Exemplo n.º 1
    def compute_store_stats(self, rlzs, builder):
        Compute and store the statistical outputs.
        :param rlzs: list of realizations
        oq = self.oqparam
        ltypes = self.riskmodel.loss_types
        all_stats = map(builder.build, self._collect_all_data())
        if not all_stats:
        loss_curves = numpy.zeros((self.N, self.Q1), self.loss_curve_dt)
        if oq.conditional_loss_poes:
            loss_maps = numpy.zeros((self.N, self.Q1), self.loss_maps_dt)
        for stats in all_stats:
            # there is one stat for each loss_type
            cb = self.riskmodel.curve_builders[ltypes.index(stats.loss_type)]
            if not cb.user_provided:
            sb = scientific.StatsBuilder(oq.quantile_loss_curves,
                                         oq.conditional_loss_poes, [],
            curves, maps = sb.get_curves_maps(stats)  # matrices (Q1, N)
            loss_curves[cb.loss_type] = curves.T
            if oq.conditional_loss_poes:
                loss_maps[cb.loss_type] = maps.T

        self.datastore['loss_curves-stats'] = loss_curves
        if oq.conditional_loss_poes:
            self.datastore['loss_maps-stats'] = loss_maps
Exemplo n.º 2
    def compute_store_stats(self, rlzs, kind):
        Compute and store the statistical outputs
        oq = self.oqparam
        builder = scientific.StatsBuilder(oq.quantile_loss_curves,
                                          oq.conditional_loss_poes, [],

        if kind == '_specific':
            all_stats = [
                builder.build(data, prefix='specific-')
                for data in self._collect_specific_data()
            all_stats = map(builder.build, self._collect_all_data())
        for stat in all_stats:
            # there is one stat for each loss_type
            curves, ins_curves, maps = scientific.get_stat_curves(stat)
            for i, path in enumerate(stat.paths):
                # there are paths like
                # %s-stats/structural/mean
                # %s-stats/structural/quantile-0.1
                # ...
                self.datastore[path % 'loss_curves'] = curves[i]
                if oq.insured_losses:
                    self.datastore[path % 'ins_curves'] = ins_curves[i]
                if oq.conditional_loss_poes:
                    self.datastore[path % 'loss_maps'] = maps[i]

        stats = scientific.SimpleStats(rlzs, oq.quantile_loss_curves)
        nbytes = stats.compute('avg_losses-rlzs', self.datastore)
        self.datastore['avg_losses-stats'].attrs['nbytes'] = nbytes
Exemplo n.º 3
 def build_stats(self, loss_curve_key):
     Compute all statistics for the specified assets starting from the
     stored loss curves. Yield a statistical output object for each
     loss type.
     oq = self.oqparam
     rlzs = self.rlzs_assoc.realizations
     stats = scientific.StatsBuilder(
         oq.quantile_loss_curves, oq.conditional_loss_poes, [],
     # NB: should we encounter memory issues in the future, the easy
     # solution is to split the specific assets in blocks and perform
     # the computation one block at the time
     for loss_type in self.riskmodel.get_loss_types():
         outputs = []
         for rlz in rlzs:
             key = '%s-rlzs/%s' % (loss_curve_key, rlz.uid)
             lcs = self.datastore[key][loss_type]
             assets = [None] if key.startswith('agg') else self.assets
             losses_poes = numpy.array(  # -> shape (N, 2, C)
                 [lcs['losses'], lcs['poes']]).transpose(1, 0, 2)
             out = scientific.Output(
                 assets, loss_type, rlz.ordinal, rlz.weight,
                 loss_curves=losses_poes, insured_curves=None)
         yield stats.build(outputs)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def setUpClass(cls):
     assets = [
         asset('a1', 101),
         asset('a2', 151),
         asset('a3', 91),
         asset('a4', 81)
     asset_refs = [a.id for a in assets]
     outputs = []
     weights = [0.3, 0.7]
     baselosses = numpy.array([.10, .14, .17, .20, .21])
     for i, w in enumerate(weights):
         lc = loss_curves(assets, baselosses, i)
         out = scientific.Output(asset_refs,
                                 average_losses=[.1, .12, .13, .9],
     cls.builder = scientific.StatsBuilder(
         quantiles=[0.1, 0.9],
         conditional_loss_poes=[0.35, 0.24, 0.13],
     cls.stats = cls.builder.build(outputs)
Exemplo n.º 5
def classical_risk(riskinputs, riskmodel, rlzs_assoc, monitor):
    Compute and return the average losses for each asset.

    :param riskinputs:
        a list of :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` objects
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskModel` instance
    :param rlzs_assoc:
        associations (trt_id, gsim) -> realizations
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.PerformanceMonitor` instance
    lti = riskmodel.lti
    oq = monitor.oqparam
    ins = oq.insured_losses

    result = dict(loss_curves=[], loss_maps=[], stat_curves=[], stat_maps=[])
    for out_by_rlz in riskmodel.gen_outputs(riskinputs, rlzs_assoc, monitor):
        l = lti[out_by_rlz.loss_type]
        values = workflows.get_values(out_by_rlz.loss_type, out_by_rlz.assets)
        for out in out_by_rlz:
            r = out.hid
            for i, asset in enumerate(out.assets):
                aid = asset.idx
                val = values[i]
                avg = out.average_losses[i] * val
                avg_ins = (out.average_insured_losses[i] *
                           val if ins else numpy.nan)
                lcurve = (out.loss_curves[i, 0] * val, out.loss_curves[i,
                                                                       1], avg)
                if ins:
                    lcurve += (out.insured_curves[i, 0] * val,
                               out.insured_curves[i, 1], avg_ins)
                    lcurve += (None, None, None)
                result['loss_curves'].append((l, r, aid, lcurve))

                # no insured, shape (P, N)
                    (l, r, aid, out.loss_maps[:, i] * val))

        # compute statistics
        if len(out_by_rlz) > 1:
            cb = riskmodel.curve_builders[l]
            statsbuilder = scientific.StatsBuilder(
            stats = statsbuilder.build(out_by_rlz)
            stat_curves, stat_maps = statsbuilder.get_curves_maps(stats)
            for asset, stat_curve, stat_map in zip(out_by_rlz.assets,
                                                   stat_curves, stat_maps):
                result['stat_curves'].append((l, asset.idx, stat_curve))
                result['stat_maps'].append((l, asset.idx, stat_map))

    return result
Exemplo n.º 6
def classical_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, rlzs_assoc, monitor):
    Compute and return the average losses for each asset.

    :param riskinput:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param rlzs_assoc:
        associations (trt_id, gsim) -> realizations
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
    oq = monitor.oqparam
    ins = oq.insured_losses
    R = len(rlzs_assoc.realizations)
    result = dict(
        loss_curves=[], loss_maps=[], stat_curves=[], stat_maps=[])
    for out_by_lr in riskmodel.gen_outputs(riskinput, rlzs_assoc, monitor):
        for (l, r), out in sorted(out_by_lr.items()):
            for i, asset in enumerate(out.assets):
                aid = asset.ordinal
                avg = out.average_losses[i]
                avg_ins = (out.average_insured_losses[i]
                           if ins else numpy.nan)
                lcurve = (
                    out.loss_curves[i, 0],
                    out.loss_curves[i, 1], avg)
                if ins:
                    lcurve += (
                        out.insured_curves[i, 0],
                        out.insured_curves[i, 1], avg_ins)
                    lcurve += (None, None, None)
                result['loss_curves'].append((l, r, aid, lcurve))

                # no insured, shape (P, N)
                    (l, r, aid, out.loss_maps[:, i]))

        # compute statistics
        if R > 1:
            for l, lrs in groupby(out_by_lr, operator.itemgetter(0)).items():
                outs = [out_by_lr[lr] for lr in lrs]
                curve_resolution = outs[0].loss_curves.shape[-1]
                statsbuilder = scientific.StatsBuilder(
                    oq.conditional_loss_poes, oq.poes_disagg,
                    curve_resolution, insured_losses=oq.insured_losses)
                stats = statsbuilder.build(outs)
                stat_curves, stat_maps = statsbuilder.get_curves_maps(stats)
                for i, asset in enumerate(out_by_lr.assets):
                        (l, asset.ordinal, stat_curves[:, i]))
                    if len(stat_maps):
                            (l, asset.ordinal, stat_maps[:, i]))

    return result
Exemplo n.º 7
 def statistics(self, all_outputs, quantiles=()):
     :param quantiles:
         quantile levels used to compute quantile outputs
         a :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Output`
         instance holding statistical outputs (e.g. mean loss curves).
     if len(all_outputs) == 1:  # single realization
     stats = scientific.StatsBuilder(quantiles, self.conditional_loss_poes,
     return stats.build(all_outputs)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def statistics(self, all_outputs, quantiles):
         a :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Output`
         instance holding statistical outputs (e.g. mean loss curves).
     :param quantiles:
         quantile levels used to compute quantile outputs
     if len(all_outputs) == 1:  # single realization
     stats = scientific.StatsBuilder(quantiles, self.conditional_loss_poes,
                                     [], scientific.normalize_curves_eb)
     out = stats.build(all_outputs)
     out.event_loss_table = sum((out.event_loss_table
                                 for out in all_outputs),
     return out
Exemplo n.º 9
    def compute_store_stats(self, rlzs, kind):
        Compute and store the statistical outputs
        oq = self.oqparam
        N = (len(self.oqparam.specific_assets)
             if kind == '_specific' else len(self.assetcol))
        Q = 1 + len(oq.quantile_loss_curves)
        C = oq.loss_curve_resolution  # TODO: could be loss_type-dependent

        loss_curve_dt = numpy.dtype([('losses', (float, C)),
                                     ('poes', (float, C)), ('avg', float)])

        if oq.conditional_loss_poes:
            lm_names = _loss_map_names(oq.conditional_loss_poes)
            loss_map_dt = numpy.dtype([(f, float) for f in lm_names])

        loss_curve_stats = numpy.zeros((Q, N), loss_curve_dt)
        ins_curve_stats = numpy.zeros((Q, N), loss_curve_dt)
        if oq.conditional_loss_poes:
            loss_map_stats = numpy.zeros((Q, N), loss_map_dt)

        builder = scientific.StatsBuilder(oq.quantile_loss_curves,
                                          oq.conditional_loss_poes, [],

        build_stats = getattr(self, 'build%s_stats' % kind)
        all_stats = build_stats(builder)
        for stat in all_stats:
            # there is one stat for each loss_type
            curves, ins_curves, maps = scientific.get_stat_curves(stat)
            loss_curve_stats[:] = curves
            if oq.insured_losses:
                ins_curve_stats[:] = ins_curves
            if oq.conditional_loss_poes:
                loss_map_stats[:] = maps

            for i, path in enumerate(stat.paths):
                self._store(path % 'loss_curves', loss_curve_stats[i])
                self._store(path % 'ins_curves', ins_curve_stats[i])
                if oq.conditional_loss_poes:
                    self._store(path % 'loss_maps', loss_map_stats[i])

        stats = scientific.SimpleStats(rlzs, oq.quantile_loss_curves)
        stats.compute_and_store('avg_losses', self.datastore)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def post_execute(self, result):
        Save the event loss table in the datastore.

        :param result:
            the dictionary returned by the .execute method
        logging.info('Generated %s of GMFs', humansize(self.gmfbytes))
        self.datastore.save('job_info', {'gmfbytes': self.gmfbytes})

        if self.oqparam.asset_loss_table:
            asslt = self.datastore['ass_loss_table']
            asslt.attrs['nbytes'] = self.ass_bytes
            for rlz, dset in asslt.items():
                for ds in dset.values():
                    ds.attrs['nonzero_fraction'] = len(ds) / (self.N * self.E)

        agglt = self.datastore['agg_loss_table']
        agglt.attrs['nbytes'] = self.agg_bytes
        for rlz, dset in agglt.items():
            for ds in dset.values():
                ds.attrs['nonzero_fraction'] = len(ds) / self.E

        insured_losses = self.oqparam.insured_losses
        ses_ratio = self.oqparam.ses_ratio
        saved = self.saved
        self.N = N = len(self.assetcol)
        self.R = R = len(self.rlzs_assoc.realizations)
        ltypes = self.riskmodel.loss_types

        self.loss_curve_dt, self.loss_maps_dt = (
                self.oqparam.conditional_loss_poes, self.I))

        self.vals = {}  # asset values by loss_type
        for ltype in ltypes:
            asset_values = []
            for assets in self.assets_by_site:
                for asset in assets:
                        asset.value(ltype, self.oqparam.time_event))
            self.vals[ltype] = numpy.array(asset_values)

        # loss curves
        multi_lr_dt = numpy.dtype([
            (ltype, (F32, cbuilder.curve_resolution))
            for ltype, cbuilder in zip(ltypes, self.riskmodel.curve_builders)
        rcurves = numpy.zeros((N, R, 2), multi_lr_dt)

        # AVGLOSS
        if self.oqparam.avg_losses:
            with self.monitor('building avg_losses-rlzs'):
                for (l, r), avgloss in numpy.ndenumerate(result['AVGLOSS']):
                    lt = self.riskmodel.loss_types[l]
                    avg_losses_lt = self.avg_losses[lt]
                    for i, avalue in enumerate(self.vals[lt]):
                        avg_losses_lt[i, r] = avgloss[i, 0] * avalue
                        if self.oqparam.insured_losses:
                            self.avg_losses[lt + '_ins'][i,
                                                         r] = (avgloss[i, 1] *
                self.datastore['avg_losses-rlzs'] = self.avg_losses
                saved['avg_losses-rlzs'] = self.avg_losses.nbytes

        # RC, IC
        if self.oqparam.loss_ratios:
            with self.monitor('building rcurves-rlzs'):
                for (l, r), data in numpy.ndenumerate(result['RC']):
                    cb = self.riskmodel.curve_builders[l]
                    if data and cb.user_provided:
                        # data is a dict asset idx -> counts
                        lt = self.riskmodel.loss_types[l]
                        poes = cb.build_poes(N, [data], ses_ratio)
                        rcurves[lt][:, r, 0] = poes
                        saved['rcurves-rlzs'] += poes.nbytes
                for (l, r), data in numpy.ndenumerate(result['IC']):
                    cb = self.riskmodel.curve_builders[l]
                    if data and cb.user_provided and insured_losses:
                        # data is a dict asset idx -> counts
                        lt = self.riskmodel.loss_types[l]
                        poes = cb.build_poes(N, [data], ses_ratio)
                        rcurves[lt][:, r, 1] = poes
                        saved['rcurves-rlzs'] += poes.nbytes
                self.datastore['rcurves-rlzs'] = rcurves

        oq = self.oqparam
        builder = scientific.StatsBuilder(oq.quantile_loss_curves,
                                          oq.conditional_loss_poes, [],

        # build an aggregate loss curve per realization plus statistics
        with self.monitor('building agg_curve'):

        for out in sorted(saved):
            nbytes = saved[out]
            if nbytes:
                self.datastore[out].attrs['nbytes'] = nbytes
                logging.info('Saved %s in %s', humansize(nbytes), out)

        if self.oqparam.asset_loss_table:
            pass  # TODO: build specific loss curves

        rlzs = self.rlzs_assoc.realizations
        if self.loss_maps_dt:
            with self.monitor('building loss_maps-rlzs'):
                if (self.oqparam.conditional_loss_poes
                        and 'rcurves-rlzs' in self.datastore):
                    loss_maps = numpy.zeros((N, R), self.loss_maps_dt)
                    rcurves = self.datastore['rcurves-rlzs']
                    for cb in self.riskmodel.curve_builders:
                        if cb.user_provided:
                            lm = loss_maps[cb.loss_type]
                            for r, lmaps in cb.build_loss_maps(
                                    self.assetcol.array, rcurves):
                                lm[:, r] = lmaps
                    self.datastore['loss_maps-rlzs'] = loss_maps

        if len(rlzs) > 1:
            self.Q1 = len(self.oqparam.quantile_loss_curves) + 1
            with self.monitor('computing stats'):
                if 'rcurves-rlzs' in self.datastore:
                    self.compute_store_stats(rlzs, builder)
                if oq.avg_losses:  # stats for avg_losses
                    stats = scientific.SimpleStats(rlzs,
                    stats.compute_and_store('avg_losses', self.datastore)
