Exemplo n.º 1
def bootstrap_reconstruction(data, graph, im1, im2, p1, p2):
    """Start a reconstruction using two shots."""
    logger.info("Starting reconstruction with {} and {}".format(im1, im2))
    report = {
        'image_pair': (im1, im2),
        'common_tracks': len(p1),

    cameras = data.load_camera_models()
    camera1 = cameras[data.load_exif(im1)['camera']]
    camera2 = cameras[data.load_exif(im2)['camera']]

    threshold = data.config['five_point_algo_threshold']
    min_inliers = data.config['five_point_algo_min_inliers']
    R, t, inliers, report['two_view_reconstruction'] = \
        two_view_reconstruction_general(p1, p2, camera1, camera2, threshold)

    logger.info("Two-view reconstruction inliers: {} / {}".format(
        len(inliers), len(p1)))

    if len(inliers) <= 5:
        report['decision'] = "Could not find initial motion"
        return None, report

    reconstruction = types.Reconstruction()
    reconstruction.reference = data.load_reference()
    reconstruction.cameras = cameras

    shot1 = types.Shot()
    shot1.id = im1
    shot1.camera = camera1
    shot1.pose = types.Pose()
    shot1.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, im1)

    shot2 = types.Shot()
    shot2.id = im2
    shot2.camera = camera2
    shot2.pose = types.Pose(R, t)
    shot2.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, im2)

    triangulate_shot_features(graph, reconstruction, im1, data.config)

    logger.info("Triangulated: {}".format(len(reconstruction.points)))
    report['triangulated_points'] = len(reconstruction.points)

    if len(reconstruction.points) < min_inliers:
        report['decision'] = "Initial motion did not generate enough points"
        return None, report

    bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, im2, data.config)
    retriangulate(graph, reconstruction, data.config)
    bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, im2, data.config)

    report['decision'] = 'Success'
    report['memory_usage'] = current_memory_usage()
    return reconstruction, report
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_reconstruction_class_initialization():

    # Instantiate Reconstruction
    reconstruction = types.Reconstruction()

    # Instantiate camera instrinsics
    camera = types.PerspectiveCamera()
    camera.id = 'apple iphone 4s back camera 4.28mm f/2.4'
    camera.focal = 0.9722222222222222
    camera.k1 = 0.006094395128698237
    camera.k2 = -0.0004952058188617129
    camera.height = 2448
    camera.width = 3264

    # Instantiate GPS data
    metadata = types.ShotMetadata()
    metadata.orientation = 1
    metadata.capture_time = 0.0
    metadata.gps_dop = 5.0
    metadata.gps_position = [
        1.0815875281451939, -0.96510451436708888, 1.2042133903991235

    # Instantiate shots
    pose0 = types.Pose()
    pose0.rotation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    pose0.translation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    shot0 = types.Shot()
    shot0.id = 0
    shot0.camera = camera
    shot0.pose = pose0
    shot0.metadata = metadata

    pose1 = types.Pose()
    pose1.rotation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    pose1.translation = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    shot1 = types.Shot()
    shot1.id = 1
    shot1.camera = camera
    shot1.pose = pose1
    shot1.metadata = metadata

    # Add info to current reconstruction

    # TEST
    assert len(reconstruction.cameras) == 1
    assert len(reconstruction.shots) == 2
    assert len(reconstruction.points) == 0
    assert reconstruction.get_camera(camera.id) == camera
    assert reconstruction.get_camera(1) is None
    assert reconstruction.get_shot(shot0.id) == shot0
    assert reconstruction.get_shot(shot1.id) == shot1
    assert reconstruction.get_shot(2) is None
Exemplo n.º 3
def bootstrap_reconstruction(data, graph, im1, im2):
    '''Starts a reconstruction using two shots.
    print 'Initial reconstruction with', im1, 'and', im2
    d1 = data.load_exif(im1)
    d2 = data.load_exif(im2)
    cameras = data.load_camera_models()
    camera1 = cameras[d1['camera']]
    camera2 = cameras[d2['camera']]

    tracks, p1, p2 = matching.common_tracks(graph, im1, im2)
    print 'Number of common tracks', len(tracks)

    threshold = data.config.get('five_point_algo_threshold', 0.006)
    R, t, inliers = two_view_reconstruction(p1, p2, camera1, camera2,
    if len(inliers) > 5:
        print 'Number of inliers', len(inliers)
        reconstruction = types.Reconstruction()
        reconstruction.cameras = cameras

        shot1 = types.Shot()
        shot1.id = im1
        shot1.camera = cameras[str(d1['camera'])]
        shot1.pose = types.Pose()
        shot1.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, im1)

        shot2 = types.Shot()
        shot2.id = im2
        shot2.camera = cameras[str(d2['camera'])]
        shot2.pose = types.Pose()
        shot2.pose.rotation = R
        shot2.pose.translation = t
        shot2.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, im2)

            graph, reconstruction, im1,
            data.config.get('triangulation_threshold', 0.004),
            data.config.get('triangulation_min_ray_angle', 2.0))
        print 'Number of reconstructed 3D points :{}'.format(
        if len(reconstruction.points) > data.config.get(
                'five_point_algo_min_inliers', 50):
            print 'Found initialize good pair', im1, 'and', im2
            bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, im2, data.config)
            retriangulate(graph, reconstruction, data.config)
            bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, im2, data.config)
            return reconstruction

    print 'Pair', im1, ':', im2, 'fails'
    return None
Exemplo n.º 4
def bootstrap_reconstruction(data, graph, im1, im2, p1, p2, my_init=False):
    """Start a reconstruction using two shots."""
    logger.info("Starting reconstruction with {} and {}".format(im1, im2))
    d1 = data.load_exif(im1)
    d2 = data.load_exif(im2)
    cameras = data.load_camera_models()
    camera1 = cameras[d1['camera']]
    camera2 = cameras[d2['camera']]

    logger.info("Common tracks: {}".format(len(p1)))

    # thresh = data.config.get('five_point_algo_threshold', 0.006)
    thresh = data.config.get('five_point_algo_threshold', 0.1)
    min_inliers = data.config.get('five_point_algo_min_inliers', 50)

    if (not my_init):
        R, t, inliers = two_view_reconstruction(p1, p2, camera1, camera2,
        R, t, inliers = two_view_reconstruction_my(p1, p2, thresh)

    if len(inliers) > 5:
        logger.info("Two-view reconstruction inliers {}".format(len(inliers)))
        reconstruction = types.Reconstruction()
        reconstruction.cameras = cameras

        shot1 = types.Shot()
        shot1.id = im1
        shot1.camera = cameras[str(d1['camera'])]
        shot1.pose = types.Pose()
        shot1.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, im1)

        shot2 = types.Shot()
        shot2.id = im2
        shot2.camera = cameras[str(d2['camera'])]
        shot2.pose = types.Pose(R, t)
        shot2.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, im2)

            graph, reconstruction, im1,
            data.config.get('triangulation_threshold', 0.004),
            data.config.get('triangulation_min_ray_angle', 2.0))
        logger.info("Triangulated: {}".format(len(reconstruction.points)))
        if len(reconstruction.points) > min_inliers:
            bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, im2, data.config)
            retriangulate(graph, reconstruction, data.config)
            bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, im2, data.config)
            return reconstruction

    logger.info("Starting reconstruction with {} and {} failed")
Exemplo n.º 5
def bootstrap_reconstruction(data, graph, im1, im2, p1, p2):
    """Start a reconstruction using two shots."""
    logger.info("Starting reconstruction with {} and {}".format(im1, im2))
    d1 = data.load_exif(im1)
    d2 = data.load_exif(im2)
    cameras = data.load_camera_models()
    camera1 = cameras[d1['camera']]
    camera2 = cameras[d2['camera']]

    logger.info("Common tracks: {}".format(len(p1)))

    thresh = data.config.get('five_point_algo_threshold', 0.006)
    min_inliers = data.config.get('five_point_algo_min_inliers', 50)
    # TODO: why we are using five point methods? there is still possibility that
    # TODO: input calibration from visualSFM
    # the camera info is not complete, the estimated camera models are 0.0 default.
    R, t, inliers = two_view_reconstruction(p1, p2, camera1, camera2, thresh)
    if len(inliers) > 5:
        logger.info("Two-view reconstruction inliers {}".format(len(inliers)))
        reconstruction = types.Reconstruction()
        reconstruction.cameras = cameras

        shot1 = types.Shot()
        shot1.id = im1
        shot1.camera = cameras[str(d1['camera'])]
        shot1.pose = types.Pose()
        shot1.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, im1)

        shot2 = types.Shot()
        shot2.id = im2
        shot2.camera = cameras[str(d2['camera'])]
        shot2.pose = types.Pose(R, t)
        shot2.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, im2)

        # triangulate the remaining keypoints (that is not included in two_view_reconstruction) in im1
            graph, reconstruction, im1,
            data.config.get('triangulation_threshold', 0.004),
            data.config.get('triangulation_min_ray_angle', 2.0))
        logger.info("Triangulated: {}".format(len(reconstruction.points)))
        if len(reconstruction.points) > min_inliers:
            # only bundle the second image
            bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, im2, data.config)
            # retriangulate all points in all images
            retriangulate(graph, reconstruction, data.config)
            # refine the second image again
            bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, im2, data.config)
            return reconstruction

    logger.info("Starting reconstruction with {} and {} failed")
Exemplo n.º 6
def perspective_views_of_a_panorama(spherical_shot, width):
    """Create 6 perspective views of a panorama."""
    camera = types.PerspectiveCamera()
    camera.id = 'perspective_panorama_camera'
    camera.width = width
    camera.height = width
    camera.focal = 0.5
    camera.k1 = camera.k2 = 0.0

    names = ['front', 'left', 'back', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']
    rotations = [
        tf.rotation_matrix(-0 * np.pi / 2, (0, 1, 0)),
        tf.rotation_matrix(-1 * np.pi / 2, (0, 1, 0)),
        tf.rotation_matrix(-2 * np.pi / 2, (0, 1, 0)),
        tf.rotation_matrix(-3 * np.pi / 2, (0, 1, 0)),
        tf.rotation_matrix(-np.pi / 2, (1, 0, 0)),
        tf.rotation_matrix(+np.pi / 2, (1, 0, 0)),
    shots = []
    for name, rotation in zip(names, rotations):
        shot = types.Shot()
        shot.id = '{}_perspective_view_{}'.format(spherical_shot.id, name)
        shot.camera = camera
        R = np.dot(rotation[:3, :3], spherical_shot.pose.get_rotation_matrix())
        o = spherical_shot.pose.get_origin()
        shot.pose = types.Pose()
    return shots
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_bundle_alignment_prior():
    """Test that cameras are aligned to have the Y axis pointing down."""
    camera = pygeometry.Camera.create_perspective(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    camera.id = 'camera1'

    shot = types.Shot()
    shot.id = '1'
    shot.camera = camera
    shot.pose = types.Pose(np.random.rand(3), np.random.rand(3))
    shot.metadata = types.ShotMetadata()
    shot.metadata.gps_position = [0, 0, 0]
    shot.metadata.gps_dop = 1

    r = types.Reconstruction()
    graph = nx.Graph()
    camera_priors = {camera.id: camera}
    gcp = []
    myconfig = config.default_config()

    reconstruction.bundle(graph, r, camera_priors, gcp, myconfig)

    assert np.allclose(shot.pose.translation, np.zeros(3))
    # up vector in camera coordinates is (0, -1, 0)
    assert np.allclose(shot.pose.transform([0, 0, 1]), [0, -1, 0])
Exemplo n.º 8
def shot_from_json(key, obj, cameras):
    Read shot from a json object
    pose = types.Pose()
    pose.rotation = obj["rotation"]
    if "translation" in obj:
        pose.translation = obj["translation"]

    metadata = types.ShotMetadata()
    metadata.orientation = obj.get("orientation")
    metadata.capture_time = obj.get("capture_time")
    metadata.gps_dop = obj.get("gps_dop")
    metadata.gps_position = obj.get("gps_position")

    shot = types.Shot()
    shot.id = key
    shot.metadata = metadata
    shot.pose = pose
    shot.camera = cameras.get(obj["camera"])

    if 'scale' in obj:
        shot.scale = obj['scale']
    if 'covariance' in obj:
        shot.covariance = np.array(obj['covariance'])
    if 'merge_cc' in obj:
        shot.merge_cc = obj['merge_cc']
    if 'vertices' in obj and 'faces' in obj:
        shot.mesh = types.ShotMesh()
        shot.mesh.vertices = obj['vertices']
        shot.mesh.faces = obj['faces']

    return shot
Exemplo n.º 9
def resect(data, graph, reconstruction, shot_id):
    """Try resecting and adding a shot to the reconstruction.

        True on success.
    exif = data.load_exif(shot_id)
    camera = reconstruction.cameras[exif['camera']]

    # 1. collect all tracks that is in the reconstruction and this image
    # pixel bearing and reconstructed 3D positions
    bs = []
    Xs = []
    for track in graph[shot_id]:
        if track in reconstruction.points:
            x = graph[track][shot_id]['feature']
            b = camera.pixel_bearing(x)
    bs = np.array(bs)
    Xs = np.array(Xs)
    if len(bs) < 5:
        return False

    # 2. estimate the pose of this camera using KNEIP method
    threshold = data.config.get('resection_threshold', 0.004)
    T = pyopengv.absolute_pose_ransac(
        bs, Xs, "KNEIP", 1 - np.cos(threshold), 1000)

    R = T[:, :3]
    t = T[:, 3]

    # 3. reproject all points and figure out which is inliers
    reprojected_bs = R.T.dot((Xs - t).T).T
    reprojected_bs /= np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    inliers = np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs - bs, axis=1) < threshold
    ninliers = sum(inliers)

    # 4. output resecting inliners
    logger.info("{} resection inliers: {} / {}".format(
        shot_id, ninliers, len(bs)))
    if ninliers >= data.config.get('resection_min_inliers', 15):
        # 5. if inliers are enough, then add this shot to the reconstruction
        R = T[:, :3].T
        t = -R.dot(T[:, 3])
        shot = types.Shot()
        shot.id = shot_id
        shot.camera = camera
        shot.pose = types.Pose()
        shot.pose.translation = t
        shot.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, shot_id)

        # 6. and do single view bundle adjustment
        bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, shot_id, data.config)
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_shot_project_back_project():
    pixels = np.array([[0.1, 0.2], [-0.1, 0.2]], dtype=float)
    depths = np.array([1, 2], dtype=float)
    pose = types.Pose([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
    cameras = [
    if context.OPENCV3:

    shot = types.Shot()
    shot.pose = pose
    for pair in cameras:
        for cam in pair:
            shot.camera = cam
            bp_single = [
                shot.back_project(p, d) for p, d in zip(pixels, depths)
            bp_many = shot.back_project_many(pixels, depths)
            assert np.allclose(bp_single, bp_many), cam.projection_type

            px_single = [shot.project(p) for p in bp_single]
            px_many = shot.project_many(bp_many)

            assert np.allclose(pixels, px_single), cam.projection_type
            assert np.allclose(pixels, px_many), cam.projection_type
Exemplo n.º 11
def build_reconstruction(opensfm_path, log_file, trans_file, dataset_path):
    if not opensfm_path in sys.path:
        sys.path.insert(1, opensfm_path)

    from opensfm import dataset, matching, reconstruction, types, io
    from opensfm.reconstruction import TrackTriangulator
    from opensfm import log
    global types

    T = parse_log_file(log_file)
    T_g = parse_trans_file(trans_file)
    pose_g = types.Pose()
    pose_g.set_rotation_matrix(np.matrix(T_g[0:3, 0:3]))
    pose_g.set_rotation_matrix(np.matrix(T_g[0:3, 0:3]).T)
    pose_g.set_origin(T_g[0:3, 3])

    recon = types.Reconstruction()
    camera = build_camera()

    for i, transformation in enumerate(T):
        pose = types.Pose()

        pose.set_rotation_matrix(np.matrix(transformation[0:3, 0:3]))

        pose.set_rotation_matrix(np.matrix(transformation[0:3, 0:3]).T)
        pose.set_origin(transformation[0:3, 3])
        pose = pose.compose(pose_g)

        shot = types.Shot()
        shot.camera = camera
        shot.pose = pose
        shot.id = '{}.jpg'.format(str(i + 1).zfill(6))

        sm = types.ShotMetadata()
        sm.orientation = 1
        sm.gps_position = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        sm.gps_dop = 999999.0
        shot.metadata = sm

        # add shot to reconstruction

    data = dataset.DataSet(dataset_path)
    data.save_reconstruction([recon], 'reconstruction_gt.json')
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_pose_properties():
    """Test pose constructor, getters and setters."""
    p = types.Pose([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
    assert np.allclose(p.rotation, [1, 2, 3])
    assert type(p.rotation) == np.ndarray
    assert p.rotation.dtype == float
    assert np.allclose(p.translation, [4, 5, 6])
    assert type(p.translation) == np.ndarray
    assert p.translation.dtype == float
Exemplo n.º 13
def resect(data, graph, reconstruction, shot_id):
    """Try resecting and adding a shot to the reconstruction.

        True on success.
    exif = data.load_exif(shot_id)
    camera = reconstruction.cameras[exif['camera']]

    bs = []
    Xs = []
    for track in graph[shot_id]:
        if track in reconstruction.points:
            x = graph[track][shot_id]['feature']
            b = camera.pixel_bearing(x)
    bs = np.array(bs)
    Xs = np.array(Xs)
    if len(bs) < 5:
        return False, {'num_common_points': len(bs)}

    threshold = data.config['resection_threshold']
    T = run_absolute_pose_ransac(bs, Xs, "KNEIP", 1 - np.cos(threshold), 1000,

    R = T[:, :3]
    t = T[:, 3]

    reprojected_bs = R.T.dot((Xs - t).T).T
    reprojected_bs /= np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    inliers = np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs - bs, axis=1) < threshold
    ninliers = int(sum(inliers))

    logger.info("{} resection inliers: {} / {}".format(shot_id, ninliers,
    report = {
        'num_common_points': len(bs),
        'num_inliers': ninliers,
    if ninliers >= data.config['resection_min_inliers']:
        R = T[:, :3].T
        t = -R.dot(T[:, 3])
        shot = types.Shot()
        shot.id = shot_id
        shot.camera = camera
        shot.pose = types.Pose()
        shot.pose.translation = t
        shot.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, shot_id)
        bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, shot_id, data.config)
        return True, report
        return False, report
Exemplo n.º 14
def resect(graph, graph_inliers, reconstruction, shot_id,
           camera, metadata, threshold, min_inliers):
    """Try resecting and adding a shot to the reconstruction.

        True on success.

    bs, Xs, ids = [], [], []
    for track in graph[shot_id]:
        if track in reconstruction.points:
            x = graph[track][shot_id]['feature']
            b = camera.pixel_bearing(x)
    bs = np.array(bs)
    Xs = np.array(Xs)
    if len(bs) < 5:
        return False, {'num_common_points': len(bs)}

    T = multiview.absolute_pose_ransac(
        bs, Xs, b"KNEIP", 1 - np.cos(threshold), 1000, 0.999)

    R = T[:, :3]
    t = T[:, 3]

    reprojected_bs = R.T.dot((Xs - t).T).T
    reprojected_bs /= np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    inliers = np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs - bs, axis=1) < threshold
    ninliers = int(sum(inliers))

    logger.info("{} resection inliers: {} / {}".format(
        shot_id, ninliers, len(bs)))
    report = {
        'num_common_points': len(bs),
        'num_inliers': ninliers,
    if ninliers >= min_inliers:
        R = T[:, :3].T
        t = -R.dot(T[:, 3])
        shot = types.Shot()
        shot.id = shot_id
        shot.camera = camera
        shot.pose = types.Pose()
        shot.pose.translation = t
        shot.metadata = metadata
        for i, succeed in enumerate(inliers):
            if succeed:
                copy_graph_data(graph, graph_inliers, shot_id, ids[i])
        return True, report
        return False, report
Exemplo n.º 15
def add_shots_to_reconstruction(positions, rotations, camera, reconstruction):
    shift = len(reconstruction.shots)
    for i, item in enumerate(zip(positions, rotations)):
        shot = types.Shot()
        shot.id = 'shot' + str(shift + i)
        shot.camera = camera
        shot.pose = types.Pose()
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_camera_poses(file_path):
    filename = file_path + 'undistorted/reconstruction.json'
    camera_poses = {}
    with open(filename) as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)
        data = data[0]
        for shot in data['shots'].keys():
            img_data = data['shots'][shot]
            cam_pose = types.Pose(img_data['rotation'],
            g = cam_pose.get_Rt()
            camera_poses[shot] = np.vstack((g, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])))
    return camera_poses
Exemplo n.º 17
def reconstruction_from_nvm(data_path, nvm_file, reconstruction_file=None):
    if not nvm_file or not os.path.isfile(nvm_file):
        logger.info('\tNo NVM file found!')
        return None

    with open(nvm_file, 'r') as fin:
        lines = fin.readlines()

        # initialization
        reconstruction = types.Reconstruction()
        camera = types.PerspectiveCamera()
        camera.id = 'dummy_camera'
        camera.width = 640
        camera.height = 480
        camera.focal = 0.85

        for d,datum in enumerate(lines):
            # Header
            # NVM_V3
            if d < 2: # Skip header

            if d == 2:
                num_cameras = int(datum)

            # Actual camera information
            # 000001.jpg 1156.19 0.530173 0.000750277 0.846232 -0.0529769 3.23925 0.140912 0.566615 0.0318637 0
            # <File name> <focal length> <quaternion WXYZ> <camera center> <radial distortion> 0
            shot_key, focal, qw, qx, qy, qz, ox, oy, oz, radial_distortion, _ = datum.split()
            q = Quaternion(np.array([float(qw), float(qx), float(qy), float(qz)]))

            shot = types.Shot()
            shot.id = shot_key
            shot.camera = camera
            shot.pose = types.Pose()
            shot.pose.set_origin([float(ox), float(oy), float(oz)])

            if d ==  num_cameras + 2:

    # save reconstruction
    if reconstruction_file is not None:
        with open(reconstruction_file, 'wb') as fout:
            obj = reconstructions_to_json([reconstruction])
            json_dump(obj, fout)
    return reconstruction
def build_reconstruction(opensfm_path, log_file, dataset_path):
    if not opensfm_path in sys.path:
        sys.path.insert(1, opensfm_path)

    from opensfm import dataset, matching, reconstruction, types, io
    from opensfm.reconstruction import TrackTriangulator
    # from opensfm import learners
    from opensfm import log
    global types

    Rs, ts, subsampled_images, timestamps = parse_log_file(log_file,
    generate_dataset(dataset_path, subsampled_images)

    recon = types.Reconstruction()
    camera = build_camera()

    for i, rotation in enumerate(Rs):
        pose = types.Pose()
        # pose.rotation = Rs[i]
        # pose.set_rotation_matrix(pose.get_rotation_matrix().T)
        # pose.set_rotation_matrix(-pose.get_rotation_matrix())
        # pose.translation = 20.0 * pose.translation
        # pose.set_rotation_matrix(np.random.rand(3,3))
        # pose.set_rotation_matrix(pose.get_rotation_matrix().T)
        # pose.set_origin(np.array(ts[i]))
        # pose.translation = np.array(ts[i])
        # pose.translation = ts[i]
        # pose.translation = 20.0 * pose.translation

        shot = types.Shot()
        shot.camera = camera
        shot.pose = pose
        shot.id = '{}.png'.format(timestamps[i])

        sm = types.ShotMetadata()
        sm.orientation = 1
        sm.gps_position = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        sm.gps_dop = 999999.0
        shot.metadata = sm

        # add shot to reconstruction

    data = dataset.DataSet(dataset_path)
    data.save_reconstruction([recon], 'reconstruction_gt.json')
Exemplo n.º 19
def resect(data, graph, reconstruction, shot_id):
    '''Add a shot to the reconstruction.
    exif = data.load_exif(shot_id)
    camera = reconstruction.cameras[exif['camera']]

    bs = []
    Xs = []
    for track in graph[shot_id]:
        if track in reconstruction.points:
            x = graph[track][shot_id]['feature']
            b = camera.pixel_bearing(x)
    bs = np.array(bs)
    Xs = np.array(Xs)
    if len(bs) < 5:
        return False

    threshold = data.config.get('resection_threshold', 0.004)
    T = pyopengv.absolute_pose_ransac(bs, Xs, "KNEIP", 1 - np.cos(threshold),

    R = T[:, :3]
    t = T[:, 3]

    reprojected_bs = R.T.dot((Xs - t).T).T
    reprojected_bs /= np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    inliers = np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs - bs, axis=1) < threshold
    ninliers = sum(inliers)

    print 'Resection', shot_id, 'inliers:', ninliers, '/', len(bs)
    if ninliers >= data.config.get('resection_min_inliers', 15):
        R = T[:, :3].T
        t = -R.dot(T[:, 3])
        shot = types.Shot()
        shot.id = shot_id
        shot.camera = camera
        shot.pose = types.Pose()
        shot.pose.translation = t
        shot.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, shot_id)
        bundle_single_view(graph, reconstruction, shot_id, data.config)
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_sigleton_pan_tilt_roll():
    """Single camera test with pan, tilt, roll priors."""
    pan, tilt, roll = 1, 0.3, 0.2
    sa = pybundle.BundleAdjuster()
    sa.add_shot('1', 'cam1', [0.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], False)
    sa.add_absolute_position('1', [1, 0, 0], 1, '1')
    sa.add_absolute_pan('1', pan, 1)
    sa.add_absolute_tilt('1', tilt, 1)
    sa.add_absolute_roll('1', roll, 1)

    s1 = sa.get_shot('1')
    pose = types.Pose(s1.r, s1.t)

    assert np.allclose(pose.get_origin(), [1, 0, 0], atol=1e-6)

    ptr = geometry.ptr_from_rotation(pose.get_rotation_matrix())
    assert np.allclose(ptr, (pan, tilt, roll))
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_depthmap_to_ply():
    height, width = 2, 3

    camera = pygeometry.Camera.create_perspective(0.8, 0.0, 0.0)
    camera.id = 'cam1'
    camera.height = height
    camera.width = width

    shot = types.Shot()
    shot.id = 'shot1'
    shot.camera = camera
    shot.pose = types.Pose([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    image = np.zeros((height, width, 3))
    depth = np.ones((height, width))

    ply = dense.depthmap_to_ply(shot, depth, image)
    assert len(ply.splitlines()) == 16
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_depthmap_to_ply():
    height, width = 2, 3

    camera = types.PerspectiveCamera()
    camera.id = 'cam1'
    camera.focal = 0.8
    camera.k1 = 0.0
    camera.k2 = 0.0
    camera.height = height
    camera.width = width

    shot = types.Shot()
    shot.id = 'shot1'
    shot.camera = camera
    shot.pose = types.Pose([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    image = np.zeros((height, width, 3))
    depth = np.ones((height, width))

    ply = dense.depthmap_to_ply(shot, depth, image)
    assert len(ply.splitlines()) == 16
Exemplo n.º 23
def camera_pose(position, lookat, up):
    Pose from position and look at direction

    >>> position = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
    >>> lookat = [0., 10.0, 2.0]
    >>> up = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    >>> pose = camera_pose(position, lookat, up)
    >>> np.allclose(pose.get_origin(), position)
    >>> d = normalized(pose.transform(lookat))
    >>> np.allclose(d, [0, 0, 1])
    ez = normalized(np.array(lookat) - np.array(position))
    ex = normalized(np.cross(ez, up))
    ey = normalized(np.cross(ez, ex))
    pose = types.Pose()
    pose.set_rotation_matrix([ex, ey, ez])
    return pose
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_single_vs_many():
    points = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=float)
    pixels = np.array([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]], dtype=float)
    depths = np.array([1, 2], dtype=float)

    pose = types.Pose([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
    t_single = [pose.transform(p) for p in points]
    t_many = pose.transform_many(points)
    assert np.allclose(t_single, t_many)

    t_single = [pose.transform_inverse(p) for p in points]
    t_many = pose.transform_inverse_many(points)
    assert np.allclose(t_single, t_many)

    cameras = [
    if context.OPENCV3:

    for camera, camera_cpp in cameras:
        p = camera.project_many(points)
        p_cpp = camera_cpp.project_many(points)
        assert np.allclose(p, p_cpp)

        b = camera.pixel_bearing_many(pixels)
        b_cpp = camera_cpp.pixel_bearing_many(pixels)
        assert np.allclose(b, b_cpp)

        if hasattr(camera, 'back_project'):
            q_single = [
                camera.back_project(p, d) for p, d in zip(pixels, depths)
            q_many = camera.back_project_many(pixels, depths)
            assert np.allclose(q_single, q_many)
def get_reconstruction_origin(r):
    """Compute the origin of a reconstruction."""
    s = r.scale
    pose = types.Pose([r.rx, r.ry, r.rz], [r.tx / s, r.ty / s, r.tz / s])
    return pose.get_origin()
Exemplo n.º 26
def import_bundler(data_path, bundle_file, list_file, track_file,
    Reconstruction and tracks graph from Bundler's output

    # Init OpenSfM working folder.

    # Copy image list.
    list_dir = os.path.dirname(list_file)
    with open(list_file, 'rb') as fin:
        lines = fin.read().splitlines()
    ordered_shots = []
    image_list = []
    for line in lines:
        image_path = os.path.join(list_dir, line.split()[0])
        rel_to_data = os.path.relpath(image_path, data_path)
    with open(os.path.join(data_path, 'image_list.txt'), 'w') as fout:
        fout.write('\n'.join(image_list) + '\n')

    # Check for bundle_file
    if not bundle_file or not os.path.isfile(bundle_file):
        return None

    with open(bundle_file, 'rb') as fin:
        lines = fin.readlines()
    offset = 1 if '#' in lines[0] else 0

    # header
    num_shot, num_point = map(int, lines[offset].split(' '))
    offset += 1

    # initialization
    reconstruction = types.Reconstruction()

    # cameras
    for i in xrange(num_shot):
        # Creating a model for each shot.
        shot_key = ordered_shots[i]
        focal, k1, k2 = map(float, lines[offset].rstrip('\n').split(' '))

        if focal > 0:
            im = imread(os.path.join(data_path, image_list[i]))
            height, width = im.shape[0:2]
            camera = types.PerspectiveCamera()
            camera.id = 'camera_' + str(i)
            camera.width = width
            camera.height = height
            camera.focal = focal / max(width, height)
            camera.k1 = k1
            camera.k2 = k2

            # Shots
            rline = []
            for k in xrange(3):
                rline += lines[offset + 1 + k].rstrip('\n').split(' ')
            R = ' '.join(rline)
            t = lines[offset + 4].rstrip('\n').split(' ')
            R = np.array(map(float, R.split())).reshape(3, 3)
            t = np.array(map(float, t))
            R[1], R[2] = -R[1], -R[2]  # Reverse y and z
            t[1], t[2] = -t[1], -t[2]

            shot = types.Shot()
            shot.id = shot_key
            shot.camera = camera
            shot.pose = types.Pose()
            shot.pose.translation = t
            print 'ignore failed image', shot_key
        offset += 5

    # tracks
    track_lines = []
    for i in xrange(num_point):
        coordinates = lines[offset].rstrip('\n').split(' ')
        color = lines[offset + 1].rstrip('\n').split(' ')
        point = types.Point()
        point.id = i
        point.coordinates = map(float, coordinates)
        point.color = map(int, color)

        view_line = lines[offset + 2].rstrip('\n').split(' ')

        num_view, view_list = int(view_line[0]), view_line[1:]

        for k in xrange(num_view):
            shot_key = ordered_shots[int(view_list[4 * k])]
            if shot_key in reconstruction.shots:
                camera = reconstruction.shots[shot_key].camera
                scale = max(camera.width, camera.height)
                v = '{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format(
                    view_list[4 * k + 1],
                    float(view_list[4 * k + 2]) / scale,
                    -float(view_list[4 * k + 3]) / scale,
        offset += 3

    # save track file
    with open(track_file, 'wb') as fout:

    # save reconstruction
    if reconstruction_file is not None:
        with open(reconstruction_file, 'wb') as fout:
            obj = reconstructions_to_json([reconstruction])
            json_dump(obj, fout)
    return reconstruction
Exemplo n.º 27
    def convert_image(self, image, img, max_size):
        image_camera_model = types.SphericalCamera()
        image_camera_model.id = "v2 nctech pulsar 11000 5500 equirectangular 0.1666"
        image_camera_model.width = 11000
        image_camera_model.height = 5500

        undist_tile_size = max_size // 4

        undist_img = np.zeros((max_size // 2, max_size, 3), np.uint8)
        undist_mask = np.full((max_size // 2, max_size, 1), 255, np.uint8)

        undist_mask[undist_tile_size:2 * undist_tile_size,
                    2 * undist_tile_size:3 * undist_tile_size] = 0
        undist_mask[undist_tile_size:2 * undist_tile_size,
                    undist_tile_size:2 * undist_tile_size] = 0

        spherical_shot = types.Shot()
        spherical_shot.pose = types.Pose()
        spherical_shot.id = image
        spherical_shot.camera = image_camera_model

        perspective_shots = undistort.perspective_views_of_a_panorama(
            spherical_shot, undist_tile_size)

        for subshot in perspective_shots:

            undistorted = undistort.render_perspective_view_of_a_panorama(
                img, spherical_shot, subshot)

            subshot_id_prefix = '{}_perspective_view_'.format(

            subshot_name = subshot.id[
                len(subshot_id_prefix):] if subshot.id.startswith(
                    subshot_id_prefix) else subshot.id
            (subshot_name, ext) = os.path.splitext(subshot_name)

            if subshot_name == 'front':
                undist_img[:undist_tile_size, :undist_tile_size] = undistorted
                # print( 'front')
            elif subshot_name == 'left':
                           undist_tile_size:2 * undist_tile_size] = undistorted
                # print( 'left')
            elif subshot_name == 'back':
                undist_img[:undist_tile_size, 2 * undist_tile_size:3 *
                           undist_tile_size] = undistorted
                # print( 'back')
            elif subshot_name == 'right':
                undist_img[:undist_tile_size, 3 * undist_tile_size:4 *
                           undist_tile_size] = undistorted
                # print( 'right')
            elif subshot_name == 'top':
                undist_img[undist_tile_size:2 * undist_tile_size, 3 *
                           undist_tile_size:4 * undist_tile_size] = undistorted
                # print( 'top')
            elif subshot_name == 'bottom':
                undist_img[undist_tile_size:2 *
                           undist_tile_size, :undist_tile_size] = undistorted
                # print( 'bottom')

        # data.save_undistorted_image(subshot.id, undist_img)
        return undist_img
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_pose_inverse():
    p = types.Pose([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
    inverse = p.inverse()
    identity = p.compose(inverse)
    assert np.allclose(identity.rotation, [0, 0, 0])
    assert np.allclose(identity.translation, [0, 0, 0])
def build_reconstruction(opensfm_path, log_file, dataset_path):
    if not opensfm_path in sys.path:
        sys.path.insert(1, opensfm_path)

    from opensfm import dataset, matching, reconstruction, types, io
    from opensfm.reconstruction import TrackTriangulator
    # from opensfm import learners
    # from opensfm import log
    global types

    Rs, ts, subsampled_images = parse_log_file(log_file)

    recon = types.Reconstruction()
    camera = build_camera()


    offset = None
    pose0 = types.Pose()
    pose0_recon = types.Pose()
    for i, _ in enumerate(Rs):
        pose = types.Pose()
        pose.rotation = Rs[i]
        # pose.set_rotation_matrix(Rs[i])

        # print pose.get_rotation_matrix()


        if False and i == 0:
            print subsampled_images[i]
            # pose0 = types.Pose()
            # pose0_recon = types.Pose()

            pose0.rotation = pose.rotation
            pose0.translation = pose.translation

            pose0_recon.rotation = [
                1.46327114203856, 0.6520934519442041, -0.7289951219890223
            pose0_recon.translation = [
                -151.62008675764042, 7.551077656334444, 32.03538718382186

        if False:
            R_ = np.matrix(pose.get_rotation_matrix()) * np.matrix(
                pose0.get_rotation_matrix()).T * np.matrix(

            # Bad cases
            if subsampled_images[i] == '1476939075123622.jpg':
                print '-' * 100
                print '{} : {}'.format(subsampled_images[i], pose.rotation)
                pose.rotation[2] = math.pi + pose.rotation[2]
            # Good cases
            if subsampled_images[i] == '1476939074934112.jpg':
                print '+' * 100
                print '{} : {}'.format(subsampled_images[i], pose.rotation)
            # if offset is None:
            #     offset = pose.get_origin() - pose0_recon.get_origin()

            # pose.set_origin(pose.get_origin() - offset)
            # pose.translation = pose.translation * 0.1

            # pose.translation = np.array(ts[i])
            # print pose.get_origin()

            # print pose.get_rotation_matrix()
            # print pose.get_rotation_matrix()
            # print pose.get_origin()
            # sys.exit(1)

            # t = pose.translation
            # t[0] = -t[0]
            # t[1] = -t[1]
            # t[2] = -t[2]
            # t[1],t[2] = t[2],t[1]
            # pose.translation = t

            # print pose.rotation
            # print pose.translation
            # print '#'*100
            # sys.exit(1)
            # R = pose.get_rotation_matrix()
            # R[:,1], R[:,2] = R[:,2], R[:,1]
            # pose.set_rotation_matrix(R)

            # R = pose.get_rotation_matrix()
            # R[:,1], R[:,2] = R[:,2], R[:,1]
            # pose.set_rotation_matrix(R.T)
            # t = pose.translation
            # t = pose.get_rotation_matrix() * np.matrix(pose.translation.reshape((3,1)))
            # print pose.translation

        pose.translation = 20.0 * pose.translation
        # print pose.translation
        # sys.exit(1)

        shot = types.Shot()
        shot.camera = camera
        shot.pose = pose
        shot.id = subsampled_images[i]

        sm = types.ShotMetadata()
        sm.orientation = 1
        sm.gps_position = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        sm.gps_dop = 999999.0
        # sm.capture_time = 0.0
        shot.metadata = sm

        # add shot to reconstruction

    data = dataset.DataSet(dataset_path)
    data.save_reconstruction([recon], 'reconstruction_gt.json')
def get_shot_origin(shot):
    """Compute the origin of a shot."""
    pose = types.Pose([shot.rx, shot.ry, shot.rz], [shot.tx, shot.ty, shot.tz])
    return pose.get_origin()