['loss_type'], no))

            array = numpy.concatenate(arrays)
            dic = group_array(array, 'consequence')
            for consequence, group in dic.items():
                if consequence not in scientific.KNOWN_CONSEQUENCES:
                    raise InvalidFile('Unknown consequence %s in %s' %
                                      (consequence, fnames))
                bytag = {
                    tag: _cons_coeffs(grp, loss_types, risklist.limit_states)
                    for tag, grp in group_array(group, by).items()
                consdict['%s_by_%s' % (consequence, by)] = bytag
    # for instance consdict['collapsed_by_taxonomy']['W_LFM-DUM_H3']
    # is [(0.05,), (0.2 ,), (0.6 ,), (1.  ,)] for damage state and structural
    crm = riskmodels.CompositeRiskModel(oqparam, risklist, consdict)
    return crm
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_amplification(oqparam):
    :returns: a composite array (amplification, param, imt0, imt1, ...)
    fname = oqparam.inputs['amplification']
    aw = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {'ampcode': 'S2', 'level': U8, None: F64})
    levels = numpy.arange(len(aw.imls))
    for records in group_array(aw, 'ampcode').values():
        if (records['level'] != levels).any():
            raise InvalidFile('%s: levels for %s %s instead of %s' %
                              (fname, records['ampcode'][0],
                               records['level'], levels))
    return aw
Exemplo n.º 13
def import_gmfs(dstore, fname, sids):
    Import in the datastore a ground motion field CSV file.

    :param dstore: the datastore
    :param fname: the CSV file
    :param sids: the site IDs (complete)
    :returns: event_ids, num_rlzs
    array = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {'sid': U32, 'eid': U64, None: F32}).array
    names = array.dtype.names
    if names[0] == 'rlzi':  # backward compatbility
        names = names[1:]
    imts = [name[4:] for name in names[2:]]
    gmf_data_dt = dstore['oqparam'].gmf_data_dt()
    arr = numpy.zeros(len(array), gmf_data_dt)
    col = 0
    for name in names:
        if name.startswith('gmv_'):
            arr['gmv'][:, col] = array[name]
            col += 1
            arr[name] = array[name]
    # store the events
    eids = numpy.unique(array['eid'])
    E = len(eids)
    eid2idx = dict(zip(eids, range(E)))
    events = numpy.zeros(E, rupture.events_dt)
    events['id'] = eids
    dstore['events'] = events
    # store the GMFs
    dic = general.group_array(arr, 'sid')
    lst = []
    offset = 0
    for sid in sids:
        n = len(dic.get(sid, []))
        lst.append((offset, offset + n))
        if n:
            offset += n
            gmvs = dic[sid]
            gmvs['eid'] = get_idxs(gmvs, eid2idx)
            dstore.extend('gmf_data/data', gmvs)
    dstore['gmf_data/indices'] = numpy.array(lst, U32)
    dstore['gmf_data/imts'] = ' '.join(imts)
    sig_eps = numpy.zeros(len(eids), getters.sig_eps_dt(imts))
    sig_eps['eid'] = eids
    dstore['gmf_data/sigma_epsilon'] = sig_eps
    dstore['weights'] = numpy.ones(1)
    return eids
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_case_7a(self):
        # case with preimported exposure
        self.run_calc(case_7a.__file__,  'job_h.ini')
        self.run_calc(case_7a.__file__,  'job_r.ini',
        [fname] = export(('agg_loss_table', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        self.assertEqualFiles('expected/agg_losses.csv', fname, delta=1E-4)
        rup_ids = set(read_csv(fname, {None: '<S50'})['rup_id'])

        [fname] = export(('agg_curves-rlzs', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        self.assertEqualFiles('expected/agg_curves.csv', fname, delta=1E-4)

        # check that the IDs in agg_loss_table.csv exist in ruptures.csv
        # this is using extract/rupture_info internally
        [fname] = export(('ruptures', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        rupids = set(read_csv(fname, {None: '<S50'})['rup_id'])
        self.assertTrue(rup_ids <= rupids, 'There are non-existing rupture IDs'
                        ' in the event loss table!')

        # check that the exported ruptures can be re-imported
        text = extract(self.calc.datastore, 'ruptures').array
        rups = readinput.get_ruptures(gettemp(text))
        aac(rups['n_occ'], [1, 1, 1, 1])
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_ruptures(fname_csv):
    Read ruptures in CSV format and return an ArrayWrapper.

    :param fname_csv: path to the CSV file
    if not rupture.BaseRupture._code:
        rupture.BaseRupture.init()  # initialize rupture codes
    code = rupture.BaseRupture.str2code
    aw = hdf5.read_csv(fname_csv, rupture.rupture_dt)
    rups = []
    geoms = []
    n_occ = 1
    for u, row in enumerate(aw.array):
        hypo = row['lon'], row['lat'], row['dep']
        dic = json.loads(row['extra'])
        meshes = F32(json.loads(row['mesh']))  # num_surfaces 3D arrays
        num_surfaces = len(meshes)
        shapes = []
        points = []
        minlons = []
        maxlons = []
        minlats = []
        maxlats = []
        for mesh in meshes:
            points.extend(mesh.flatten())  # lons + lats + deps
        rec = numpy.zeros(1, rupture_dt)[0]
        rec['seed'] = row['seed']
        rec['minlon'] = minlon = min(minlons)
        rec['minlat'] = minlat = min(minlats)
        rec['maxlon'] = maxlon = max(maxlons)
        rec['maxlat'] = maxlat = max(maxlats)
        rec['mag'] = row['mag']
        rec['hypo'] = hypo
        rate = dic.get('occurrence_rate', numpy.nan)
        tup = (u, row['seed'], 'no-source', aw.trts.index(row['trt']),
               code[row['kind']], n_occ, row['mag'], row['rake'], rate, minlon,
               minlat, maxlon, maxlat, hypo, u, 0)
        geoms.append(numpy.concatenate([[num_surfaces], shapes, points]))
    if not rups:
        return ()
    dic = dict(geom=numpy.array(geoms, object))
    # NB: PMFs for nonparametric ruptures are missing
    return hdf5.ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(rups, rupture_dt), dic)
Exemplo n.º 16
def import_gmfs(dstore, fname, sids):
    Import in the datastore a ground motion field CSV file.

    :param dstore: the datastore
    :param fname: the CSV file
    :param sids: the site IDs (complete)
    :returns: event_ids, num_rlzs
    array = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {'sid': U32, 'eid': U64, None: F32}).array
    imts = [name[4:] for name in array.dtype.names[2:]]
    n_imts = len(imts)
    gmf_data_dt = numpy.dtype(
        [('rlzi', U16), ('sid', U32), ('eid', U64), ('gmv', (F32, (n_imts,)))])
    arr = numpy.zeros(len(array), gmf_data_dt)
    col = 0
    for name in array.dtype.names:
        if name.startswith('gmv_'):
            arr['gmv'][:, col] = array[name]
            col += 1
            arr[name] = array[name]
    # store the events
    eids = numpy.unique(array['eid'])
    E = len(eids)
    eid2idx = dict(zip(eids, range(E)))
    events = numpy.zeros(E, rupture.events_dt)
    events['id'] = eids
    dstore['events'] = events
    # store the GMFs
    dic = general.group_array(arr, 'sid')
    lst = []
    offset = 0
    for sid in sids:
        n = len(dic.get(sid, []))
        lst.append((offset, offset + n))
        if n:
            offset += n
            gmvs = dic[sid]
            gmvs['eid'] = get_idxs(gmvs, eid2idx)
            dstore.extend('gmf_data/data', gmvs)
    dstore['gmf_data/indices'] = numpy.array(lst, U32)
    dstore['gmf_data/imts'] = ' '.join(imts)
    sig_eps = numpy.zeros(len(eids), getters.sig_eps_dt(imts))
    sig_eps['eid'] = eids
    dstore['gmf_data/sigma_epsilon'] = sig_eps
    dstore['weights'] = numpy.ones(1)
    return eids
Exemplo n.º 17
 def from_csv(cls, fname):
     :param fname:
         path to a CSV file with header (lon, lat, dep) and 4 x P
         rows describing planes in terms of corner points in the order
         topleft, topright, bottomright, bottomleft
         a MultiSurface made of P planar surfaces
     surfaces = []
     array = read_csv(fname).array.reshape(4, -1)  # shape (4, P)
     for plane in array.T:
         arr = plane.view((float, 3))  # shape (4, 3)
     return cls(surfaces)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_case_9(self):
        # case with noDamageLimit==0 that had NaNs in the past
        self.run_calc(case_9.__file__, 'job.ini')

        # export/import dmg_by_event and check the total nodamage
        [fname] = export(('dmg_by_event', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        df = read_csv(fname, index='event_id')
        nodamage = df[df['rlz_id'] == 0]['structural~no_damage'].sum()
        self.assertEqual(nodamage, 1068763.0)

        [fname] = export(('avg_damages-stats', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        self.assertEqualFiles('expected/avg_damages.csv', fname)

        [fname] = export(('avg_losses-stats', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        self.assertEqualFiles('expected/losses_asset.csv', fname)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _read_csv(self):
     :yields: asset nodes
     expected_header = set(self._csv_header('', ''))
     floatfields = set()
     strfields = self.tagcol.tagnames + self.occupancy_periods.split()
     for fname in self.datafiles:
         with open(fname, encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
             fields = next(csv.reader(f))
             header = set(self.fieldmap.get(f, f) for f in fields)
             for field in fields:
                 if field not in strfields:
             missing = expected_header - header - {'exposure', 'country'}
             if len(header) < len(fields):
                 raise InvalidFile(
                     '%s: The header %s contains a duplicated field' %
                     (fname, header))
             elif missing:
                 raise InvalidFile('%s: missing %s' % (fname, missing))
     conv = {
         'lon': float,
         'lat': float,
         'number': float,
         'area': float,
         'retrofitted': float,
         None: object
     revmap = {}  # oq -> inp
     for inp, oq in self.fieldmap.items():
         revmap[oq] = inp
         if oq in conv:
             conv[inp] = conv[oq]
     rename = self.fieldmap.copy()
     for field in self.cost_types['name']:
         f = revmap.get(field, field)
         conv[f] = float
         rename[f] = 'value-' + field
     for field in self.occupancy_periods.split():
         f = revmap.get(field, field)
         conv[f] = float
         rename[f] = 'occupants_' + field
     for fname in self.datafiles:
         array = hdf5.read_csv(fname, conv, rename).array
         array['lon'] = numpy.round(array['lon'], 5)
         array['lat'] = numpy.round(array['lat'], 5)
         yield from array
Exemplo n.º 20
def get_site_model(oqparam):
    Convert the NRML file into an array of site parameters.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
        an array with fields lon, lat, vs30, ...
    req_site_params = get_gsim_lt(oqparam).req_site_params
    arrays = []
    for fname in oqparam.inputs['site_model']:
        if isinstance(fname, str) and fname.endswith('.csv'):
            sm = hdf5.read_csv(
                 fname, {None: float, 'vs30measured': bool}).array
            if 'site_id' in sm.dtype.names:
                raise InvalidFile('%s: you passed a sites.csv file instead of '
                                  'a site_model.csv file!' % fname)
            z = numpy.zeros(len(sm), sorted(sm.dtype.descr))
            for name in z.dtype.names:  # reorder the fields
                z[name] = sm[name]
        nodes = nrml.read(fname).siteModel
        params = [valid.site_param(node.attrib) for node in nodes]
        missing = req_site_params - set(params[0])
        if 'vs30measured' in missing:  # use a default of False
            missing -= {'vs30measured'}
            for param in params:
                param['vs30measured'] = False
        if 'backarc' in missing:  # use a default of False
            missing -= {'backarc'}
            for param in params:
                param['backarc'] = False
        if missing:
            raise InvalidFile('%s: missing parameter %s' %
                               ', '.join(missing)))
        # NB: the sorted in sorted(params[0]) is essential, otherwise there is
        # an heisenbug in scenario/test_case_4
        site_model_dt = numpy.dtype([(p, site.site_param_dt[p])
                                     for p in sorted(params[0])])
        sm = numpy.array([tuple(param[name] for name in site_model_dt.names)
                          for param in params], site_model_dt)
    return numpy.concatenate(arrays)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_gmf_with_uncertainty(self):
     fname = gettemp(gmf_ampl_func)
     aw = read_csv(fname, {'ampcode': ampcode_dt, None: numpy.float64})
     imtls = {'PGA': self.imls}
     a = Amplifier(imtls, aw, self.soil_levels)
     res = []
     nsim = 10000
     numpy.random.seed(42)  # must be fixed
     for i in range(nsim):
         gmvs = a._amplify_gmvs(b'A', numpy.array([.1, .2, .3]), 'PGA')
     res = numpy.array(res)
     dat = numpy.reshape(numpy.tile([.1, .2, .3], nsim), (nsim, 3))
     computed = numpy.std(numpy.log(res / dat), axis=0)
     expected = numpy.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.3])
     msg = "Computed and expected std do not match"
     numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(computed, expected, 2, err_msg=msg)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test01(self):

        fname = gettemp(ampl_func)
        df = read_csv(fname, {
            'ampcode': ampcode_dt,
            None: numpy.float64
        af = AmplFunction.from_dframe(df)

        truncation_level = 3
        sitecode = b'A'

        imls_soil = numpy.log([0.012, 0.052, 0.12, 0.22, 0.52])
        imls_soil = numpy.log(numpy.logspace(-2, 0, num=20))
        imtls_soil = DictArray({'PGA': imls_soil, 'SA(1.0)': imls_soil})

        # The output in this case will be (1, x, 2) i.e. 1 site, number
        # intensity measure levels times 2 and 2 GMMs
        tmp = _get_poes(self.meastd, imtls_soil, truncation_level)

        # This function is rather slow at the moment
        res = _get_poes_site(self.meastd,

        if False:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                     res[0, 0:len(imls_soil), 0],
                     tmp[0, 0:len(imls_soil), 0],
Exemplo n.º 23
def get_amplification(oqparam):
    :returns: a composite array (amplification, param, imt0, imt1, ...)
    fname = oqparam.inputs['amplification']
    aw = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {'ampcode': site.ampcode_dt, None: F64})
    imls = ()
    if 'level' in aw.dtype.names:
        for records in group_array(aw, 'ampcode').values():
            if len(imls) == 0:
                imls = numpy.sort(records['level'])
            elif len(records['level']) != len(imls) or (
                    records['level'] != imls).any():
                raise InvalidFile('%s: levels for %s %s instead of %s' %
                                  (fname, records['ampcode'][0],
                                   records['level'], imls))
    return aw
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test01(self):

        fname = gettemp(ampl_func)
        df = read_csv(fname, {
            'ampcode': ampcode_dt,
            None: numpy.float64
        sitecode = b'A'

        imls_soil = numpy.log([0.012, 0.052, 0.12, 0.22, 0.52])
        imls_soil = numpy.log(numpy.logspace(-2, 0, num=20))
        self.cmaker.loglevels = ll = DictArray({
            'PGA': imls_soil,
            'SA(1.0)': imls_soil
        self.cmaker.af = AmplFunction.from_dframe(df)
        self.cmaker.trunclevel = tl = 3

        # The output in this case will be (1, x, 2) i.e. 1 site, number
        # intensity measure levels times 2 and 2 GMMs
        tmp = _get_poes(self.meastd, ll, tl)

        # This function is rather slow at the moment
        ctx = unittest.mock.Mock(mag=self.mag,
        res = get_poes_site(self.meastd, self.cmaker, ctx)

        if False:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                     res[0, 0:len(imls_soil), 0],
                     tmp[0, 0:len(imls_soil), 0],
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_gmf_cata(self):
        fname = gettemp(cata_ampl_func)
        df = read_csv(fname, {'ampcode': ampcode_dt, None: numpy.float64},
        imtls = DictArray({'PGA': [numpy.nan]})
        a = Amplifier(imtls, df)

        numpy.random.seed(42)  # must be fixed
        gmvs1 = a._amplify_gmvs(b'z1', numpy.array([.1, .2, .3]), 'PGA')
        aac(gmvs1, [0.217124, 0.399295, 0.602515], atol=1E-5)
        gmvs2 = a._amplify_gmvs(b'z2', numpy.array([.1, .2, .3]), 'PGA')
        aac(gmvs2, [0.266652, 0.334187, 0.510845], atol=1E-5)

        numpy.random.seed(43)  # changing the seed the results change a lot
        gmvs1 = a._amplify_gmvs(b'z1', numpy.array([.1, .2, .3]), 'PGA')
        aac(gmvs1, [0.197304, 0.293422, 0.399669], atol=1E-5)
        gmvs2 = a._amplify_gmvs(b'z2', numpy.array([.1, .2, .3]), 'PGA')
        aac(gmvs2, [0.117069, 0.517284, 0.475571], atol=1E-5)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test(self):
        inputdir = os.path.dirname(case_16.__file__)
        output = gettemp(suffix='.csv')
        grid_spacing = 50
        exposure_xml = os.path.join(inputdir, 'exposure.xml')
        vs30_csv = os.path.join(inputdir, 'vs30.csv')
        sitecol = prepare_site_model([exposure_xml], [], [vs30_csv], True,
                                     True, True, grid_spacing, 5, output)
        sm = read_csv(output, {None: float, 'vs30measured': numpy.uint8})
        self.assertEqual(sm['vs30measured'].sum(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(sitecol), 84)  # 84 non-empty grid points
        self.assertEqual(len(sitecol), len(sm))

        # test no grid
        sc = prepare_site_model([exposure_xml], [], [vs30_csv], True, True,
                                False, 0, 5, output)
        self.assertEqual(len(sc), 148)  # 148 sites within 5 km from the params

        # test sites_csv == vs30_csv
        sc = prepare_site_model([], [vs30_csv], [vs30_csv], True, True, False,
                                0, 5, output)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def load_insurance_data(self, ins_types, ins_files):
     Read the insurance files and populate the policy_dict
     for loss_type, fname in zip(ins_types, ins_files):
         array = hdf5.read_csv(
             fname, {'insurance_limit': float, 'deductible': float,
                     None: object}).array
         policy_name = array.dtype.names[0]
         policy_idx = getattr(self.assetcol.tagcol, policy_name + '_idx')
         insurance = numpy.zeros((len(policy_idx), 2))
         for pol, ded, lim in array[
                 [policy_name, 'deductible', 'insurance_limit']]:
             insurance[policy_idx[pol]] = ded, lim
         self.policy_dict[loss_type] = insurance
         if self.policy_name and policy_name != self.policy_name:
             raise ValueError(
                 'The file %s contains %s as policy field, but we were '
                 'expecting %s' % (fname, policy_name, self.policy_name))
             self.policy_name = policy_name
Exemplo n.º 28
def get_crmodel(oqparam):
    Return a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance

   :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    risklist = get_risk_functions(oqparam)
    consdict = {}
    if 'consequence' in oqparam.inputs:
        # build consdict of the form cname_by_tagname -> tag -> array
        for by, fname in oqparam.inputs['consequence'].items():
            dtypedict = {
                by: str, 'cname': str, 'loss_type': str, None: float}
            dic = group_array(
                hdf5.read_csv(fname, dtypedict).array, 'cname')
            for cname, group in dic.items():
                bytag = {tag: _cons_coeffs(grp, risklist.limit_states)
                         for tag, grp in group_array(group, by).items()}
                consdict['%s_by_%s' % (cname, by)] = bytag
    crm = riskmodels.CompositeRiskModel(oqparam, risklist, consdict)
    return crm
Exemplo n.º 29
def get_rupture(oqparam):
    Read the `rupture_model` file and by filter the site collection

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
        an hazardlib rupture
    rup_model = oqparam.inputs['rupture_model']
    if rup_model.endswith('.csv'):
        return rupture.from_array(hdf5.read_csv(rup_model))
    if rup_model.endswith('.xml'):
        [rup_node] = nrml.read(rup_model)
        conv = sourceconverter.RuptureConverter(
            oqparam.rupture_mesh_spacing, oqparam.complex_fault_mesh_spacing)
        rup = conv.convert_node(rup_node)
        raise ValueError('Unrecognized ruptures model %s' % rup_model)
    rup.tectonic_region_type = '*'  # there is not TRT for scenario ruptures
    rup.rup_id = oqparam.ses_seed
    return rup
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test(self):
        inputdir = os.path.dirname(case_16.__file__)
        output = gettemp(suffix='.csv')
        grid_spacing = 50
        exposure_xml = os.path.join(inputdir, 'exposure.xml')
        vs30_csv = os.path.join(inputdir, 'vs30.csv')
        sitecol = prepare_site_model(
            [exposure_xml], [], [vs30_csv], True, True, True,
            grid_spacing, 5, output)
        sm = read_csv(output, {None: float, 'vs30measured': bool})
        self.assertEqual(sm['vs30measured'].sum(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(sitecol), 84)  # 84 non-empty grid points
        self.assertEqual(len(sitecol), len(sm))

        # test no grid
        sc = prepare_site_model([exposure_xml], [], [vs30_csv],
                                True, True, False, 0, 5, output)
        self.assertEqual(len(sc), 148)  # 148 sites within 5 km from the params

        # test sites_csv
        sc = prepare_site_model([], [output], [vs30_csv],
                                True, True, False, 0, 5, output)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def _read_csv(self):
     :yields: asset nodes
     expected_header = set(self._csv_header('', ''))
     for fname in self.datafiles:
         with open(fname, encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
             fields = next(csv.reader(f))
             header = set(fields)
             missing = expected_header - header - {'exposure', 'country'}
             if len(header) < len(fields):
                 raise InvalidFile(
                     '%s: The header %s contains a duplicated field' %
                     (fname, header))
             elif missing:
                 msg = ('Unexpected header in %s\nExpected: %s\nGot: %s\n'
                        'Missing: %s')
                 raise InvalidFile(msg % (fname, sorted(expected_header),
                                          sorted(header), missing))
     conv = {
         'lon': float,
         'lat': float,
         'number': float,
         'area': float,
         'retrofitted': float,
         None: object
     rename = {}
     for field in self.cost_types['name']:
         conv[field] = float
         rename[field] = 'value-' + field
     for field in self.occupancy_periods.split():
         conv[field] = float
         rename[field] = 'occupants_' + field
     for fname in self.datafiles:
         array = hdf5.read_csv(fname, conv, rename).array
         array['lon'] = numpy.round(array['lon'], 5)
         array['lat'] = numpy.round(array['lat'], 5)
         yield from array
Exemplo n.º 32
def get_ruptures(fname_csv):
    Read ruptures in CSV format and return an ArrayWrapper
    if not rupture.BaseRupture._code:
        rupture.BaseRupture.init()  # initialize rupture codes
    code = rupture.BaseRupture.str2code
    aw = hdf5.read_csv(fname_csv, rupture.rupture_dt)
    trts = aw.trts
    rups = []
    geoms = []
    n_occ = 1
    for u, row in enumerate(aw.array):
        hypo = row['lon'], row['lat'], row['dep']
        dic = json.loads(row['extra'])
        mesh = F32(json.loads(row['mesh']))
        s1, s2 = mesh.shape[1:]
        rec = numpy.zeros(1, rupture_dt)[0]
        rec['seed'] = row['seed']
        rec['minlon'] = minlon = mesh[0].min()
        rec['minlat'] = minlat = mesh[1].min()
        rec['maxlon'] = maxlon = mesh[0].max()
        rec['maxlat'] = maxlat = mesh[1].max()
        rec['mag'] = row['mag']
        rec['hypo'] = hypo
        rate = dic.get('occurrence_rate', numpy.nan)
        tup = (u, row['seed'], 'no-source', trts.index(row['trt']),
               code[row['kind']], n_occ, row['mag'], row['rake'], rate,
               minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat, hypo, u, 0, 0)
        points = mesh.flatten()  # lons + lats + deps
        # FIXME: extend to MultiSurfaces
        geoms.append(numpy.concatenate([[1], [s1, s2], points]))
    if not rups:
        return ()
    dic = dict(geom=numpy.array(geoms, object))
    # NB: PMFs for nonparametric ruptures are missing
    return hdf5.ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(rups, rupture_dt), dic)
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_resampling(self):
        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        # Read AF
        f_af = os.path.join(path, 'data', 'convolution', 'amplification.csv')
        df_af = read_csv(f_af, {
            'ampcode': ampcode_dt,
            None: numpy.float64

        # Read hc
        f_hc = os.path.join(path, 'data', 'convolution', 'hazard_curve.csv')
        df_hc = pd.read_csv(f_hc, skiprows=1)

        # Get imls from the hc
        imls = []
        pattern = 'poe-(\\d*\\.\\d*)'
        for k in df_hc.columns:
            m = re.match(pattern, k)
            if m:
        imtls = DictArray({'PGA': imls})

        # Create a list with one ProbabilityCurve instance
        poes = numpy.squeeze(df_hc.iloc[0, 3:].to_numpy())
        tmp = numpy.expand_dims(poes, 1)
        pcurves = [ProbabilityCurve(tmp)]

        soil_levels = numpy.array(list(numpy.geomspace(0.001, 2, 50)))
        a = Amplifier(imtls, df_af, soil_levels)
        res = a.amplify(b'MQ15', pcurves)

        tmp = 'hazard_curve_expected.csv'
        fname_expected = os.path.join(path, 'data', 'convolution', tmp)
        expected = numpy.loadtxt(fname_expected)

        numpy.testing.assert_allclose(numpy.squeeze(res[0].array), expected)