Exemplo n.º 1
class Member(resource.Resource):
    base_path = '/elbaas/listeners/%(listener_id)s/members'
    service = lb_service.LoadBalancerService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters("address", "server_address",
                                              "server_id", "status",

    #: Properties
    #: Load balancer listener reference of this member
    listener_id = resource.URI("listener_id")
    #: EIP address of the member server
    address = resource.Body('address')
    #: internal IP address of the member server
    server_address = resource.Body('server_address')
    #: member server ID
    server_id = resource.Body('server_id')
    #: member server name
    server_name = resource.Body('server_name')
    #: member server status, valid value includes: ``ACTIVE``, ``PENDING``,
    #: ``ERROR``
    status = resource.Body('status')
    #: Health check status, valid value includes: ``NORMAL``, ``ABNORMAL``,
    #: ``UNAVAILABLE``
    health_status = resource.Body('health_status')
    #: List of listeners associated with this member.
    #: *Type: list of dicts which contain the listener IDs*
    listeners = resource.Body('listeners', type=list)
    #: UTC date and time of the member created time
    create_time = resource.Body("create_time")
    #: UTC date and time of the member updated time
    update_time = resource.Body("update_time")
Exemplo n.º 2
class Policy(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'policy'
    resources_key = 'policies'
    base_path = '/policies'
    service = clustering_service.ClusteringService()

    # Capabilities
    allow_list = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_create = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_update = True

    patch_update = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('name', 'type', 'sort',

    # Properties
    #: The name of the policy.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The type name of the policy.
    type = resource.Body('type')
    #: The ID of the project this policy belongs to.
    project_id = resource.Body('project')
    # The domain ID of the policy.
    domain_id = resource.Body('domain')
    #: The ID of the user who created this policy.
    user_id = resource.Body('user')
    #: The timestamp when the policy is created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: The timestamp when the policy was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
    #: The specification of the policy.
    spec = resource.Body('spec', type=dict)
    #: A dictionary containing runtime data of the policy.
    data = resource.Body('data', type=dict)
Exemplo n.º 3
class MessageTemplate(_smnresource.Resource):

    base_path = '/notifications/message_template'
    resources_key = 'message_templates'
    service = smn_service.SMNService()

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('offset', 'limit'

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: Template ID
    message_template_id = resource.Body('message_template_id',
    #: Template name
    message_template_name = resource.Body('message_template_name')
    #: Template language. e.g: zh-cn, en-us, de-de, pt-br
    locale = resource.Body('locale')
    #: Template tag list
    #: *Type: list*
    tag_names = resource.Body('tag_names', type=list)
    #: Created time
    create_time = resource.Body('create_time')
    #: Update time
    update_time = resource.Body('update_time')
    #: Template content
    content = resource.Body('content')
    #: Protocol
    protocol = resource.Body('protocol')
Exemplo n.º 4
class SecurityGroup(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'security_group'
    resources_key = 'security_groups'
    base_path = '/security-groups'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # Properties
    #: Timestamp when the security group was created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: The security group description.
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: The security group name.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the project this security group is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: Revision number of the security group. *Type: int*
    revision_number = resource.Body('revision_number', type=int)
    #: A list of
    #: :class:`~openstack.network.v2.security_group_rule.SecurityGroupRule`
    #: objects. *Type: list*
    security_group_rules = resource.Body('security_group_rules', type=list)
    #: Timestamp when the security group was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
Exemplo n.º 5
class Policy(resource2.Resource):
    resource_key = 'policy'
    resources_key = 'policies'
    base_path = '/policies'
    service = csbs_service.CsbsService()

    # Capabilities.
    allow_create = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters('limit', 'marker', 'sort',
                                               'name', 'all_tenants', 'offset')

    # Description of backup policy.
    description = resource2.Body('description')
    # Name of backup policy.
    name = resource2.Body('name')
    # Parameter of backup policy.
    parameters = resource2.Body('parameters', type=dict)
    # Backup provider id.
    provider_id = resource2.Body('provider_id')
    # A list of backup objects.
    resources = resource2.Body('resources', type=list)
    # A list of scheduling periods.
    scheduled_operations = resource2.Body('scheduled_operations', type=list)
    # Create time.
    created_at = resource2.Body('created_at')
    # Id of backup policy.
    id = resource2.Body('id')
    # Id of project.
    project_id = resource2.Body('project_id')
    # Status of backup policy.
    status = resource2.Body('status')
Exemplo n.º 6
class VPC(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'vpc'
    resources_key = 'vpcs'
    base_path = '/vpcs'
    service = vpc_service.VpcServiceV1()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('enterprise_project_id')

    #: The range of available subnets in the VPC.
    cidr = resource.Body('cidr')
    #: The status of the VPC. The value can be CREATING, OK, DOWN,
    status = resource.Body('status')
    #: The routing rules of the VPC.
    routes = resource.Body('routes', type=list)
    #: The enterprise project id of the VPC.
    enterprise_project_id = resource.Body('enterprise_project_id')
class ProvidernetConnectivityTest(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'providernet_connectivity_test'
    resources_key = 'providernet_connectivity_tests'
    base_path = '/wrs-provider/providernet-connectivity-tests'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('audit_uuid', 'providernet_id',
                                              'host_id', 'segmentation_id')

    # Properties
    status = resource.Body('status')
    segmentation_id = resource.Body('segmentation_id')
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
    host_name = resource.Body('host_name')
    providernet_id = resource.Body('providernet_id')
    host_id = resource.Body('host_id')
    providernet_name = resource.Body('providernet_name')
    audit_uuid = resource.Body('audit_uuid')
    type = resource.Body('type')
    message = resource.Body('message')
Exemplo n.º 8
class Providernet(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'providernet'
    resources_key = 'providernets'
    base_path = '/wrs-provider/providernets'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('type', )

    # Properties
    status = resource.Body('status')
    description = resource.Body('description')
    mtu = resource.Body('mtu', type=int)
    ranges = resource.Body('ranges', type=list)
    vlan_transparent = resource.Body('vlan_transparent', type=bool)
    type = resource.Body('type')
    id = resource.Body('id')
    name = resource.Body('name')
Exemplo n.º 9
class WhiteList(resource2.Resource):
    resource_key = 'whitelist'
    resources_key = 'whitelists'
    base_path = '/lbaas/whitelists'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    _query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters("listener_id", "id",
                                               "enable_whitelist", "whitelist")

    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    # white list id
    id = resource2.Body("id")
    # tenant id
    tenant_id = resource2.Body("tenant_id")
    # listener id
    listener_id = resource2.Body("listener_id")
    # Whether to open the access control switch
    enable_whitelist = resource2.Body("enable_whitelist", type=bool)
    # Whitelist IP list
    whitelist = resource2.Body("whitelist")
Exemplo n.º 10
class Member(resource2.Resource):
    resource_key = 'member'
    resources_key = 'members'
    base_path = '/lbaas/pools/%(pool_id)s/members'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters()
    # member id
    id = resource2.Body("id")
    # tenant id
    tenant_id = resource2.Body("tenant_id")
    # member name
    name = resource2.Body("name")
    # IP address corresponding to member, for example,
    # Instructions for use: only the IP address of the main network card
    address = resource2.Body("address")
    # Back-end protocol number, value range [1,65535]
    protocol_port = resource2.Body("protocol_port", type=int)
    # Subnet id
    subnet_id = resource2.Body("subnet_id")
    # Management status, true/false.
    # Instructions for use: Fixed to true
    admin_state_up = resource2.Body("admin_state_up", type=bool, default=True)
    # Weight, ranging from [0,100].
    # Usage note: The backend with zero weight no longer accepts new requests
    weight = resource2.Body("weight", type=int, default=1)
    # The health status of the backend cloud server can be ONLINE or OFFLINE
    operating_status = resource2.Body("operating_status")
    # The pool id to which this member belongs
    pool_id = resource2.URI("pool_id")
Exemplo n.º 11
class ServerDetail(Servers):
    base_path = '/cloudservers/detail'

    # capabilities
    allow_create = False
    allow_get = False
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters(

    # The total number of lists of elastic cloud servers.
    count = resource2.Body('count', type=int)
    # Elastic cloud server details list.
    servers = resource2.Body('servers', type=list)
Exemplo n.º 12
class Topic(_smnresource.Resource):

    resources_key = 'topics'
    base_path = '/notifications/topics'
    service = smn_service.SMNService()

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('offset', 'limit')

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: topic urn
    topic_urn = resource.Body('topic_urn', alternate_id=True)
    #: Topic name
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: Topic display name
    display_name = resource.Body('display_name')
    #: Request id of topic
    request_id = resource.Body('request_id')
    #: upate time
    update_time = resource.Body('update_time')
    #: create time
    create_time = resource.Body('create_time')
    #: push policy
    #: *Type: int*
    push_policy = resource.Body('push_policy', type=int)

    def _dict_to_str(self, dt):
        # dict to json string
        ret = json.dumps(dt)
        return ret

    def publish(self, session, **kwargs):
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self._get_id(self), 'publish')

        headers = {
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "Content-type": "application/json",
            "Content-Length": str(len(str(kwargs)))

        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()

        if 'message_structure' in kwargs:
            kwargs['message_structure'] = (self._dict_to_str(

        resp = session.post(url,

        return resp.json()

    def direct_publish(cls, session, **kwargs):
        url = '/notifications/sms'
        endpoint_override = cls.service.get_endpoint_override()

        headers = {
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "Content-type": "application/json",
            "Content-Length": str(len(str(kwargs)))

        resp = session.post(url,
        return resp.json()
Exemplo n.º 13
class ScalingQuota(Quota):
    base_path = "/quotas/%(scaling_group_id)s"

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters("scaling_group_id")
Exemplo n.º 14
class Subnet(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'subnet'
    resources_key = 'subnets'
    base_path = '/subnets'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # NOTE: Query on list or datetime fields are currently not supported.
    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # Properties
    #: List of allocation pools each of which has a start and an end address
    #: for this subnet
    allocation_pools = resource.Body('allocation_pools', type=list)
    #: The CIDR.
    cidr = resource.Body('cidr')
    #: Timestamp when the subnet was created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: The subnet description.
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: A list of DNS nameservers.
    dns_nameservers = resource.Body('dns_nameservers', type=list)
    #: The gateway IP address.
    gateway_ip = resource.Body('gateway_ip')
    #: A list of host routes.
    host_routes = resource.Body('host_routes', type=list)
    #: The IP version, which is 4 or 6.
    #: *Type: int*
    ip_version = resource.Body('ip_version', type=int)
    #: The IPv6 address modes which are 'dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless'
    #: or 'slacc'.
    ipv6_address_mode = resource.Body('ipv6_address_mode')
    #: The IPv6 router advertisements modes which can be 'slaac',
    #: 'dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless'.
    ipv6_ra_mode = resource.Body('ipv6_ra_mode')
    #: Set to ``True`` if DHCP is enabled and ``False`` if DHCP is disabled.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_dhcp_enabled = resource.Body('enable_dhcp', type=bool)
    #: The subnet name.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the attached network.
    network_id = resource.Body('network_id')
    #: The ID of the project this subnet is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: Revision number of the subnet. *Type: int*
    revision_number = resource.Body('revision_number', type=int)
    #: The ID of the segment this subnet is associated with.
    segment_id = resource.Body('segment_id')
    #: Service types for this subnet
    service_types = resource.Body('service_types', type=list)
    #: The subnet pool ID from which to obtain a CIDR.
    subnet_pool_id = resource.Body('subnetpool_id')
    #: Timestamp when the subnet was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
    #: Whether to use the default subnet pool to obtain a CIDR.
    use_default_subnet_pool = resource.Body('use_default_subnetpool',
Exemplo n.º 15
class Cluster(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'cluster'
    resources_key = 'clusters'
    base_path = '/clusters'
    service = cluster_service.ClusterService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('name', 'status', 'sort',

    # Properties
    #: The name of the cluster.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the profile used by this cluster.
    profile_id = resource.Body('profile_id')
    #: The ID of the user who created this cluster, thus the owner of it.
    user_id = resource.Body('user')
    #: The ID of the project this cluster belongs to.
    project_id = resource.Body('project')
    #: The domain ID of the cluster owner.
    domain_id = resource.Body('domain')
    #: Timestamp of when the cluster was initialized.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    init_at = resource.Body('init_at')
    #: Timestamp of when the cluster was created.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: Timestamp of when the cluster was last updated.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
    #: Lower bound (inclusive) for the size of the cluster.
    min_size = resource.Body('min_size', type=int)
    #: Upper bound (inclusive) for the size of the cluster. A value of
    #: -1 indicates that there is no upper limit of cluster size.
    max_size = resource.Body('max_size', type=int)
    #: Desired capacity for the cluster. A cluster would be created at the
    #: scale specified by this value.
    desired_capacity = resource.Body('desired_capacity', type=int)
    #: Default timeout (in seconds) for cluster operations.
    timeout = resource.Body('timeout')
    #: A string representation of the cluster status.
    status = resource.Body('status')
    #: A string describing the reason why the cluster in current status.
    status_reason = resource.Body('status_reason')
    #: A collection of key-value pairs that are attached to the cluster.
    metadata = resource.Body('metadata', type=dict)
    #: A dictionary with some runtime data associated with the cluster.
    data = resource.Body('data', type=dict)
    #: A list IDs of nodes that are members of the cluster.
    node_ids = resource.Body('nodes')
    #: Name of the profile used by the cluster.
    profile_name = resource.Body('profile_name')
    #: A dictionary with dependency information of the cluster
    dependents = resource.Body('dependents', type=dict)

    def action(self, session, body):
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self._get_id(self), 'actions')
        resp = session.post(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, json=body)
        return resp.json()

    def add_nodes(self, session, nodes):
        body = {
            'add_nodes': {
                'nodes': nodes,
        return self.action(session, body)

    def del_nodes(self, session, nodes):
        body = {
            'del_nodes': {
                'nodes': nodes,
        return self.action(session, body)

    def scale_out(self, session, count=None):
        body = {
            'scale_out': {
                'count': count,
        return self.action(session, body)

    def scale_in(self, session, count=None):
        body = {
            'scale_in': {
                'count': count,
        return self.action(session, body)

    def resize(self, session, **params):
        body = {'resize': params}
        return self.action(session, body)

    def policy_attach(self, session, policy_id, **params):
        data = {'policy_id': policy_id}
        body = {'policy_attach': data}
        return self.action(session, body)

    def policy_detach(self, session, policy_id):
        body = {
            'policy_detach': {
                'policy_id': policy_id,
        return self.action(session, body)

    def policy_update(self, session, policy_id, **params):
        data = {'policy_id': policy_id}
        body = {'policy_update': data}
        return self.action(session, body)

    def check(self, session, **params):
        body = {'check': params}
        return self.action(session, body)

    def recover(self, session, **params):
        body = {'recover': params}
        return self.action(session, body)
Exemplo n.º 16
class HostServer(resource2.Resource):
    """Define a HostServer class."""

    base_path = '/dedicated-hosts/%(dedicated_host_id)s/servers'
    resource_key = 'server'
    resources_key = 'servers'
    service = deh_service.DehService()

    # Allow list operation for this resource.
    allow_list = True

    # Mapping of accepted query parameter names.
    _query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters('limit', 'marker')

    # Id of deh.
    dedicated_host_id = resource2.URI('dedicated_host_id')
    # Name of ecs.
    name = resource2.Body('name')
    # Id of ecs.
    id = resource2.Body('id')
    # Status of ecs.
    status = resource2.Body('status')
    # Create time.
    created = resource2.Body('created')
    # Update time.
    updated = resource2.Body('updated')
    # Flavor of ecs.
    flavor = resource2.Body('flavor', type=dict)
    # Image of ecs.
    image = resource2.Body('image')
    # Tenant id
    tenant_id = resource2.Body('tenant_id')
    # Key name of ecs.
    key_name = resource2.Body('key_name')
    # User id of ecs.
    user_id = resource2.Body('user_id')
    # Metadata of ecs.
    metadata = resource2.Body('metadata', type=dict)
    # Host id of ecs.
    hostId = resource2.Body('hostId')
    # Network infomation of ecs.
    addresses = resource2.Body('addresses', type=dict)
    # Security groups of ecs.
    security_groups = resource2.Body('security_groups', type=list)
    # Links of ecs.
    links = resource2.Body('links', type=list)
    # Extended attribute, type of diskConfig.
    OS_DCF_diskConfig = resource2.Body('OS-DCF:diskConfig')
    # The name of the available partition where the ECS is located.
    OS_EXT_AZ_availability_zone = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone')
    # Host name of ecs.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_host = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host')
    # The virtualized host name where the ECS is located.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_hypervisor_hostname = resource2.Body(
    # Alias of ecs.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_instance_name = resource2.Body(
    # Power state of ecs.
    OS_EXT_STS_power_state = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-STS:power_state', type=int)
    # Current state of ecs's task.
    OS_EXT_STS_task_state = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-STS:task_state')
    # Current state of ecs.
    OS_EXT_STS_vm_state = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-STS:vm_state')
    # Start time.
    OS_SRV_USG_launched_at = resource2.Body('OS-SRV-USG:launched_at')
    # Delete time.
    OS_SRV_USG_terminated_at = resource2.Body('OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at')
    # Disk of ecs.
    os_extended_volumes_volumes_attached = resource2.Body(
        'os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached', type=list)
    # Elastic cloud server label.
    tags = resource2.Body('tags', type=list)
    # Reserve attributes.
    accessIPv4 = resource2.Body('accessIPv4')
    # Reserve attributes.
    accessIPv6 = resource2.Body('accessIPv6')
    # Config of drive.
    config_drive = resource2.Body('config_drive')
    # evsOpts = resource2.Body('evsOpts', type=int)
    # hyperThreadAffinity = resource2.Body('hyperThreadAffinity')
    # numaOpts = resource2.Body('numaOpts', type=int)
    # Progress of ecs.
    progress = resource2.Body('progress', type=int)
    # vcpuAffinity = resource2.Body('vcpuAffinity', type=list)
    # Description of ecs.
    description = resource2.Body('description')
    # Nove compute status.
    host_status = resource2.Body('host_status')
    # Host name of ecs.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_hostname = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hostname')
    # Create a scenario in batches and reserve the ID of the ECS.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_reservation_id = resource2.Body(
    # Create scenarios in batches and start the elastic cloud server.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_launch_index = resource2.Body(
        'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:launch_index', type=int)
    # UUID of kernel image.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_kernel_id = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:kernel_id')
    # UUID of ramdisk image.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_ramdisk_id = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:ramdisk_id')
    # Device name of the ECS system disk.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_root_device_name = resource2.Body(
    # User_data specified when creating an ECS.
    OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_user_data = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:user_data')
    # Locked status.
    locked = resource2.Body('locked')
    # Elastic cloud server scheduling information.
    os_scheduler_hints = resource2.Body('os:scheduler_hints')
    # Enterprise project ID to which the ECS belongs.
    enterprise_project_id = resource2.Body('enterprise_project_id')
    # Elastic cloud server system label.
    sys_tags = resource2.Body('sys_tags')
Exemplo n.º 17
class Router(resource.Resource, tag.TagMixin):
    resource_key = 'router'
    resources_key = 'routers'
    base_path = '/routers'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # NOTE: We don't support query on datetime, list or dict fields
    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(
        'description', 'flavor_id', 'name', 'status',

    # Properties
    #: Availability zone hints to use when scheduling the router.
    #: *Type: list of availability zone names*
    availability_zone_hints = resource.Body('availability_zone_hints',
    #: Availability zones for the router.
    #: *Type: list of availability zone names*
    availability_zones = resource.Body('availability_zones', type=list)
    #: Timestamp when the router was created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: The router description.
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: The ``network_id``, for the external gateway. *Type: dict*
    external_gateway_info = resource.Body('external_gateway_info', type=dict)
    #: The ID of the flavor.
    flavor_id = resource.Body('flavor_id')
    #: The administrative state of the router, which is up ``True``
    #: or down ``False``. *Type: bool*
    is_admin_state_up = resource.Body('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    #: The distributed state of the router, which is distributed ``True``
    #: or not ``False``. *Type: bool* *Default: False*
    is_distributed = resource.Body('distributed', type=bool, default=False)
    #: The highly-available state of the router, which is highly available
    #: ``True`` or not ``False``. *Type: bool* *Default: False*
    is_ha = resource.Body('ha', type=bool, default=False)
    #: The router name.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the project this router is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: Revision number of the router. *Type: int*
    revision_number = resource.Body('revision', type=int)
    #: The extra routes configuration for the router.
    routes = resource.Body('routes', type=list)
    #: The router status.
    status = resource.Body('status')
    #: Timestamp when the router was created.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
    #: A list of assocaited tags
    #: *Type: list of tag strings*
    tags = resource.Body('tags', type=list)

    def add_interface(self, session, **body):
        """Add an internal interface to a logical router.

        :param session: The session to communicate through.
        :type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
        :param dict body: The body requested to be updated on the router

        :returns: The body of the response as a dictionary.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'add_router_interface')
        resp = session.put(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, json=body)
        return resp.json()

    def remove_interface(self, session, **body):
        """Remove an internal interface from a logical router.

        :param session: The session to communicate through.
        :type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
        :param dict body: The body requested to be updated on the router

        :returns: The body of the response as a dictionary.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'remove_router_interface')
        resp = session.put(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, json=body)
        return resp.json()

    def add_gateway(self, session, **body):
        """Add an external gateway to a logical router.

        :param session: The session to communicate through.
        :type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
        :param dict body: The body requested to be updated on the router

        :returns: The body of the response as a dictionary.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id,
        resp = session.put(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, json=body)
        return resp.json()

    def remove_gateway(self, session, **body):
        """Remove an external gateway from a logical router.

        :param session: The session to communicate through.
        :type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
        :param dict body: The body requested to be updated on the router

        :returns: The body of the response as a dictionary.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id,
        resp = session.put(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, json=body)
        return resp.json()
Exemplo n.º 18
class Port(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'port'
    resources_key = 'ports'
    base_path = '/ports'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # NOTE: we skip query on list or datetime fields for now
    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(
        'description', 'device_id', 'device_owner',
        'mac_address', 'name', 'network_id', 'status',
        'page_reverse', 'id', 'dns_name',

    # Properties
    #: Allowed address pairs.
    allowed_address_pairs = resource.Body('allowed_address_pairs', type=list)
    #: The ID of the host where the port is allocated. In some cases,
    #: different implementations can run on different hosts.
    binding_host_id = resource.Body('binding:host_id')
    #: A dictionary the enables the application running on the specified
    #: host to pass and receive vif port-specific information to the plug-in.
    #: *Type: dict*
    binding_profile = resource.Body('binding:profile', type=dict)
    #: Read-only. A dictionary that enables the application to pass
    #: information about functions that the Networking API provides.
    #: To enable or disable port filtering features such as security group
    #: and anti-MAC/IP spoofing, specify ``port_filter: True`` or
    #: ``port_filter: False``. *Type: dict*
    binding_vif_details = resource.Body('binding:vif_details', type=dict)
    #: Read-only. The vif type for the specified port.
    binding_vif_type = resource.Body('binding:vif_type')
    #: The vnic type that is bound to the neutron port.
    #: In POST and PUT operations, specify a value of ``normal`` (virtual nic),
    #: ``direct`` (pci passthrough), or ``macvtap``
    #: (virtual interface with a tap-like software interface).
    #: These values support SR-IOV PCI passthrough networking.
    #: The ML2 plug-in supports the vnic_type.
    #: In GET operations, the binding:vnic_type extended attribute is
    #: visible to only port owners and administrative users.
    binding_vnic_type = resource.Body('binding:vnic_type')
    #: Timestamp when the port was created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: Underlying data plane status of this port.
    data_plane_status = resource.Body('data_plane_status')
    #: The port description.
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: Device ID of this port.
    device_id = resource.Body('device_id')
    #: Device owner of this port (e.g. ``network:dhcp``).
    device_owner = resource.Body('device_owner')
    #: DNS assignment for the port.
    dns_assignment = resource.Body('dns_assignment')
    #: DNS name for the port.
    dns_name = resource.Body('dns_name')
    #: Extra DHCP options.
    extra_dhcp_opts = resource.Body('extra_dhcp_opts', type=list)
    #: IP addresses of an allowed address pair.
    ip_address = resource.Body('ip_address')
    #: IP addresses for the port. Includes the IP address and subnet ID.
    fixed_ips = resource.Body('fixed_ips', type=list)
    #: The administrative state of the port, which is up ``True`` or
    #: down ``False``. *Type: bool*
    is_admin_state_up = resource.Body('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    #: The port security status, which is enabled ``True`` or disabled
    #: ``False``. *Type: bool* *Default: True*
    is_port_security_enabled = resource.Body('port_security_enabled',
                                             type=bool, default=True)
    #: The MAC address of an allowed address pair.
    mac_address = resource.Body('mac_address')
    #: The port name.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the attached network.
    network_id = resource.Body('network_id')
    #: The ID of the project who owns the network. Only administrative
    #: users can specify a project ID other than their own.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: The extra DHCP option name.
    option_name = resource.Body('opt_name')
    #: The extra DHCP option value.
    option_value = resource.Body('opt_value')
    #: The ID of the QoS policy attached to the port.
    qos_policy_id = resource.Body('qos_policy_id')
    #: Revision number of the port. *Type: int*
    revision_number = resource.Body('revision_number', type=int)
    #: The IDs of any attached security groups.
    #: *Type: list of strs of the security group IDs*
    security_group_ids = resource.Body('security_groups', type=list)
    #: The port status. Value is ``ACTIVE`` or ``DOWN``.
    status = resource.Body('status')
    #: The ID of the subnet. If you specify only a subnet UUID, OpenStack
    #: networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port.
    #: If you specify both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack networking
    #: tries to allocate the address to the port.
    subnet_id = resource.Body('subnet_id')
    #: Read-only. The trunk referring to this parent port and its subports.
    #: Present for trunk parent ports if ``trunk-details`` extension is loaded.
    #: *Type: dict with keys: trunk_id, sub_ports.
    #: sub_ports is a list of dicts with keys:
    #: port_id, segmentation_type, segmentation_id, mac_address*
    trunk_details = resource.Body('trunk_details', type=dict)
    #: Timestamp when the port was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
Exemplo n.º 19
class Listener(resource.Resource):
    base_path = "/elbaas/listeners"
    service = lb_service.LoadBalancerService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_update = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(
        "id", "name", "loadbalancer_id", "description", "status",
        "healthcheck_id", "certificate_id", "port", "protocol", "backend_port",
        "backend_protocol", "sticky_session_type", "lb_algorithm",
        "cookie_timeout", "tcp_timeout", "udp_timeout", "ssl_protocols",

    #: Properties
    #: The listener name
    name = resource.Body("name")
    #: The listener description
    description = resource.Body("description")
    #: The listener status
    #: Valid values include ``ACTIVE``, ``PENDING_CREATE``, ``ERROR``
    status = resource.Body("status")
    #: The admin state of listener, *Type: bool*
    is_admin_state_up = resource.Body("admin_state_up", type=bool)
    #: The server amount of the listener
    member_number = resource.Body("member_number")
    #: The health check reference of the listener
    healthcheck_id = resource.Body("healthcheck_id")
    #: The load balancer reference of the listener
    loadbalancer_id = resource.Body("loadbalancer_id")
    #: The port to be monitored (1-65535)
    port = resource.Body("port", type=int)
    #: The protocol to be monitored, if load balancer type is Internal,
    #: UDP protocol is not allowed.
    #: Valid values include ``HTTP``, ``HTTPS``, ``TCP``, ``UDP``
    protocol = resource.Body("protocol")
    #: The port of backend server to be monitored (1-65535)
    backend_port = resource.Body("backend_port", type=int)
    #: The backend protocol to be monitored, if protocol is UDP,
    #: only UDP is allowed for backend protocol.
    #: Valid values include ``HTTP``, ``TCP``, ``UDP``
    backend_protocol = resource.Body("backend_protocol")
    #: Load balance algorithm of the listener.
    #: Valid values include ``roundrobin``, ``leastconn``, ``source``
    lb_algorithm = resource.Body("lb_algorithm")
    #: Should stick session,  *Type: bool*
    is_session_sticky = resource.Body("session_sticky", type=bool)
    #: HTTP session sticky type, value should be `insert`. (by default)
    #  only effect when protocol is `HTTP` and is_session_sticky is true.
    sticky_session_type = resource.Body("sticky_session_type")
    #: HTTP cookie timeout, (1-1440) minute
    cookie_timeout = resource.Body("cookie_timeout", type=int)
    #: TCP session timeout, (1-5) minute
    tcp_timeout = resource.Body("tcp_timeout", type=int)
    #: Should TCP keeping connection when server is deleted, *Type: bool*
    is_tcp_draining = resource.Body("tcp_draining", type=bool)
    #: TCP draining timeout, (0-60) minute
    tcp_draining_timeout = resource.Body("tcp_draining_timeout", type=int)
    #: SSL certificate id, required when protocol is HTTPS
    certificate_id = resource.Body("certificate_id")
    #: UDP timeout, (1-1440) minute
    udp_timeout = resource.Body("udp_timeout", type=int)
    #: SSL protocol, TLSv1.2 by default, only effects when protocol is HTTPS
    #: Valid values include ``TLSv1.2``, ``TLSv1.1``, ``TLSv1``
    ssl_protocols = resource.Body("ssl_protocols")
    #: SSL protocol, TLSv1.2 by default, only effects when protocol is HTTPS
    #: Valid values include ``Default``, ``Extended``, ``Strict``
    ssl_ciphers = resource.Body("ssl_ciphers")
    #: Timestamp when the listener was created
    create_time = resource.Body("create_time")
    #: Timestamp when the listener was last updated
    update_time = resource.Body("update_time")

    def add_members(self, session, members):
        """Add backend members

        :param session: openstack session
        :param members: list of dicts which contain the server_id and address.
            server_id is ECS service id, address is ECS server internal IP.
            [{"server_id": "dbecb618-2259-405f-ab17-9b68c4f541b0",
              "address": ""}] for example.
        :return: a sync OperateMemberJob
        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.load_balancer.v1.member.OperateMemberJob`
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, "members")
        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        response = session.post(url,

        job = OperateMemberJob()
        return job

    def remove_members(self, session, members):
        """Add backend members

        :param session: openstack session
        :param members: member list to be removed from listener,
            list of members (ECS server id) belongs to the listener
            ["dbecb618-2259-405f-ab17-9b68c4f541b0"] for example.
        :return: a sync OperateMemberJob
        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.load_balancer.v1.member.OperateMemberJob`
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, "members/action")
        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        json_body = {"removeMember": [dict(id=mid) for mid in members]}
        response = session.post(url,
        job = OperateMemberJob()
        return job
Exemplo n.º 20
class Node(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'node'
    resources_key = 'nodes'
    base_path = '/nodes'
    service = clustering_service.ClusteringService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    patch_update = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('show_details', 'name', 'sort',
                                              'global_project', 'cluster_id',

    # Properties
    #: The name of the node.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the physical object that backs the node.
    physical_id = resource.Body('physical_id')
    #: The ID of the cluster in which this node is a member.
    #: A node is an orphan node if this field is empty.
    cluster_id = resource.Body('cluster_id')
    #: The ID of the profile used by this node.
    profile_id = resource.Body('profile_id')
    #: The domain ID of the node.
    domain_id = resource.Body('domain')
    #: The ID of the user who created this node.
    user_id = resource.Body('user')
    #: The ID of the project this node belongs to.
    project_id = resource.Body('project')
    #: The name of the profile used by this node.
    profile_name = resource.Body('profile_name')
    #: An integer that is unique inside the owning cluster.
    #: A value of -1 means this node is an orphan node.
    index = resource.Body('index', type=int)
    #: A string indicating the role the node plays in a cluster.
    role = resource.Body('role')
    #: The timestamp of the node object's initialization.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    init_at = resource.Body('init_at')
    #: The timestamp of the node's creation, i.e. the physical object
    #: represented by this node is also created.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: The timestamp the node was last updated.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
    #: A string indicating the node's status.
    status = resource.Body('status')
    #: A string describing why the node entered its current status.
    status_reason = resource.Body('status_reason')
    #: A map containing key-value pairs attached to the node.
    metadata = resource.Body('metadata', type=dict)
    #: A map containing some runtime data for this node.
    data = resource.Body('data', type=dict)
    #: A map containing the details of the physical object this node
    #: represents
    details = resource.Body('details', type=dict)
    #: A map containing the dependency of nodes
    dependents = resource.Body('dependents', type=dict)

    def _action(self, session, body):
        """Procedure the invoke an action API.

        :param session: A session object used for sending request.
        :param body: The body of action to be sent.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'actions')
        resp = session.post(url, json=body)
        return resp.json()

    def check(self, session, **params):
        """An action procedure for the node to check its health status.

        :param session: A session object used for sending request.
        :returns: A dictionary containing the action ID.
        body = {'check': params}
        return self._action(session, body)

    def recover(self, session, **params):
        """An action procedure for the node to recover.

        :param session: A session object used for sending request.
        :returns: A dictionary containing the action ID.
        body = {'recover': params}
        return self._action(session, body)

    def op(self, session, operation, **params):
        """Perform an operation on the specified node.

        :param session: A session object used for sending request.
        :param operation: A string representing the operation to be performed.
        :param dict params: An optional dict providing the parameters for the
        :returns: A dictionary containing the action ID.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'ops')
        resp = session.post(url, json={operation: params})
        return resp.json()

    def adopt(self, session, preview=False, **params):
        """Adopt a node for management.

        :param session: A session object used for sending request.
        :param preview: A boolean indicating whether the adoption is a
                        preview. A "preview" does not create the node object.
        :param dict params: A dict providing the details of a node to be
        if preview:
            path = 'adopt-preview'
            attrs = {
                'identity': params.get('identity'),
                'overrides': params.get('overrides'),
                'type': params.get('type'),
                'snapshot': params.get('snapshot')
            path = 'adopt'
            attrs = params

        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, path)
        resp = session.post(url, json=attrs)
        if preview:
            return resp.json()

        return self

    def force_delete(self, session):
        """Force delete a node."""
        body = {'force': True}
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id)
        resp = session.delete(url, json=body)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 21
class Host(resource2.Resource):
    """Define a Host class."""

    base_path = '/dedicated-hosts'
    resource_key = 'dedicated_host'
    resources_key = 'dedicated_hosts'
    service = deh_service.DehService()

    # Allow create/list/get/update/delete operation for this resource.
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True

    # Mapping of accepted query parameter names.
    _query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters('host_type',

    # Id of deh.
    dedicated_host_id = resource2.Body('dedicated_host_id')
    # Name of deh.
    name = resource2.Body('name')
    # Auto placement to deh.
    auto_placement = resource2.Body('auto_placement')
    # Availability zone.
    availability_zone = resource2.Body('availability_zone')
    # Tenant ID to which the dedicated host belongs.
    project_id = resource2.Body('project_id')
    # Properties of host.
    host_properties = resource2.Body('host_properties', type=dict)
    # State of deh.
    state = resource2.Body('state')
    # Available vcpu cores.
    available_vcpus = resource2.Body('available_vcpus', type=int)
    # Available memory size.
    available_memory = resource2.Body('available_memory', type=int)
    # Create time.
    allocated_at = resource2.Body('allocated_at')
    # Delete time.
    released_at = resource2.Body('released_at')
    # Count of instance.
    instance_total = resource2.Body('instance_total', type=int)
    # Uuids of instance.
    instance_uuids = resource2.Body('instance_uuids', type=list)
    # Type of host.
    host_type = resource2.Body('host_type')
    # Type name of host.
    host_type_name = resource2.Body('host_type_name')
    # Number of vcpu.
    vcpus = resource2.Body('vcpus', type=int)
    # The physical core of the dedicated host.
    cores = resource2.Body('cores', type=int)
    # The number of physical sockets for the dedicated host.
    sockets = resource2.Body('sockets', type=int)
    # The physical memory size of the dedicated host.
    memory = resource2.Body('memory', type=int)
    # Cloud server specifications created on a dedicated host.
    available_instance_capacities = resource2.Body(
        'available_instance_capacities', type=list)
    # Indicates the number of specifications supported.
    flavor = resource2.Body('flavor')
    # The number of dedicated hosts to be assigned.
    quantity = resource2.Body('quantity', type=int)
    # Allocated exclusive host ID array.
    dedicated_host_ids = resource2.Body('dedicated_host_ids', type=list)
    # A dedicated host that meets the query criteria.
    dedicated_hosts = resource2.Body('dedicated_hosts', type=list)
    # Metadata of deh.
    metadata = resource2.Body('metadata', type=dict)
    # Tags of deh.
    tags = resource2.Body('tags', type=dict)
    # Sys_tags of deh.
    sys_tags = resource2.Body('sys_tags', type=dict)
    # The number of dedicated hosts that satisfy the query criteria.
    total = resource2.Body('total', type=int)
Exemplo n.º 22
class Authtoken(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'token'
    base_path = '/auth/tokens'
    service = identity_service.IdentityService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True

    x_subject_token = resource.Header("X-Subject-Token")

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters("nocatalog")

    # Properties
    #: The identity of this token. *Type: dict*
    identity = resource.Body("identity", type=dict)
    #: The scope of this token. *Type: dict*
    scope = resource.Body("scope", type=dict)
    #: The catalog of this token. *Type: list*
    catalog = resource.Body("catalog", type=list)
    #: The domain of this token. *Type: dict*
    domain = resource.Body("domain", type=dict)
    #: The expires_at of this token. *Type: string*
    expires_at = resource.Body("expires_at")
    #: The issued_at of this token. *Type: string*
    issued_at = resource.Body("issued_at")
    #: The methods of this methods. *Type: list*
    methods = resource.Body("methods", type=list)
    #: The project of this token. *Type: dict*
    project = resource.Body("project", type=dict)
    #: The roles of this token. *Type: list*
    roles = resource.Body("roles", type=list)
    #: The user of this token. *Type: dict*
    user = resource.Body("user", type=dict)
    #: The assumed_by of this agency token. *Type: dict*
    assumed_by = resource.Body("assumed_by", type=dict)

    def create_authtoken(self, session, attr, nocatalog):
        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        if nocatalog is None:
            uri = self.base_path
            uri = self.base_path + "?nocatalog=" + nocatalog
        response = session.post(uri,
        return self

    def validate_authtoken(self, session, x_subject_token, nocatalog):
        if not self.allow_get:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(self, "get")

        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        service = self.get_service_filter(self, session)
        if nocatalog is None:
            uri = self.base_path
            uri = self.base_path + "?nocatalog=" + nocatalog
        response = session.get(uri,
                               headers={"X-Subject-Token": x_subject_token},
        return self
Exemplo n.º 23
class Member(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'member'
    resources_key = 'members'
    base_path = '/v2.0/lbaas/pools/%(pool_id)s/members'
    service = lb_service.LoadBalancerService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # Properties
    #: The IP address of the member.
    address = resource.Body('address')
    #: Timestamp when the member was created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: The administrative state of the member, which is up ``True`` or
    #: down ``False``. *Type: bool*
    is_admin_state_up = resource.Body('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    #: IP address used to monitor this member
    monitor_address = resource.Body('monitor_address')
    #: Port used to monitor this member
    monitor_port = resource.Body('monitor_port', type=int)
    #: Name of the member.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: Operating status of the member.
    operating_status = resource.Body('operating_status')
    #: The ID of the owning pool.
    pool_id = resource.URI('pool_id')
    #: The provisioning status of this member.
    provisioning_status = resource.Body('provisioning_status')
    #: The ID of the project this member is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('project_id')
    #: The port on which the application is hosted.
    protocol_port = resource.Body('protocol_port', type=int)
    #: Subnet ID in which to access this member.
    subnet_id = resource.Body('subnet_id')
    #: Timestamp when the member was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
    #: A positive integer value that indicates the relative portion of traffic
    #: that this member should receive from the pool. For example, a member
    #: with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member
    #: with weight of 2.
    weight = resource.Body('weight', type=int)
Exemplo n.º 24
class MessageConsume(resource.Resource):

    base_path = '/queues/%(queue_id)s/groups/%(consumer_group_id)s/messages'

    service = dms_service.DMSService()

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('max_msgs', 'time_wait')

    # Properties
    #: Queue id
    queue_id = resource.URI('queue_id')
    #: Consumer group id
    consumer_group_id = resource.URI('consumer_group_id')
    #: Message dict
    #: *Type: dict
    message = resource.Body('message', type=dict)
    #: handler
    handler = resource.Body('handler')
    #: Status of the message
    status = resource.Body('status')
    #: Success number of the message
    #: *Type: int
    success = resource.Body('success', type=int)
    #: Fail number of the message
    #: *Type: int
    fail = resource.Body('fail', type=int)

    # NOTES: this API is so different from others, it's not a RESTFUL
    # style, allow user to pass mulitple tags as the query parameters
    # which can not leverage method of session directlly.
    # return an url with query params
    # it accepts multiple query params e.g. tag=tag1&tag=tag2
    # S-u-c-k-s, huh !
    def _assemble_query_params(cls, base_url, params):
        # pop queue_id and consumer_group_id
        params.pop('queue_id', None)
        params.pop('consumer_group_id', None)
        if len(params) == 0:
            return base_url
        base_url = base_url + '?'
        for (p, v) in params.items():
            if p == 'tags':
                for tag in v:
                    base_url = base_url + 'tag=' + tag + '&'
                base_url = base_url + p + '=' + str(v) + '&'

        # remove last `&`
        return base_url[:-1]

    # use get method to consume message, return a list of self
    def list(cls, session, paginated=False, **params):

        headers = {
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "Content-type": "application/json"
        uri = cls.base_path % params
        endpoint_override = cls.service.get_endpoint_override()

        tags = params.get("tags", None)
        # NOTES: this API is so different from others, it's not a RESTFUL
        # style, allow user to pass mulitple tags as the query parameters
        # which can not leverage method of session directlly.
        if tags is not None:
            if endpoint_override is not None:
                uri = cls._assemble_query_params(uri, params)
                full_url = endpoint_override % {
                    'project_id': session.get_project_id()
                full_url = full_url + uri
                resp = session.get(full_url,
                # TOOD: Don't support non override yet
                resp = None
            query_params = cls._query_mapping._transpose(params)
            resp = session.get(uri,

        if resp is not None:
            resp = resp.json()
            ret = []
            # resp is a list
            for r in resp:
                r['queue_id'] = params.get('queue_id')
                r['consumer_group_id'] = params.get('consumer_group_id')

            return ret

    def ack(self, session, status='success'):
        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        # base_path is /queues/{queue_id}/groups/{consumer_group_id}/ack
        base_path = 'ack'.join(self.base_path.rsplit('messages', 1))
        uri = base_path % self._uri.attributes

        body = {
            "message": [{
                "handler": self.handler,
                "status": self.status if self.status else status

        headers = self._header.dirty
        headers.update({'Content-type': 'application/json'})
        headers.update({'Content-Length': str(len(str(body)))})

        response = session.post(uri,

        return self
Exemplo n.º 25
class Task(_maasresource.Resource):

    base_path = '/objectstorage/task'
    service = maas_service.MaaSService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_delete = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('start', 'limit', 'state')

    # Properties
    #: Task Id
    #: *Type: int*
    id = resource.Body('id', type=int)
    #: Task name
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: Source node information
    #: *Type: dict*
    src_node = resource.Body('src_node', type=dict)
    #: Dest node information
    #: *Type: dict*
    dst_node = resource.Body('dst_node', type=dict)
    #: Thread number
    #: *Type: int*
    thread_num = resource.Body('thread_num', type=int)
    #: Task status, value could be 0-5
    #: *Type: int*
    status = resource.Body('status', type=int)
    #: Task migrate progress
    #: *Type: float*
    progress = resource.Body('progress', type=float)
    #: Migrate speed, byte/s
    #: *Type: int*
    migrate_speed = resource.Body('migrate_speed', type=int)
    #: Enable KMS
    #: *Type: bool*
    enableKMS = resource.Body('enableKMS', type=bool)
    #: Taskname
    task_name = resource.Body('task_name')
    #: Task description, empty if user does not set it
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: Error reason
    #: *Type: dict*
    error_reason = resource.Body('error_reason', type=dict)
    #: Total size of the task
    #: *Type: int*
    total_size = resource.Body('total_size', type=int)
    #: Complete size of the task
    #: *Type: int*
    complete_size = resource.Body('complete_size', type=int)
    #: Task start time
    #: *Type: int*
    start_time = resource.Body('start_time', type=int)
    #: Task left time
    #: *Type: int*
    left_time = resource.Body('left_time', type=int)
    #: Task total time
    #: *Type: int*
    total_time = resource.Body('total_time', type=int)
    #: Task migration success object number
    #: *Type: int*
    success_num = resource.Body('success_num', type=int)
    #: Task migration failed object number
    #: *Type: int*
    fail_num = resource.Body('fail_num', type=int)
    #: Task migration total object number
    #: *Type: int*
    total_num = resource.Body('total_num', type=int)
    #: SMN information
    #: *Type: dict*
    smnInfo = resource.Body('smnInfo', type=dict)

    def _action(self, session, **kwargs):
        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self._get_id(self))
        request = self._prepare_request(prepend_key=True)
        resp = session.put(url,

        if resp is not None and resp.status_code == 200:
            return True

        return False

    def start(self, session, source_ak, source_sk, target_ak, target_sk):
        return self._action(session,

    def stop(self, session):
        return self._action(session, operation='stop')

    def task_count(cls, session, state):

        uri = cls.base_path
        query_params = {'totalcount': 'true'}

        if state is not None:
            query_params.update({'state': state})

        endpoint_override = cls.service.get_endpoint_override()
        resp = session.get(uri,
                               "Accept": "application/json",
                               "Content-type": "application/json"
        resp = resp.json()
        return resp.get('taskcount')

    # overwrite resource2.py get to add request.headers
    # if all maas API requres get to have headers move this
    # to maasresrouce.py
    def get(self, session, requires_id=True):

        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=requires_id)

        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        response = session.get(request.uri,

        return self

    # overwrite resource2.py delete to add request.headers
    # if all maas API requres delete to have headers move this
    # to maasresrouce.py
    def delete(self, session):

        request = self._prepare_request()

        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        response = session.delete(request.uri,

        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 26
class JobExecution(resource.Resource):
    """Map Reduce Job Execution Resource"""
    resource_key = "job_execution"
    resources_key = "job_executions"
    base_path = "/job-executions"
    service = map_reduce_service.MapReduceService()

    # capabilities
    allow_list = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_delete = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters("sort_by")

    #: Properties
    #: A dict contains job running information returned by Oozie
    info = resource.Body("info", type=dict)
    #: The cluster which executed the job
    cluster_id = resource.Body("cluster_id")
    #: The job reference been executed
    job_id = resource.Body("job_id")
    #: Workflow ID of Oozie
    engine_job_id = resource.Body("engine_job_id")
    #: Workflow ID returned by Oozie
    oozie_job_id = resource.Body("oozie_job_id")
    #: Response code of job execution
    return_code = resource.Body("return_code")
    #: Input data reference(ID) of the job execution
    input_id = resource.Body("input_id")
    #: Output data reference(ID) of the job execution
    output_id = resource.Body("output_id")
    #: Job execution configurations
    job_configs = resource.Body("job_configs", type=dict)
    #: Input Data source dict of the job execution, key is input id and value
    #: is the input URL
    data_source_urls = resource.Body("data_source_urls")
    #: Reserved attribute, is job binary protected
    is_protected = resource.Body("is_protected", type=bool)
    #: Reserved attribute, is job binary public
    is_public = resource.Body("is_public", type=bool)
    #: UTC date and time of the job-execution start time
    start_time = resource.Body("start_time")
    #: UTC date and time of the job-execution end time
    end_time = resource.Body("end_time")
    #: UTC date and time of the job-execution created time
    created_at = resource.Body("created_at")
    #: UTC date and time of the job-execution last updated time
    updated_at = resource.Body("updated_at")
    #: The tenant this job-execution belongs to
    tenant_id = resource.Body("tenant_id")

    def cancel(self, session):
        """cancel self's execution

        :param session: openstack session
        uri = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'cancel')
        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        response = session.get(uri,
        return self

    def create(self, session):
        """create a job execution and execute it

        :param session: openstack session
        uri = utils.urljoin("/jobs", self.job_id, '/execute')
        endpoint_override = self.service.get_endpoint_override()
        body = self._body.dirty
        response = session.post(uri,
                                headers={"Accept": "application/json"},
        return self
Exemplo n.º 27
class Cluster(resource.Resource):
    """Cluster Resource"""
    resource_key = "cluster"
    resources_key = "cluster"
    base_path = "/clusters"
    service = map_reduce_service.MapReduceService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_delete = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters("sort_by", marker="limit")

    #: Properties
    #: Cluster ID
    id = resource.Body("cluster_id")
    #: Cluster name
    name = resource.Body("cluster_name")
    #: Version of the clusters, Currently, MRS 1.2 and MRS 1.3.0 are supported.
    #: The latest version(MRS 1.3.0 for now) of MRS is used by default.
    version = resource.Body("cluster_version")
    #: Cluster type, ``0`` indicate for analysis and ``1`` for streaming.
    #: 0 is used by default.
    type = resource.Body("cluster_type")

    #: Cluster billing type, The value is 12, indicating on-demand payment.
    billing_type = resource.Body("billing_type", type=int, default=12)
    #: Number of Master nodes, set to 2
    master_node_num = resource.Body("master_node_num", type=int, default=2)
    #: The Flavor of Master Node, Best match based on several years of
    #: commissioning experience. MRS supports nine specifications of hosts,
    #: and host specifications are determined by CPUs, memory, and disks.
    #: Master nodes support:
    #:  - c2.4xlarge.linux.mrs,
    #:  - s1.4xlarge.linux.mrs and
    #:  - s1.8xlarge.linux.mrs.
    #: Core nodes of a streaming cluster support:
    #:  - s1.xlarge.linux.mrs,
    #:  - c2.2xlarge.linux.mrs,
    #:  - c2.4xlarge.linux.mrs,
    #:  - s1.4xlarge.linux.mrs,
    #:  - s1.8xlarge.linux.mrs,
    #:  - d1.8xlarge.linux.mrs
    #: Core nodes of an analysis cluster support all specifications above.
    master_node_size = resource.Body("master_node_size")
    #: Number of Core nodes, Value range: 3 to 100
    core_node_num = resource.Body("core_node_num", type=int)
    #: Instance specification of a Core node Configuration method of this
    #: parameter is identical to that of master_node_size.
    core_node_size = resource.Body("core_node_size")

    #: Cluster region information, Obtain the value from
    #: https://docs.otc.t-systems.com/en-us/endpoint/index.html
    data_center = resource.Body("data_center")
    #: ID of an available zone. Obtain the value from
    #: https://docs.otc.t-systems.com/en-us/endpoint/index.html
    availability_zone_id = resource.Body("available_zone_id")

    #: VPC reference of cluster nodes networking
    vpc_id = resource.Body("vpc_id")
    #: Name of the VPC
    vpc_name = resource.Body("vpc")
    #: Subnet reference of cluster nodes networking
    subnet_id = resource.Body("subnet_id")
    #: Name of the subnet
    subnet_name = resource.Body("subnet_name")

    #: Type of volume, ``SATA``, ``SAS`` and ``SSD`` are supported.
    #:  - SATA: common I/O
    #:  - SAS: high-speed I/O
    #:  - SSD: super high-speed I/O
    volume_type = resource.Body("volume_type")
    #: Data volume size of a Core node, Value range: 100 GB to 32000 GB.
    #: Users can add disks to expand storage capacity when creating a cluster.
    #: There are the following scenarios:
    #: - Separation of data storage and computing: Data is stored in the
    #: OBS system. Costs of clusters are relatively low but computing
    #: performance is poor. The clusters can be deleted at any time. It is
    #: recommended when data computing is not frequently performed.
    #: - Integration of data storage and computing: Data is stored in the HDFS
    #: system. Costs of clusters are relatively high but computing performance
    #: is good. The clusters cannot be deleted in a short term.
    #: It is recommended when data computing is frequently performed.
    volume_size = resource.Body("volume_size")
    #: Name of a key pair used to login to the Master node in the cluster.
    keypair = resource.Body("node_public_cert_name")
    #: MRS cluster running mode, ``0`` indicate for ``Common Mode`` and ``1``
    #: for ``Safe Mode``.
    #: - 0 common mode: The value indicates that the Kerberos authentication
    # is disabled. Users can use all functions provided by the cluster.
    #: - 1: safe mode; The value indicates that the Kerberos authentication is
    #: enabled. Common users cannot use the file management or job; management
    #: functions of an MRS cluster and cannot view cluster resource usage or
    # the job records of Hadoop and Spark. To use these functions, the users
    #: must obtain the relevant permissions from the MRS Manager administrator
    safe_mode = resource.Body("safe_mode")
    #: Indicates the password of the MRS Manager administrator.
    cluster_admin_secret = resource.Body("cluster_admin_secret")
    #: Service component list to be used by the cluster.
    #: Component IDs supported by 1.3.0 include:
    #: - MRS 1.3.0_001: Hadoop
    #: - MRS 1.3.0_002: Spark
    #: - MRS 1.3.0_003: HBase
    #: - MRS 1.3.0_004: Hive
    #: - MRS 1.3.0_005: Hue
    #: - MRS 1.3.0_006: Kafka
    #: - MRS 1.3.0_007: Storm
    # Component IDs supported by MRS 1.2 include:
    #: - MRS 1.2_001: Hadoop
    #: - MRS 1.2_002: Spark
    #: - MRS 1.2_003: HBase
    #: - MRS 1.2_004: Hive
    #: - MRS 1.2_005: Hue
    component_list = resource.Body("component_list", type=list)
    #: job to be executed after cluster is ready
    jobs = resource.Body("add_jobs", type=list)
Exemplo n.º 28
class Pool(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'pool'
    resources_key = 'pools'
    base_path = '/lbaas/pools'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # Properties
    #: Description for the pool.
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: The ID of the associated health monitors.
    health_monitor_ids = resource.Body('health_monitors', type=list)
    #: The statuses of the associated health monitors.
    health_monitor_status = resource.Body('health_monitor_status', type=list)
    #: The administrative state of the pool, which is up ``True`` or down
    #: ``False``. *Type: bool*
    is_admin_state_up = resource.Body('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    #: The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin, least-connections,
    #: and so on. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the
    #: load-balancer provider. Round-robin must be supported.
    lb_algorithm = resource.Body('lb_algorithm')
    #: List of associated listeners.
    #: *Type: list of dicts which contain the listener IDs*
    listener_ids = resource.Body('listeners', type=list)
    #: ID of listener associated with this pool
    listener_id = resource.Body('listener_id')
    #: List of associated load balancers.
    #: *Type: list of dicts which contain the load balancer IDs*
    load_balancer_ids = resource.Body('loadbalancers', type=list)
    #: ID of load balancer associated with this pool
    load_balancer_id = resource.Body('loadbalancer_id')
    #: List of members that belong to the pool.
    #: *Type: list of dicts which contain the member IDs*
    member_ids = resource.Body('members', type=list)
    #: Pool name. Does not have to be unique.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the project this pool is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: The protocol of the pool, which is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
    protocol = resource.Body('protocol')
    #: The provider name of the load balancer service.
    provider = resource.Body('provider')
    #: Human readable description of the status.
    status = resource.Body('status')
    #: The status of the network.
    status_description = resource.Body('status_description')
    #: The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
    subnet_id = resource.Body('subnet_id')
    #: Session persistence algorithm that should be used (if any).
    #: *Type: dict with keys ``type`` and ``cookie_name``*
    session_persistence = resource.Body('session_persistence')
    #: The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.
    virtual_ip_id = resource.Body('vip_id')
Exemplo n.º 29
class Image(resource2.Resource):
    resources_key = 'images'
    base_path = '/images'
    service = image_service.ImageService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    patch_update = True

    _query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters("name", "visibility",
                                               "member_status", "owner",
                                               "status", "size_min",
                                               "size_max", "sort_key",
                                               "sort_dir", "sort", "tag",
                                               "created_at", "updated_at")

    # NOTE: Do not add "self" support here. If you've used Python before,
    # you know that self, while not being a reserved word, has special
    # meaning. You can't call a class initializer with the self name
    # as the first argument and then additionally in kwargs, as we
    # do when we're constructing instances from the JSON body.
    # Resource.list explicitly pops off any "self" keys from bodies so
    # that we don't end up getting the following:
    # TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'self'

    # The image data (bytes or a file-like object)
    data = None
    # Properties
    #: Hash of the image data used. The Image service uses this value
    #: for verification.
    checksum = resource2.Body('checksum')
    #: The container format refers to whether the VM image is in a file
    #: format that also contains metadata about the actual VM.
    #: Container formats include OVF and Amazon AMI. In addition,
    #: a VM image might not have a container format - instead,
    #: the image is just a blob of unstructured data.
    container_format = resource2.Body('container_format')
    #: The date and time when the image was created.
    created_at = resource2.Body('created_at')
    #: Valid values are: aki, ari, ami, raw, iso, vhd, vdi, qcow2, or vmdk.
    #: The disk format of a VM image is the format of the underlying
    #: disk image. Virtual appliance vendors have different formats
    #: for laying out the information contained in a VM disk image.
    disk_format = resource2.Body('disk_format')
    #: Defines whether the image can be deleted.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_protected = resource2.Body('protected', type=bool)
    #: The minimum disk size in GB that is required to boot the image.
    min_disk = resource2.Body('min_disk')
    #: The minimum amount of RAM in MB that is required to boot the image.
    min_ram = resource2.Body('min_ram')
    #: The name of the image.
    name = resource2.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the owner, or project, of the image.
    owner_id = resource2.Body('owner')
    #: Properties, if any, that are associated with the image.
    properties = resource2.Body('properties', type=dict)
    #: The size of the image data, in bytes.
    size = resource2.Body('size', type=int)
    #: When present, Glance will attempt to store the disk image data in the
    #: backing store indicated by the value of the header. When not present,
    #: Glance will store the disk image data in the backing store that is
    #: marked default. Valid values are: file, s3, rbd, swift, cinder,
    #: gridfs, sheepdog, or vsphere.
    store = resource2.Body('store')
    #: The image status.
    status = resource2.Body('status')
    #: Tags, if any, that are associated with the image.
    tags = resource2.Body('tags')
    #: The date and time when the image was updated.
    updated_at = resource2.Body('updated_at')
    #: The virtual size of the image.
    virtual_size = resource2.Body('virtual_size')
    #: The image visibility.
    visibility = resource2.Body('visibility')
    #: The URL for the virtual machine image file.
    file = resource2.Body('file')
    #: A list of URLs to access the image file in external store.
    #: This list appears if the show_multiple_locations option is set
    #: to true in the Image service's configuration file.
    locations = resource2.Body('locations')
    #: The URL to access the image file kept in external store. It appears
    #: when you set the show_image_direct_url option to true in the
    #: Image service's configuration file.
    direct_url = resource2.Body('direct_url')
    #: An image property.
    path = resource2.Body('path')
    #: Value of image property used in add or replace operations expressed
    #: in JSON notation. For example, you must enclose strings in quotation
    #: marks, and you do not enclose numeric values in quotation marks.
    value = resource2.Body('value')
    #: The URL to access the image file kept in external store.
    url = resource2.Body('url')
    #: The location metadata.
    metadata = resource2.Body('metadata', type=dict)

    # Additional Image Properties
    # http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/common-image-properties.html
    # http://docs.openstack.org/cli-reference/glance-property-keys.html
    #: The CPU architecture that must be supported by the hypervisor.
    architecture = resource2.Body("architecture")
    #: The hypervisor type. Note that qemu is used for both QEMU and
    #: KVM hypervisor types.
    hypervisor_type = resource2.Body("hypervisor-type")
    #: Optional property allows created servers to have a different bandwidth
    #: cap than that defined in the network they are attached to.
    instance_type_rxtx_factor = resource2.Body("instance_type_rxtx_factor",
    # For snapshot images, this is the UUID of the server used to
    #: create this image.
    instance_uuid = resource2.Body('instance_uuid')
    #: Specifies whether the image needs a config drive.
    #: `mandatory` or `optional` (default if property is not used).
    needs_config_drive = resource2.Body('img_config_drive')
    #: The ID of an image stored in the Image service that should be used
    #: as the kernel when booting an AMI-style image.
    kernel_id = resource2.Body('kernel_id')
    #: The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase
    os_distro = resource2.Body('os_distro')
    #: The operating system version as specified by the distributor.
    os_version = resource2.Body('os_version')
    #: Secure Boot is a security standard. When the instance starts,
    #: Secure Boot first examines software such as firmware and OS by
    #: their signature and only allows them to run if the signatures are valid.
    needs_secure_boot = resource2.Body('os_secure_boot')
    #: The ID of image stored in the Image service that should be used as
    #: the ramdisk when booting an AMI-style image.
    ramdisk_id = resource2.Body('ramdisk_id')
    #: The virtual machine mode. This represents the host/guest ABI
    #: (application binary interface) used for the virtual machine.
    vm_mode = resource2.Body('vm_mode')
    #: The preferred number of sockets to expose to the guest.
    hw_cpu_sockets = resource2.Body('hw_cpu_sockets', type=int)
    #: The preferred number of cores to expose to the guest.
    hw_cpu_cores = resource2.Body('hw_cpu_cores', type=int)
    #: The preferred number of threads to expose to the guest.
    hw_cpu_threads = resource2.Body('hw_cpu_threads', type=int)
    #: Specifies the type of disk controller to attach disk devices to.
    #: One of scsi, virtio, uml, xen, ide, or usb.
    hw_disk_bus = resource2.Body('hw_disk_bus')
    #: Adds a random-number generator device to the image's instances.
    hw_rng_model = resource2.Body('hw_rng_model')
    #: For libvirt: Enables booting an ARM system using the specified
    #: machine type.
    #: For Hyper-V: Specifies whether the Hyper-V instance will be a
    #: generation 1 or generation 2 VM.
    hw_machine_type = resource2.Body('hw_machine_type')
    #: Enables the use of VirtIO SCSI (virtio-scsi) to provide block device
    #: access for compute instances; by default, instances use VirtIO Block
    #: (virtio-blk).
    hw_scsi_model = resource2.Body('hw_scsi_model')
    #: Specifies the count of serial ports that should be provided.
    hw_serial_port_count = resource2.Body('hw_serial_port_count', type=int)
    #: The video image driver used.
    hw_video_model = resource2.Body('hw_video_model')
    #: Maximum RAM for the video image.
    hw_video_ram = resource2.Body('hw_video_ram', type=int)
    #: Enables a virtual hardware watchdog device that carries out the
    #: specified action if the server hangs.
    hw_watchdog_action = resource2.Body('hw_watchdog_action')
    #: The kernel command line to be used by the libvirt driver, instead
    #: of the default.
    os_command_line = resource2.Body('os_command_line')
    #: Specifies the model of virtual network interface device to use.
    hw_vif_model = resource2.Body('hw_vif_model')
    #: If true, this enables the virtio-net multiqueue feature.
    #: In this case, the driver sets the number of queues equal to the
    #: number of guest vCPUs. This makes the network performance scale
    #: across a number of vCPUs.
    is_hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled = resource2.Body('hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled',
    #: If true, enables the BIOS bootmenu.
    is_hw_boot_menu_enabled = resource2.Body('hw_boot_menu', type=bool)
    #: The virtual SCSI or IDE controller used by the hypervisor.
    vmware_adaptertype = resource2.Body('vmware_adaptertype')
    #: A VMware GuestID which describes the operating system installed
    #: in the image.
    vmware_ostype = resource2.Body('vmware_ostype')
    #: If true, the root partition on the disk is automatically resized
    #: before the instance boots.
    has_auto_disk_config = resource2.Body('auto_disk_config', type=bool)
    #: The operating system installed on the image.
    os_type = resource2.Body('os_type')

    def _action(self, session, action):
        """Call an action on an image ID."""
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'actions', action)
        return session.post(url, endpoint_filter=self.service)

    def deactivate(self, session):
        """Deactivate an image

        Note: Only administrative users can view image locations
        for deactivated images.
        self._action(session, "deactivate")

    def reactivate(self, session):
        """Reactivate an image

        Note: The image must exist in order to be reactivated.
        self._action(session, "reactivate")

    def add_tag(self, session, tag):
        """Add a tag to an image"""
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'tags', tag)
        session.put(url, endpoint_filter=self.service)

    def remove_tag(self, session, tag):
        """Remove a tag from an image"""
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'tags', tag)
        session.delete(url, endpoint_filter=self.service)

    def upload(self, session):
        """Upload data into an existing image"""
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'file')
                        "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
                        "Accept": ""

    def download(self, session, stream=False):
        """Download the data contained in an image"""
        # TODO(briancurtin): This method should probably offload the get
        # operation into another thread or something of that nature.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'file')
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, stream=stream)

        # See the following bug report for details on why the checksum
        # code may sometimes depend on a second GET call.
        # https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstacksdk/+bug/1619675
        checksum = resp.headers.get("Content-MD5")

        if checksum is None:
            # If we don't receive the Content-MD5 header with the download,
            # make an additional call to get the image details and look at
            # the checksum attribute.
            details = self.get(session)
            checksum = details.checksum

        # if we are returning the repsonse object, ensure that it
        # has the content-md5 header so that the caller doesn't
        # need to jump through the same hoops through which we
        # just jumped.
        if stream:
            resp.headers['content-md5'] = checksum
            return resp

        if checksum is not None:
            digest = hashlib.md5(resp.content).hexdigest()
            if digest != checksum:
                raise exceptions.InvalidResponse(
                    "checksum mismatch: %s != %s" % (checksum, digest))
            _logger.warn("Unable to verify the integrity of image %s" %

        return resp.content

    def update(self, session, **attrs):
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id)
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch',
            'Accept': ''
        original = self.to_dict()
        patch_string = jsonpatch.make_patch(original, attrs).to_string()
        resp = session.patch(url,
        self._translate_response(resp, has_body=True)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 30
class Volume(resource2.Resource):
    resource_key = "volume"
    resources_key = "volumes"
    base_path = "/volumes"
    service = block_store_service.BlockStoreService()

    _query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters('all_tenants',

    # capabilities
    allow_get = True
    allow_create = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: A ID representing this volume.
    id = resource2.Body("id")
    #: The name of this volume.
    name = resource2.Body("name")
    #: A list of links associated with this volume. *Type: list*
    links = resource2.Body("links", type=list)

    #: The availability zone.
    availability_zone = resource2.Body("availability_zone")
    #: To create a volume from an existing volume, specify the ID of
    #: the existing volume. If specified, the volume is created with
    #: same size of the source volume.
    source_volume_id = resource2.Body("source_volid")
    #: The volume description.
    description = resource2.Body("description")
    #: To create a volume from an existing snapshot, specify the ID of
    #: the existing volume snapshot. If specified, the volume is created
    #: in same availability zone and with same size of the snapshot.
    snapshot_id = resource2.Body("snapshot_id")
    #: The size of the volume, in GBs. *Type: int*
    size = resource2.Body("size", type=int)
    #: The ID of the image from which you want to create the volume.
    #: Required to create a bootable volume.
    image_id = resource2.Body("imageRef")
    #: The name of the associated volume type.
    volume_type = resource2.Body("volume_type")
    #: Enables or disables the bootable attribute. You can boot an
    #: instance from a bootable volume. *Type: bool*
    is_bootable = resource2.Body("bootable", type=format.BoolStr)
    #: One or more metadata key and value pairs to associate with the volume.
    metadata = resource2.Body("metadata", type=dict)
    #: One of the following values: creating, available, attaching, in-use
    #: deleting, error, error_deleting, backing-up, restoring-backup,
    #: error_restoring. For details on these statuses, see the
    #: Block Storage API documentation.
    status = resource2.Body("status")
    #: TODO(briancurtin): This is currently undocumented in the API.
    attachments = resource2.Body("attachments", type=list)
    #: The timestamp of this volume creation.
    created_at = resource2.Body("created_at")
    # This parameter indicates that the cloud disk is created from the clone of the disk.
    # The current cloud disk service does not support this function.
    source_replica = resource2.Body("source_replica")
    # Consistency group ID. This parameter indicates that the cloud disk belongs to the consistency group. The current
    # cloud disk service does not support this function.
    consistencygroup_id = resource2.Body("consistencygroup_id")
    # Is it a shareable cloud drive
    shareable = resource2.Body("shareable", type=bool)
    # Share the cloud drive flag. The default is false.
    multiattach = resource2.Body("multiattach", type=bool)
    #: ``True`` if this volume is encrypted, ``False`` if not.
    #: *Type: bool*
    encrypted = resource2.Body("encrypted", type=bool)
    #: Status of replication on this volume.
    replication_status = resource2.Body("replication_status")
    # updated date
    updated_at = resource2.Body("updated_at")
    # user id
    user_id = resource2.Body("user_id")
    # If the cloud drive is created from the image, this field will be available, otherwise the field is empty.
    volume_image_metadata = resource2.Body("volume_image_metadata", type=dict)
    #: Extended replication status on this volume.
    extended_status = resource2.Body("os-volume-replication:extended_status")
    #: The project ID associated with current back-end.
    tenant_id = resource2.Body("os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id")
    #: The status of this volume's migration (None means that a migration
    #: is not currently in progress).
    migstat = resource2.Body("os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat")
    #: The volume ID that this volume's name on the back-end is based on.
    name_id = resource2.Body("os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id")
    # message
    message = resource2.Body("message")
    # code
    code = resource2.Body("code")
    #: The volume's current back-end.
    host = resource2.Body("os-vol-host-attr:host")
    # The scheduling parameter currently supports the dedicated_storage_id field,
    # indicating that the cloud disk is created in the DSS storage pool.
    scheduler_hints = resource2.Body("OS-SCH-HNT:scheduler_hints", type=dict)
    # Mirror ID. Specifying the parameter to create a cloud disk is created from the image.
    # Description:
    # Creating a BMS system disk through BMS mirroring is not supported.
    imageRef = resource2.Body("imageRef")