Exemplo n.º 1
def resect(
    data: DataSetBase,
    tracks_manager: pymap.TracksManager,
    reconstruction: types.Reconstruction,
    shot_id: str,
    threshold: float,
    min_inliers: int,
) -> Tuple[bool, Set[str], Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Try resecting and adding a shot to the reconstruction.

        True on success.

    rig_assignments = data.load_rig_assignments_per_image()
    camera = reconstruction.cameras[data.load_exif(shot_id)["camera"]]

    bs, Xs, ids = [], [], []
    for track, obs in tracks_manager.get_shot_observations(shot_id).items():
        if track in reconstruction.points:
            b = camera.pixel_bearing(obs.point)
    bs = np.array(bs)
    Xs = np.array(Xs)
    if len(bs) < 5:
        return False, set(), {"num_common_points": len(bs)}

    T = multiview.absolute_pose_ransac(bs, Xs, threshold, 1000, 0.999)

    R = T[:, :3]
    t = T[:, 3]

    reprojected_bs = R.T.dot((Xs - t).T).T
    reprojected_bs /= np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    inliers = np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs - bs, axis=1) < threshold
    ninliers = int(sum(inliers))

    logger.info("{} resection inliers: {} / {}".format(shot_id, ninliers,
    report = {
        "num_common_points": len(bs),
        "num_inliers": ninliers,
    if ninliers >= min_inliers:
        R = T[:, :3].T
        t = -R.dot(T[:, 3])
        assert shot_id not in reconstruction.shots

        new_shots = add_shot(data, reconstruction, rig_assignments, shot_id,
                             pygeometry.Pose(R, t))

        if shot_id in rig_assignments:
            triangulate_shot_features(tracks_manager, reconstruction,
                                      new_shots, data.config)
        for i, succeed in enumerate(inliers):
            if succeed:
                                                  reconstruction, shot_id,
        # pyre-fixme [6]: Expected `int` for 2nd positional
        report["shots"] = list(new_shots)
        return True, new_shots, report
        return False, set(), report
Exemplo n.º 2
def bootstrap_reconstruction(
    data: DataSetBase,
    tracks_manager: pymap.TracksManager,
    im1: str,
    im2: str,
    p1: np.ndarray,
    p2: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[Optional[types.Reconstruction], Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Start a reconstruction using two shots."""
    logger.info("Starting reconstruction with {} and {}".format(im1, im2))
    report: Dict[str, Any] = {
        "image_pair": (im1, im2),
        "common_tracks": len(p1),

    camera_priors = data.load_camera_models()
    camera1 = camera_priors[data.load_exif(im1)["camera"]]
    camera2 = camera_priors[data.load_exif(im2)["camera"]]

    threshold = data.config["five_point_algo_threshold"]
    min_inliers = data.config["five_point_algo_min_inliers"]
    iterations = data.config["five_point_refine_rec_iterations"]
    R, t, inliers, report[
        "two_view_reconstruction"] = two_view_reconstruction_general(
            p1, p2, camera1, camera2, threshold, iterations)

    logger.info("Two-view reconstruction inliers: {} / {}".format(
        len(inliers), len(p1)))
    if len(inliers) <= 5:
        report["decision"] = "Could not find initial motion"
        return None, report

    rig_camera_priors = data.load_rig_cameras()
    rig_assignments = data.load_rig_assignments_per_image()

    reconstruction = types.Reconstruction()
    reconstruction.reference = data.load_reference()
    reconstruction.cameras = camera_priors
    reconstruction.rig_cameras = rig_camera_priors

    new_shots = add_shot(data, reconstruction, rig_assignments, im1,

    if im2 not in new_shots:
        new_shots |= add_shot(data, reconstruction, rig_assignments, im2,
                              pygeometry.Pose(R, t))

    align_reconstruction(reconstruction, None, data.config)
    triangulate_shot_features(tracks_manager, reconstruction, new_shots,

    logger.info("Triangulated: {}".format(len(reconstruction.points)))
    report["triangulated_points"] = len(reconstruction.points)
    if len(reconstruction.points) < min_inliers:
        report["decision"] = "Initial motion did not generate enough points"
        return None, report

    to_adjust = {s for s in new_shots if s != im1}
    bundle_shot_poses(reconstruction, to_adjust, camera_priors,
                      rig_camera_priors, data.config)

    retriangulate(tracks_manager, reconstruction, data.config)
    if len(reconstruction.points) < min_inliers:
            "decision"] = "Re-triangulation after initial motion did not generate enough points"
        return None, report

    bundle_shot_poses(reconstruction, to_adjust, camera_priors,
                      rig_camera_priors, data.config)

    report["decision"] = "Success"
    report["memory_usage"] = current_memory_usage()
    return reconstruction, report