Exemplo n.º 1
 def touch_right(cur_position: Location):
     if touch_tip == "right":
         p10_multi.move_to(cur_position.move(Point(x=2.7, z=-0.75)))
         p10_multi.move_to(cur_position.move(Point(x=-1, z=0.75)))
         p10_multi.move_to(cur_position.move(Point(x=-2.7, z=-0.75)))
         p10_multi.move_to(cur_position.move(Point(x=1, z=0.75)))
Exemplo n.º 2
def run(ctx):

    [transfer_csv] = get_values(  # noqa: F821

    tiprack20 = [
        ctx.load_labware('opentrons_96_tiprack_20ul', '3', '20µl tiprack')
    pipettes = [
        ctx.load_instrument('p20_single_gen2', mount, tip_racks=tiprack20)
        for mount in ['right', 'left']

    # load labware
    transfer_info = [[val.strip().lower() for val in line.split(',')[1:]]
                     for line in transfer_csv.splitlines()
                     if line.split(',')[0].strip()][1:]
    src_a = Location(
        Point(float(transfer_info[0][0]), float(transfer_info[0][1]),
              float(transfer_info[0][2])), None)
    src_b = Location(
        Point(float(transfer_info[1][0]), float(transfer_info[1][1]),
              float(transfer_info[1][2])), None)
    for line in transfer_info[2:]:
        dest = Location(Point(float(line[0]), float(line[1]), float(line[2])),
        vol = float(line[3])
        [p.pick_up_tip() for p in pipettes]
        [pip.home() for pip in pipettes]
        for src, p in zip([src_a, src_b], pipettes):
            p.aspirate(vol, src)
            p.dispense(vol, dest)
        [p.drop_tip() for p in pipettes]
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_move_to_slot():
    slot_position = Location(Point(1, 2, 3), 'deck')
    mock_context = mock.Mock()

    mock_deck = mock.MagicMock(spec=Deck)
    mock_deck.__contains__.return_value = True
    mock_deck.position_for.return_value = slot_position

    mock_context.deck = mock_deck
    pipette_mock = mock.create_autospec(InstrumentContext)

    instruments = {'somePipetteId': pipette_mock}

    params = {
        'pipette': 'somePipetteId',
        'slot': '4',
        'offset': {
            'x': 10,
            'y': 11,
            'z': 12
        'forceDirect': mock.sentinel.force_direct,
        'minimumZHeight': mock.sentinel.minimum_z_height

    _move_to_slot(mock_context, instruments, params)

    assert pipette_mock.mock_calls == [
        mock.call.move_to(Location(Point(11, 13, 15), 'deck'),
Exemplo n.º 4
async def test_max_speeds(loop, monkeypatch, hardware):
    ctx = papi.ProtocolContext(loop)
    mock_move = mock.Mock()
    monkeypatch.setattr(ctx._hw_manager.hardware, 'move_to', mock_move)
    instr = ctx.load_instrument('p10_single', Mount.RIGHT)
    instr.move_to(Location(Point(0, 0, 0), None))
    assert all(
        kwargs['max_speeds'] == {}
        for args, kwargs in mock_move.call_args_list)

    ctx.max_speeds['x'] = 10
    instr.move_to(Location(Point(0, 0, 1), None))
    assert all(
        kwargs['max_speeds'] == {Axis.X: 10}
        for args, kwargs in mock_move.call_args_list)

    ctx.max_speeds['x'] = None
    instr.move_to(Location(Point(1, 0, 1), None))
    assert all(
        kwargs['max_speeds'] == {}
        for args, kwargs in mock_move.call_args_list)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_tiprack_list():
    labware_name = 'opentrons_96_tiprack_300ul'
    labware_def = labware.get_labware_definition(labware_name)
    tiprack = labware.Labware(labware_def,
                              Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'Test Slot'))
    tiprack_2 = labware.Labware(labware_def,
                                Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'Test Slot'))

    assert labware.select_tiprack_from_list(
        [tiprack], 1) == (tiprack, tiprack['A1'])

    assert labware.select_tiprack_from_list(
        [tiprack], 1, tiprack.wells()[1]) == (tiprack, tiprack['B1'])

    tiprack['C1'].has_tip = False
    assert labware.select_tiprack_from_list(
        [tiprack], 1, tiprack.wells()[2]) == (tiprack, tiprack['D1'])

    tiprack['H12'].has_tip = False
    tiprack_2['A1'].has_tip = False
    assert labware.select_tiprack_from_list(
        [tiprack, tiprack_2], 1, tiprack.wells()[95]) == (
            tiprack_2, tiprack_2['B1'])

    with pytest.raises(labware.OutOfTipsError):
            [tiprack], 1, tiprack.wells()[95])
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _get_move_to_point_loc_by_state(self) -> Location:
     assert self._z_height_reference is not None, \
         "saveOffset has not been called yet"
     pt_id = MOVE_POINT_STATE_MAP[self._current_state]
     coords = self._deck.get_calibration_position(pt_id).position
     loc = Location(Point(*coords), None)
     return loc.move(point=Point(0, 0, self._z_height_reference))
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_air_gap():
    m = mock.MagicMock()
    m.pipette_mock = mock.create_autospec(InstrumentContext)
    m.mock_set_flow_rate = mock.MagicMock()

    deck = Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'deck')
    well_name = 'A2'
    some_labware = labware.Labware(minimalLabwareDef2, deck)
    loaded_labware = {'someLabwareId': some_labware}
    params = {'labware': 'someLabwareId', 'well': well_name}

    params = {'pipette': 'somePipetteId', 'volume': 42,
              'labware': 'someLabwareId', 'well': well_name,
              'offsetFromBottomMm': 12}

    instruments = {'somePipetteId': m.pipette_mock}

    loaded_labware = {'someLabwareId': some_labware}

    with mock.patch(
        _air_gap(instruments, loaded_labware, params)

    # NOTE: air_gap `height` arg is mm from well top,
    # so we expect it to equal offsetFromBottomMm - well depth.
    assert m.mock_calls == [
        mock.call.mock_set_flow_rate(m.pipette_mock, params),
            Location(point=Point(x=19, y=28, z=17.0),
        mock.call.pipette_mock.air_gap(42, 12 - 40)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_direct_cp():
    deck = Deck()
    trough = labware.load(trough_name, deck.position_for(1))
    lw1 = labware.load(labware_name, deck.position_for(2))
    # when moving from no origin location to a centered labware we should
    # start in default cp
    from_nothing = plan_moves(Location(Point(50, 50, 50), None),
                              trough.wells()[0].top(), deck)
    check_arc_basic(from_nothing, Location(Point(50, 50, 50), None),
    assert from_nothing[0][1] is None
    assert from_nothing[1][1] == CriticalPoint.XY_CENTER
    assert from_nothing[2][1] == CriticalPoint.XY_CENTER
    # when moving from an origin with a centered labware to a dest with a
    # centered labware we should stay in centered the entire time, whether
    # arc
    from_centered_arc = plan_moves(trough.wells()[0].top(),
                                   trough.wells()[1].top(), deck)
    assert from_centered_arc[0][1] == CriticalPoint.XY_CENTER
    assert from_centered_arc[1][1] == CriticalPoint.XY_CENTER
    assert from_centered_arc[2][1] == CriticalPoint.XY_CENTER
    # or direct
    from_centered_direct = plan_moves(trough.wells()[0].top(),
                                      trough.wells()[1].bottom(), deck)
    assert from_centered_direct[0][1] == CriticalPoint.XY_CENTER
    # when moving from centered to normal, only the first move should be
    # centered
    to_normal = plan_moves(trough.wells()[0].top(), lw1.wells()[0].top(), deck)
    check_arc_basic(to_normal, trough.wells()[0].top(), lw1.wells()[0].top())
    assert to_normal[0][1] == CriticalPoint.XY_CENTER
    assert to_normal[1][1] is None
    assert to_normal[2][1] is None
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_select_next_tip():
    labware_name = 'opentrons_96_tiprack_300ul'
    labware_def = labware.get_labware_definition(labware_name)
    tiprack = labware.Labware(labware_def,
                              Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'Test Slot'))
    well_list = tiprack.wells()

    next_one = tiprack.next_tip()
    assert next_one == well_list[0]
    next_five = tiprack.next_tip(5)
    assert next_five == well_list[0]
    next_eight = tiprack.next_tip(8)
    assert next_eight == well_list[0]
    next_nine = tiprack.next_tip(9)
    assert next_nine is None

    # A1 tip only has been used

    next_one = tiprack.next_tip()
    assert next_one == well_list[1]
    next_five = tiprack.next_tip(5)
    assert next_five == well_list[1]
    next_eight = tiprack.next_tip(8)
    assert next_eight == well_list[8]

    # 2nd column has also been used
    tiprack.use_tips(well_list[8], num_channels=8)

    next_one = tiprack.next_tip()
    assert next_one == well_list[1]
    next_five = tiprack.next_tip(5)
    assert next_five == well_list[1]
    next_eight = tiprack.next_tip(8)
    assert next_eight == well_list[16]

    # Bottom 4 tips of 1rd column are also used
    tiprack.use_tips(well_list[4], num_channels=4)

    next_one = tiprack.next_tip()
    assert next_one == well_list[1]
    next_three = tiprack.next_tip(3)
    assert next_three == well_list[1]
    next_five = tiprack.next_tip(5)
    assert next_five == well_list[16]
    next_eight = tiprack.next_tip(8)
    assert next_eight == well_list[16]

    # you can reuse tips infinitely on api level 2.2

    # you can't on api level 2.1 or previous
    early_tr = labware.Labware(labware_def,
                               Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'Test Slot'),
                               api_level=APIVersion(2, 1))
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_get_location_with_offset():
    deck = Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'deck')
    some_labware = labware.Labware(minimalLabwareDef2, deck)
    loaded_labware = {'someLabwareId': some_labware}
    params = {'offsetFromBottomMm': 3,
              'labware': 'someLabwareId', 'well': 'A2'}
    result = _get_location_with_offset(loaded_labware, params)
    assert result == Location(Point(19, 28, 8), some_labware['A2'])
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_bottom():
    slot = Location(Point(7, 8, 9), 1)
    well_name = 'rectangular_well_json'
    has_tip = False
    well = labware.Well(test_data[well_name], slot, well_name, has_tip)
    well_data = test_data[well_name]
    expected_x = well_data['x'] + slot.point.x
    expected_y = well_data['y'] + slot.point.y
    expected_z = well_data['z'] + slot.point.z
    assert well.bottom() == Location(Point(expected_x, expected_y, expected_z),
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_top():
    slot = Location(Point(4, 5, 6), 1)
    well_name = 'circular_well_json'
    has_tip = False
    well = labware.Well(test_data[well_name], slot, well_name, has_tip)
    well_data = test_data[well_name]
    expected_x = well_data['x'] + slot.point.x
    expected_y = well_data['y'] + slot.point.y
    expected_z = well_data['z'] + well_data['depth'] + slot.point.z
    assert well.top() == Location(Point(expected_x, expected_y, expected_z),
Exemplo n.º 13
 async def move_to_tip_rack(self):
     # point safely above target tip well in tip rack
     pt_above_well = self._tip_rack.wells()[0].top().point + \
     if self._tip_origin_pt is not None:
         # use jogged to x and y offsets only if returning tip to rack
         await self._move(Location(Point(self._tip_origin_pt.x,
         await self._move(Location(pt_above_well, None))
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_get_location_with_offset_fixed_trash():
    deck = Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'deck')
    trash_labware_def = deepcopy(minimalLabwareDef2)
    trash_labware_def['parameters']['quirks'] = ["fixedTrash"]
    trash_labware = labware.Labware(trash_labware_def, deck)

    loaded_labware = {'someLabwareId': trash_labware}
    params = {'offsetFromBottomMm': 3,
              'labware': 'someLabwareId', 'well': 'A1'}

    result = _get_location_with_offset(loaded_labware, params)

    assert result == Location(Point(10, 28, 45), trash_labware['A1'])
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_get_parent_identifier():
    labware_name = 'corning_96_wellplate_360ul_flat'
    labware_def = labware.get_labware_definition(labware_name)
    lw = labware.Labware(labware_def, Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'Test Slot'))
    # slots have no parent identifier
    assert labware._get_parent_identifier(lw) == ''
    # modules do
    mmg = ModuleGeometry('my magdeck',
                         Point(0, 0, 0), 10, 10, Location(Point(1, 2, 3), '3'),
                         APIVersion(2, 4))
    lw = labware.Labware(labware_def, mmg.location)
    assert labware._get_parent_identifier(lw)\
        == MagneticModuleModel.MAGNETIC_V1.value
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_tip_tracking_init():
    labware_name = 'opentrons_96_tiprack_300ul'
    labware_def = labware.get_labware_definition(labware_name)
    tiprack = labware.Labware(labware_def,
                              Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'Test Slot'))
    assert tiprack.is_tiprack
    for well in tiprack.wells():
        assert well.has_tip

    labware_name = 'corning_96_wellplate_360ul_flat'
    labware_def = labware.get_labware_definition(labware_name)
    lw = labware.Labware(labware_def, Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'Test Slot'))
    assert not lw.is_tiprack
    for well in lw.wells():
        assert not well.has_tip
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_well_parent():
    labware_name = 'corning_96_wellplate_360ul_flat'
    labware_def = labware.get_labware_definition(labware_name)
    lw = labware.Labware(labware_def, Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'Test Slot'))
    parent = Location(Point(7, 8, 9), lw)
    well_name = 'circular_well_json'
    has_tip = True
    well = labware.Well(test_data[well_name], parent, well_name, has_tip)
    assert well.parent is lw
    assert well.top().labware is well
    assert well.top().labware.parent is lw
    assert well.bottom().labware is well
    assert well.bottom().labware.parent is lw
    assert well.center().labware is well
    assert well.center().labware.parent is lw
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_labware_init():
    deck = Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'deck')
    fake_labware = labware.Labware(minimalLabwareDef, deck)
    ordering = [well for col in minimalLabwareDef['ordering'] for well in col]
    assert fake_labware._ordering == ordering
    assert fake_labware._well_definition == minimalLabwareDef['wells']
    assert fake_labware._offset == Point(x=10, y=10, z=5)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_load_calibration(monkeypatch, clear_calibration):

    calibration_point = None

    def mock_set_calibration(self, delta):
        nonlocal calibration_point
        calibration_point = delta

    monkeypatch.setattr(labware.Labware, 'set_calibration',

    monkeypatch.setattr(labware, '_hash_labware_def', mock_hash_labware)

    test_labware = labware.Labware(minimalLabwareDef,
                                   Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'deck'))

    test_offset = Point(1, 1, 1)
    test_tip_length = 31.7

    labware.save_calibration(test_labware, test_offset)
    labware.save_tip_length(test_labware, test_tip_length)

    # Set without saving to show that load will update with previously saved
    # data
    test_labware.set_calibration(Point(0, 0, 0))
    test_labware.tip_length = 46.8

    assert calibration_point == test_offset
    assert test_labware.tip_length == test_tip_length
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_build_edges():
    lw_def = get_labware_definition('corning_96_wellplate_360ul_flat')
    test_lw = Labware(lw_def, Location(Point(0, 0, 0), None))
    off = Point(0, 0, 1.0)
    deck = Deck()
    old_correct_edges = [
        test_lw['A1']._from_center_cartesian(x=1.0, y=0, z=1) + off,
        test_lw['A1']._from_center_cartesian(x=-1.0, y=0, z=1) + off,
        test_lw['A1']._from_center_cartesian(x=0, y=1.0, z=1) + off,
        test_lw['A1']._from_center_cartesian(x=0, y=-1.0, z=1) + off,
    res = build_edges(
        test_lw['A1'], 1.0, Mount.RIGHT, deck, version=APIVersion(2, 2))
    assert res == old_correct_edges

    new_correct_edges = [
        test_lw['A1']._from_center_cartesian(x=1.0, y=0, z=1) + off,
        test_lw['A1']._from_center_cartesian(x=-1.0, y=0, z=1) + off,
        test_lw['A1']._from_center_cartesian(x=0, y=0, z=1) + off,
        test_lw['A1']._from_center_cartesian(x=0, y=1.0, z=1) + off,
        test_lw['A1']._from_center_cartesian(x=0, y=-1.0, z=1) + off,
    res2 = build_edges(
        test_lw['A1'], 1.0, Mount.RIGHT, deck, version=APIVersion(2, 4))
    assert res2 == new_correct_edges
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_module_load_v2(module_model):
    mod = module_geometry.load_module(
        module_model, Location(Point(0, 0, 0), '3'))
    mod_def = module_geometry._load_module_definition(MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION,
    high_z = mod_def['dimensions']['bareOverallHeight']
    assert mod.highest_z == high_z
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, definition: dict, parent: Location) -> None:
        Create a Module for tracking the position of a module.

        Note that modules do not currently have a concept of calibration apart
        from calibration of labware on top of the module. The practical result
        of this is that if the module parent :py:class:`.Location` is
        incorrect, then acorrect calibration of one labware on the deck would
        be incorrect on the module, and vice-versa. Currently, the way around
        this would be to correct the :py:class:`.Location` so that the
        calibrated labware is targeted accurately in both positions.

        :param definition: A dict containing all the data required to define
                           the geometry of the module.
        :type definition: dict
        :param parent: A location representing location of the front left of
                       the outside of the module (usually the front-left corner
                       of a slot on the deck).
        :type parent: :py:class:`.Location`
        self._parent = parent
        self._display_name = "{} on {}".format(definition["displayName"],
        self._load_name = definition["loadName"]
        self._offset = Point(definition["labwareOffset"]["x"],
        self._height = definition["dimensions"]["bareOverallHeight"]\
            + self._parent.point.z
        self._over_labware = definition["dimensions"]["overLabwareHeight"]
        self._labware: Optional[Labware] = None
        self._location = Location(point=self._offset + self._parent.point,
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_touch_tip():
    location = Location(Point(1, 2, 3), 'deck')
    well = labware.Well(
            'shape': 'circular',
            'depth': 40,
            'totalLiquidVolume': 100,
            'diameter': 30,
            'x': 40,
            'y': 50,
            'z': 3
        parent=Location(Point(10, 20, 30), 1),
        display_name='some well',

    pipette_mock = mock.create_autospec(InstrumentContext, name='pipette_mock')
    mock_get_location_with_offset = mock.MagicMock(
        return_value=location, name='mock_get_location_with_offset')
    mock_get_well = mock.MagicMock(return_value=well, name='mock_get_well')
    mock_set_flow_rate = mock.MagicMock(name='mock_set_flow_rate')

    params = {
        'pipette': 'somePipetteId',
        'labware': 'someLabwareId',
        'well': 'someWell'
    instruments = {'somePipetteId': pipette_mock}

    with mock.patch(
        with mock.patch('opentrons.protocol_api.execute_v3._get_well',
            with mock.patch('opentrons.protocol_api.execute_v3._set_flow_rate',
                _touch_tip(instruments, mock.sentinel.loaded_labware, params)

    # note: for this fn, order of calls doesn't matter b/c
    # we don't have stateful stuff like flow_rate
        mock.sentinel.loaded_labware, params)
    mock_get_well.assert_called_once_with(mock.sentinel.loaded_labware, params)
    assert pipette_mock.mock_calls == [
        mock.call.touch_tip(well, v_offset=-70.0)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_uris():
    details = ('opentrons', 'opentrons_96_tiprack_300ul', '1')
    uri = 'opentrons/opentrons_96_tiprack_300ul/1'
    assert labware.uri_from_details(*details) == uri
    defn = labware.get_labware_definition(details[1], details[0], details[2])
    assert labware.uri_from_definition(defn) == uri
    lw = labware.Labware(defn, Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'Test Slot'))
    assert lw.uri == uri
Exemplo n.º 25
 async def _return_first_tip(self):
     first_pip = self._get_pipette_by_rank(PipetteRank.first)
     assert first_pip, \
         'cannot drop tip on first mount, pipette not present'
     state_name = CalibrationCheckState.preparingFirstPipette
     loc = Location(getattr(self._moves, state_name).position, None)
     await self._move(first_pip.mount, loc)
     await self._drop_tip(first_pip.mount)
Exemplo n.º 26
 async def _return_second_tip(self):
     second_pip = self._get_pipette_by_rank(PipetteRank.second)
     assert second_pip, \
         'cannot drop tip on second mount, pipette not present'
     state_name = CalibrationCheckState.preparingSecondPipette
     loc = Location(getattr(self._moves, state_name).position, None)
     await self._move(second_pip.mount, loc)
     await self._drop_tip(second_pip.mount)
Exemplo n.º 27
 async def _move_second_pipette(self):
     second_pip = self._get_pipette_by_rank(PipetteRank.second)
     assert second_pip, \
         'cannot move pipette on second mount, pipette not present'
     loc_to_move = Location(
         getattr(self._moves, self.current_state_name).position, None)
     if self.current_state_name ==\
         saved_height =\
         z_point = \
             saved_height + self._initial_z_offset - HEIGHT_SAFETY_BUFFER
         updated_point = loc_to_move.point + z_point._replace(x=0.0, y=0.0)
         loc_to_move = Location(updated_point, None)
     await self._move(second_pip.mount, loc_to_move)
     await self._register_point_second_pipette()
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_get_well():
    deck = Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'deck')
    well_name = 'A2'
    some_labware = labware.Labware(minimalLabwareDef2, deck)
    loaded_labware = {'someLabwareId': some_labware}
    params = {'labware': 'someLabwareId', 'well': well_name}
    result = _get_well(loaded_labware, params)
    assert result == some_labware[well_name]
Exemplo n.º 29
 async def move_to_deck(self):
     deck_pt = self._deck.get_slot_center(JOG_TO_DECK_SLOT)
     ydim = self._deck.get_slot_definition(
     new_pt = deck_pt - Point(0, (ydim/2), deck_pt.z) + \
     to_loc = Location(new_pt, None)
     await self._move(to_loc)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def center(self) -> Location:
     :return: a Point corresponding to the absolute position of the center
     of the well relative to the deck (with the front-left corner of slot 1
     as (0,0,0))
     top = self.top()
     center_z = top.point.z - (self._depth / 2.0)
     return Location(Point(x=top.point.x, y=top.point.y, z=center_z), self)