Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_dda_iml_above_range(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is higher than the highest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.7). Given this condition, to compute
        # the fractions of buildings we use the highest intensity
        # measure level defined in the model (0.7 in this case)

        ffns = [scientific.FragilityFunctionDiscrete(
            [0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00])] * 2

        self._close_to(scientific.scenario_damage(ffns, [0.7]),
                       scientific.scenario_damage(ffns, [0.8]))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_dda_iml_above_range(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is higher than the highest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.7). Given this condition, to compute
        # the fractions of buildings we use the highest intensity
        # measure level defined in the model (0.7 in this case)

        ffns = [
                'LS1', [0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00]),
                'LS2', [0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00])
        self._close_to(scientific.scenario_damage(ffns, [0.7]),
                       scientific.scenario_damage(ffns, [0.8]))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs_eids, _eps=None):
        :param loss_type: the loss type
        :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmvs_eids: pairs (gmvs, eids), each one with E elements
        :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused
        :returns: N arrays of E x D elements

        where N is the number of points, E the number of events
        and D the number of damage states.
        ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type]
        damages = scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmvs_eids[0])  # shape (D, E)
        return [damages.T] * len(assets)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_dda_iml_below_range_damage_limit_defined(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is lower than the lowest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.1) and lower than the no_damage_limit
        # attribute defined in the model. Given this condition, the
        # fractions of buildings is 100% no_damage and 0% for the
        # remaining limit states defined in the model.

        ffns = [scientific.FragilityFunctionDiscrete(
            [0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00], 0.5)] * 2
        self._close_to([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
                       scientific.scenario_damage(ffns, [0.02]))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def scenario_damage(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs, eids=None, eps=None):
        :param loss_type: the loss type
        :param assets: a list of A assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmvs: an array of E ground motion values
        :param eids: an array of E event IDs
        :param eps: dummy parameter, unused
        :returns: an array of shape (A, E, D) elements

        where N is the number of points, E the number of events
        and D the number of damage states.
        ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type, 'fragility']
        damages = scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmvs).T
        return numpy.array([damages] * len(assets))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def scenario_damage(self, loss_type, assets, gmf_df, col, rng=None):
        :param loss_type: the loss type
        :param assets: a list of A assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmf_df: a DataFrame of GMFs
        :param epsilons: dummy parameter, unused
        :returns: an array of shape (A, E, D) elements

        where N is the number of points, E the number of events
        and D the number of damage states.
        gmvs = gmf_df[col].to_numpy()
        ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type, 'fragility']
        damages = scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmvs).T
        return numpy.array([damages] * len(assets))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmfs, _epsilons=None, _tags=None):
        :param loss_type: the loss type
        :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmfs: an array of N x E elements
        :returns: an array of N assets and an array of N x E x D elements

        where N is the number of points, E the number of events
        and D the number of damage states.
        ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type]
        damages = numpy.array(
            [[scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmv) for gmv in gmvs]
             for gmvs in gmfs])
        return scientific.Output(assets, loss_type, damages=damages)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmfs, _epsilons=None):
        :param loss_type: the string 'damage'
        :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmfs: an array of N x R elements
        :returns: an array of N assets and an array of N x R x D elements

        where N is the number of points, R the number of realizations
        and D the number of damage states.
        ffs = self.risk_functions['damage']
        damages = numpy.array(
            [[scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmv) for gmv in gmvs]
             for gmvs in gmfs])
        return assets, damages
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmfs, _epsilons=None, _tags=None):
        :param loss_type: the loss type
        :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmfs: an array of N x E elements
        :returns: an array of N assets and an array of N x E x D elements

        where N is the number of points, E the number of events
        and D the number of damage states.
        ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type]
        damages = numpy.array(
            [[scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmv) for gmv in gmvs]
             for gmvs in gmfs])
        return scientific.Output(assets, loss_type, damages=damages)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs, _eps=None):
        :param loss_type: the loss type
        :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmvs: an array of E elements
        :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused
        :returns: an array of N assets and an array of N x E x D elements

        where N is the number of points, E the number of events
        and D the number of damage states.
        n = len(assets)
        ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type]
        damages = numpy.array(
            [scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmv) for gmv in gmvs])
        return scientific.Output(assets, loss_type, damages=[damages] * n)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs, _eps=None):
        :param loss_type: the loss type
        :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmvs: an array of E elements
        :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused
        :returns: an array of N assets and an array of N x E x D elements

        where N is the number of points, E the number of events
        and D the number of damage states.
        n = len(assets)
        ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type]
        damages = numpy.array(
            [scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmv) for gmv in gmvs])
        return scientific.Output(assets, loss_type, damages=[damages] * n)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_gmv_between_no_damage_limit_and_first_iml(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is lower than the lowest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.1) but bigger than the no_damage_limit
        # attribute defined in the model. Given this condition, the
        # fractions of buildings is 97.5% no_damage and 2.5% for the
        # remaining limit states defined in the model.

        ffs = [
                [0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00], 0.05),
                [0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0, 0.00, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50], 0.05)]

        self._close_to([[0.975, 0.025, 0.]],
                       scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, [0.075]))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_gmv_between_no_damage_limit_and_first_iml(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is lower than the lowest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.1) but bigger than the no_damage_limit
        # attribute defined in the model. Given this condition, the
        # fractions of buildings is 97.5% no_damage and 2.5% for the
        # remaining limit states defined in the model.

        ffs = [
                'LS1', [0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7],
                [0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00], 0.05),
                'LS2', [0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7],
                [0, 0.00, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50], 0.05)]
        self._close_to([0.975, 0.025, 0],
                       scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, 0.075))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_dda_iml_below_range_damage_limit_defined(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is lower than the lowest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.1) and lower than the no_damage_limit
        # attribute defined in the model. Given this condition, the
        # fractions of buildings is 100% no_damage and 0% for the
        # remaining limit states defined in the model.

        ffns = [
                'LS1', [0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7],
                [0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00], 0.5),
                'LS2', [0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7],
                [0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00], 0.5),
        self._close_to([[1.0], [0.0], [0.0]],
                       scientific.scenario_damage(ffns, [0.02]))
Exemplo n.º 15
    def scenario_damage(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs, eids=None, eps=None):
        :param loss_type: the loss type
        :param assets: a list of A assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmvs_eids: pairs (gmvs, eids), each one with E elements
        :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused
        :returns: an array of shape (A, E, D + 1) elements

        where N is the number of points, E the number of events
        and D the number of damage states.
        ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type, 'fragility']
        damages = scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmvs).T
        E, D = damages.shape
        dmg_csq = numpy.zeros((E, D + 1))
        dmg_csq[:, :D] = damages
        c_model = self.risk_functions.get((loss_type, 'consequence'))
        if c_model:  # compute consequences
            means = [0] + [par[0] for par in c_model.params]
            # NB: we add a 0 in front for nodamage state
            dmg_csq[:, D] = damages @ means  # consequence ratio
        return numpy.array([dmg_csq] * len(assets))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def scenario_damage(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs, eids=None, eps=None):
        :param loss_type: the loss type
        :param assets: a list of A assets of the same taxonomy
        :param gmvs_eids: pairs (gmvs, eids), each one with E elements
        :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused
        :returns: an array of shape (A, E, D + 1) elements

        where N is the number of points, E the number of events
        and D the number of damage states.
        ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type, 'fragility']
        damages = scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmvs).T
        E, D = damages.shape
        dmg_csq = numpy.zeros((E, D + 1))
        dmg_csq[:, :D] = damages
        c_model = self.risk_functions.get((loss_type, 'consequence'))
        if c_model:  # compute consequences
            means = [0] + [par[0] for par in c_model.params]
            # NB: we add a 0 in front for nodamage state
            dmg_csq[:, D] = damages @ means  # consequence ratio
        return numpy.array([dmg_csq] * len(assets))