Exemplo n.º 1
def preclassical(srcs, srcfilter, params, monitor):
    Weight the sources. Also split them if split_sources is true. If
    ps_grid_spacing is set, grid the point sources before weighting them.

    NB: srcfilter can be on a reduced site collection for performance reasons
    # src.id -> nrups, nsites, time, task_no
    calc_times = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(4, F32))
    sources = []
    grp_id = srcs[0].grp_id
    trt = srcs[0].tectonic_region_type
    md = params['maximum_distance'](trt)
    pd = (params['pointsource_distance'](trt)
          if params['pointsource_distance'] else 0)
    with monitor('splitting sources'):
        # this can be slow
        for src in srcs:
            t0 = time.time()
            if srcfilter.sitecol:
                src.nsites = len(srcfilter.close_sids(src))
                src.nsites = 1  # don't discard
            # NB: it is crucial to split only the close sources, for
            # performance reasons (think of Ecuador in SAM)q
            splits = split_source(src) if (params['split_sources']
                                           and src.nsites) else [src]
            nrups = src.count_ruptures() if src.nsites else 0
            dt = time.time() - t0
            calc_times[src.id] += F32([nrups, src.nsites, dt, 0])
        for arr in calc_times.values():
            arr[3] = monitor.task_no
    dic = grid_point_sources(sources, params['ps_grid_spacing'], monitor)
    with monitor('weighting sources'):
        # this is normally fast
        for src in dic[grp_id]:
            if not src.nsites:  # filtered out
                src.nsites = EPS
            is_ps = isinstance(src, PointSource)
            if is_ps and srcfilter.sitecol:
                # NB: using cKDTree would not help, performance-wise
                cdist = srcfilter.sitecol.get_cdist(src.location)
                src.nsites = (cdist <= md + pd).sum() or EPS
            src.num_ruptures = src.count_ruptures()
            if pd and is_ps:
                nphc = src.count_nphc()
                if nphc > 1:
                    close = (cdist <= pd * BUFFER).sum()
                    far = src.nsites - close
                    factor = (close + (far + EPS) / nphc) / (close + far + EPS)
                    src.num_ruptures *= factor
    dic['calc_times'] = calc_times
    dic['before'] = len(sources)
    dic['after'] = len(dic[grp_id])
    if params['ps_grid_spacing']:
        dic['ps_grid/%02d' % monitor.task_no] = [
            src for src in dic[grp_id] if src.nsites > EPS
    return dic
Exemplo n.º 2
def preclassical(srcs, sites, cmaker, monitor):
    Weight the sources. Also split them if split_sources is true. If
    ps_grid_spacing is set, grid the point sources before weighting them.

    NB: srcfilter can be on a reduced site collection for performance reasons
    split_sources = []
    spacing = cmaker.ps_grid_spacing
    grp_id = srcs[0].grp_id
    if sites is None:
        # in csm2rup just split the sources and count the ruptures
        for src in srcs:
            ss = split_source(src)
            if len(ss) > 1:
                for ss_ in ss:
                    ss_.nsites = 1
            src.num_ruptures = src.count_ruptures()
        dic = {grp_id: split_sources}
        dic['before'] = len(srcs)
        dic['after'] = len(dic[grp_id])
        return dic

    with monitor('splitting sources'):
        sf = SourceFilter(sites, cmaker.maximum_distance)
        for src in srcs:
            # NB: this is approximate, since the sites are sampled
            src.nsites = len(sf.close_sids(src))  # can be 0
            # NB: it is crucial to split only the close sources, for
            # performance reasons (think of Ecuador in SAM)
            splits = split_source(src) if (cmaker.split_sources
                                           and src.nsites) else [src]
    dic = grid_point_sources(split_sources, spacing, monitor)
    with monitor('weighting sources'):
        # this is also prefiltering again, to have a good representative
        # of what will be done during the classical phase
        cmaker.set_weight(dic[grp_id], sf)
    dic['before'] = len(split_sources)
    dic['after'] = len(dic[grp_id])
    if spacing:
        dic['ps_grid/%02d' % monitor.task_no] = dic[grp_id]
    return dic