Exemplo n.º 1
def store_hazard_logic_trees(a_job):
    """Helper function to store the source model and GMPE logic trees in the
    KVS so that it can be read by the Java code. This is basically what the
    @preload decorator does.

    :param a_job:
        :class:`openquake.job.Job` instance.
    lt_proc = LogicTreeProcessor(

    src_model_seed = a_job['SOURCE_MODEL_LT_RANDOM_SEED']
    gmpe_seed = a_job['GMPE_LT_RANDOM_SEED']

    src_model_rnd = random.Random()
    gmpe_rnd = random.Random()

    store_source_model(a_job.job_id, src_model_rnd.getrandbits(32),
                       a_job.params, lt_proc)
    store_gmpe_map(a_job.job_id, gmpe_rnd.getrandbits(32), lt_proc)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def distribute_disagg(the_job, sites, realizations, poes, result_dir):
        """Compute disaggregation by splitting up the calculation over sites,
        realizations, and PoE values.

        :param the_job:
            Job definition
        :type the_job:
            :class:`openquake.job.Job` instance
        :param sites:
            List of :class:`openquake.shapes.Site` objects
        :param poes:
            Probability of Exceedence levels for the calculation
        :type poes:
            List of floats
        :param result_dir:
            Path where full disaggregation results should be stored
            Result data in the following form::
                [(realization_1, poe_1,
                  [(site_1, gmv_1, matrix_path_1),
                   (site_2, gmv_2, matrix_path_2)]
                 (realization_1, poe_2,
                  [(site_1, gmv_1, matrix_path_3),
                   (site_2, gmv_2, matrix_path_4)]
                 (realization_N, poe_N,
                  [(site_1, gmv_1, matrix_path_N-1),
                   (site_2, gmv_2, matrix_path_N)]

            A single matrix result in this form looks like this::
                [(1, 0.1,
                  [(Site(0.0, 0.0), 0.2257,
        # accumulates the final results of this method
        full_da_results = []

        # accumulates task data across the realization and poe loops
        task_data = []

        src_model_rnd = random.Random()
        gmpe_rnd = random.Random()

        for rlz in xrange(1, realizations + 1):  # 1 to N, inclusive
            # cache the source model and gmpe model in the KVS
            # so the Java code can access it

            store_source_model(the_job.job_id, src_model_rnd.getrandbits(32),
                               the_job.params, the_job.calc)
            store_gmpe_map(the_job.job_id, gmpe_rnd.getrandbits(32),

            for poe in poes:
                task_site_pairs = []
                for site in sites:
                    a_task = compute_disagg_matrix_task.delay(
                        the_job.job_id, site, rlz, poe, result_dir)

                    task_site_pairs.append((a_task, site))

                task_data.append((rlz, poe, task_site_pairs))

        for rlz, poe, task_site_pairs in task_data:

            # accumulates all data for a given (realization, poe) pair
            rlz_poe_data = []
            for a_task, site in task_site_pairs:
                if not a_task.successful():
                    msg = (
                        "Full Disaggregation matrix computation task"
                        " for job %s with task_id=%s, realization=%s, PoE=%s,"
                        " site=%s has failed with the following error: %s")
                    msg %= (
                        the_job.job_id, a_task.task_id, rlz, poe, site,
                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
                    gmv, matrix_path = a_task.result
                    rlz_poe_data.append((site, gmv, matrix_path))

            full_da_results.append((rlz, poe, rlz_poe_data))

        return full_da_results