Exemplo n.º 1
def crm_attrs(dstore, what):
        the attributes of the risk model, i.e. limit_states, loss_types,
        min_iml and covs, needed by the risk exporters.
    return ArrayWrapper((), dstore.get_attrs('risk_model'))
Exemplo n.º 2
def extract_disagg_layer(dstore, what):
    Extract a disaggregation output containing all sites
    for the first realization or the mean.
    qdict = parse(what)
    [label] = qdict['kind']
    [imt] = qdict['imt']
    poe_id = int(qdict['poe_id'][0])
    grp = disagg_outputs(dstore, imt, 0, poe_id)[0]
    dset = grp[label]
    edges = {k: grp.attrs[k] for k in grp.attrs if k.endswith('_edges')}
    dt = [('site_id', U32), ('lon', F32), ('lat', F32),
          ('poes', (dset.dtype, dset.shape))]
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    out = numpy.zeros(len(sitecol), dt)
    out[0] = (0, sitecol.lons[0], sitecol.lats[0], dset[()])
    for sid, lon, lat, rec in zip(sitecol.sids, sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats,
        if sid > 0:
            grp = disagg_outputs(dstore, imt, sid, poe_id)[0]
            rec['site_id'] = sid
            rec['lon'] = lon
            rec['lat'] = lat
            rec['poes'] = grp[label][()]
    return ArrayWrapper(out, edges)
Exemplo n.º 3
def extract_mfd(dstore, what):
    Display num_ruptures by magnitude for event based calculations.
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    qdic = parse(what)
    kind_mean = 'mean' in qdic.get('kind', [])
    kind_by_group = 'by_group' in qdic.get('kind', [])
    weights = dstore['csm_info/sm_data']['weight']
    sm_idx = dstore['csm_info/sg_data']['sm_id']
    grp_weight = weights[sm_idx]
    duration = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path
    dic = {'duration': duration}
    dd = collections.defaultdict(float)
    rups = dstore['ruptures']['grp_id', 'mag', 'n_occ']
    mags = sorted(numpy.unique(rups['mag']))
    magidx = {mag: idx for idx, mag in enumerate(mags)}
    num_groups = rups['grp_id'].max() + 1
    frequencies = numpy.zeros((len(mags), num_groups), float)
    for grp_id, mag, n_occ in rups:
        if kind_mean:
            dd[mag] += n_occ * grp_weight[grp_id] / duration
        if kind_by_group:
            frequencies[magidx[mag], grp_id] += n_occ / duration
    dic['magnitudes'] = numpy.array(mags)
    if kind_mean:
        dic['mean_frequency'] = numpy.array([dd[mag] for mag in mags])
    if kind_by_group:
        for grp_id, freqs in enumerate(frequencies.T):
            dic['grp-%02d_frequency' % grp_id] = freqs
    return ArrayWrapper((), dic)
Exemplo n.º 4
def extract_aggregate_by(dstore, what):
    yield pairs (<stat>, <array of shape (T, O, S, P)>)

    yield pairs (<stat>, <array of shape (T, O, S)>)
        tagnames, name, loss_type = what.split('/')
    except ValueError:  # missing '/' at the end
        tagnames, name = what.split('/')
        loss_type = ''
    assert name in ('avg_losses', 'curves'), name
    tagnames = tagnames.split(',')
    assetcol = dstore['assetcol']
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    dset, stats = _get(dstore, name)
    for s, stat in enumerate(stats):
        if loss_type:
            array = dset[:, s, oq.lti[loss_type]]
            array = dset[:, s]
        aw = ArrayWrapper(assetcol.aggregate_by(tagnames, array), {})
        for tagname in tagnames:
            setattr(aw, tagname, getattr(assetcol.tagcol, tagname))
        if not loss_type:
            aw.extra = ('loss_type', ) + oq.loss_dt().names
        if name == 'curves':
            aw.return_period = dset.attrs['return_periods']
            aw.tagnames = encode(tagnames + ['return_period'])
            aw.tagnames = encode(tagnames)
        yield decode(stat), aw
Exemplo n.º 5
def extract_rupture_info(dstore, what):
    Extract some information about the ruptures, including the boundary.
    qdict = parse(what)
    if 'min_mag' in qdict:
        [min_mag] = qdict['min_mag']
        min_mag = 0
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    dtlist = [('rup_id', U32), ('multiplicity', U16), ('mag', F32),
              ('centroid_lon', F32), ('centroid_lat', F32),
              ('centroid_depth', F32), ('trt', '<S50'), ('strike', F32),
              ('dip', F32), ('rake', F32)]
    rows = []
    boundaries = []
    sf = filters.SourceFilter(dstore['sitecol'], oq.maximum_distance)
    for rgetter in getters.gen_rupture_getters(dstore):
        rups = rgetter.get_ruptures(sf, min_mag)
        rup_data = RuptureData(rgetter.trt, rgetter.rlzs_by_gsim)
        for r, rup in zip(rup_data.to_array(rups), rups):
            coords = ['%.5f %.5f' % xyz[:2] for xyz in zip(*r['boundaries'])]
            boundaries.append('POLYGON((%s))' % ', '.join(coords))
                (r['rup_id'], r['multiplicity'], r['mag'], r['lon'], r['lat'],
                 r['depth'], rgetter.trt, r['strike'], r['dip'], r['rake']))
    arr = numpy.array(rows, dtlist)
    geoms = gzip.compress('\n'.join(boundaries).encode('utf-8'))
    return ArrayWrapper(
        arr, dict(investigation_time=oq.investigation_time, boundaries=geoms))
Exemplo n.º 6
def crm_attrs(dstore, what):
        the attributes of the risk model, i.e. limit_states, loss_types,
        min_iml and covs, needed by the risk exporters.
    name = dstore['oqparam'].risk_model
    return ArrayWrapper(0, dstore.get_attrs(name))
Exemplo n.º 7
def crm_attrs(dstore, what):
        the attributes of the risk model, i.e. limit_states, loss_types,
        min_iml and covs, needed by the risk exporters.
    attrs = dstore.get_attrs('crm')
    return ArrayWrapper((), dict(json=hdf5.dumps(attrs)))
Exemplo n.º 8
def extract_disagg(dstore, what):
    Extract a disaggregation output
    qdict = parse(what)
    label = qdict['kind'][0]
    imt = qdict['imt'][0]
    poe_idx = int(qdict['poe_id'][0])
    sid = int(qdict['site_id'][0])
    rlz = int(qdict['rlz'][0]) if 'rlz' in qdict else None
    allnames = []
    allvalues = []
    for dset in disagg_outputs(dstore, imt, sid, poe_idx, rlz):
        matrix = dset[label][()]

        # adapted from the nrml_converters
        disag_tup = tuple(label.split('_'))
        if disag_tup == ('Mag', 'Lon', 'Lat'):
            matrix = numpy.swapaxes(matrix, 0, 1)
            matrix = numpy.swapaxes(matrix, 1, 2)
            disag_tup = ('Lon', 'Lat', 'Mag')

        axis = [dset.attrs[v.lower() + '_bin_edges'] for v in disag_tup]
        # compute axis mid points
        axis = [(ax[:-1] + ax[1:]) / 2. if ax.dtype == float else ax
                for ax in axis]
        values = None
        if len(axis) == 1:
            values = numpy.array([axis[0], matrix.flatten()]).T
            grids = numpy.meshgrid(*axis, indexing='ij')
            values = [g.flatten() for g in grids]
            values = numpy.array(values).T
    if not allnames:
        raise KeyError('No data for ' + what)
    elif len(allnames) == 1:
        return ArrayWrapper(values, qdict)
        qdict['names'] = allnames
        return ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(allvalues), qdict)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def get_output(self, assets, data_by_lt, epsgetter):
     returns an ArrayWrapper of shape (L, ...)
     out = [
         self(lt, assets, data, epsgetter)
         for lt, data in zip(self.loss_types, data_by_lt)
     return ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(out), {})
Exemplo n.º 10
def extract_agg_curves(dstore, what):
    Aggregate loss curves from the ebrisk calculator:


    Returns an array of shape (P, S, 1...) or (P, R, 1...)
    info = get_info(dstore)
    qdic = parse(what, info)
    tagdict = qdic.copy()
    for a in ('k', 'rlzs', 'kind', 'loss_type', 'absolute'):
        del tagdict[a]
    k = qdic['k']  # rlz or stat index
    [l] = qdic['loss_type']  # loss type index
    tagnames = sorted(tagdict)
    if set(tagnames) != set(info['tagnames']):
        raise ValueError('Expected tagnames=%s, got %s' %
                         (info['tagnames'], tagnames))
    tagvalues = [tagdict[t][0] for t in tagnames]
    tagidx = []
    if tagnames:
        tagcol = dstore['assetcol/tagcol']
        for tagname, tagvalue in zip(tagnames, tagvalues):
            values = list(getattr(tagcol, tagname)[1:])
    tup = tuple([slice(None), k, l] + tagidx)
    if qdic['rlzs']:
        kinds = ['rlz-%d' % r for r in k]
        arr = dstore['agg_curves-rlzs'][tup]  # shape P, R
        units = dstore.get_attr('agg_curves-rlzs', 'units')
        rps = dstore.get_attr('agg_curves-rlzs', 'return_periods')
        kinds = list(info['stats'])
        arr = dstore['agg_curves-stats'][tup]  # shape P, S
        units = dstore.get_attr('agg_curves-stats', 'units')
        rps = dstore.get_attr('agg_curves-stats', 'return_periods')
    if qdic['absolute'] == [1]:
    elif qdic['absolute'] == [0]:
        aggname = '_'.join(['agg'] + tagnames)
        tl = tuple(tagidx) + (l, )
        evalue = dstore['exposed_values/' + aggname][tl]  # shape T...
        arr /= evalue
        raise ValueError('"absolute" must be 0 or 1 in %s' % what)
    attrs = dict(shape_descr=['return_period', 'kind'] + tagnames)
    attrs['return_period'] = list(rps)
    attrs['kind'] = kinds
    attrs['units'] = units  # used by the QGIS plugin
    for tagname, tagvalue in zip(tagnames, tagvalues):
        attrs[tagname] = [tagvalue]
    if tagnames:
        arr = arr.reshape(arr.shape + (1, ) * len(tagnames))
    return ArrayWrapper(arr, attrs)
Exemplo n.º 11
def extract_rupture(dstore, rup_id):
    Extract information about the given event index.
    ridx = list(dstore['ruptures']['id']).index(int(rup_id))
    [getter] = getters.gen_rupture_getters(dstore, slice(ridx, ridx + 1))
    [ebr] = getter.get_ruptures()
    return ArrayWrapper((), ebr.rupture.todict())
Exemplo n.º 12
 def get_output(self, assets, data_by_lt, epsgetter):
     :param assets: a list of assets with the same taxonomy
     :param data_by_lt: hazards for each loss type
     :param epsgetter: an epsilon getter function
     :returns: an ArrayWrapper of shape (L, ...)
     out = [self(lt, assets, data, epsgetter)
            for lt, data in zip(self.loss_types, data_by_lt)]
     return ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(out), dict(assets=assets))
Exemplo n.º 13
def extract_agg_curves(dstore, what):
    Aggregate loss curves from the ebrisk calculator:


    Returns an array of shape (P, S, 1...) or (P, R, 1...)
    info = get_info(dstore)
    qdic = parse(what, info)
    tagdict = qdic.copy()
    for a in ('k', 'rlzs', 'kind', 'loss_type', 'absolute'):
        del tagdict[a]
    k = qdic['k']  # rlz or stat index
    [l] = qdic['loss_type']  # loss type index
    tagnames = sorted(tagdict)
    if set(tagnames) != set(info['tagnames']):
        raise ValueError('Expected tagnames=%s, got %s' %
                         (info['tagnames'], tagnames))
    tagvalues = [tagdict[t][0] for t in tagnames]
    idx = -1
    if tagnames:
        for i, tags in enumerate(dstore['agg_keys'][:][tagnames]):
            if list(tags) == tagvalues:
                idx = i
    if qdic['rlzs']:
        kinds = ['rlz-%d' % r for r in k]
        name = 'agg_curves-rlzs'
        kinds = list(info['stats'])
        name = 'agg_curves-stats'
    units = dstore.get_attr(name, 'units')
    shape_descr = hdf5.get_shape_descr(dstore.get_attr(name, 'json'))
    units = dstore.get_attr(name, 'units')
    rps = shape_descr['return_period']
    tup = (idx, k, l)
    arr = dstore[name][tup].T  # shape P, R
    if qdic['absolute'] == [1]:
    elif qdic['absolute'] == [0]:
        evalue = dstore['agg_values'][idx, l]  # shape K, L
        arr /= evalue
        raise ValueError('"absolute" must be 0 or 1 in %s' % what)
    attrs = dict(shape_descr=['return_period', 'kind'] + tagnames)
    attrs['return_period'] = list(rps)
    attrs['kind'] = kinds
    attrs['units'] = list(units)  # used by the QGIS plugin
    for tagname, tagvalue in zip(tagnames, tagvalues):
        attrs[tagname] = [tagvalue]
    if tagnames:
        arr = arr.reshape(arr.shape + (1,) * len(tagnames))
    return ArrayWrapper(arr, dict(json=hdf5.dumps(attrs)))
Exemplo n.º 14
def extract_sources(dstore, what):
    Extract information about a source model.
    Use it as /extract/sources?sm_id=0
    qdict = parse(what)
    sm_id = int(qdict['sm_id'][0])
    arr = dstore['source_info']['sm_id', 'source_id', 'eff_ruptures', 'wkt']
    if sm_id not in numpy.unique(arr['sm_id']):
        raise ValueError('There is no source model #%d' % sm_id)
    return ArrayWrapper(get_array(arr, sm_id=sm_id), {'sm_id': sm_id})
Exemplo n.º 15
 def get(self, what):
     :param what: what to extract
     :returns: an ArrayWrapper instance
     url = '%s/v1/calc/%d/extract/%s' % (self.server, self.calc_id, what)
     resp = self.sess.get(url)
     if resp.status_code != 200:
         raise WebAPIError(resp.text)
     npz = numpy.load(io.BytesIO(resp.content))
     attrs = {k: npz[k] for k in npz if k != 'array'}
     return ArrayWrapper(npz['array'], attrs)
Exemplo n.º 16
def extract_effect(dstore, what):
    Extracts the effect of ruptures. Use it as /extract/effect
    grp = dstore['effect_by_mag_dst_trt']
    dist_bins = dict(grp.attrs)
    ndists = len(dist_bins[next(iter(dist_bins))])
    arr = numpy.zeros((len(grp), ndists, len(dist_bins)))
    for i, mag in enumerate(grp):
        arr[i] = dstore['effect_by_mag_dst_trt/' + mag][()]
    return ArrayWrapper(arr, dict(dist_bins=dist_bins, ndists=ndists,
                                  mags=[float(mag) for mag in grp]))
Exemplo n.º 17
def extract_gridded_sources(dstore, what):
    Extract information about the gridded sources (requires ps_grid_spacing)
    Use it as /extract/gridded_sources?task_no=0.
    Returns a json string id -> lonlats
    qdict = parse(what)
    task_no = int(qdict.get('task_no', ['0'])[0])
    dic = {}
    for i, lonlats in enumerate(dstore['ps_grid/%02d' % task_no][()]):
        dic[i] = numpy.round(F64(lonlats), 3)
    return ArrayWrapper((), {'json': hdf5.dumps(dic)})
Exemplo n.º 18
def extract_disagg_by_src(dstore, what):
    Extract the disagg_by_src information Example:
    qdict = parse(what)
    src_id = dstore['disagg_by_src'].attrs['src_id']
    f = norm(qdict, 'site_id rlz_id lvl_id imt_id'.split())
    poe = dstore['disagg_by_src'][f['site_id'], f['rlz_id'], f['imt_id'],
    arr = numpy.zeros(len(src_id), [('src_id', '<S16'), ('poe', '<f8')])
    arr['src_id'] = src_id
    arr['poe'] = poe
    return ArrayWrapper(arr[::-1], dict(json=json.dumps(f)))
Exemplo n.º 19
def make_iml4(R, imtls, iml_disagg, poes_disagg=(None,), curves=()):
    :returns: an ArrayWrapper over a 4D array of shape (N, R, M, P)
    N = len(curves) or 1
    M = len(imtls)
    P = len(poes_disagg)
    arr = numpy.zeros((N, R, M, P))
    imts = [from_string(imt) for imt in imtls]
    for m, imt in enumerate(imtls):
        imls = imtls[imt]
        for p, poe in enumerate(poes_disagg):
            for r in range(R):
                arr[:, r, m, p] = _imls(curves, poe, imt, imls, r)
    return ArrayWrapper(arr, dict(poes_disagg=poes_disagg, imts=imts))
Exemplo n.º 20
def extract_sources(dstore, what):
    Extract information about a source model.
    Use it as /extract/sources?sm_id=0&limit=10
    or /extract/sources?sm_id=0&source_id=1&source_id=2
    or /extract/sources?sm_id=0&code=A&code=B
    qdict = parse(what)
    sm_id = int(qdict.get('sm_id', ['0'])[0])
    limit = int(qdict.get('limit', ['100'])[0])
    source_ids = qdict.get('source_id', None)
    if source_ids is not None:
        source_ids = [str(source_id) for source_id in source_ids]
    codes = qdict.get('code', None)
    if codes is not None:
        codes = [code.encode('utf8') for code in codes]
    info = dstore['source_info'][()]
    info = info[info['sm_id'] == sm_id]
    arrays = []
    if source_ids is not None:
        logging.info('Extracting sources with ids: %s', source_ids)
        info = info[numpy.isin(info['source_id'], source_ids)]
        if len(info) == 0:
            raise NotFound('There is no source with id %s' % source_ids)
    if codes is not None:
        logging.info('Extracting sources with codes: %s', codes)
        info = info[numpy.isin(info['code'], codes)]
        if len(info) == 0:
            raise NotFound('There is no source with code in %s' % codes)
    for code, rows in general.group_array(info, 'code').items():
        if limit < len(rows):
            logging.info('Code %s: extracting %d sources out of %s', code,
                         limit, len(rows))
    info = numpy.concatenate(arrays)
    if len(info) == 0:
        raise ValueError('There is no source model #%d' % sm_id)
    wkt_gz = gzip.compress(';'.join(info['wkt']).encode('utf8'))
    src_gz = gzip.compress(';'.join(info['source_id']).encode('utf8'))
    oknames = [n for n in info.dtype.names if n not in ('source_id', 'wkt')]
    arr = numpy.zeros(len(info), [(n, info.dtype[n]) for n in oknames])
    for n in oknames:
        arr[n] = info[n]
    return ArrayWrapper(arr, {
        'sm_id': sm_id,
        'wkt_gz': wkt_gz,
        'src_gz': src_gz
Exemplo n.º 21
def extract_sources(dstore, what):
    Extract information about a source model.
    Use it as /extract/sources?limit=10
    or /extract/sources?source_id=1&source_id=2
    or /extract/sources?code=A&code=B
    qdict = parse(what)
    limit = int(qdict.get('limit', ['100'])[0])
    source_ids = qdict.get('source_id', None)
    if source_ids is not None:
        source_ids = [str(source_id) for source_id in source_ids]
    codes = qdict.get('code', None)
    if codes is not None:
        codes = [code.encode('utf8') for code in codes]
    fields = 'source_id code multiplicity num_sites eff_ruptures'
    info = dstore['source_info'][()][fields.split()]
    wkt = dstore['source_wkt'][()]
    arrays = []
    if source_ids is not None:
        logging.info('Extracting sources with ids: %s', source_ids)
        info = info[numpy.isin(info['source_id'], source_ids)]
        if len(info) == 0:
            raise NotFound('There is no source with id %s' % source_ids)
    if codes is not None:
        logging.info('Extracting sources with codes: %s', codes)
        info = info[numpy.isin(info['code'], codes)]
        if len(info) == 0:
            raise NotFound('There is no source with code in %s' % codes)
    for code, rows in general.group_array(info, 'code').items():
        if limit < len(rows):
            logging.info('Code %s: extracting %d sources out of %s', code,
                         limit, len(rows))
    if not arrays:
        raise ValueError('There  no sources')
    info = numpy.concatenate(arrays)
    wkt_gz = gzip.compress(';'.join(wkt).encode('utf8'))
    src_gz = gzip.compress(';'.join(info['source_id']).encode('utf8'))
    oknames = [
        name for name in info.dtype.names  # avoid pickle issues
        if name not in ('source_id', 'grp_ids')
    arr = numpy.zeros(len(info), [(n, info.dtype[n]) for n in oknames])
    for n in oknames:
        arr[n] = info[n]
    return ArrayWrapper(arr, {'wkt_gz': wkt_gz, 'src_gz': src_gz})
Exemplo n.º 22
def extract_exposure_metadata(dstore, what):
    Extract the loss categories and the tags of the exposure.
    Use it as /extract/exposure_metadata
    dic = {}
    dic1, dic2 = dstore['assetcol/tagcol'].__toh5__()
    if 'asset_risk' in dstore:
        dic['multi_risk'] = sorted(
            set(dstore['asset_risk'].dtype.names) -
    dic['names'] = [name for name in dstore['assetcol/array'].dtype.names
                    if name.startswith(('value-', 'number', 'occupants_'))
                    and not name.endswith('_None')]
    return ArrayWrapper((), dict(json=dumps(dic)))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def get(self, what):
     :param what: what to extract
     :returns: an ArrayWrapper instance
     url = '%s/v1/calc/%d/extract/%s' % (self.server, self.calc_id, what)
     logging.info('GET %s', url)
     resp = self.sess.get(url)
     if resp.status_code != 200:
         raise WebAPIError(resp.text)
     npz = numpy.load(io.BytesIO(resp.content), allow_pickle=True)
     attrs = {k: npz[k] for k in npz if k != 'array'}
         arr = npz['array']
     except KeyError:
         arr = ()
     return ArrayWrapper(arr, attrs)
Exemplo n.º 24
def extract_disagg_layer(dstore, what):
    Extract a disaggregation layer containing all sites and outputs
    qdict = parse(what)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    oq.maximum_distance = filters.MagDepDistance(oq.maximum_distance)
    if 'kind' in qdict:
        kinds = qdict['kind']
        kinds = oq.disagg_outputs
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    poes_disagg = oq.poes_disagg or (None, )
    edges, shapedic = disagg.get_edges_shapedic(oq, sitecol,
    dt = _disagg_output_dt(shapedic, kinds, oq.imtls, poes_disagg)
    out = numpy.zeros(len(sitecol), dt)
    realizations = numpy.array(dstore['full_lt'].get_realizations())
    hmap4 = dstore['hmap4'][:]
    best_rlzs = dstore['best_rlzs'][:]
    arr = {kind: dstore['disagg/' + kind][:] for kind in kinds}
    for sid, lon, lat, rec in zip(sitecol.sids, sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats,
        rlzs = realizations[best_rlzs[sid]]
        rec['site_id'] = sid
        rec['lon'] = lon
        rec['lat'] = lat
        rec['lon_bins'] = edges[2][sid]
        rec['lat_bins'] = edges[3][sid]
        for m, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
            ws = numpy.array([rlz.weight[imt] for rlz in rlzs])
            ws /= ws.sum()  # normalize to 1
            for p, poe in enumerate(poes_disagg):
                for kind in kinds:
                    key = '%s-%s-%s' % (kind, imt, poe)
                    rec[key] = arr[kind][sid, m, p] @ ws
                rec['iml-%s-%s' % (imt, poe)] = hmap4[sid, m, p]
    return ArrayWrapper(
Exemplo n.º 25
def read_composite_array(fname, sep=','):
    Convert a CSV file with header into an ArrayWrapper object.

    >>> from openquake.baselib.general import gettemp
    >>> fname = gettemp('PGA:3,PGV:2,avg:1\n'
    ...                  '.1 .2 .3,.4 .5,.6\n')
    >>> print(read_composite_array(fname).array)  # array of shape (1,)
    [([0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.4, 0.5], [0.6])]
    with open(fname) as f:
        header = next(f)
        if header.startswith('#'):  # the first line is a comment, skip it
            attrs = dict(parse_comment(header[1:]))
            header = next(f)
            attrs = {}
        transheader = htranslator.read(header.split(sep))
        fields, dtype = parse_header(transheader)
        ts_pairs = []  # [(type, shape), ...]
        for name in fields:
            dt = dtype.fields[name][0]
                (dt.subdtype[0].type if dt.subdtype else dt.type, dt.shape))
        col_ids = list(range(1, len(ts_pairs) + 1))
        num_columns = len(col_ids)
        records = []
        col, col_id = '', 0
        for i, line in enumerate(f, 2):
            row = line.split(sep)
            if len(row) != num_columns:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    'expected %d columns, found %d in file %s, line %d' %
                    (num_columns, len(row), fname, i))
                record = []
                for (ntype, shape), col, col_id in zip(ts_pairs, row, col_ids):
                    record.append(_cast(col, ntype, shape, i, fname))
            except Exception as e:
                raise InvalidFile(
                    'Could not cast %r in file %s, line %d, column %d '
                    'using %s: %s' % (col, fname, i, col_id,
                                      (ntype.__name__, ) + shape, e))
        return ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(records, dtype), attrs)
Exemplo n.º 26
def extract_assets(dstore, what):
    Extract an array of assets, optionally filtered by tag.
    Use it as /extract/assets?taxonomy=RC&taxonomy=MSBC&occupancy=RES
    qdict = parse(what)
    dic = {}
    dic1, dic2 = dstore['assetcol/tagcol'].__toh5__()
    arr = dstore['assetcol/array'][()]
    for tag, vals in qdict.items():
        cond = numpy.zeros(len(arr), bool)
        for val in vals:
            tagidx, = numpy.where(dic[tag] == val)
            cond |= arr[tag] == tagidx
        arr = arr[cond]
    return ArrayWrapper(arr, dic)
Exemplo n.º 27
def extract_disagg_layer(dstore, what):
    Extract a disaggregation layer containing all sites and outputs
    qdict = parse(what)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    if 'kind' in qdict:
        kinds = qdict['kind']
        kinds = list(oq.disagg_outputs or disagg.pmf_map)
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    poes_disagg = oq.poes_disagg or (None, )
    edges, shapedic = disagg.get_edges_shapedic(oq, sitecol,
    dt = _disagg_output_dt(shapedic, kinds, oq.imtls, poes_disagg)
    out = numpy.zeros(len(sitecol), dt)
        best_rlzs = dstore['best_rlzs']
    except KeyError:
        best_rlzs = numpy.zeros((len(sitecol), shapedic['Z']), U16)
    for sid, lon, lat, rec in zip(sitecol.sids, sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats,
        rec['site_id'] = sid
        rec['lon'] = lon
        rec['lat'] = lat
        rec['rlz_id'] = rlzs = best_rlzs[sid]
        rec['lon_bins'] = edges[2][sid]
        rec['lat_bins'] = edges[3][sid]
        for kind in kinds:
            for imt in oq.imtls:
                for p, poe in enumerate(poes_disagg):
                    for rlz in rlzs:
                        key = '%s-%s-%s' % (kind, imt, poe)
                        label = 'disagg/rlz-%d-%s-sid-%d-poe-%s/%s' % (
                            rlz, imt, sid, p, kind)
                        rec[key] = dstore[label][()]
    return ArrayWrapper(
        dict(mag=edges[0], dist=edges[1], eps=edges[-2],
Exemplo n.º 28
def extract_agg_curves(dstore, what):
    Aggregate loss curves from the ebrisk calculator:


    Returns an array of shape (P, S, T...) or (P, R, T...)
    info = get_info(dstore)
    qdic = parse(what, info)
    k = qdic['k']  # rlz or stat index
    [l] = qdic['loss_type']  # loss type index
    if qdic['rlzs']:
        kinds = ['rlz-%d' % r for r in k]
        arr = dstore['agg_curves-rlzs'][:, k, l]  # shape P, T...
        rps = dstore.get_attr('agg_curves-rlzs', 'return_periods')
        kinds = list(info['stats'])
        arr = dstore['agg_curves-stats'][:, k, l]  # shape P, T...
        rps = dstore.get_attr('agg_curves-stats', 'return_periods')
    tagnames = qdic.get('tagname', [])
    if set(tagnames) != set(info['tagnames']):
        raise ValueError('Expected tagnames=%s, got %s' %
                         (info['tagnames'], tagnames))
    tagvalues = qdic.get('tagvalue', [])
    if qdic['absolute'] == [1]:
    elif qdic['absolute'] == [0]:
        aggname = '_'.join(['agg'] + tagnames)
        evalue = dstore['exposed_values/' + aggname][l]  # shape T...
        arr /= evalue
        raise ValueError('"absolute" must be 0 or 1 in %s' % what)
    attrs = dict(shape_descr=['return_period', 'kind'] + tagnames)
    attrs['return_period'] = [numpy.nan] + list(rps)
    attrs['kind'] = ['?'] + kinds
    for tagname, tagvalue in zip(tagnames, tagvalues):
        attrs[tagname] = [tagvalue]
    return ArrayWrapper(arr, attrs)
Exemplo n.º 29
def extract_rupture_info(dstore, what):
    Extract some information about the ruptures, including the boundary.
    qdict = parse(what)
    if 'min_mag' in qdict:
        [min_mag] = qdict['min_mag']
        min_mag = 0
    oq = dstore['oqparam']

    dtlist = [('rup_id', U32), ('occurrence_rate', F32), ('multiplicity', U16),
              ('mag', F32), ('centroid_lon', F32), ('centroid_lat', F32),
              ('centroid_depth', F32), ('trt', '<S50'), ('strike', F32),
              ('dip', F32), ('rake', F32)]

    rows = []
    boundaries = []
    for rgetter in getters.gen_rgetters(dstore):
        proxies = rgetter.get_proxies(min_mag)
        rup_data = RuptureData(rgetter.trt, rgetter.samples,
        for r in rup_data.to_array(proxies):
            coords = ['%.5f %.5f' % xyz[:2] for xyz in zip(*r['boundaries'])]
            coordset = sorted(set(coords))
            if len(coordset) < 4:  # degenerate to line
                boundaries.append('LINESTRING(%s)' % ', '.join(coordset))
            else:  # good polygon
                boundaries.append('POLYGON((%s))' % ', '.join(coords))

            rows.append((r['rup_id'], r['occurrence_rate'], r['multiplicity'],
                         r['mag'], r['lon'], r['lat'], r['depth'], rgetter.trt,
                         r['strike'], r['dip'], r['rake']))

    arr = numpy.array(rows, dtlist)
    geoms = gzip.compress('\n'.join(boundaries).encode('utf-8'))
    return ArrayWrapper(
        arr, dict(investigation_time=oq.investigation_time, boundaries=geoms))
Exemplo n.º 30
def extract_asset_risk(dstore, what):
    Extract an array of assets + risk fields, optionally filtered by tag.
    Use it as /extract/asset_risk?taxonomy=RC&taxonomy=MSBC&occupancy=RES
    qdict = parse(what)
    dic = {}
    dic1, dic2 = dstore['assetcol/tagcol'].__toh5__()
    arr = dstore['asset_risk'][()]
    names = list(arr.dtype.names)
    for i, name in enumerate(names):
        if name == 'id':
            names[i] = 'asset_id'  # for backward compatibility
    arr.dtype.names = names
    for tag, vals in qdict.items():
        cond = numpy.zeros(len(arr), bool)
        for val in vals:
            tagidx, = numpy.where(dic[tag] == val)
            cond |= arr[tag] == tagidx
        arr = arr[cond]
    return ArrayWrapper(arr, dic)