Exemplo n.º 1
class Capability(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    resource_key = 'capability'
    resources_key = 'capabilities'
    base_path = '/capabilities'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    enabled = resource.prop('enabled')

    def list(cls,
        resp = session.get(cls.base_path,
        resp = resp.json()
        for key, value in six.iteritems(resp['api']):
            yield cls.existing(id=key, enabled=value)
Exemplo n.º 2
class Meter(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'meter_id'
    resource_key = 'meter'
    base_path = '/meters'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The unique identifier for the meter
    meter_id = resource.prop('meter_id')
    #: The unique name for the meter
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: The ID of the project or tenant that owns the resource
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: The ID of the resource for which the measurements are taken
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    #: The ID of the source that identifies where the meter comes from
    source = resource.prop('source')
    #: The meter type
    type = resource.prop('type')
    #: The unit of measure
    unit = resource.prop('unit')
    #: The ID of the user who last triggered an update to the resource
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
Exemplo n.º 3
class Meter(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'meter'
    base_path = '/v2/meters'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    meter_id = resource.prop('meter_id')
    name = resource.prop('name')
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    source = resource.prop('source')
    type = resource.prop('type')
    unit = resource.prop('unit')
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')

    def id(self):
            val = self.meter_id
        except AttributeError:
            val = None
        return val
Exemplo n.º 4
class AlarmChange(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'event_id'
    resource_key = 'alarm_change'
    base_path = '/v2/alarms/%(alarm_id)s/history'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    alarm_id = resource.prop('alarm_id')
    detail = resource.prop('detail')
    event_id = resource.prop('event_id')
    on_behalf_of = resource.prop('on_behalf_of')
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    triggered_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    type = resource.prop('type')
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')

    def list(cls, session, path_args=None, **params):
        url = cls.base_path % path_args
        resp = session.get(url, service=cls.service, params=params)

        changes = []
        for item in resp.body:
        return changes
Exemplo n.º 5
class Resource(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'resource_id'
    base_path = '/resources'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: UTC date & time not later than the first sample known for this resource
    first_sample_at = resource.prop('first_sample_timestamp')
    #: UTC date & time not earlier than the last sample known for this resource
    last_sample_at = resource.prop('last_sample_timestamp')
    #: A list containing a self link and associated meter links
    links = resource.prop('links')
    #: Arbitrary metadata associated with the resource
    metadata = resource.prop('metadata')
    #: The ID of the owning project or tenant
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: The unique identifier for the resource
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    #: The source where the resource comes from
    source = resource.prop('source')
    #: The ID of the user who created the resource or updated it last
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, plugins=None):
        """User preference for each service.

        :param list plugins: List of entry point namespaces to load.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._preferences = {}
        self._services = {}

        if plugins:
            for plugin in plugins:
        self.service_names = sorted(self._services.keys())
Exemplo n.º 7
class Sample(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'sample_id'
    base_path = '/meters/%(counter_name)s'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: Arbitrary metadata associated with the sample
    metadata = resource.prop('metadata', alias='resource_metadata')
    #: The meter name this sample is for
    counter_name = resource.prop('meter', alias='counter_name')
    #: The project this sample was taken for
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: When the sample has been recorded
    recorded_at = resource.prop('recorded_at')
    #: The Resource this sample was taken for
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    #: The unique identifier for the sample
    sample_id = resource.prop('id', alias='message_id')
    #: The source that identifies where the sample comes from
    source = resource.prop('source')
    #: When the sample has been generated
    generated_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    #: The meter type
    type = resource.prop('type', alias='counter_type')
    #: The unit of measure
    unit = resource.prop('unit', alias='counter_unit')
    #: The user this sample was taken for
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
    #: The metered value
    volume = resource.prop('volume', alias='counter_volume')

    def list(cls,
        url = cls._get_url(path_args)
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, params=params)
        for item in resp.json():
            yield cls.existing(**item)

    def create(self, session):
        url = self._get_url(self)
        # telemetry expects a list of samples
        attrs = self._attrs.copy()
        attrs.pop('meter', None)
        resp = session.post(url, endpoint_filter=self.service, json=[attrs])
        resp = resp.json()
        return self
Exemplo n.º 8
class Statistics(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'meter_name'
    resource_key = 'statistics'
    base_path = '/meters/%(meter_name)s/statistics'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Path Parameter
    meter_name = resource.prop('meter_name')

    # Properties
    #: The selectable aggregate value(s)
    aggregate = resource.prop('aggregate')
    #: The average of all of the volume values seen in the data
    avg = resource.prop('avg')
    #: The number of samples seen
    count = resource.prop('count')
    #: The difference, in seconds, between the oldest and newest timestamp
    duration = resource.prop('duration')
    #: UTC date and time of the oldest timestamp, or the query end time.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    duration_end_at = resource.prop('duration_end', type=format.ISO8601)
    #: UTC date and time of the earliest timestamp, or the query start time.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    duration_start_at = resource.prop('duration_start', type=format.ISO8601)
    #: Dictionary of field names for group, if groupby statistics are requested
    group_by = resource.prop('groupby')
    #: The maximum volume seen in the data
    max = resource.prop('max')
    #: The minimum volume seen in the data
    min = resource.prop('min')
    #: The difference, in seconds, between the period start and end
    period = resource.prop('period')
    #: UTC date and time of the period end.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    period_end_at = resource.prop('period_end', type=format.ISO8601)
    #: UTC date and time of the period start.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    period_start_at = resource.prop('period_start', type=format.ISO8601)
    #: The total of all of the volume values seen in the data
    sum = resource.prop('sum')
    #: The unit type of the data set
    unit = resource.prop('unit')

    def list(cls,
        url = cls._get_url(path_args)
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, params=params)
        for stat in resp.json():
            yield cls.existing(**stat)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_service(self):
     sot = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()
     self.assertEqual('metering', sot.service_type)
     self.assertEqual('public', sot.visibility)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(sot.valid_versions))
     self.assertEqual('v2', sot.valid_versions[0].module)
     self.assertEqual('v2', sot.valid_versions[0].path)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        """Preferences for each service.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._preferences = {}
        self._services = {}
        NOTE(thowe): We should probably do something more clever here rather
        than brute force create all the services.  Maybe use entry points
        or something, but I'd like to leave that work for another commit.
        serv = cluster_service.ClusterService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = compute_service.ComputeService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = database_service.DatabaseService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = identity_service.IdentityService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = image_service.ImageService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = metric_service.MetricService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = network_service.NetworkService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = orchestration_service.OrchestrationService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = keystore_service.KeystoreService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = block_store_service.BlockStoreService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = message_service.MessageService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv

        self.service_names = sorted(self._services.keys())
Exemplo n.º 11
class Sample(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'sample_id'
    base_path = '/meters/%(meter)s'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: Arbitrary metadata associated with the sample
    metadata = resource.prop('metadata', alias='resource_metadata')
    #: The meter name this sample is for
    meter = resource.prop('meter', alias='counter_name')
    #: The project this sample was taken for
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: When the sample has been recorded
    recorded_at = resource.prop('recorded_at')
    #: The Resource this sample was taken for
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    #: The unique identifier for the sample
    sample_id = resource.prop('id', alias='message_id')
    #: The source that identifies where the sample comes from
    source = resource.prop('source')
    #: When the sample has been generated
    generated_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    #: The meter type
    type = resource.prop('type', alias='counter_type')
    #: The unit of measure
    unit = resource.prop('unit', alias='counter_unit')
    #: The user this sample was taken for
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
    #: The metered value
    volume = resource.prop('volume', alias='counter_volume')

    def list(cls, session, path_args=None, **params):
        url = cls._get_url(path_args)
        resp = session.get(url, service=cls.service, params=params)

        changes = []
        for item in resp.body:
        return changes

    def create(self, session):
        url = self._get_url(self)
        # telemetry expects a list of samples
        resp = session.post(url, service=self.service, json=[self._attrs])

        sample = self.existing(**resp.body.pop())
        self._attrs['id'] = sample.id
Exemplo n.º 12
class Statistics(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'meter_name'
    resource_key = 'statistics'
    base_path = '/meters/%(meter_name)s/statistics'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Path Parameter
    meter_name = resource.prop('meter_name')

    # Properties
    #: The selectable aggregate value(s)
    aggregate = resource.prop('aggregate')
    #: The average of all of the volume values seen in the data
    avg = resource.prop('avg')
    #: The number of samples seen
    count = resource.prop('count')
    #: The difference, in seconds, between the oldest and newest timestamp
    duration = resource.prop('duration')
    #: UTC date and time of the oldest timestamp, or the query end time
    duration_end = resource.prop('duration_end')
    #: UTC date and time of the earliest timestamp, or the query start time
    duration_start = resource.prop('duration_start')
    #: Dictionary of field names for group, if groupby statistics are requested
    group_by = resource.prop('groupby')
    #: The maximum volume seen in the data
    max = resource.prop('max')
    #: The minimum volume seen in the data
    min = resource.prop('min')
    #: The difference, in seconds, between the period start and end
    period = resource.prop('period')
    #: UTC date and time of the period end
    period_end = resource.prop('period_end')
    #: UTC date and time of the period start
    period_start = resource.prop('period_start')
    #: The total of all of the volume values seen in the data
    sum = resource.prop('sum')
    #: The unit type of the data set
    unit = resource.prop('unit')

    def list(cls,
        url = cls._get_url(path_args)
        for stat in session.get(url, service=cls.service, params=params).body:
            yield cls.existing(**stat)
Exemplo n.º 13
class Alarm(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'alarm_id'
    base_path = '/v2/alarms'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    alarm_actions = resource.prop('alarm_actions')
    alarm_id = resource.prop('alarm_id')
    combination_rule = resource.prop('combination_rule')
    description = resource.prop('description')
    enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)
    insufficient_data_actions = resource.prop('insufficient_data_actions')
    name = resource.prop('name')
    ok_actions = resource.prop('ok_actions')
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    repeat_actions = resource.prop('repeat_actions', type=bool)
    state = resource.prop('state')
    state_changed_at = resource.prop('state_timestamp')
    threshold_rule = resource.prop('threshold_rule')
    time_constraints = resource.prop('time_constraints')
    type = resource.prop('type')
    updated_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')

    def __repr__(self):
        return "alarm: %s" % self._attrs

    def change_state(self, session, next_state):
        """Set the state of an alarm.

           The next_state may be one of: 'ok' 'insufficient data' 'alarm'
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'state')
        resp = session.put(url, service=self.service, json=next_state).body
        return resp

    def check_state(self, session):
        """Retrieve the current state of an alarm from the service.

           The properties of the alarm are not modified.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'state')
        resp = session.get(url, service=self.service).body
        current_state = resp.replace('\"', '')
        return current_state
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, plugins=None):
        """User preference for each service.

        :param plugins: List of entry point namespaces to load.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._services = {}

        # QianBiao.NG HuaWei Services
        ass = auto_scaling_service.AutoScalingService(version="v1")
        vbs_v2 = volume_backup_service.VolumeBackupService(version="v2")

        if plugins:
            for plugin in plugins:
        self.service_keys = sorted(self._services.keys())
Exemplo n.º 15
class Statistics(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    resource_key = 'statistics'
    base_path = '/meters/%(meter_name)s/statistics'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The selectable aggregate value(s)
    aggregate = resource.Body('aggregate')
    #: The average of all of the volume values seen in the data
    avg = resource.Body('avg')
    #: The number of samples seen
    count = resource.Body('count')
    #: The difference, in seconds, between the oldest and newest timestamp
    duration = resource.Body('duration')
    #: UTC date and time of the oldest timestamp, or the query end time.
    duration_end_at = resource.Body('duration_end')
    #: UTC date and time of the earliest timestamp, or the query start time.
    duration_start_at = resource.Body('duration_start')
    #: Dictionary of field names for group, if groupby statistics are requested
    group_by = resource.Body('groupby')
    #: The maximum volume seen in the data
    max = resource.Body('max')
    #: The minimum volume seen in the data
    min = resource.Body('min')
    #: The difference, in seconds, between the period start and end
    period = resource.Body('period')
    #: UTC date and time of the period end.
    period_end_at = resource.Body('period_end')
    #: UTC date and time of the period start.
    period_start_at = resource.Body('period_start')
    #: The total of all of the volume values seen in the data
    sum = resource.Body('sum')
    #: The unit type of the data set
    #: TODO(Qiming): This is still incorrect
    unit = resource.Body('unit', alternate_id=True)

    def list(cls, session, paginated=False, **params):
        url = cls.base_path % {'meter_name': params.pop('meter_name')}
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, params=params)
        for stat in resp.json():
            yield cls.existing(**stat)
Exemplo n.º 16
class Resource(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'resource_id'
    base_path = '/resources'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    first_sample_at = resource.prop('first_sample_timestamp')
    last_sample_at = resource.prop('last_sample_timestamp')
    links = resource.prop('links')
    metadata = resource.prop('metadata')
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    source = resource.prop('source')
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
Exemplo n.º 17
class Meter(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'meter_id'
    resource_key = 'meter'
    base_path = '/meters'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    meter_id = resource.prop('meter_id')
    name = resource.prop('name')
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    source = resource.prop('source')
    type = resource.prop('type')
    unit = resource.prop('unit')
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
Exemplo n.º 18
class Capability(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'capability'
    resources_key = 'capabilities'
    base_path = '/v2/capabilities'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    enabled = resource.prop('enabled')

    def list(cls, session, limit=None, marker=None, **params):
        resp = session.get(cls.base_path, service=cls.service, params=params)
        ray = []
        for key, value in six.iteritems(resp.body['api']):
            ray.append(cls.existing(id=key, enabled=value))
        return ray
Exemplo n.º 19
class Sample(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'sample_id'
    base_path = '/meters/%(meter)s'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    metadata = resource.prop('metadata', alias='resource_metadata')
    meter = resource.prop('meter', alias='counter_name')
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    recorded_at = resource.prop('recorded_at')
    resource_id = resource.prop('resource_id')
    sample_id = resource.prop('id', alias='message_id')
    source = resource.prop('source')
    generated_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    type = resource.prop('type', alias='counter_type')
    unit = resource.prop('unit', alias='counter_unit')
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')
    volume = resource.prop('volume', alias='counter_volume')

    def list(cls, session, path_args=None, **params):
        url = cls.base_path % path_args
        resp = session.get(url, service=cls.service, params=params)

        changes = []
        for item in resp.body:
        return changes

    def create(self, session):
        url = self.base_path % {'meter': self.meter}
        # telemetry expects a list of samples
        resp = session.post(url, service=self.service, json=[self._attrs])

        sample = self.existing(**resp.body.pop())
        self._attrs['id'] = sample.id
Exemplo n.º 20
class AlarmChange(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    id_attribute = 'event_id'
    resource_key = 'alarm_change'
    base_path = '/alarms/%(alarm_id)s/history'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The ID of the alarm
    alarm_id = resource.prop('alarm_id')
    #: Data describing the change
    detail = resource.prop('detail')
    #: The ID of the change event
    event_id = resource.prop('event_id')
    #: The project ID on behalf of which the change is being made
    on_behalf_of_id = resource.prop('on_behalf_of')
    #: The project ID of the initiating identity
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: The time/date of the alarm change.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    triggered_at = resource.prop('timestamp', type=format.ISO8601)
    #: The type of change
    type = resource.prop('type')
    #: The user ID of the initiating identity
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')

    def list(cls,
        url = cls._get_url(path_args)
        resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, params=params)
        for item in resp.json():
            yield cls.existing(**item)
Exemplo n.º 21
class AlarmChange(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'event_id'
    resource_key = 'alarm_change'
    base_path = '/alarms/%(alarm_id)s/history'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The UUID of the alarm
    alarm_id = resource.prop('alarm_id')
    #: Data describing the change
    detail = resource.prop('detail')
    #: The UUID of the change event
    event_id = resource.prop('event_id')
    #: The tenant on behalf of which the change is being made
    on_behalf_of = resource.prop('on_behalf_of')
    #: The project ID of the initiating identity
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: The time/date of the alarm change
    triggered_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    #: The type of change
    type = resource.prop('type')
    #: The user ID of the initiating identity
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')

    def list(cls,
        url = cls._get_url(path_args)
        for item in session.get(url, service=cls.service, params=params).body:
            yield cls.existing(**item)
Exemplo n.º 22
class Sample(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    base_path = '/meters/%(counter_name)s'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_get = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: When the sample has been generated.
    generated_at = resource.Body('timestamp')
    #: The message ID
    message_id = resource.Body('message_id', alternate_id=True)
    #: Arbitrary metadata associated with the sample
    metadata = resource.Body('metadata')
    #: The meter name this sample is for
    counter_name = resource.Body('counter_name')
    #: The meter name this sample is for
    counter_type = resource.Body('counter_type')
    #: The ID of the project this sample was taken for
    project_id = resource.Body('project_id')
    #: When the sample has been recorded.
    recorded_at = resource.Body('recorded_at')
    #: The ID of the resource this sample was taken for
    resource_id = resource.Body('resource_id')
    #: The name of the source that identifies where the sample comes from
    source = resource.Body('source')
    #: The meter type
    type = resource.Body('type')
    #: The unit of measure
    unit = resource.Body('unit')
    #: The ID of the user this sample was taken for
    user_id = resource.Body('user_id')
    #: The metered value
    volume = resource.Body('volume')
Exemplo n.º 23
class Statistics(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'meter_name'
    resource_key = 'statistics'
    base_path = '/meters/%(meter_name)s/statistics'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_list = True

    # Path Parameter
    meter_name = resource.prop('meter_name')

    # Properties
    aggregate = resource.prop('aggregate')
    avg = resource.prop('avg')
    count = resource.prop('count')
    duration = resource.prop('duration')
    duration_end = resource.prop('duration_end')
    duration_start = resource.prop('duration_start')
    group_by = resource.prop('groupby')
    max = resource.prop('max')
    min = resource.prop('min')
    period = resource.prop('period')
    period_end = resource.prop('period_end')
    period_start = resource.prop('period_start')
    sum = resource.prop('sum')
    unit = resource.prop('unit')

    def list(cls, session, path_args=None, **params):
        url = cls.base_path % path_args
        resp = session.get(url, service=cls.service, params=params)
        stats = []
        for stat in resp.body:
        return stats
Exemplo n.º 24
class Alarm(resource.Resource):
    id_attribute = 'alarm_id'
    base_path = '/alarms'
    service = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()

    # Supported Operations
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The actions to do when alarm state changes to alarm
    alarm_actions = resource.prop('alarm_actions')
    #: The UUID of the alarm
    alarm_id = resource.prop('alarm_id')
    # TODO(briancurtin): undocumented
    combination_rule = resource.prop('combination_rule')
    #: The description of the alarm
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: ``True`` if this alarm is enabled
    enabled = resource.prop('enabled', type=bool)
    #: The actions to do when alarm state changes to insufficient data
    insufficient_data_actions = resource.prop('insufficient_data_actions')
    #: The name for the alarm
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: The actions to do when alarm state change to ok
    ok_actions = resource.prop('ok_actions')
    #: The ID of the project or tenant that owns the alarm
    project_id = resource.prop('project_id')
    #: The actions should be re-triggered on each evaluation cycle
    repeat_actions = resource.prop('repeat_actions', type=bool)
    #: The severity of the alarm
    severity = resource.prop('severity')
    #: The state off the alarm
    state = resource.prop('state')
    #: The timestamp of the last alarm state change
    state_changed_at = resource.prop('state_timestamp')
    # TODO(briancurtin): undocumented
    threshold_rule = resource.prop('threshold_rule', type=dict)
    #: Describe time constraints for the alarm
    time_constraints = resource.prop('time_constraints')
    #: Explicit type specifier to select which rule to follow
    type = resource.prop('type')
    #: The timestamp of the last alarm definition update
    updated_at = resource.prop('timestamp')
    #: The ID of the user who created the alarm
    user_id = resource.prop('user_id')

    def change_state(self, session, next_state):
        """Set the state of an alarm.

           The next_state may be one of: 'ok' 'insufficient data' 'alarm'
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'state')
        resp = session.put(url, service=self.service, json=next_state).body
        return resp

    def check_state(self, session):
        """Retrieve the current state of an alarm from the service.

           The properties of the alarm are not modified.
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path, self.id, 'state')
        resp = session.get(url, service=self.service).body
        current_state = resp.replace('\"', '')
        return current_state